Pure Sabacc wrote:
-At some point in the course of the series, a major film character must die (more may die if you wish.)
I might well refuse. If I re-did the NJO, I would argue to my last against such trite "Take em serious! They killed chewie!" shit. If characters are going to die, it's going to be for a better reason than to make the enemy look serious. If the plot requires a character death, it might be well done, but I never liked the Death of Chewbacca.
(ie a war of a greater scale than the Clone Wars.)
Why? The real NJO wasn't.
-The Jedi must be faced with a threat that they have difficulty dealing with (force-null, other force users, droids, etc.)
It's called numbers. Force-null opponents suck in so many ways.
A benevolent empire ruled by a race of force users (largely light-siders too, Peace and Justice taken to the extreme. I'd never get away with it, but it'd be a severe laugh to have them be Yoda's race, and have Yoda have been a dissident who left long ago.), extremely limited in numbers, with most people in their empire not even seeing such recluses in person, doubting they exist. In a military sense they'd be served by droid armies unlike anything seen before, and for that matter, either non-sentient or considered Subjects. Possibly link them in as the Centerpoint builders and so forth.
One difference however, would be to show positive upsides to being their slaves. Massive improvements in the standard of living, in exchange for giving up freedom. I hate to say it, but it would be tempting to revisit Tatooine - with the smaller star snuffed out and the planet terraformed into a fertile world, and the hutts utterly run off the planet.
So we have a benevolent intergalactic dictatorship, with a small Expeditionary force of a few thousand ships coming to the GFFA. Present it in such a way that some readers go one way, and others, another.
Maybe, just to add another spin, have them force (comparative. IE, the same legal rights as anyone else) emancipation (as opposed to destruction) of sentient droids in their territory. It makes an interesting concept of course, as the Outer Rim, who can't afford principles, capitulates and collaborates quickly to the Epeditionary Force.
The idea behind it would be that the Light Side can create evil in the same way the Dark Side can. They're both (YMMV) reflections of the intent of one's actions. In that respect, you can take people's freedom away, because you know what's best for them, as easily, perhaps easier, than you can for your own UNLIMITED POWER!