I knew most of that, except for the 10,000 rounds between failures reliability figure (previous sources have alleged great reliability, but thats it)- how does this stack up to other latest generation assault rifles?In the 1990s the Russians brought out the AN94 in 5.45X39mm. This was to be the new standard assault rifle but budgetary considerations make deployment doubtful [right now that is- it's in low rate production]. The weapon is slightly lighter in weight than the AK74 and uses the same pressed metal, spot welding, rivet design as its predecessor but with a new “blow back, shift pulse” operating system. Reportedly highly reliable at 10,000 rounds between failures it will fire a ‘burst’ of 2-3 rounds before the user feels any recoil, reducing round dispersion. On full auto it fires the first two rounds at 1800 rpm and all succeeding at the more controllable rate of 600 rpm.
from globalsecurity.org
The OICW is now type classified as the XM29 (so I guess it'll be M29) and the current deployment plan is 4 per 9-man squad. Current efforts focused on making the weapon lighter and more reliable.
Interestingly, the AN-94, G36 (may be wrong about that) and M29 all have two-round burst instead of three-round. The third round supposedly goes off target most of the time.