[the marshal] Trek tactics vs Empire brawn

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the marshal
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[the marshal] Trek tactics vs Empire brawn

Post by the marshal »

look you guys have THE most dumb idea of tactics in the world and today im going to show you all that the feds can beat the empire(ok i admit the feds wouldnt win...but the romulans and the klingons and the borg and all the others would) first the utter superitority of the tech that the Trekies have over the backwards nothings the empire has

in the movies we see that the shields both a fighter and a capital ship have are not visible on empire ships(or for that matter rebel) but we can planly see that the trek shields are there(and to your guy on the site i noteced that you dont show any of the empire shields in your artical) and i just saying that when the best capital ship tactic you can think up is a broadside were as the trekies use modern naval tactics planly show trek supiriority

the fighter qestion is not as importens as you guys think becouse Trek ship phasers can hit that kind of small target anytime and they fire faster then there empire equivalents and the feds have mid-range fighter/bombers i mean come on the empire use LASERS "lasers? that wont even penitrate our navigational shields" and the TREK have an advantige in veterans as the rebel alliance is a terrorest orginisation wich dose not, for the most part, engage in full scale space or land battles and about land battles its true that the feds on the show dont have much in the way of artillery or armour(but note that the klingons have at least light mortars in the show) you guys are always towting the books to disregard movie evidence ok thats fine but all non-contridictid stuff from TREK stuff has to be considderd true to this being the case i have in my posestion a game called "Star Trek: New Worlds"
wich discribes the land aspect of star trek(though it takes place in the old 23rd century rather then the 24th) plus the Trekies show soooo much more tactical sense than that of the empire for example durring the invatio of hoth the empire says that the shield that the rebels have in a PLANITARY shield but you can land ships anyway becous its not a partical shield, a supposed tactical Genuis lands his "invisible" ATATs out of site of the damn rebel base(and dont say "they dident kno were the rebel base was" cous the probe sent the quwadents to the fleet) god what knid of an idiot would do that at least the feds trasport there troops directly in to combat and on the fighter note not only do they have the multipull-crewed fighter/bobmers we see in the battle seens theres also shuttles they got phasers(wich i think they can use to BLAST in to nothingness a ATAT) but ill say this in the defence of star wars if(i repete IF) you had a match between say the old republic and the fed+allies id be a different story though they went from cool six legged all terrain super tank(geinoses) to a tank that not only could be seen from a MILE away by any half desent infantry unit it would be trapped by the fist mud pile it met

and by the way both univeres do not take the full tactical truth in to account your leader says "base it on real armys" ok then

a real armies strength in NOT in the mass tanks(by the way there are no all tank divitions in a modern army) or even air power its in the combined use of infantry, artillery, tanks and planes and today a fully equipt modern infantry squad has the weapons to destroy ANY other unit typ on the modern battle field they just have to be alot closer to do it

the empire uses a battlefield armoured units that stands 100 feet of the ground i take a infantry unit with cuncution grenades and i climb up one of those babys are rip a hole in it even with out a lightsaber wich is THE most usless weapon in the univers yeah it can reflect a blaster bolt or abosrb a phaser blast but i throw a grenade and we have very messy jedi pie or say the jedi chops my grenade in half or somthing the guys waving a collerd weapon in the air(so much for covert ops) and we see in the second film when jedi move there diflecting abillity in greatly reduced wich means that he pretty much standing still wich means all i have to de is say in to my radio "this commander gron to artillery? target location west by north west) and giant big shell blows jedi away along with any troopers standing in a twenty foot radius and in the matter of artillery at least the trekies have indirect artillery the republic and the empire use energy wich dosent bend in the short term and sertenly not on the planitary scale so we see that trek vs new hop ect = trek win

but take it back(or forward depending on your point of view) to trek vs old republic = tie
sorry for any bad spelling of anything
by the way im a fan of both universes but im actualy more of a stargate guy myself :lol:
see ya
Paragraphs Added to enhanced the reability of the blithering moron-Bean
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Post by Crown »

No paragraphs. No punctuation. Agressive bluster, with no intelligence. Obvious troll behaivour.

