RoTS Alternate Ending Fic (Updated 9/2)

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RoTS Alternate Ending Fic (Updated 9/2)

Post by Darth Fanboy »

Mustafar, a scorched world as scenic as hell itself. Molten fury coursed across the planets surface and ash clouded the skies. It was here, that the final actions of the Clone Wars were taking place, but as that saga came to a close a new era was about to be ushered in. Heralded by a titanic battle being waged against two former friends. Friends that had been closer than brothers.

"It's over Anakin, I have the high ground!"

"Do not underestimate my......"

In that moment something happened. As if the entire course of the universe strayed from its predestined path and took a new course. Only one being alive was able to touch that moment, and seize it. In that fraction of a second Anakin Skywalker was given the briefest of opportunities. He knew he had the power to crush Obi Wan, he knew that this battle had gone on long enough, what he could not figure out was how the old man had managed to survive for so long. Obi Wan, who had participated in his betrayal along with the Jedi Council, who now sought to end his life.

The realization flooded his synapses like the bursting of adam and the insight was of immeasurable value. Kenobi was goading him, leading him into a trap, using the fire that burned with Anakin to his own advantage. It was atactic Obi an had been fond of employing over the years against skilled opponents. And if it wasn't for that pause in time he might have fallen for it. Instead of leaping at his enemy to deliver the killing blow, Anakin held back, looking to create an opportunity on his own terms.

"....intelligence! Do you really think I would allow you to bait me in such a way? I am a Sith Lord, I am power I am strength and I control my own destiny! And you old man are no longer a part of it!"

Obi Wan gritted his teeth as the sweat rolled down his face, his gambit had failed. Skilled in the force as he was Anakin was more so, and stronger as well. Obi Wan's mind began to go into overdrive, desperately attempting to formulate a new strategy. "Anakin...." he called out.

"That name no longer has any meaning! I am Darth Vader!"

The sheer fury of the attack had caught Obi Wan by surprise and Anakin gave him little time to react. Instead of diving headfirst towards his prey, Anakin had decided to let the world of Mustafar charge for him. With a great push of the force the lava spewed forth from the current and overtook Obi Wan. His force-enhanced reflexes were not enough, and within seconds Obi Wan began to burn. Falling to the searing rocks below him the Jedi Master screamed in agony. His former pupil, now a murderer, now stood over him. Anakin looked down to the fallen Jedi. The sensation he felt was not what he had expected. Despite besting his former master, despite discovering the true potential within himself, Anakin Skywalker's hate still burned within him, eclipsing even the malicious joy that might be had from the sight of Obi Wan's flesh falling from his body.

"The price of betrayal is steep Obi Wan. You had followed the Jedi path your entire life and look where it led you, now you know the meaning of justice. The kind of justice only a Sith is capable of bringing about."

Obi Wan's could hear the sound of Anakin's footsteps trailing away, and he could feel the dark shadow grow even larger over him. had arrived as well. The pain he felt was unbearable, he could still feel the Force although it faded inside of him, he mustered every last reserve of strength that he had to preserve his mind, so that in his last hours of life he would not be afraid.

There is no death, there is only the Force.

At the landing bay near Amidala's shuttle, Palpatine had arrived with a contingent of clone troopers. The sensation of danger was gone now, Palpatine summonsed the Force to him, sensing his aurroundings, fixating on a tremoundous well of hatred that could only be his apprentice. The anger had grown even stronger within him now, perhaps a result of being allowed to confront disembowel Nute Gunray, who had attempted to assassinate his bride on many occaisions. Palpatine expanded his vision, attempting to gain more insight was to what had taken place, but as his consciousness expanded he felt another strong flicker in the Force. Two of them, coming from inside the Nubian ship, Amidala was here, but he could not sense her familiar presence. Anakin strode into view, and he walked right toward his master, with a confidence and resolve unshaken by his near defeat by Obi Wan.

"Lord Vader, I trust there were no complications?"

"Nothing I could not handle master, our betrayal by the Jedi has been avenged. Obi Wan Kenobi is dead."

"Kenobi was here, of course it makes sense. I take it he came along with your bride?"

Anakin fell silent, and Palpatine could sense the hate transform into fear within his apprentice. "Tell me Lord Vader, is PAdme...with child?"

"She is my lord, she was corrupted by Obi Wan into leading him here I am sure of it."

Palpatine's attention turned once again to the Nubian cruiser, sensing once again the two life forms gestating within her. "She is injured?" Again anakin was silent, it was apparent that he had been the cause of her injury. "I have brought with me a medical capsule, she will be fine. I am sure that whatever the cause of her pain, it was due to Kenobi's meddling."

Anakin nodded in consent. "She is aboard the cruiser with the droids."

