I've run several searches and haven't been able to find a post on this, but I apologize if it's been asked before. The RotS Visual Dictionary contains this following notation under the "Separatist Council" entry:
Wat Tambor has suffered several close calls during the war, falling into Republic captivity on Metalorn and narrowly escaping an assassination by Boba Fett on Xagobah. (emphasis added)
Why (and how, for that matter) is a 12 year-old attempting to kill a leading political figure?
EDIT: Corrected typo.
Last edited by Srynerson on 2005-06-18 11:35pm, edited 1 time in total.
Its in the Boba Fett series, the name of the book evades me at the moment. Boba Fett seems to get caught up in almost every major event in the clone wars EU.
It's Boba Fett # 5 -- A New Threat. The Republic resorts to hiring Jabba's bounty hunters to go after the Seperatist leaders. Fett gets open season on Tambor, who is holed up on Xagobah.
A high ranking Republic Senate official had placed bounties on the heads of the leaders of the Confederacy. Boba Fett, already starting his bounty hunting career, was working for Jabba the Hutt at the time, and was tasked with assassinating Wat Tambor. Tambor was holed up in his Mazariyan fortress on Xagobah, which was under siege by the Republic. Boba Fett managed to infiltrate the fortress, but Tambor was with General Grievous, who proceeded to kick Boba's ass. Afterwards, Tambor fled the fortress with Grievous.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | LibertarianSocialist |
Thats what makes it so cool. Although remember, his father/personal trainer killed seven Jedi with his bare hands during the Mandalorian massacre. That is one of the reasons Jango was selected by Dooku to be cloned.
Trooper TK12746 wrote:Thats what makes it so cool. Although remember, his father/personal trainer killed seven Jedi with his bare hands during the Mandalorian massacre. That is one of the reasons Jango was selected by Dooku to be cloned.
What. The. Fuck.
If that occurred before the shroud of the dark side "fell", I demand an explaination of how a normal human managed to kill seven super-humans with precognition.
Why wonder why? The answer is simple: obviously, someone somewhere decided that he or she needed Baby Jesus up the ass.
-The Illustrious Darth Wong, on Jesus Dildos
Well actually, I am intellectually superior to you. In fact, the average person is intellectually superior to you.
-Mike to "Assassin X"
Trooper TK12746 wrote:Thats what makes it so cool. Although remember, his father/personal trainer killed seven Jedi with his bare hands during the Mandalorian massacre. That is one of the reasons Jango was selected by Dooku to be cloned.
What. The. Fuck.
If that occurred before the shroud of the dark side "fell", I demand an explaination of how a normal human managed to kill seven super-humans with precognition.
Advantage of surprise, superior firepower, advantage of range, greater fighting ability?
Not saying he had any of those, but those are the advantages that come to mind with that kind of thing.
Also, that he killed seven Jedi does not mean he killed them all at once; it could have been seven separate encounters, with him ambushing separate Jedi.
Even then, its still mighty impressive. At the very least, it shows that he has suberb organization and tactical thinking, and sufficient firepower, skill and reflexes to take advantage of those. And seven times, no less, which shows it can't have been flukes.
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul
Wow. It took me a good minute to remember I didn't have testicles. -xBlackFlash
Are you sure this isn't like that time Michael Jackson stopped by your house so he could use the bathroom? - Superman
The author must have typed it using her pure grade A semen typewritter ink. Hell the Jedi are just the Galaxys bitches, every villian knocks them about at will.
Trooper TK12746 wrote:Thats what makes it so cool. Although remember, his father/personal trainer killed seven Jedi with his bare hands during the Mandalorian massacre. That is one of the reasons Jango was selected by Dooku to be cloned.
What. The. Fuck.
If that occurred before the shroud of the dark side "fell", I demand an explaination of how a normal human managed to kill seven super-humans with precognition.
Advantage of surprise, superior firepower, advantage of range, greater fighting ability?
Not saying he had any of those, but those are the advantages that come to mind with that kind of thing.
