note the previous post:Yes but in that comic Palpatine knew of the plot thanks to his precog abilities.
I didnt say that it would work.Remember Tarkin doesnt believe in that hoky precognition nonsense
Moderator: Vympel
note the previous post:Yes but in that comic Palpatine knew of the plot thanks to his precog abilities.
I didnt say that it would work.Remember Tarkin doesnt believe in that hoky precognition nonsense
Stormies weren't even close to the total number of personnel on the station. There would have been millions of crewman, Naval Guards, pilots and other Naval personnel, plus the thousands of representatives of other branches like the Army and Intelligence.Rogue 9 wrote:Okay, about the stormtroopers, this goes back to Motti's exact wording when answering Tarkin's objection concerning Lord Vader:
"The personnel on this station owe their loyalty to you. Lord Vader, for all his superstitious trickery, can be dealt with."
He evidently thought that they wouldn't have loyalty problems with the stormies, though he could very well have been wrong.
Depending on how the operational command chain is really set up, it could be possible. If almost everyone goes through Tarkin and his triumvirate, he has every chance of really being able to do so.The Original Nex wrote:Stormies weren't even close to the total number of personnel on the station. There would have been millions of crewman, Naval Guards, pilots and other Naval personnel, plus the thousands of representatives of other branches like the Army and Intelligence.
Motti seems to imply that everyone, not just the indoctrinated clones will side with Tarkin against Vader and, by extension, the Emperor.
I don't think so. Mara commented to herself in that sequence that the backdoor system was VERY SPECIFICLY there so the Emepror could always get into the system, that no-one could EVER lock him out. At a guess, it gave root status to the user. Mara simply called up the flightplan of the ship and the prisoner records for Karade, its all she had time to do. She was also able, when they got back on, access ships systems and even would have been able to overwrite the ships security systems while in a full scale intruder alert lockdown.Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote: As I understand the concept in TTT was free access. As of the Star Destroyers, you still couldn't take full control of the ship, though you could look at records freely. The WD-style MCPs seem unique that one can remote control the ship all the way to its death.
I don't see why she couldn't have...but the problem was that she was hardly in a position or location to try that kind of stunt. Her goal was to get Karade back out, which is hardly something she can do when she is known to be aboard and expected at a location in a minuite or two.
At least that was for Emperor's Hands. Perhaps there is another backcode somewhere Mara doesn't know that would actually allow her to take full command of the Chimaera and vent Thrawn's bridge and quarters to space.
The stormtroopers have their loyalty to the Empire, true. But the DS stormies they seem to be under the operational control of Tarkin, especially if Vader had an "accident". Which means unless they manage to achieve a secret link direct to the Emperor or High Command, Tarkin would find it relatively easy to compartmentalize information and fool them into passivity.
The Acclamator is a troop transport. The Death Star is a battle station whose only need for stormtroopers is security in sensitve areas and possible boarding actions on captured craft. There's a big difference.Vympel wrote:25,000 Stormtroopers? WTF? That's only 9000 more than on a freaking Acclamator. Fucking dimensionally challenged hacks.
It doesnt seem to me to be too hard to tell the stormies that:The stormtroopers have their loyalty to the Empire, true. But the DS stormies they seem to be under the operational control of Tarkin, especially if Vader had an "accident". Which means unless they manage to achieve a secret link direct to the Emperor or High Command, Tarkin would find it relatively easy to compartmentalize information and fool them into passivity.
"Hey we're sitting in orbit above Courscant and just blew the crap out of half the sector fleet, don't worry, everything is cool".
No, it's fucking stupid. You are talking a *160km diameter SPHERE* here. The surface area laone means that 25,000 Stormtroopers (and whatever number of Imperial Starfleet black-helmet troops there were, woudln't make much difference since the total crew of 1,000,000 is incredibly stupid and makes no sense either) couldn't provide security on such a structure for shit, never mind that the Death Star has many, many decks.Pure Sabacc wrote: The Acclamator is a troop transport. The Death Star is a battle station whose only need for stormtroopers is security in sensitve areas and possible boarding actions on captured craft. There's a big difference.
