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Johnny Ipcress
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Post by Johnny Ipcress »

LaserRifleofDoom wrote:
But do we actually see her die? Does anybody in a position to know say "she's dead"?
We see her dead body lying in state. That seems pretty conclusive.
Losing the 'will' to live doesn't mean they can't sustain her life until she's regained it, and this eliminates the need for all the messy "force connection with Anakin" stuff. Also, judging be the hands, this is a specialized birthing droid, probably not a particular expert on anything else.
The droid performing as a midwife was different to the droid that informed Obi-Wan and Yoda of Padme's condition. It also seems to be the case that the droid's diagnosis of Padme is merely as accurate as possible given the circumstances: she is dying for no medically apparent reason.
Also, apparently the Rebellion is using older medical droids, since we see the same type, though almost certainly nto the same one, used in this film being used by them.

The droid you are referring to, at the Advanced Medical Centre on Coruscant, is an extremely sophisticated droid for the time, as implied by the novel. One can therefore suppose that, in 20 years time, these droids would have become more common as the technology became more available.
On the subject of droids and the Rebellion, I think that since R2D2 was owned by Organa, an active member of the Rebellion's diplomatic wing, we can account for him losing many of his cool features between trilogies. Since he's owned by a diplomat, not a warrior, it is only logical that any of his 'combat' features have been stripped and used as replacement parts for front-line astromechs.
The diplomatic wing of the Rebellion? It makes it sound like Sinn Fein. I think most of R2's "combat" features were merely features an AstroMech droid would have to assist it in its tasks though applied creatively in difficult circumstances. There is no conclusive evidence to suggest R2 did lose any capabilities.
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Post by Srynerson »

On the subject of Artoo losing some of his handier features, the old "Holonet News" website set up by LFL for AotC had a news story about design problems with the rocket packs on R2 units and a request by the manufacturer that owners deactivate the rockets or return the droid for a refit, IIRC. The implication, of course, is that at some point Artoo's rockets were removed. Granted, Holonet News was presumably pretty low-level canon, but it's the best explanation for why Artoo doesn't make use of the rockets in a couple of situations where they would have made sense (see, e.g., exiting the X-wing on Dagobah).
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Post by 000 »

Srynerson wrote:On the subject of Artoo losing some of his handier features, the old "Holonet News" website set up by LFL for AotC had a news story about design problems with the rocket packs on R2 units and a request by the manufacturer that owners deactivate the rockets or return the droid for a refit, IIRC. The implication, of course, is that at some point Artoo's rockets were removed. Granted, Holonet News was presumably pretty low-level canon, but it's the best explanation for why Artoo doesn't make use of the rockets in a couple of situations where they would have made sense (see, e.g., exiting the X-wing on Dagobah).
The article actually stated that their warrently was dropped from lifetime to ten years-- if they aren't serviced before the ten years are up, they aren't under guarantee. The implication is that Artoo's rockets putzed out and weren't serviced.

FYI, by the way, HNN is at the same level of canon as all other non-movie sources. The only thing that trumps it would be the movies themselves.
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Post by Vympel »

Checking the novelization, it's account of Obi-Wan's arrival on Utapau is contradicted by the film- in the novel, he gives his briefing to Commander Cody and the rest of the Clones after Vigilance has exited hyperspace in the Utapau system, wheras in the film he gives it in orbit around Coruscant. I don't think there's any evidence his fleet moved. That Cody and three batallions waited in Jadthu-class landers and LAAT/i's over the horizon makes no sense in light of the fact that Obi-Wan's fighter came straight from Coruscant in the film, not the Vigilance after a hyperjump.
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Post by Isolder74 »

Has this been mentioned?

It appears that the Chanceller has on his person a tracking becon. This becon is on him in such a way that the jedi feel confident that finding it they find the chanceller. It HAS to but on him in such a way that taking away his clothes would not lower their confidence in finding it.

Is it some type of implant?
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Post by SCVN 2812 »

It may be worth pointing out that the smallest capital ships taking part in the battle of Coruscant on screen were the Munificent Star Frigates.

In the novelization Carrack Light Cruisers are mentioned but were operating in squadrons and supported by Dreadnaughts.

