-- I never did like the idea of how the Empire crumbled, torn apart by Civil War between Warlords with some systems staying part of the Empire, and how the Rebellion took Coruscant. It's too damned convenient for the Rebellion, I'm not sure how I'd fix it but this has to go.
It does work that way. You have the empire, which had hundreds of thousands of warships, vs the very small Republic.
The only way for the Republic to survive is to make sure that they are not perceived as a threat. So the Republic diplomats talk to the Imperial warlords, offer to buy various annoying systems from them. Annoying systems are ones where the population is rioting/ annoyed/ sick/ weak/ attacked by pirates, and they give the Imperial warlord resources in return. The warlord benefits as he gets materials to fight for power, and the Republic gets a few more systems.
The Republic projects the idea that it is trying to help the common people, while the Imperial warlords are fighting over the scraps of power. That gives the Republic emotional capital with the people they take control. Thisis done through underground channels, smugglers, etc. Several of the books might end with the Republic team not managing to accomplish their primary mission, but the stories they tell to the people who help them eventually cause the world to fall within a few months.
They have to be careful with their capabilities though, as if all the warlords got together, they would squash the new Republic like a bug. The NR essentially becomes a dumping ground for useless sectors, as the warlords vie for power. All those sectors dumped though, work together, and manage to bring the NR to power.
That would be a nice way to show the NR being formed. They take the lost, the homeless, the poor, and help them out.
Eventually, the Imperial warlords start adding up how many systems they have sold to the Republic, and realize that they have been had. Thus the Imperial Remnant is formed, by admirals who view the NR as more of a threat than each other. They cannot agree on everything, so have to form a council, but they agree that they are the Empire.
If you bring in the Vong, or similar, their agents are going around, initially trying to keep the wars fighting, to use up ships and resources on both sides. The Imperials use up ships & resources, fighting their battles. The Republic use up their resources, paying for the systems, and restoring them.
Later, the Vong agents stir up all the old feuds, that the Empire was keeping a lid on, and the initial euphoria has worn off. This divides and weakens the NR, and the ships trying to keep the peace are not protecting against pirates, setting them loose as well. So the jedi are hopping all over the place, putting out fires, and trying to find a few hours to train.
This puts the Jedi on edge, without a lot of experience. When the invasion comes, the jedi are not that well trained, and the experienced people are often in the wrong place. The fleets are tied down all over the galaxy, unable to mass for a strike. The Imperial Remnant i too busy squabbling to agree on a decision, and pirates will take advantage of any fleet movements.
As for the enemy, the basic idea behind the biology could work, just use technology instead. The singularities are used to strip enemy shields, then weapons pound the bare hulls. Give them high numbers, a different stealth technology (so they look like bare rock), and that would be a good way to introduce the shadow threat.
The first few books might even have the Jedi fighting the invaders, and pushed back. However, they would only think that it was a nasty pirate or rebelling system, not a full invasion fleet.
Eventually, they manage to clear out one planet, and start to examine the technology. They realize that it is modular, and recently installed. That would give the first few clues that something major is going on.
To handle Force users, a Force jammer/intoxicator is used. Essentially, the Force user (light and dark) is having a tougher time concentrating, making close range combat tougher.
The Vong style religion could stay, they just use technology this time. Maybe a large berserker fleet?
Just my thoughts.