Whatever. It is meant to be campy. Not my problem if people don't realize it.
It sucked. I know camp. This was misplaced and poorly done.
For fuck's sake Thirdfain, read the goddamned thread. It wasn't just Palpy's promise and some ugly dreams. Anakin's road to the darkside began way back in TPM and AotC.
I saw the picture which GL was painting. It was a pretty crummy job. No one here isn't getting the imagery, or what path Anakin walks to the Dark Side. It doesn't make it any less clumsy and poorly-wrought.
Really? How about "Darth Vader"? Or Han "Solo"? Or Luke "Skywalker"? As for "arty farty" I was obviously being sarcastic for crying out loud. Again, I point out that Star Wars is meant to be campy. This is a movie series where people can parry gunshots with swords, where you have Evil Space Black Knights™ and Evil Space Sorcerers™, Space Princesses In Distress™and planets that are made to explode like firecrackers for crissakes. Nobody whines about the names in James Bond movies where you have chicks called "Plenty" and "Onatopp" and "Bambi", now do they? Or if they do, they are dissed quite rightly for not "getting" it.
Whatever, man. The first movies had camp for sure. These take it too far. there's no sense of urgency, no sense of menace, no sense of importance to the shit on screen. The battle-droids are jokes, the Clones seem like action figure ads, the Gungans have none of the paniced heroism of the troops on the Tantive IV.
Was it now. Perhaps you feel this way knowing that it didn't take itself too seriously, while assuming wrongly that Star Wars does take itself seriously?
Excuse me, Star Wars sure as balls takes itself seriously. It's a black-and-white, Good-Vs-Evil tale. Worlds are destroyed. Children are massacred. But, at the same time, battle-robots say "Roger Roger," and SBD's whine to each other. Gungans caper. It ruins the camp with the serious parts, and the serious parts with the camp.
Is this meant to be a rebuttal? Try being more articulate.
Errr, my browser has a weird thing, it alway puts smileys on the bottom of the text-box when I'm typing, I thought I had inputted that eye-roll elsewhere in the previous post...