Al Gore for president???

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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

be like Carter and try to help out the world through charity work.

Remeber it was him who negoated with the North Koreans in 94 to End Thier Nuclear Weapons program and we know how much of a steller succes that one was :roll:

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Post by Mike_6002 »

Gore as president.....

Not a good idea, rather have the warmonger chimp in charge of the free world, not someone who can put it asleep and preachs peace, damn democrats they take the fun out being a superpower bully and I'm Canadaian and worry about American poilitics I scare myself
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Post by ArmorPierce »

So most of you people here are Republicans?

Personally I hate the whole party system but oh well, it' s the only way anyone stands a chance to be elected for anything.
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Post by Beowulf »

jegs2 wrote:
Nova Andromeda wrote:--If Al Gore runs for president again every last one of you should support him. There isn't anyone else who has the back bone to stand up to Bush. In addition, we haven't got much choice anyhow since the rest of the democrats seem to be just fine with backing Bush and idiocy in general regardless of the cost (there are a few exceptions, but not many).
I'd cut off my hand before voting for Gore (or nearly any Democrat).
Obligatory Me Too! post...

It's just the sever anti-gun stance of the Democrats... and the government know's best attitude of the Democrats that makes me vote Republican.
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Post by Mr Bean »

So most of you people here are Republicans?
Few of us have a declared party offilation, I'm not Republican, I'm anti-Evil, Anti-Idiot(In that order thusly Gore did not get my Vote as his Vice President Failed the First and Second Tests while Bush and Cheney failed the second)

According to some this makes me a Republican.....

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Post by Enlightenment »

Admiral Piett wrote:Wars without end

Future republican slogan for the reelection of Bush at the sixth term :twisted:
You guys might want to read up on Trotsky and his concept of 'permanent revolution.' The style fits Shrubby's mode of operations almost perfectly. ... ode=nested
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Mr Bean wrote:
So most of you people here are Republicans?
Few of us have a declared party offilation, I'm not Republican, I'm anti-Evil, Anti-Idiot(In that order thusly Gore did not get my Vote as his Vice President Failed the First and Second Tests while Bush and Cheney failed the second)

According to some this makes me a Republican.....
Cheney won't be running for president in '08, and Powell is likely to get booted from the SecState position before '04. With luck, we will see Condoleeza Rice as the Republican Party candidate in '08. It might be rather hard for Carpetbagger Shillary to beat her.

Hopefully we'll be looking to sixteen or twenty years of Republican Presidents in a row; much preferable to the alternative. The Democrats are in enough disarray that it is entirely possible.

Honestly, all this bitching about our rights being taken away is almost a rehash of stuff that was said about certain events during the Reagan presidency - and nothing came of it. The same thing about Bush being a "Cowboy". They called Reagan a Cowboy with no intelligence, a B-movie actor who charmed the nation. And Reagan defeated communism and gave our nation back our spirit of optimism and vitality.

I think George W. Bush is going to turn out to be the second Ronaldus Magnus and is currently busy proving all of his liberal detractors wrong, who are simply rehashing all of the same arguments they used against Reagan - False arguments. We're entering the second Reagan era.
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