*sniff, sniff*

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Post by The Spartan »

And every argument he makes already refuted a dozen times over...

:roll: Just reading that made me stupider.

By the way, Marshall, learn to fucking spell, you might actually get a better job than flipping burgers at McDonalds.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Paragaphs edited in so we can acutal read it, will see what else I can do to make it readable by human eyes once I get back.

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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

idiot trekkie wrote:mbers i mean come on the empire use LASERS "lasers? that wont even penitrate our navigational shields
That's so cute, the laser argument :lol:
Somebody didnt read a single SWVSST discussion, read the main site or hear the word 200GT in a troop transport cannon.

Beggining Trekkie flaming in 0.5,0.2,0
notice the lack of weapons output and spelling... :P
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Post by the marshal »

you know i agree "the ewoks man they came out of noware i mean how are the best troops in the empire going to frend of that i mean we had the advantige on just about evrething(and we're stronger to remember when the strom trooper picks up the ewokand throws him) and....and we had guns, and not just any gun rapid fire laser guns, we had light tanks and an aroured bunker but a just have to say I WAS THERE! i saw thos furry things come at us i mean we first saw them at about a hundred metters standerd close ranged fighting but i mean we saw those guys and there mean looken dont let the fur fool ya id like to see you stand up to a small bear when the only stuff you got is a laser, super armour, heavy weapons suport, renforcements, ample cover and the best training in the world not to metion are reputaion of being the best legion in the empire a galactic sized nation.....it was a sloughter we onlly maneged to kill a few at least one killed em with our light tank.....yeah i know those wer the tanks that coverd for the ATATs back at hoth yeah helped assault the main rebel base i mean wats trained-entrenched-(wich by the way can in serten sicuations take a nuke)well-lead-disaplind-backs-to-the-wall troops to furry bears that havent been in a full scale war in centurys i mean we assaulted a fully equipt modern defenced fortress made it out of there with maby 20 casultys and most of that was to the self destrut the rebels had yep we did good that day lord vader himself walked with us only good troops get that and....and....and then we went to this one green planet were we traded are camophlaged white snow armour for are proud white ship-assault armour and just think back in the old days when one of my fellow clones were on the wooky homeplanet we wore camo hehehehe backwards tomes those were yea but there was nothing we could do to stop those rebels from taking a defencive postions on our bunker and how could we know theyd be freed so why not keep there weapons with us and man the rebel leader and his woman were hard targets how was a poor soldier equipt with a weapon wich by the laws a phisics will go completly straght and equipt with a targeting divice in his hemet suposed to hit some damn rebel whos legs and part of there chest is visible and oh when the little bears came at us we freaked our traning dident come in dispite the fact that we'd been training and fighting all our lives and so we scattered dident acur to us that we could form up and stop and take aim and kill those full balls that dident seem to understand the consept of cover so all i wanted to say was MAN I AM SO AGENST THE GUY WHO STARTED this unfortunet thread thanks and good night remeber dont ever aim after the second film and be shure to never ever ever hit the guy you aim at unless you fire wild or are using a massive gun oh and for the kids out there we storm troopers we never ever are prepared so dont you be ether" :lol:
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Post by the marshal »

[quote=". Crossbows can very often be lethal, even with only one shot.[/quote]
yeah the fact that they were banned by the pope as ungodly should tell you somthing
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Post by Gordonfrost »

Is this guy somebody's joke sockpuppet?:lol:
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

"Class, pay attention, the "Lasers dont work" breed of Trekkie is nearly extinct due trying to attack the Death star With the combined forces of the Star trek galaxy, this may be the last of it's kinds in these parts". :D