How much of the DS is actually inhabited and crewed? Only its outermost layer, and even much of that is mostly automated or empty space. Most of the interior is given over to power systems, fuel storage, the superlaser, and the reactor core. Also consider that there are other armed soldiers on the station besides stormies, who would serve to augement the security force.No, it's fucking stupid. You are talking a *160km diameter SPHERE* here. The surface area laone means that 25,000 Stormtroopers (and whatever number of Imperial Starfleet black-helmet troops there were, woudln't make much difference since the total crew of 1,000,000 is incredibly stupid and makes no sense either) couldn't provide security on such a structure for shit, never mind that the Death Star has many, many decks.
That it's outer layer is the only one inhabited and crewed is a mere assertion. Look at the OT:ICS. It has many decks before the reactor/ superlaser etc start taking up space. It has no huge fuel tanks. The other armed soldiers on the station, as I said, couldn't provide effective security, because the absolute population figure is still *too low*- it necessitates that vast tracts of the surface, never mind the lower decks, would be totally uninhabited. You could walk through them for days without ever bumping into anybody.Pure Sabacc wrote: How much of the DS is actually inhabited and crewed? Only its outermost layer, and even much of that is mostly automated or empty space. Most of the interior is given over to power systems, fuel storage, the superlaser, and the reactor core. Also consider that there are other armed soldiers on the station besides stormies, who would serve to augement the security force.
The notion that the Death Star needs a support fleet to assist in capturing a single ISD crewed ship is so utterly absurd it beggars the imagination. The Death Star isn't just a platform for the superlaser, it is dotted with weapons emplacements, hangars, tractor beams, and is heavily shielded. In most instances it wouldn't even need a support fleet. It's a fully functional battlestation, not this ridiculous, sparsely inhabited shell that these idiotic EU sources proposed without a shred of critical thought.As for the capital ship boarding bit, the Death Star is as terror weapon, a platform for the superlaser, and an imposing image, clearly visible even in orbit. It is unlikely the DS is going to be sent alone on missions were it is required to capture capital ships. If that is necissary, that's what support fleets are for.
Because access to files does not equal the ability to override the primary control system? They could access the system. Nobody said they can control gunnery or any other important section.Chris OFarrell wrote:I don't see why she couldn't have...but the problem was that she was hardly in a position or location to try that kind of stunt. Her goal was to get Karade back out, which is hardly something she can do when she is known to be aboard and expected at a location in a minuite or two.
I don't exactly see the stormtroopers having access to many windows to see that happening. Besides, Tarkin could say that the local Imperial Moff was acting up, and that's what they are seeing getting blown up. Considering Goroth, this story should be familiar.Yes....
"Hey we're sitting in orbit above Courscant and just blew the crap out of half the sector fleet, don't worry, everything is cool".
The TIE Fighters on alert status are launched. And how would some junior stormie know the correct frequency to use, or the authentications to provide so he doesn't get bumped off the net without a word?All you have to do is get to a hanger bay and turn on the radio in a TIE fighter and ask Courscant command WTF is going on.
Many of which are Tarkin's handpicked DS Trooper squads, his insurance policy for if the stormies ever figure out what is really happening.It also had 27, 048 officers and over a million crew/support staff.
The ISB people would have to find out something is going wrong first. Then they would have to make contact with those with the transceivers. Then they had better hope the Shields Aren't Up to block the signal's transmission.And I have no dobut there are any number of ISB and COMPNOR moles with their own hyperwave trancivers planted all over the Death Star who are loyal to the Emperor.
These are two key misconceptions that Motti may have had that led to his belief that the battle station could be used to wrest control from Palpatine: believing that Vader's powers were mere superstition, and being unaware of the degree of the clones' loyalty to the Imperial throne. There must've been at least 2.5 zillion additional countermeasures to prevent such a thing from happening.Rogue 9 wrote:"The personnel on this station owe their loyalty to you. Lord Vader, for all his superstitious trickery, can be dealt with."
He evidently thought that they wouldn't have loyalty problems with the stormies, though he could very well have been wrong.
You have failed to convince me. Palpitine go's to all the effort of having a computer backdoor system installed into every can he look at records?Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:Because access to files does not equal the ability to override the primary control system? They could access the system. Nobody said they can control gunnery or any other important section.Chris OFarrell wrote:I don't see why she couldn't have...but the problem was that she was hardly in a position or location to try that kind of stunt. Her goal was to get Karade back out, which is hardly something she can do when she is known to be aboard and expected at a location in a minuite or two.
