I think I see your point - maybe I wasn't clear :couple meters of damaged corridor are still outside the shield, also it's quite clear that Geordi couldn't put the shield anywere.
So far, we've seen forcefields in one of two locations :
* Fixed forcefields in corridors, like the one in the screenshot above;
* Forcefields that replace missing parts of the (outer) hull, like the one in Generations.
The first kind is basically similar to blastdoors, except they're enrgy-based raher then physical. They don't seem to have many advantages compared to a physical blast door - except weight and size - and it could be argued that power failures are their Achilles' heel (although we've yet to see them fail).
The second kind, however, is the one that has the advantages I mentioned above - allows the affected room to stay in use, and protects the people in the affected area rather then just shutting them out.
(And btw, just like Wars, Trek uses physical blast doors - they are seen in TUC. Perhaps they were abandoned post-TMP, when forcefield technology became more reliable ?)