Maybe we should sticky this as a warning to other Trektards once the flaming dies down :P
Damn, even a newbie like me cant stop laughing at the sheer stupidity of this guys post :shock: :) :D :P :lol:
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Post by the marshal »

you guys crack me up HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol:
i told you i might have a spelling promblom but ok i mean whats the promblom with 15 year old kid who couldent read tell he was 7 i mean you guys are right i meant at least he should use the half phases you guys do like btw of stfu and the horror he spells like you should sound out(its actualy a condition) and the most horible of all he dident use words like srry you guys are true upholders of spelling prais the lord
oh and maby just maby you could read the REST of the artical and then insted of blustering like idiots you could tell me the reson you disagree and oh by the way oops i mean btw i dont READ the other articals becouse thay all say the same damn thing maby you dont notece becouse they this one used paragrafs and that one use piriods
starwars is THE sifi leader in GROUND warfair but...star trek is the BEST in SPACE warfair
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Post by The Spartan »

Jesus Fried Christ! Do they not teach writing classes at your school? You can't spell, you don't use punctuation or even paragraphs.

Go back to school fucknut and when you've got a grasp on basic English try posting again.
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Post by The Spartan »

Ah yes the excuse of the truly stupid and ignorant, I have a "spelling promblom." Couldn't read until you were 7? Well if you're 15 now, you've had 8 years to learn and practice. Hell I didn't learn to read until I was 6, so don't even try to use this kind of bullshit excuse for such tortured, illegible horseshit.

And we're not answering your arguments in this thread because every last fucking one of them has been refuted over and over and over again. Go read the main site you fucking idiot.

So try again Sparky.
The Gentleman from Texas abstains. Discourteously.
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Post by the marshal »

the .303 bookworm wrote:"Class, pay attention, the "Lasers dont work" breed of Trekkie is nearly extinct due trying to attack the Death star With the combined forces of the Star trek galaxy, this may be the last of it's kinds in these parts". :D

Maybe we should sticky this as a warning to other Trektards once the flaming dies down :P
Damn, even a newbie like me cant stop laughing at the sheer stupidity of this guys post :shock: :) :D :P :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
oh i see the light hath comoth to mine eyes i truly see the light
i mean what kind of an idiot i am i mean a laser that seems to as powerfull as a full flegd sun must be on evry ship in the empire im sorry hath canged my religion to "ill argue that all ships in the empire have gune that produce the effects of a small nova"
you man are the prophet of truth the mohamed of IDIOCY
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Post by consequences »

the marshal wrote:*snip*
I thought about trying to make that more readable, but the moment I got the words far enough apart to distinguish them, I realised they were best left indecipherable.

You know, its people like this that really make me wish I had mod powers. Or Force-choke. Something dammit!
the marshal
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Post by the marshal »

The Spartan wrote:Ah yes the excuse of the truly stupid and ignorant, I have a "spelling promblom." Couldn't read until you were 7? Well if you're 15 now, you've had 8 years to learn and practice. Hell I didn't learn to read until I was 6, so don't even try to use this kind of bullshit excuse for such tortured, illegible horseshit.

And we're not answering your arguments in this thread because every last fucking one of them has been refuted over and over and over again. Go read the main site you fucking idiot.

So try again Sparky.
oh im sorry you are soo angry that insted of simply colming down and ya know giving some proof you goiong to sware
starwars is THE sifi leader in GROUND warfair but...star trek is the BEST in SPACE warfair
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

the marshal wrote:you guys crack me up HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol:
i told you i might have a spelling promblom but ok i mean whats the promblom with 15 year old kid who couldent read tell he was 7 i mean you guys are right i meant at least he should use the half phases you guys do like btw of stfu and the horror he spells like you should sound out(its actualy a condition) and the most horible of all he dident use words like srry you guys are true upholders of spelling prais the lord
oh and maby just maby you could read the REST of the artical and then insted of blustering like idiots you could tell me the reson you disagree and oh by the way oops i mean btw i dont READ the other articals becouse thay all say the same damn thing maby you dont notece becouse they this one used paragrafs and that one use piriods
Can anyone understand what he said past "spelling promblom"?
Also I believe that "The horror" is dyslexic (learning deficiency), it's not the same as not learning to read or spell.

