They were shut down by giving the "order" from the Mustafar control bunker (the CIS stronghold), which Vader had direct access to, via Sideous. Blowing up a control ship or killing Grevious didn't cause the droids to shut down. Even destroying all the control ships would just kick in the backups, right? So the troops would be less coordinated, but still a threat. The order to shut down and a forced shutdown are different things, I'm guessing.Trooper TK12746 wrote:At the end of the Clone Wars, the droids were shut down completely. Palpatine's death didn't actually kill anyone.
Plus after the shutdown the droids could be re-activated, they didn't fall apart like some of the (pre-damaged?) droids in TPM. Likewise the Imperial troops suffered loss of coordination and morale after Palpatine's death. They obviously could regroup later and keep fighting (via the Imperial Remnant in the EU).
I wouldn't say impervious, perhaps just resistant is better. If they were, they wouldn't need special Rad Trooper units and such. Likewise it implies a no-limits fallacy... If you were to drop a nuke on a platoon of Troopers marching along, they'd die. The protection just refers to the after affects of such like limited exposure to radiation or poison gas.Clone and Stormie armor is impervious to NBC weapons.
Something like the gas emitted from R2D2's dome is apparently enough to confuse them and throw off their aim...