What would you REMOVE from the EU

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What to REMOVE from the Expanded Universe?

Courtship of Princess Leia
Dark Empire
Corellia Trilogy
Total votes: 80

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Post by Ace Pace »

Fuck the Crystal Star and Darksaber. Other then that, I'll keep it all.

And any person who can get confused among the VERY few births in the EU needs to look at himself.

Very simple, Leia and Han get hitched, birth twins, then they give birth to Anakin SOLO. Later on in the NJO(16 years later), Luke has a son, called Ben.

The fucking End.

Was that complex?
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Post by Madurai »

I haven't seen an "all of the above" button yet.

I suppose I have peculiar ideas about what constitutes canon. I rate the novelizations of the films (besides ANH, since it was penned by Lucas) as non-canon.

What I'd keep: Clone Wars
bits of X-Wing/Tie Fighter/XvT/ XWA that weren't obviously derived from other EU
and that's it.

I'm betting that I'm probably the only person here who just wasn't impressed with Zahn's work. The whole thing had a phoned-in feel. Maybe I'm too old. If I'd been 14 when I started reading them, maybe I'd feel differently.
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Post by Noble Ire »

I suppose I have peculiar ideas about what constitutes canon. I rate the novelizations of the films (besides ANH, since it was penned by Lucas) as non-canon.
Its called Paramount Pictures Canon. :P

I'm not going to argue with your view, its up to ypu, although I am curious, how much of the EU have you read, or at least scanned?
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Post by Madurai »

Pure Sabacc wrote:
I suppose I have peculiar ideas about what constitutes canon. I rate the novelizations of the films (besides ANH, since it was penned by Lucas) as non-canon.
Its called Paramount Pictures Canon. :P

I'm not going to argue with your view, its up to ypu, although I am curious, how much of the EU have you read, or at least scanned?
I read the first Zahn novel, and about half of the second before realizing that I just didn't care. It didn't feel much like Star Wars nearly so much as Zahn's other novels. I read Splinter of the Mind's Eye, of course, seeing how it was all the EU there was at the time. I read a couple of the Han Solo books when they came out. I've got the Joe Johston sketchbooks for the OT, and the SW Universe Encyclopedia that came out concurrently with RoTJ. None of it really impressed me at the time. Everything since, I don't get any further than the blurb on the back cover before realizing that I want to claw my eyes out.
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Post by Guardsman Bass »

Get rid of Corellia. Although Courtship may have been lame, Dark Empire weird, and the Vong stupid, at least they served important plot points for the storyline to progress into the future. Corellia was simply pointless, through and through. "Ooh, look, we have a secret superweapon that blows up stars! Let's run a trilogy which, upon its completion, commences to have zero effect on the universe from then on. It was basically a one-year diversion for the Solo family.
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Post by Edi »

I never liked the Vong, and I've only read a few of the first NJO books. On the other hand, I also hate Dark Empire with a passion, and DE2 even more. The first one had some good concepts, but it was mainly just wanking about the Emperor and how unstoppable and unkillable etc he is.

I didn't like the Corellia trilogy that much, but given these choices, that and the Courtship should be kept. BFC, Crystal star, Darksaber and a lot of the other EU stuff are also just plain atrocities.

I really liked Stormbringer's list, and Red's idea also had merit.

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Post by Thirdfain »

What's up with hating on BFC? I think it was one of the better trilogies in the EU. The space combat was great (the author didn't invent EU minimalism, you jackals,) and besides that odd Lando side-plot, the story was pretty interesting.

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Post by Greymalkin »

Madurai wrote:I haven't seen an "all of the above" button yet.
I must admit to feeling this way too. Though, I did like Zahn's work... despite being abit disappointed by Thrawn's rather lack luster death.

As for KJA, well, the Jedi Academy triology is among the stupidests things I have ever read. Same goes for the Dark Empire stuff. In the end though, the Vong, have earned a well deserved place on my shit list and my most ardent contempt.

I play the Star Wars RPG (the old d6 game not the d20 garbage), in my most currant game my players and I are rewriting history a bit, or rather, we are changing the parts of the EU that we don't like. Hopefuly it comes out well.
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Post by Old Plympto »

Madurai wrote:I rate the novelizations of the films (besides ANH, since it was penned by Lucas) as non-canon.
ANH novelization was ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster, from George Lucas' script, pretty much what Donald F. Glut & James Kahn did for ESB & ROTJ novelizations, except the latter two writers' names are on the cover and Foster's name wasn't.
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Post by Vicious »

I'd get rid of the Vong biotech bullshit. The concept of an extra-galactic civilization that had been travelling for thousands upon thousands of years searching for a new home is pretty damn cool. I've read every NJO book, and frankly, I liked 'em all to a certain degree. Replace the biotech with regular SW tech, and they'd kick ass. The explanation that the Force is only in the SW galaxy isn't actually all that far fetched. How do we explain the Force? Midichlorians? Some random mutation? Energy field which surrounds and binds all life? Whatever it is that generates any of these explanations, is it illogical to postulate that it could be native to one galaxy and not another? As to the Vong beating Jedi on a regular basis, I think it got out of hand, since even if the Jedi can't pick impules up from their opponent's, they still have their innate "danger sense" which isn't opponent-sensitive, but I think it was an interesting way to show the limitations the Jedi have, i.e: Being used to the Force, they wouldn't develop other skills as heavily and thus when forced to rely on them, would suffer as a result.

So, rambling and such condensed: Keep the Vong, ditch the biotech and you'd take an ok story arc (ok because alot of the character personalities and such carry the story when the rest of the book sucks ass) to being a pretty good one. Besides, I liked seeing the pompous NR get it's ass handed to it and a return to the more Rebel-oriented attitude.
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