Dragon: shendar virkna zxirath *Mewtwos' eyes glaze over(thrall spell)* shriknaridontirilinar *mewtwo shrinks to the size of a hamster* Tirikna faridon shuuukran *Mewtwo is surrounded by a mini-telekinetic sphere*
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/ Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Confusion -- Basic Psychic Attack. May confuse opponent(cause them to hurt themselves)
Disable -- Disables an ability used by the target
Barrier -- Energy shield
Swift -- Basic energy attack, highly accurate.
Psych Up -- MewTwo copies the last powerup used by the opponent(This includes forcefields)
Future Sight -- Calls a Psychic attack that hits a few seconds later, without warning.
Mist -- Prevents opponent from altering the user's abilities
Psychic -- Massive Psychic attack.
Amnesia -- Increases defenses
Recover -- Heals damage instantly.
Safeguard -- Prevents user from being poisoned parylized, etc...
And these matter how? Power word kill, no touch attack=no attack roll=no dodging for the pokemon=dead mewtwo. Wail of a banshee, sure there is a saving throw but not one thayt mewtwo can make. With certain spells it doesnt really matter how good the pokemon is at dodging things he is still dead. Then the dragon char-broils and eats him.
Dragon: Needs salt.
And because a dragon can take class levels.........
And you want to try that against MEWTWO's will?
[Waco Kid]"Oh no, don't try to kill him, you'll only make him mad!"[/Waco Kid]
Not an armored Jigglypuff
"I salute your genetic superiority, now Get off my planet!!" -- Adam Stiener, 1st Somerset Strikers
Ok mewtwo make a willsave DC 33. Remember SAMAS, a 20 is a near impossible task, for a normal person it would take the dragon screwing upin the casting to have a chance at a save. I will assume he gets a +12 (as per 20th level psion) to his will save, and from what I have seen, a wis mod of +10. He still has to roll a 9 or better, and the dragon can cast that spel many times. he will fail eventually. O here is a nice spell...Imprisonment, mewtwo is imprisoned in temporal stasis, in a bubble at the earths core. No save.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/ Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Question for you ALyrium: What if this were not a game but an actual battle, where rolling and such does notexist? Eventually they have to get tired, both of them, and MewTwo has recover, so he may just barely eke out on this circumstance. And don't be giving me any +# bullshit either.
Ghost Rider wrote:Hell in D&D world psychic attack aren't exactly the most reliabel and still one of you most powerful is up against a beign who has lived for hundreds of years, has enourmous defense, and is capable of making most human mages at their most powerful look like pansies.
True, in D&D, Psychics are unreliable.
In Pokemon,[/i] however, the're among the most powerful in the game, and the more powerful ones essentially warp reality.
Sorry Pokemon are not that strong in comparison...especially considering they can be quite easily caged(given all you truly need acouple rare Master Balls and such not)
You do realize that in the game, only two Master Balls had been made over a 3-year period? And they don't exist in the anime or mangas.
Not an armored Jigglypuff
"I salute your genetic superiority, now Get off my planet!!" -- Adam Stiener, 1st Somerset Strikers
SAMAS wrote:
In Pokemon,[/i] however, the're among the most powerful in the game, and the more powerful ones essentially warp reality.
D&D Psi is very powerfull. Especially in a 1vs1 fight. Psi power can
backfire this makes them somewhat unreliable. Some powers have
an unlimited range others can be boosted to insane levels. A dragon
who has spent several tousand years on time/space altering psi
could send the pokemon homeworld on a one way trip into the sun.
If you are more into deathstar type planetary destruction then the
summon costellate spell is exactly what you want.
Alyrium Denryle wrote:Ok mewtwo make a willsave DC 33. Remember SAMAS, a 20 is a near impossible task, for a normal person it would take the dragon screwing upin the casting to have a chance at a save. I will assume he gets a +12 (as per 20th level psion) to his will save, and from what I have seen, a wis mod of +10. He still has to roll a 9 or better, and the dragon can cast that spel many times. he will fail eventually.
MewTwo is so far above a human it's not even funny. This includes human Psionics here.
And the Dragon won't get a second chance. That's what Disable is for(And believe me, if Disable can stop you from punching, it'll have an effect on the spell). Be glad I'm not using the Anime definition, which disables all movement period.
Not an armored Jigglypuff
"I salute your genetic superiority, now Get off my planet!!" -- Adam Stiener, 1st Somerset Strikers
SAMAS wrote:
And the Dragon won't get a second chance. That's what Disable is for(And believe me, if Disable can stop you from punching, it'll have an effect on the spell). Be glad I'm not using the Anime definition, which disables all movement period.
Subjective Reality stops that. Disabling is unlikely to make it past the
dragons very high magic resistance or saving throws even if subjective
reality istn't available . Subjective Reality(Pokemon Powers don't exist)
makes him invincible to most pokemon attacks. Also disabling movement
has no effect on D&D psipowers.
SAMAS wrote:
And the Dragon won't get a second chance. That's what Disable is for(And believe me, if Disable can stop you from punching, it'll have an effect on the spell). Be glad I'm not using the Anime definition, which disables all movement period.
Subjective Reality stops that. Disabling is unlikely to make it past the
dragons very high magic resistance or saving throws even if subjective
reality istn't available . Subjective Reality(Pokemon Powers don't exist)
makes him invincible to most pokemon attacks. Also disabling movement
has no effect on D&D psipowers.
IIRC, Disable can be against attacks as well as the opponent.
How about the chance that the Pokeman, would be too paralyzed to even move, or do anything at the sight of the Dragon. Also what if it's the Dragon from Beowulf, fear, fire, poison claws. etc.
The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
Once that's cast your moving 100 times faster then your opposition, or (Remember how DBZ & pokemon like to reuse the same cells for the segue to a powerfull attack) think about that + if your on tempus everything is taking place in Chow Yun-Fat mode, and they still have to go through all of the "Real Time actions" to perform the same rutine.
The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
It nice to see someone who cannot understand what they hell time stop is, and have another spew something else.
You both know what Time Stop entails?
Unless you're now saying MewTwo is a diety(not diety like...a straight I can do things no mortal being can...and oh wait wasn't the little gimp created?)
He's not going to much to Time Stop.
Thank you.
But yes Bear is right Tempus is far better.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
SAMAS wrote:You do realize that in the game, only two Master Balls had been made over a 3-year period? And they don't exist in the anime or mangas.
Red caught Mewtwo in a Masterball in the third volume of the "Pokemon Adventures" manga. Red recognized it, too, implying that he's seen one before.
Not to mention Professor Elm said, in the game, that masterballs were standard equip for pokemon researchers like himself, meaning that he wasn't the only one. And if you're really lucky and have 6 pokemon that match the trainer number in the radio contest, you win a masterball.
They are rare, true, but there's more than 2 in the games.
Ghost Rider wrote:Hell in D&D world psychic attack aren't exactly the most reliabel and still one of you most powerful is up against a beign who has lived for hundreds of years, has enourmous defense, and is capable of making most human mages at their most powerful look like pansies.
True, in D&D, Psychics are unreliable.
In Pokemon,[/i] however, the're among the most powerful in the game, and the more powerful ones essentially warp reality.
Which would definitely hint that the dragon's normal defenses against psychic manipulation aren't going to be as effective, since they were tailored for someone weaker.