Also try not to repeat yourself so much, I have just as much trouble as one or two other members of the board at making myself understood but try to read the main page, you nitwit.

Once youv'e disproven the main page then you have the full right to call us fools.
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Re: Trek tactics vs Empire brawn

Post by Mr Bean »

the marshal wrote:look you guys have THE most dumb idea of tactics in the world and today im going to show you all that the feds can beat the empire(ok i admit the feds wouldnt win...but the romulans and the klingons and the borg and all the others would) first the utter superitority of the tech that the Trekies have over the backwards nothings the empire has
Horray! A brilliant start, the Federation won't win but everyone else will because we(Being SD.NET I suppose) have "THE most dumb idea of tatics in the world" and he's going to show us how utterly wrong we've been

I can't wait.

the marshal wrote: in the movies we see that the shields both a fighter and a capital ship have are not visible on empire ships(or for that matter rebel) but we can planly see that the trek shields are there(and to your guy on the site i noteced that you dont show any of the empire shields in your artical) and i just saying that when the best capital ship tactic you can think up is a broadside were as the trekies use modern naval tactics planly show trek supiriority
So we don't see Shields on Imperial or Rebel ships, but we DO see them on ST ships then obivously there is something better about this? Well prehaps from a SAFTY perspective this makes sense, why rely on your fancy sensors when you can SEE the ship all light up like a Xmas tree, its so beaftuly, them shinny shields ooooh pretty!

What that has to do with anything remains to be seen.

The second half of this brilliant aurgment is that the best captial ship tatic is a broadside(Were one positions one ship so that as many guns as possible are pointed at the enemy). Apprently this is one of those dumb tatics we've been here about, I guess the idea is to point as FEW of your guns at the enemy as possible is were the smart ticket at.

Of course as The Marshall says, ST uses all sorts of nifty neto smart naval tatics, he can't think of any... But boy are they nifty!
the marshal wrote:

the fighter qestion is not as importens as you guys think becouse Trek ship phasers can hit that kind of small target anytime and they fire faster then there empire equivalents and the feds have mid-range fighter/bombers i mean come on the empire use LASERS "lasers? that wont even penitrate our navigational shields" and the TREK have an advantige in veterans as the rebel alliance is a terrorest orginisation wich dose not, for the most part, engage in full scale space or land battles and about land battles its true that the feds on the show dont have much in the way of artillery or armour(but note that the klingons have at least light mortars in the show)
Apperntly the Marshal is either watching some top secret video video of Star Trek or he's just bullshiting, and it smells like bullshit.
But lets see, he calls Turbolasers, LASERS because of course Lasers are bad and because its called a Laser it means its a Laser, even if it acts nothing like a Laser

Hey Marshal! See this? Image I call it my happness ray! I say that when I shoot people with it, it makes them happy! Say can I shoot you with it? After all if its call a happyness ray, the only thing it can do is make you happy!
On another note, its nice you admit that ST has less arms and armorment than the German Army did in World War I, heck they had Gernades, and Morters, and Hand-guns, and Artillery, and all sorts of other useful things that makes killing people easy... To bad Trek don't have any of that.

the marshal wrote: you guys are always towting the books to disregard movie evidence ok thats fine but all non-contridictid stuff from TREK stuff has to be considderd true to this being the case i have in my posestion a game called "Star Trek: New Worlds"
wich discribes the land aspect of star trek(though it takes place in the old 23rd century rather then the 24th)
Wow so you got youself a video game that tells all about how ST ground combat works and you pissed that books are not inculded, Well sorry thats Paramounts problem not ours, if you want to get pissed they don't make that Canon(Canon means its real, its the diffrence between me taking a stickpad and writing "Vadar is the most pwoerful being in the universe and secertnly a SSJ 4! And once he sneased and blew up the planet he was on! It was wicked cool! Of course Vadar never did that, because what I write is not Canon, because Lucas says so, and Parmount says Videogames and Books arn't Canon, sorry there)

