Trooper TK12746 wrote:
They use the Darkside. Where do the SIth exhibit glee in killing innocents?
Palpatine's grand plan is to kill
EVERYONE. It's shit, but it is also canon.
That big one out of the way, let's start by the Sith sponsoring such atrocities as General Greivous' murder of trillions of people via BDZ, the planned elimination of the Gungans, and countless other examples from the EU I'm either unfamiliar with, or haven't bothered to read in a while.
They exhibit glee in killing hated enemies, but thats because they aren't emotionless rocks. And the Jedi steal children away at night and destroy anyone who disagrees with them or their aims. They just do it more like the Gestapo.
Examples? Whie, for example, was indeed stolen, but I don't reacll his mother being 'destroyed' - tormented and abused by Dooku, yes, but destroyed by the Jedi? I don't think so. I want examples of this 'destroy their enemies' - not counting military or criminal forces. Fucking hell, Obi-Wan asked for General Grievous' Surrender in the novellisation - Greivous is certainly guilty of the slaughter of trillions. I wouldn't show that kind of restraint.
And how were the new Jedi different from the new Jedi (excluding marriage and a higher turnout of Darksiders)? They followed the same basic philosophy as the old order, they just didn't last long enough to accumulate the same power the old order did.
The same basic philosophy, excluding baby stealing, corruption, and setting one's selves up as decree-ers of Martial Law.
And the NJO had pretty much dissolved by "The Unifying Force"
The NJO can take a long run off a short peir. The Unifying Force stuff is all character opinion. As far as I am concerned it is to be considered a delusion until they write the Force itself stating that there is no Light or Dark side..
The Sith never ruled for more than a few decades (after the collapse of the old Sith Empire, which we don't know much about).
Remind me again, what did they do in this time?
The JEdi stole children and wiped out opposition (in a fashion like the Gestapo)
Oh for fuck's sake. 1- The Sith steal kids. And they
do steal them. Killing the parents in the process. Maul anyone? 2 - The use of the word Gestapo is not going to convince me that the Jedi are somehow evil. And I should hope no one else here. Give evidence shitmind.
to their beliefs and aims for thousands of years.
Would this be before or after handing over these 'opponents' to the Republic courts?
The fact that people were clapping when they heard the JEdi were going to hunted down tells you something.
After being fed a tissue of lies about a Jedi rebellion, having been supplied manipulated data for the last decade or so by a Sith Lord. And we don't know how many of those were like Padme. Clapping out of fear of being labelled a traitor.
The Sith have never had thousands of years of rule. Your are coming up with excuses for the Jedi, what indications do you have that they were any different before the PT trilogy? If anything, they were more Sithlike than the PT Jedi.
The Sith have existed for millenia. In that time they have done nothing good, and plenty of evil. The fact that they have not ruled (hint, neither did the Jedi) doesn't mean they can't oppress people.
What indications do we have about the differences in the pre-PT jedi? Fucking hell. How about the fact that Yoda is continuously going on about how overconfient and self righteous they've become?