This suggests to me that there is a point where ships are considered too small to take part in battles dominated by 800-3,000 meter ships. Ships somewhat smaller than Star Frigates must operate in wolf packs to be effective and survivable.

Massed bombers and long range turbolasers may make torpedo boats superflous or even worse, a waste of lives and materials. (Though neither the CIS nor Republic seems to employ massed bombers or torpedo boats.)

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Post by Vympel »

I found that novelization quote about the Magnaguard electrostaffs:
Three MagnaGuards, each with a double-ended weapon that generated an energy field impervious to lightsabres, each with reflexes that operated near lightspeed, each with hypersophisticated heuristic combat algorithims that enabled it to learn from experience and adapt its tactics instantly to any situation, were certainly beyond Obi-Wan's ability to defeat, but it was not Obi-Wan who would defeat them; Obi-Wan wasn't even fighting. He was only a vessel, emptied of self. The Force, shaped by his skill and guided by his clarity of mind, fought through him.
So yeah, they generate an energy field to block lightsabres, together with the phrink(sp?!) alloy (RotS:VD).

From Mike's under construction "the players" page:
The Jedi were largely unable to sense the clonetroopers' imminent betrayal until it was too late. Several possible explanations exist. First, there is the level of trust that the Jedi had obviously built up in the clonetroopers after fighting side by side with them for years. Even if they did sense some threat, they may have simply balked at the notion that their own clonetroopers could suddenly turn on them after years of risking their lives for them. Second, there is the possibility that Jedi precognition for mid-term danger (as opposed to the very short-term precognition they use for blocking blaster bolts) may be be based on telepathically detecting malice. The extraordinary discipline of the heavily indoctrinated clonetroopers therefore makes them the perfect weapon to ambush a Jedi Knight; they carry out their orders without any particular malice; it's simply a job. This would also explain why they failed to detect Jango Fett in AOTC when he used a poison dart to kill Zam Wessel; it was just business to him, nothing personal. And of course, it bears noting that another possible explanation is the "shroud of the Dark Side" which is clouding the Jedi's vision (Joe).
This is what the RotS novel says:
pp.348-349 wrote:It's not a thrilling climax; it's not the culmination of an epic struggle. Just the opposite, in fact. The Clone Wars were never an epic struggle. They were never intended to be.

What is happening right now is why the Clone Wars were fought in the first place. It is their reason for existence.The Clone Wars have always been, in and of themselves, from their very inception, the revenge of the Sith.

They were irresistible bait. They took place in remote locations, on planets that belonged, primarily, to "somebody eles". They were fought by expendable proxies. And they were constructed as a win-win situation.

The Clone Wars were the perfect Jedi trap.

By fighting at all, the Jedi lost.

With the Jedi Order overextended, spread thin across the galaxy, each Jedi is alone, surrounded only be whatever troops he, she or it commands. War itself pours darkness into the Force, deepening the cloud that limits Jedi perception. And the clones have no malice, no hatred, not the slightest ill intent that might give warning. They are only following orders.

In this case, Order Sixty-Six.

Hold out blasters appear in clone hands. ARC-170s drop back onto the tails of Jedi starfighters. AT-STs swivel their guns. Turrets on hovertanks swung silently.

Clones open fire, and Jedi die.

All across the galaxy. All at once.

Jedi die.
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Post by Vympel »

Just about the technology again, to refer to the armor available to Republic forces:

- AT-TEs
- AT-RTs
- AT-STs (novelization)
- AT-APs (Felucia, Kashyyk)
- unidentified tracked tanks (Mygeeto)
- unidentified open-top transport walkers (Felucia)
- HAVw6 Juggernauts (Kashyyk)

Anyone seen any others? Anyway, the diversity the Grand Army has at their disposal, including vehicles we see more than 20 years later (RotJ speeder, AT-ST) indicates as far as I'm concerned that the Empire probably has a majority of these vehicles still in service.

If it hasn't been mentioned, BARC speeders (the ones that kill Stass Allie on her RotJ speeder bike) can fly as high as LAATs (they're escorting Mace/Yoda/Obi-Wan's gunship on Coruscant).
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Post by VT-16 »

Anyone seen any others?
The early concept art for the AT-RT seems to have made it´s way into the ROTS comic adaption. I don´t have the scan of the page, but they look like the early concept art from the OS entry. They are following Juggernauts into Yoda´s Venator.