the marshal wrote: plus the Trekies show soooo much more tactical sense than that of the empire for example durring the invatio of hoth the empire says that the shield that the rebels have in a PLANITARY shield but you can land ships anyway becous its not a partical shield, a supposed tactical Genuis lands his "invisible" ATATs out of site of the damn rebel base(and dont say "they dident kno were the rebel base was" cous the probe sent the quwadents to the fleet) god what knid of an idiot would do that at least the feds trasport there troops directly in to combat and on the fighter note not only do they have the multipull-crewed fighter/bobmers we see in the battle seens theres also shuttles they got phasers(wich i think they can use to BLAST in to nothingness a ATAT) but ill say this in the defence of star wars if(i repete IF) you had a match between say the old republic and the fed+allies id be a different story though they went from cool six legged all terrain super tank(geinoses) to a tank that not only could be seen from a MILE away by any half desent infantry unit it would be trapped by the fist mud pile it met
Barley readable but I think he says that ST is much smarter because Star Wars is dumb, that must make me a freken genius because I've seen batshit with a higher IQ than Mr Marshal.

the marshal wrote: the empire uses a battlefield armoured units that stands 100 feet of the ground i take a infantry unit with cuncution grenades and i climb up one of those babys are rip a hole in it even with out a lightsaber wich is THE most usless weapon in the univers yeah it can reflect a blaster bolt or abosrb a phaser blast but i throw a grenade and we have very messy jedi pie or say the jedi chops my grenade in half or somthing the guys waving a collerd weapon in the air(so much for covert ops) and we see in the second film when jedi move there diflecting abillity in greatly reduced wich means that he pretty much standing still wich means all i have to de is say in to my radio "this commander gron to artillery? target location west by north west) and giant big shell blows jedi away along with any troopers standing in a twenty foot radius and in the matter of artillery at least the trekies have indirect artillery the republic and the empire use energy wich dosent bend in the short term and sertenly not on the planitary scale so we see that trek vs new hop ect = trek win
I can't even read this one but from what I managed to peice togther it seems that Trek would win because it would use Artillery, Artillery it doesn't have no-less to blow up the 100 foot tall Imperal walkers
Oh and a Mass-less energy blade that cuts most anything is "dumb"

the marshal wrote: but take it back(or forward depending on your point of view) to trek vs old republic = tie
sorry for any bad spelling of anything
by the way im a fan of both universes but im actualy more of a stargate guy myself :lol:
see ya
He likes stargate, Hey I understould that bit!

Lets follow the claims shall we,
Point as many guns as possible at the enemy=Bad Idea
Turbolasers=Lasers that don't act like lasers but are cause they are called laser
SW=No tatics because they don't they just don't
ST=The win because SW is so stoopid, because never in Star Treck has a single dumb thing ever been done, ever and ever nowhere, nohow, no dumb things at all, ooh is tha.. nope! not a dumb things, no dumb things here, move along people move along.

Oh and ladies and gents this is not a sockpuppet, this is one freasly caught moron, 100% Grade A Idiot.

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Post by The Spartan »

I already told you fucktard, your bullshit has already been refuted. Go read the main site.

As for reading then "righitng" then spelling, don't even try it you ignorant little shit. Schools teach those things together. You learn all of them at the same time. Try again Sparky.
The Gentleman from Texas abstains. Discourteously.
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Post by Mr Bean »

the .303 bookworm wrote:[
Can anyone understand what he said past "spelling promblom"?
Also I believe that "The horror" is dyslexic (learning deficiency), it's not the same as not learning to read or spell.
I belive even the Dyslexic have heard of "Spellcheck" even if you don't have MS Word, or want to download Star Office for Free and use that, you can still get a free hotmail account and use the online spell checker, or heck there is this new thing that just came about, I belive its called a Dictonary, its a book you see, with words, and they are the right words, or at least, rightly spelled. You could one of those.

