A crude lower limit for the chamber size can be found by scaling the small tower against an 8m Xwing and then scaling this against the partial shot of the chamber.
Using this, I get a minimum chamber size of 0.74km by 0.44km with a minimum volume of 0.76 km^3 (assume cylinder). In actuality, the chamber is much larger as we are not given a complete view.
Its clear the chamber is much larger than the reactor, and that the majority of the volume is empty space. Looking at the surrounding panels, it seems that this part of the Death Star is completed and that persumably, the cavity was an intentional part of the design. If so, why would you use such a large cavity? Its seems a little bit large to say its just for easy access and repair. Is it for ventilation or some byproduct of Star Wars Power generation? Or is it something else entirely?