....because her goal at that point was simply to figure out where the Chimeria was HEADING, then she could get Luke and rescue karade when it arrived. She was alone. Unarmed, on the hanger deck of an ISD in an unsecure room with a squad of troopers about to start looking for her (and did find her in a minuite or so), this is not conductive to start explosive decompressions all over the damn ship! She is outnumbered 37,000 - 1 here. Suicide is not high on her list of priorities.
With such primary access, it is hard to see how she won't click "Atmospheric Controls-->Main Bridge-->Alter Atmospheric Pressure-->0" or cause some other mayhem.
I don't exactly see the stormtroopers having access to many windows to see that happening.Yes....
"Hey we're sitting in orbit above Courscant and just blew the crap out of half the sector fleet, don't worry, everything is cool".
Its not THAT commen and bringing back the Death Star to Courscant is hardly a response to be expected. The second you start issuing orders to fire on other Imperial ships with the Death Star in the equation (and Tarkin would have had to have killed Vader by now, and they WILL know) your going to have a revolt on your hands.
Besides, Tarkin could say that the local Imperial Moff was acting up, and that's what they are seeing getting blown up. Considering Goroth, this story should be familiar.
Who said anything about a junior stormie? And now the TIE pilots are all in on the plot to take over the Empire? This is a little reaching here. And all they have to do is contact the local Stormtrooper garrasion. I'm sure Courscant has a communications network more then able to connect the 'call'. Hell, I'd expect the Emperor himself to send a message on the Stormtrooper frequency ala Order 66 saying 'Kill Tarkin'.The TIE Fighters on alert status are launched. And how would some junior stormie know the correct frequency to use, or the authentications to provide so he doesn't get bumped off the net without a word?All you have to do is get to a hanger bay and turn on the radio in a TIE fighter and ask Courscant command WTF is going on.
Numbers? I can see a platoon or company sized unit, but I think Palpitine would have gotten a LITTLE interested if Tarkin had tried to put his own private army onto the Death Star. I simply can't see more then a glorified bodyguard force being allowed with him.
Many of which are Tarkin's handpicked DS Trooper squads, his insurance policy for if the stormies ever figure out what is really happening.
Like it or love it Kaz, they are EU, they stand unless directly contradicted.
Never mind that these numbers are too low anyway - we'd assume they scale up in proportion.
The ISB people would have to find out something is going wrong first.
And I have no dobut there are any number of ISB and COMPNOR moles with their own hyperwave trancivers planted all over the Death Star who are loyal to the Emperor.
Short range the shields won't matter. Long range, if the Death Star raises its shields for no reason whatsoever its probably going to set off alarm bells even then. COMPNOR and ISB people are known for being paranoid.
Then they would have to make contact with those with the transceivers. Then they had better hope the Shields Aren't Up to block the signal's transmission.
When you put it that way, yeah.. Darth Vader should've Force-gibbed him on the spot.Vympel wrote:Was this scene in ANH before or after Vader strangled that Motti fool? He should've broken that moron's neck. You don't mouth off to a Dark Lord of the Sith about how he has a "sad devotion" to an ancient religion, refer to "conjuring up" the stolen data tapes, calling him a "sorceror" and thinking he's trying to "frighten" them.
From information, he can access a lot, such as combat records, or where everyone is. Intelligence is important. But leaving such backdoors is already fundamentally unsafe (as a pro-Trek person trying to distract from poor Fed security would point out, there are limits to the likely complexity of such a backdoor code). There is no reason to assume such stupid backdoors extend any further than demonstrated. There is no reason to assume all the critical systems are even attached to the computer with no override.Chris OFarrell wrote:You have failed to convince me. Palpitine go's to all the effort of having a computer backdoor system installed into every can he look at records?The very specific POINT was that it was built in there so no-one could EVER lock him out from the ships computer systems. Not so he could browse the MP3 collection of the ships commanding officer....