^ Anyone with the comic see the similarities?

Then there´s the ISP - Infantry Support Platform, that speeder had some armor infront of the driver and gunner.

It´s possible some additional vehicles might have made it into the wreckage scenes on Mygeeto and Saleucami:


I think that might have been an error, someone could have thought the AT-RTs were named AT-STs, like their decendants. I´ve only seen the RTs capable of swiveling their guns, the STs have to turn their heads. Still, if nothing contradicts this later, I guess it can stay. (I sure don´t mind, the less distinction between CW and GCW vehicles, the better. The OS has the AT-TE and the A6 Juggernaut under Galactic Empire, so the more, the merrier.) :D
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Post by Old Plympto »

VT-16 wrote:Then there´s the ISP - Infantry Support Platform, that speeder had some armor infront of the driver and gunner.

It´s possible some additional vehicles might have made it into the wreckage scenes on Mygeeto and Saleucami
ISP sighted lower left corner of the screen.

Open top troop transport walker... I count 2 another behind it.

Slug-riding ARC trooper on the right there.

The only sighting of homing spider droids in ROTS, in the far back.
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Post by Old Plympto »

I finally identified this ship:


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Post by Old Plympto »

Venator Hangar Deck

You can see the Eta-2 in a bay overlooking the main hangar corridor. The Hangar corridor seem to be exposed to vacuum. Each alcove bay is protected by a semi-permeable shield, presumable like the one on the Death Star hangar which lets ships out but hold air in. The group of people walking in the corridor should be in spacesuits.

It's not very clear in this picture, but in the theater, I thought that the guy by next to the astromech is neither Temuera Morrison nor Bodie Taylor. A new clone template? Kaminoan? GeNode?

A look down the central exposed hangar bay corridor. You can see the shield glow of the side bays. The hatch that opens for Obi-Wan's Eta-2: a smaller door on the longitudinal hatch seen opening in the Clone Wars toon?

New Hyperdrive Ring
Six hyperdrive / thruster pods.. not sure about the nomenclature used. The middle pair is smaller, and the "intake" section looks different.
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Post by Clone Sergeant »

Cal Wright wrote:
Clone Sergeant wrote:
Cal Wright wrote:BTW.

We do know they used mutliple templates for clones by the end of the Clone Wars and the beginning of the Empire. This is supported alone by the shot of Obi Wan briefing Co. Cody and other clones in the Venator hanger bay. Cody is of the Jango template, and a second clone next to him is of another.

It is easier to see this difference in the Makine of RotS book where it has a blue screen on set shot of the encounter. It is Temura Morrison and another actor side by side talking to Ewan.
No, sorry no new templates in that scene. IIRC, there was a Hyperspace set diary about the hangar scene. The other actor is merely Bodie Taylor, the actor they used for the younger clones from Episode II. The guy on the far end is probably a digital blending of Morrison and Taylor's face, which ILM said they were going to use in shots to add "diversity" to scenes where the clones appeared without their helmets. In addition, they never mentioned hiring or using anyone other than Morrison and Taylor to be filmed for that scene anyway.

Edit: Here's Taylor's cast page at the OS: link
It's an actor. The blue screen stills have Ewan, Morrison and another actor right with each other. They just don't name the actor.
I know. I own the Making of ROTS book and I'm telling you that the guy next to Morrison and Ewan in the blue screen suit on page 147 is Bodie Taylor, not some unknown actor.

And I mentioned the digital face blending to explain why there are clones that don't look exactly like Morrison or Taylor in the hanger shot. There was a set diary on the OS about the filming of this scene and Ewan, Morrison and Taylor were the only actors present.
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Post by VT-16 »

Any way of not knowing how low the Venator sits in dock from Yoda's arrival at the yards?
See for yourself:






And now, some snapshots from Order 66:




The tank appears to have two long-barreled guns, one on each side, and a turret-gun similar to the AT-TE/AT-AP turret-gun. Only it appears to fire laserbolts. The cockpit is reminiscent of the AT-TE´s.




