What political party does Palpitine belong to?

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What political party does Palpitine belong to?

Post by Drunk Monkey »

What does he belong to? Is he the star wars equivalent of democrat, republican, green, Independent, or is he belong to some extreme Nazi typed party.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Fauntleroy. When it comes to Palpatine, the answer is always 'Fauntleroy'.

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Post by Drunk Monkey »

Utsanomiko wrote:Fauntleroy. When it comes to Palpatine, the answer is always 'Fauntleroy'.

What the hell is Fauntleroy?:?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

It's the answer to the question, or at least what passes for it. :P
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Post by Drunk Monkey »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:It's the answer to the question, or at least what passes for it. :P
Why for you talk like fortune cookie? I mean what the is the definition of Fauntleroy?
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

As in "little lord..." :?:
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

"Fauntleroy" is a fanon name for Palpatine's presumably unknown given one. We have no evidence on Palpatine's political party during the Republic period. It is known that there was a New Order Party operated by COMPNOR (the COMmission for the Preservation of the New ORder). During his rise to power he was probably a moderate of some kind.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

'Fanon', indeed. Some people were just never privy to Donald Duck cartoon gags. :mrgreen: Image
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

It's also Donald Duck's middle name. ;)
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Post by Kurgan »

The thread title reminded me of the infamous "Gary Condit" stunt some redneck sounding guy pulled on that female C-SPAN announcer.

Anyway to answer your question he's president of the Sith Party. And not only is he the president, he's also a member! ;)
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"Vote for me I am the only one that can keep you safe from the evil outsiders?"

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I was thinking some new party he started some time before TPM. Of course, the movies never show the part where he first tried to run for Chancellor and finished behind Lyndon LaRouche.
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Post by Drunk Monkey »

I always thought he was the SW equivalent of a Republican. He always seemed rather conservative to me.
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Post by Straha »

He probably joined and left parties in efforts to advance his political career, and then went independent right before TPM so as to not alienate anyone.
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Post by Solauren »

Actually, do we have any indication that during the Old Republic era, there was even such a thing as political parties?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

That's what I assumed.
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Post by Noble Ire »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:That's what I assumed.
I would imagine that there might be political parties in indavidual sectors, but on the Senate level, having a party based on anything more than the most basic of principles (ie Democracy is good, or Corporations are good) would be very difficult, as each sector authority would have specific issues that most other sectors might not really share. Thus the choice would be between no parties, or hundreds of them.
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Post by Fire Fly »

If one looks at the Roman Republic senate as the inspiration for the Galactic Senate, the Roman Republic never had any political parties per se. Instead, they had political factions who might have been pro-war, pro-plebian, pro-expansion etc. with each senator forming alliances with other senators to consolidate their power. They would debate endlessly and passionately on a given subject and then yield the floor to another senator to debate an opposing or supporting view point, much like the Galactic Senate. Given this, it is likely that galactic senators didn't belong to any political party on the galactic stage or even the sectorial stage. It is more likely the senators were appointed by a group of governors to represent them, the people and the planets, as a sector, at the Galactic Senate.

That's my take.
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Post by dworkin »

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Post by Kane Starkiller »

Let's see:
-wants to use midichlorians to create life thus playing GOD
-uses clones thus playing GOD again
-believes he has UNLIMITED POWER instead of believing in one and true Jesus Christ or LORD and SAVIOUR

He is quite obviously a member of the Galactic LIBERAL Party and an ATHEIST!
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Post by Mephistopheles »

The matter is complicated by the fact that Palpatine's "religion" (Sith) essentially is the key idea of his political philosophy. I suppose the closest thing one could say would be that Palpatine is some sort of theocrat. That is my humble opinion.
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Post by Danny Bhoy »

Cross Bencher. Wait, that's Publius's fic. Bugger. I should stop reading his stuff, it's mixing up with the canon stuff in my head head. Already when I look at a picture of Au.. I mean Palpatine, I think Augie.
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Post by Srynerson »

To join on Pure Sabacc and Fire Fly's points, I would add that since RotS suggests that senators are appointed rather than elected, political party affiliations would presumably be less important (if they even exist on a galactic level). A good comparison would be to look at the policies of U.S. senators from the early 20th Century and before, when they were chosen by state legislatures rather than direct election. The geographic region a senator came from, and its associated economic interests, were a much better predictor of his voting patterns than what his formal party membership was.
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