There is a difference between managing to get some records during a security lockdown and a full blown control of the ship. R2D2 can get records and even stop a garbage compactor aboard the DS, but nobody assumed it equated he could command the DS to self-destruct or even fire its turbolasers.And I again I point out that Mara was going to quite easily overide the ships computer security systems during a full blown security lockdown. If she can do this, I don't see why we shouldn't assume she wouldn't have access to ANY primary system the main computer controls.
Yes, and with full control to ships system, she can cause so much mayhem that she can destroy the ship outright....because her goal at that point was simply to figure out where the Chimeria was HEADING, then she could get Luke and rescue karade when it arrived. She was alone.
This is the best time to cause a little mayhem. That would distract the local crews and allow her more time. And there will be no connecting her to those accidents. Even if Thrawn thought it up, he can't tell anyone if he's cut off by a communications blackout...this is not conductive to start explosive decompressions all over the damn ship! She is outnumbered 37,000 - 1 here. Suicide is not high on her list of priorities.
But it won't be all at once. The naval battle will be short. They would have to be at the right place and see enough of the battle to actually have suspicions, then get them confirmed... then the stormtrooper commander starts to do something. If they take hasty action, they risk getting shot up piecemeal inside the vastness of the ship.Why the heck not? We see they patrol the outer sections of the battle station, its going to be noticed...
I don't think so. It is very easy to lie about such things. IIRC, in fact, that Trachta in charge of Coruscant at the time isn't awfully loyal either.Its not THAT common and bringing back the Death Star to Courscant is hardly a response to be expected. The second you start issuing orders to fire on other Imperial ships with the Death Star in the equation (and Tarkin would have had to have killed Vader by now, and they WILL know) your going to have a revolt on your hands.
With your stupid window idea, the first person that even sees something is out of wack will likely be a junior stormie. He can report it up the chain, but I doubt that the commander, soothed by Tarkin, will get too suspicious.Who said anything about a junior stormie?
Troops are commanded from the top. With a few, judiciously placed lies, most of the crew can be deceived. They don't have to be on it. They just have to be told the correct things - like the idea that those outside are traitors.And now the TIE pilots are all in on the plot to take over the Empire? This is a little reaching here.
Those are operationally subordinate to the local Sector Moff. If the local Moff is rebelling, you would call them to check?And all they have to do is contact the local Stormtrooper garrasion.
Tarkin is telling him nice stuff about the need for "the more powerful the weapon on the inside, the more powerful punch it can deliver outside". These guys are trained as the Death Star is built, with Special Forces and Independent training (giving them an initiative advantage).Numbers? I can see a platoon or company sized unit, but I think Palpitine would have gotten a LITTLE interested if Tarkin had tried to put his own private army onto the Death Star. I simply can't see more then a glorified bodyguard force being allowed with him.
The fact we can actually see patrols on the DS pretty much contradicts them.Like it or love it Kaz, they are EU, they stand unless directly contradicted.
They would have to find out he's heading to Coruscant first. You do realize hyperspace is this blue swirl. It is hard to tell where you are headed.And any halfway competent network of agents on board would KNOW what was going on very fast. If Vader is killed and Tarkin sets a course for Courscant, at the LEAST they would check in and set alarm bells ringing everywehere.
They are going to hear that the Sector Moff had gone rebel. By the time they reach Coruscant and they can use their short range comm (assuming their little comm makes it past all the layers of steel from the inside of the ship), it is too late.Short range the shields won't matter. Long range, if the Death Star raises its shields for no reason whatsoever its probably going to set off alarm bells even then. COMPNOR and ISB people are known for being paranoid.
Nah. It was Tagge. Motti's the arrogant one. Well, not THE arrogant one, but, you know what I mean.AniThyng wrote:Was it Motti who talks about the Rebel Alliance being a danger for the "Starfleet" and that their "fighters and pilots are better"?
Well, about the exhaust thing. They didn't reinstitute it on the second DS, so that's probably not what it was there for.Trooper TK12746 wrote:You still have failed to mention why Palpatine's safeguards on the DS (mechanical) would fail to work. Maybe that is why the Thermal Exhaust Port existed. It was Palpy's way of making sure he could get rid of a rogue DS. And Palpatine could just force choke the entire DS command staff.
At least one of the commanding officers is going to be loyal to Palpatine and warn the Emperor of the plan.