Frank Hipper wrote:The World Trade Center no longer exists.
And they never said anything about adding it in. The only manipulation that was stated was for removing the safety harnesses.
Nothing else.
Why would it need to be in New York, it's not as if the buildings are extant, and he plans on digitally removing the safety wires used. If he plans anything other than the sky to be in the background, that can be digitally added later as well.
Prove that they will do more editing than was already stated. This is a
huge assumption.
Furthermore, many, many films and TV shows are filmed in cities other than New York while purporting to take place in New York.
This shows nothing.
As far as I'm aware, when we see a decent portion of the city, we get stock footage of New York. Filming scenes in apartments and street-level shots can be done anywhere, nobody can tell the difference.
Why not stage it on Wall Street in vintage clothing?
Seriously, though, what has he said that ties this to 1929? He's already admitted ties to September 11th. Why assume this is supposed to depict 1929 when he claims September 11th as his inspiration?
Nothing. He never linked this picture to
anything. He linked "falling" in all of his art to 9/11, but
nothing else. The imagery just happens to fit better with the stock market crash than it does with 9/11.
Personally, I doubt he's trying to imitate either. It's probably something about how even a clean-cut businessman can find himself falling morally or something to that effect.
How can you come to this conclusion? A single man is a business suit falling cannot be a specific jumper from the World Trade Center because other people at other times have jumped from buildings?
Pure sophistry.
Because there is nothing in the image that links it specifically to 9/11. Where's the fire and smoke? There's just as much evidence to link
this picture to 9/11 as there is to the stock market crash.
That in absolutely NO way precludes that this is not September 11th inspired, in light of his statements that the World Trade Center jumpers inspired him, how can you possibly claim this not related to it?
All of his falling pictures are inspired by 9/11. The images of a guy falling off a ladder and out of a tree are both inspired by 9/11. However, it is painfully obvious by looking at them that they are not imitating 9/11, but are doing something completely different. This particular picture is no more likely to be representing 9/11 than the others are.
That is not what I said and you'd better be goddamned aware of it, and it sure as fuck is not cirular logic.
How else am I supposed to interpret this exchange (bolding mine, of course):
Lord Poe wrote:If you look up Kerry Skarbakka on Google, you'll find pictures of him falling down stairs, from ladders, off bridges, out of trees, etc.
Frank Hipper wrote:That reinforces my point that this particular event was inspired by the World Trade Center jumpers, I never questioned that he has a fascination with falling in general.
That is essentially "because the others aren't 9/11, this one must be because he's in a suit."
In the interview for this event he claims September 11th as his original inspiration, this is the only work of his I've seen where he wears a business suit, that is an undeniable link.
Wrong! He has another picture of falling in a suit:
porch. I'm sure that must be related to 9/11, too, because the guy is wearing a suit.
You really should try to look at the guy's previous works before you spout claims about his intentions.