I'm talking characters, vehicles, locations, etc, not previously seen in the other two prequels. And if you remember, where those came from (as an example I hear that Aayla Secura was featured in a comic before she appeared in AOTC).
And by EU stuff I mean stuff that was featured in the EU first (C-Level) and now has appeared in this movie and thus "upgraded."

So I wouldn't count stray concept art, but stuff used in actual novels, games, or comics, etc.
Since I'm not a big expert on the EU (I'm so far behind I probably will never catch up).. thanks in advance!
Edit: I'm curious what people think about General Grevious. I mean he was featured in the CW series first iirc, but would he really be considered an EU character? I mean didn't Lucas create him for the movie all along? Because Boba Fett similarly appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special as a cartoon character and then an action figure before he appeared in ESB. Opinions on this?