I have NO IDEA what that thing in the background is. It looks almost like a sleek Mon Cal vessel. :S


Not the AT-TE-leg, that was earlier. I have no idea if this is supposed to be another upside-down AT-TE or something else.


AT-AP wreck. Boy, those things are all over the galaxy! :P


To the left, Saleucamian wildlife chewin on a clone-corpse. Mmmm.


Random holo-map. This is where the Inside the Worlds... guide will come in handy.

To sum it up, hard to find anything unusual on the holoscreens, AT-APs and other well-known craft/droids everywhere. Lots of wreckage on the CW planets, once again will need the up-coming guide to pinpoint what they are, exactly. Biiig battle on Mygeeto, you can see fire and explosions far away. Shame nothing can be discerned on any other level than Ki-Adi´s, and even that is just barely. Maybe the DVDs are sharper.
Last edited by VT-16 on 2005-06-12 04:50pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Lord Revan »

Look how small the clones look next Juggernaught's wheels, that one big thing


I calculated from these pics the the juggernaught is about 34 m from the bottom of the wheels to the tip of the mast.

a better version of the pic I used (less white in it).
Last edited by Lord Revan on 2005-06-15 01:18pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Grandmaster Jogurt »

Lord Revan wrote:I calculated from these pics the the juggernaught is about 34 m from the bottom of the wheels to the tip of the mast.
The ICS pegs the height at 30.4 meters, so you're not off by much at all.
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Plo Koon Eats Dirt!

Post by Old Plympto »

Approaching the misty bridged cities of Cato Neimoidia. Or is one bridge cluster considered a city? Plo Koon's Delta-7. ARC-170's HUD and ancilliary scopes.

A closer view of the city. Sidious' holo, but he never addressed the pilot's name, unlike Commander Cody's Order 66 transmission.

Side view of the ARC-170. The wingtip cannons has recoil suppression. Are there two tailguns? In this shot you can see from the cockpit size and the R2 that it's a bit shorter in length than an x-wing, overall.

Shooting at Plo Koon.

A view of Cato Neimoidia vista. It has greenery on the cliffs.

I can't tell which fiery debris is Plo Koon now.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I don't recall that this has been posted yet, but here's a good image of the CIS' Great Weapon:


Full image: ... tar7vq.jpg

This image should be sent to Saxton so he can replace the shoddier quality image he currently has.

EDIT: Cropped inlined image so it isn't such a hog on my PB account.

EDIT2: Oh, original screenshot by dj-anakin of
Last edited by Spanky The Dolphin on 2005-06-13 08:20am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by VT-16 »

Since I´ve got vacation, I´m gonna look around ROTS and post trivia.

Starting with:



Venator on Kashyyyk. Notice the close proximity to the ground, and certain parts of the front leg-system.

Next, swamp-trooper getting hit in the chest:






I spot a possible hole where he was hit, but the chest armor seems mostly intact. Considering the size of that bolt, it goes to show how effective trooper armor is. :shock:

The "Wookiee" artillery-piece:


^Main gun firing.


^One of apparently four secondary guns firing.


^Best shot I could find.



Bigger gun for Dwarf spider droids:


To the lower left, a weird spider droid/tri-droid hybrid. Has thin legs and a big head that seems to end in a flat top:


Two additional wheel bikes, one on each side of Grievous´:


There, that should do it for a while. :)
Last edited by VT-16 on 2005-06-13 01:47pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stravo »

Perhaps the two different barelled Dwarf Spiders represent two different type of guns - anti-personnel vs. anti armor?
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Post by VT-16 »

Fits in with RL upgrades and additions. Even AT-STs went through slightly different chin-guns from ESB to ROTJ.
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Post by Manus Celer Dei »

I've found another example of the invisible portion of a turbolaser bolt:

Yoda, standing around:
The bolt en route (Just below the "50" in the timer)
Part of the thing behind Yoda is clearly damaged by the bolt, even though it is still a good distance away.
The bolt hits:
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Post by Surlethe »

A couple of things I thought of:
Main Site Revelations Page wrote:Mace Windu can deflect Force lightning with his lightsabre, rather than merely absorbing it as Obi-Wan did. It is unclear whether this is a property of the lightsabre or a manifestation of Mace Windu's own abilities in conjunction with the lightsabre, but unless his lightsabre is fundamentally different from Obi-Wan's lightsabre in design, the latter seems more likely.
It seems to me this may be a property of Force lightning, in that if it is stopped, it could just arc toward the nearest person not behind the person stopping, but if there's nobody nearby, then it is just absorbed into the saber.

