*chuckle* Thanks, Bean.
Ok, first one: when I was 7 or 8, I wished I had green eyes. I don't know why, but my blue ones just weren't good enough. Anyway, I was a romantic kid and every night I'd watch for the first star and say the little rhyme "Star light, star bright," etc etc and then wish for green eyes. I did this for over a year (I'm a bit stubborn, btw) and they changed to green.
Makes me sort of wish that I had wished for something a little more..err...important. Or noticable, anyway.
Second one (this one's one of those realistic ones): I'd wanted to go to Australia since I was 12, and I finally went for about 6 months in 2000. That's the first of those things on my life's to-do list that I can scratch off. Makes me feel invincible when I think about how I made that dream come true, because I know so many people who only think about theirs and never make them happen.