Lets look at the upsides and down sides. First off, Mule moves. Mule moves don't require the same amount of brain capacity to work, and allow more focus on the force because more of the mind should be open. It also can be the kiss of death to saber whirling menace to just do a quick stab or slash. (why didn't Obi wan Just stab General Greivous duing ROTS?) The down sides are: 1, While it maybe alot less complicated, if you don't put some of your mind into the fighting, You'll get cut in half fast.

Fancy moves have many upsides and down sides as well. While these moves are flashy, they get to places mule moves can't, like standing over your opponent's "Pieces." Also, fancy moves are often fast enough your opponent can't thonk fast enough to parry and/or counter attack. (yoda versus Count dooku in AOTC) However, while they may be fast, they often tire you out quickly, and have many useless moves. (My fencing instructor always says "THATS UNESSESARY MOVEMENT! DON'T DO IT AGAIN!") also, such moves tend to reveal weak areas like the back or legs.
So which wins? If you have personal expeirences, don't be afraid- I'm a nerd too!