Also, that he killed seven Jedi does not mean he killed them all at once; it could have been seven separate encounters, with him ambushing separate Jedi.
The reason why I called Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is because of the Jedi's sheer ability at HtH combat. In SotE Luke kicked the shit out og Guri, the superhuman assassin droid, so your average Jedi should be able to make pretty much any normal human his/her bitch.
Why wonder why? The answer is simple: obviously, someone somewhere decided that he or she needed Baby Jesus up the ass.
-The Illustrious Darth Wong, on Jesus Dildos
Well actually, I am intellectually superior to you. In fact, the average person is intellectually superior to you.
-Mike to "Assassin X"
President Sharky wrote:A high ranking Republic Senate official had placed bounties on the heads of the leaders of the Confederacy. Boba Fett, already starting his bounty hunting career, was working for Jabba the Hutt at the time, and was tasked with assassinating Wat Tambor. Tambor was holed up in his Mazariyan fortress on Xagobah, which was under siege by the Republic. Boba Fett managed to infiltrate the fortress, but Tambor was with General Grievous, who proceeded to kick Boba's ass. Afterwards, Tambor fled the fortress with Grievous.
Thank you, although I have to admit that my brain is still screaming "WTF?!?!?" at maximum volume.
Lone_Prodigy wrote:
What. The. Fuck.
If that occurred before the shroud of the dark side "fell", I demand an explaination of how a normal human managed to kill seven super-humans with precognition.
Advantage of surprise, superior firepower, advantage of range, greater fighting ability?
Not saying he had any of those, but those are the advantages that come to mind with that kind of thing.
Also, that he killed seven Jedi does not mean he killed them all at once; it could have been seven separate encounters, with him ambushing separate Jedi.
The reason why I called Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is because of the Jedi's sheer ability at HtH combat. In SotE Luke kicked the shit out og Guri, the superhuman assassin droid, so your average Jedi should be able to make pretty much any normal human his/her bitch.
Luke is *not* by any means a bog-standard Jedi. Old Republic era Jedi strike me as grossly overconfident and only marginally competent in combat -- they pretty much just use the Force as a crutch to make up for having little to no actual fighting skill and training.
Striderteen wrote:
Luke is *not* by any means a bog-standard Jedi. Old Republic era Jedi strike me as grossly overconfident and only marginally competent in combat -- they pretty much just use the Force as a crutch to make up for having little to no actual fighting skill and training.
I assume when Obi Wan was holding his own against Jango (killer of multiple Jedi with his bare hands) in hand to hand on Kamino he was displaying this obvious lack of figthing skill or training?
It's this wanking regarding the Fetts that bugs the shit out of me sometimes. I love Fett's death in ROTJ for this very reason. The biggest baddest ass in the known galaxy was beaten by a disoriented blind man.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's GuildCybertron's FinestJustice League
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It's this wanking regarding the Fetts that bugs the shit out of me sometimes. I love Fett's death in ROTJ for this very reason. The biggest baddest ass in the known galaxy was beaten by a disoriented blind man.
Stark wrote:That is so stupid. Whats worse is that there's an audience for this nonsense.
Granted, it is a Young Reader's (read: children's) book, so I guess it's meant to impress the kids with blatantly wankish details. This author is particularly notorious at wanking off the Fetts. Boba Fett: Pursuit is even worse in this regard, as Boba attempts to assassinate Mace motherfucking Windu, and later goes and meets Palpatine himself.
Remember everyone, LFL is about pleasing you just enough to keep getting you to feed the machine with money like good cattle; beyond that they don't give a shit.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | LibertarianSocialist |
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Why did they bother allowing this to go to print?
Remember everyone, LFL is about pleasing you just enough to keep getting you to feed the machine with money like good cattle; beyond that they don't give a shit.
I dont really think this is the case, but even if it is, are you really suprised? Really, name a single corporation even approaching LFL in wealth and power that gives a damn about its customers. Certainly, one would like to think that they would indevore to be above the competion, but attacking them on the grounds that they arent is pretty useless.