Also, the Emperor may have only maintained clone troopers during the clone wars for the sole purpose of executing Order 66, and then immediately begun the switch to ordinary human recruitment, producing the stormtroopers of the OT.
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Post by Edi »

Repost from the topic I made when I somehow managed to overlook this thread... :oops: :oops:

Went to see ROTS for the second time last night, and some things really jumped out at me. The first time I was too busy just watching everything, but this time around analysis kicked in automatically. Apologies if this stuff has been said earlier, but I have not had the time to read everything on this forum. This post is also made with an eye toward trying to offer a contribution to the main site. Most of it is an analysis about the Jedi Order, then comments on some ROTS and TESB parallels. I'm not very good at tech analysis, so I'll leave that to others.

Hopefully you all get something out of this departure from my normal haunts at N&P. Smile



The Jedi Order & the Sith

The Jedi Order struck me as wrong already in TPM. That impression only strengthened with AOTC, and that trend continued with ROTS. In the original trilogy the Jedi were held up as paragons of virtue and we were given an impression of a noble institution whose members were heroes. In ROTS, this vision is revealed as not much more than a gilded outer shell covering a nest of corruption within.

The whole basis of the Order's teachings seems unnatural. The Jedi are required to give up all outside attachments. They are taught to suppress all natural human behavior, in many ways almost required to strangle their humanity into a rigid mold that allows only duty and obedience. Feelings and emotions are seen as bad, things to be excised and denied for the most part, unless you are supposed to use them as intuition. The key wrong, in my opinion, is the focus on suppression and denial instead of teaching coping and acceptance. It's impossible to deal with anything unless you can first accept the fact that it is there and won't go away by itself. Only then can the problem be solved. Perhaps it is for this reason that they only accept very young children into the Order, because they need the younglings to be malleable, unformed by previous experience so that they can be better indoctrinated and that difficult questions need not be answered.

The Sith, now they seem the exact opposite of this according to dialogue and also from what we see of Palpatine and Anakin once he turns to the Dark Side. They derive their strength from their passion, but in large part it seems that their approach lacks control. They give passion completely free rein, so much so that they fail to see almost anything that does not coincide with what they want to see, unless they make a great effort to do so. They can be fearsomely powerful in pursuit of that passion, but it leaves them open to weakness and prevents them from seeing things as other than black or white, success or failure.

One wonders what the Jedi could do if they fully took their own advice about using their feelings in the context of not doing harm without simultaneously trying to suppress themselves to emotional cripples as they are taught to do...

We are not shown that many of the rank and file Jedi, but if the leadership is any indication, the whole organization was simply waiting for the death blow to fall. It has already been pointed out how Mace Windu displays a great hunger for more power, or at least a desire to retain power. He also never admits the possibility that his course of action may not be the most optimal. This is seen in AOTC as well, when Yoda uses the younglings to chastise Obi-Wan in finding Kamino and makes a very barbed remark about overconfidence to Obi-Wan and Mace Windu. Ki-Adi-Mundi is not quite as bad as Windu, but not far from it either. It was his suggestion to take over the Senate to stop Palpatine, something Windu immediately jumped at.

Windu's assistants, the ones Palpatine kills, reminded me more of Gestapo goons than the storm troopers and clones ever did, and the whole showdown between Palpatine and Windu is more like two Dark Lords of the Sith fighting over who is the master than a confrontation between a Jedi and a Sith. Palpatine tells Anakin to choose, and I got the impression that it was a choice of who should rule. Windu's arrogant dismissal and distrust of Anakin at every turn cost him his life. "If this information is right, then you will have earned my trust!" After years of service to the order, this is the extent of Windu's regard?