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
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Post by consequences »

board policies wrote: 1. This forum is an English-language forum. This means that you will use recognizable English. It also means that you will not use hacker dialect (aka "l33t-speak") or annoying IM habits such as "ur" in place of "you are". You will also use capitalization properly, not to mention punctuation, sentence breaks, paragraphs, etc. If you don't like to type decent English, either learn or leave. Greater allowances for deviation from proper English may be made for those for whom English is a second language, within reason. You must at least give the impression that you are sincerely trying to construct proper English sentences.

10. If you intend to start a debate, search the forum and the associated websites first, to see if your arguments have been raised before. If you are too lazy to search the forum and the associated websites before launching what you no doubt believe to be an innovative and original argument, then do not complain if you are flamed to a crisp.

Well, he's off to a good start, I'm tempted to throw a few more out there, but I'd actually have to work to prove them.
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The Grim Squeaker
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Mr Bean wrote:
the .303 bookworm wrote:[
Can anyone understand what he said past "spelling promblom"?
Also I believe that "The horror" is dyslexic (learning deficiency), it's not the same as not learning to read or spell.
I belive even the Dyslexic have heard of "Spellcheck" even if you don't have MS Word, or want to download Star Office for Free and use that, you can still get a free hotmail account and use the online spell checker, or heck there is this new thing that just came about, I belive its called a Dictonary, its a book you see, with words, and they are the right words, or at least, rightly spelled. You could one of those.
I know what spellchecking is, I was being sarcastic :roll:

I think that this guy's post's are reducing the total level of I.Q on the board :wink: . No offense meant, Bean old boy
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Post by Mr Bean »

the .303 bookworm wrote: I know what spellchecking is, I was being sarcastic
As was I, you need to keep on your toes for these kinds of things you know.

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
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The Grim Squeaker
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Mr Bean wrote:
the .303 bookworm wrote: I know what spellchecking is, I was being sarcastic
As was I, you need to keep on your toes for these kinds of things you know.
Sorry, I wasnt sure if you understood me.
Ever noticed that idiot's dont use sarcasm, they use refutals :wink:
Genius is always allowed some leeway, once the hammer has been pried from its hands and the blood has been cleaned up.
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
the marshal
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Post by the marshal »

i just read somthing a fake startrek document of the jist was "we cant fight them cous there super tech is soo good"
now normaly id just :lol: and continu on my merry way but the was a passege that said "it would be difficult if not impossible to design a cloak to defeat their sensors within the limited timeframe afforded us, thus arguably making the entire issue a moot point."
this made me stop and think when did we see any sensor tech other then suped-up radar
and the cloak wow i forgot about that a romulan fleet could troll any where it wanted to in empire space becouse they dont a a sensor nework the feds do wich means that a cool picture pops in to my mind and i a going to show you it
in the blackness of spave there sites this moon sized space sation just siting there no Nonexistent shield raisd just a few lasy fighters pasing by sudenly 100 birds of prey decoak and open fire as the death star launches its massive fighter squadrons it tries to ecape as its shields wer the first to go but the fihgters cant launch becous theres these small ships with say 10 guys on it blasting these nothings before they even get out of there hanger bay as this is happing the birds of prey are poring there fire in to the death star it is relesing is terrible turbo lasers on to the birds....nothing hapens other then a green wall abosbing the simalarly green bolts the ship hangs in space shocked that there supposed mass weapons that could fend of en entire space fleet did nothing finay the ship fires the super laser blowing one bird of prey out of the sky the rest redublr there fire and soon the star system that th ships are in a, for a while, two suns.
starwars is THE sifi leader in GROUND warfair but...star trek is the BEST in SPACE warfair
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Lord Revan
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Post by Lord Revan »

consequences wrote:
the marshal wrote:*snip*
I thought about trying to make that more readable, but the moment I got the words far enough apart to distinguish them, I realised they were best left indecipherable.

You know, its people like this that really make me wish I had mod powers. Or Force-choke. Something dammit!
you too, BTW doesn't Marshals sig an argument he (it?) refuses to debate?
I may be an idiot, but I'm a tolerated idiot
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
Oh wait, that's marijuana..."Einhander Sn0m4n
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