Throughout the prequel trilogy, the only ones who really live up to the image of the Jedi presented in the original trilogy are Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda and Obi-Wan. They do not suppress their emotions and feelings, but accept them and deal with the consequences. They aren't afraid to question what is happening, to themselves and to those around them, and even in this, Obi-Wan displays obvious signs of being influenced by the general indoctrination of the Order. In TPM Qui-Gon has what amounts to a riproaring falling out with the rest of the Jedi Council save Yoda over Anakin, and subsequently it seems that all but Yoda and Obi-Wan hold to their preordained conclusions and simply wait for Anakin to slip up so that they can say "I told you so".

Another interesting point is the revelation of Qui-Gon being the discoverer of the ghost immortality seen in the original trilogy. It takes someone widely regarded as a maverick within the Jedi Order to reach this new height, and probably because he did not let himself be constrained by doctrine. Even Yoda, with over 800 years of experience in the force and in training Jedi, did not know this. Or if he did, he said nothing to the rest of the Council, which would be a pretty damning indictment of their integrity in itself.

In light of the Jedi Order's decay, Dooku is an even more interesting character than before. The circumstances of his becoming Palpatine's apprentice are unclear and not shown to us, but he was Qui-Gon's teacher and quite probably shared similar independence of mind that eventually led to a falling out with the Order. With the benefit of both long Jedi training and access to the Sith powers under Palpatine's tutelage, he seems in many ways more like a Jedi than many of the Council members, because he is not limited by their narrow mindedness. This is also the obvious reason for why Palpatine wants to be rid of him. Despite having less raw power than Anakin, he is too wise and too dangerous and not amenable to being a string puppet.


Obi-Wan, Anakin, Vader & Luke

I didn't think of it much on first viewing, but the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan on Mustafar struck me as very poignant and significant, especially in light of the Bespin duel between Luke and Vader over twenty years later. Anakin loses at Mustafar and Obi-Wan leaves him for dead after a duel that runs the length of the installation with Anakin in single-minded pursuit.

Fast forward to Bespin, where Vader is in the same position as Obi-Wan at Mustafar. The Bespin duel is, aside from the setting, an almost complete replay of Mustafar. Luke pursues Vader who finally wins and leaves him for dead. It is as if Vader is not fighting Luke, but trying to defeat Obi-Wan, to justify to himself that he was right all those years ago and that he chose correctly in going to the Dark Side. It is ironic that Vader's mannerisms and behavior are so like Obi-Wan's on Bespin.

In this context, the Bespin duel also bears some resemblance to the Geonosis duel against Dooku, with Vader in Dooku's position and Luke standing in for the young Anakin.


The Mustafar Moon

These comments are inspired by the contirbutions of Alyrium Denryle and Haminal10 on Mike's ROTS Reactions page. The comment about Mustafar's mineral richness is mostly what set my musings off.

When Anakin goes to Mustafar, we see that the volcanic body is merely the moon of a much larger body that is visible on the background. The massive, seemingly unnatural volcanism could be explained by severe tidal stresses caused by the big planet and possible other bodies in the Mustafar system (e.g. other moons of the same planet). The system is probably rather young, with the moon in such a volatile state. The volcanic activity induced by the tidal forces would probably pull mineral rich fragments up out of the core of the moon, which is supported by the levitating mining droids fishing out large chunks of solid matter from the middle of the molten, very liquid lava stream. Such richly concentrated material would require less processing before becoming finished product, and the environment on Mustafar is also very conducive to smelting it on the spot. Further, the place is so uninhabitable that you can simply stripmine the moon without an adverse impact on anyone. This would justify the cost of the facilities.
Warwolf Urban Combat Specialist

Why is it so goddamned hard to get little assholes like you to admit it when you fuck up? Is it pride? What gives you the right to have any pride?
–Darth Wong to vivftp

GOP message? Why don't they just come out of the closet: FASCISTS R' US –Patrick Degan

The GOP has a problem with anyone coming out of the closet. –18-till-I-die
Rabid Monkey
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Post by Pcm979 »

Madurai wrote:Could the ion cannon be a post-RoTS invention? I can't think of a reason why anything as inefficient as the buzz-droid-tipped missile would be used if a better disabling system already existed.
Since the Jedi shun flightsuits and self contained life-support systems, Ion Cannonning their ships might prove lethal. Maybe.