Palpatine ordered the soldiers he had brought with him to take the medical capsule and begin treating Padme right away. Using the Force however, he issued another subtle mental command to search the ship for any and all witnesses, including droids. Any potential record of this event on that craft would be destroyed for good.

After the task had been performed and Amidala was safe, Palpatine's shuttle took off, his apprentice at his side.

A short time later, after fleeing Coruscant aboard the Tantive IV along with Bail Organa, Yoda had asked that they travel to Mustafar, a dull throbbing pain in Yoda's head lingering from his battle with the Emperor had been erased violently by a sharp stab in his heart. Obi Wan had failed, but perhaps he could still be saved.

When Yoda arrived on the planet, he fought hard to push back the agony of being unable to sense his comrade and friend. During his many years on the council, the death of every Jedi during that time affected him. He had always managed to move on past his grief and celebrate their return to the force, but on this day, the first Day of the Empire, there was no longer anyone else to celebrate with. NEver had he thought that he would be the last of the Jedi, not after training all of the children for hundreds of years.

The children...all killed by the Chosen One, by Skywalker.

Scouts from the ship's crew dutifully searched the area, at least hoping to find a body as Yoda guarded his feelings and attempted to regain his clarity. But he was shaken from his meditation in the conference room full of butchered confederacy leaders when one of the Scouts sent in a confirmation.

"We found him."

Indeed they had found Obi-Wan, or what was left of him. TEchnically he was still alive, though how he had managed to stay that way was a miracle in itself. Yoda rushed to the scene, Obi-Wan had tethered himself to the Force, only by surrendering to it completely had he managed to put himself into stasis. The only thing keeping him alive right now was the living force. He had surrendered himself to the will of the Force, and the will of the Force was not about to let him die just yet.

But the Force could not repair the damage to his body. In an attempt to cover his face and chest from the lava his arms were now little better than burnt stumps, and his legs in similar shape having been unprotected at all. Yoda looked at Obi Wan, and was unsure of what to do. Every fiber in his being cried out to sever the link somehow and allow Obi Wan to die in peace, but the will of the Force was nothing to stand against. Bail Organa slowly approached Yoda from behind.

"Master Yoda, is he?"

"Live for now, Obi Wan does. However, beyond repair, his body his."

Bail turned his head towards Yoda and then back to Obi Wan. "Then we must take him to Alderaan immediately."

Yoda turned to the Senator. "A plan you have?"

"Alderaan is home to the Galactic Polysapient Hospital, I am quite close to the most skilled physicians there. WE may not be able to restore his body, but I assure you his chances for survival will be far greater than if we remain here."

And so they left, with Yoda using the Force to levitate Obi Wan, and maintain his link with the living force.

"Many Jedi I could not save today. Be damned I will be, if I cannot save you."

Author's note: Please post comments good and bad, because I have more planned. Basically this is an exploration of what might have been if Anakin had bested Obi Wan on Mustafar.
Last edited by Darth Fanboy on 2005-09-02 01:45pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Awesome, fanboy.
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Post by Admiral Bravo »

Great job.
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

I can't wait for the chapter when they discuss what will happen to the twins.

I like it.
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Post by russellb6666 »

sweet zombie jesus that FUCKING ROCKED!!!! dude we need more
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Post by Noble Ire »

Good, very good indeed. :)
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Very interesting :)
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Xero Cool Down
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Post by Xero Cool Down »

Good concept. The last line might be funny, if it weren't so totally out of character for Yoda.
@( !.! )@
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Post by NecronLord »

I want to see Vader salvage his relationship wih Padme, somehow, and kill Palpatine and rule!
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Post by Grandmaster Jogurt »

Kenobi's fate... very interesting it is. I approve of this story :)
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Xero Cool Down wrote:Good concept. The last line might be funny, if it weren't so totally out of character for Yoda.
Yoda's going to be a little different
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

NecronLord wrote:I want to see Vader salvage his relationship wih Padme, somehow, and kill Palpatine and rule!
So Do I, hence why Im writing this
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Thousands gathered in the streets near what was to be the site of the Imperial Palace. During Palpatine's reign several influential senators favorable to the Chancellor had managed to piggyback legislation to accompany the security acts. That legislation authorized the rebuilding of the Palace of the Republic, and the construction had begun not too long before the Battle of Coruscant. The aerial battle between Republic and Separatist fighters had ravaged the building, making it unfit for work to continue. The building had to be demolished, and it was to be rebuilt as the Imperial Palace. In a sense, it represented the tearing town of the Old Republic, making way for the New Order which would lead the galaxy.

The Emperor would be present to commemorate this occaision, but the real reason for the vast turnout was the anticipated appearance of Anakin Skywalker, hero of the Clone Wars and arguably the most famous person in the entire galaxy. Even the isolated worlds in the outer rim knew of his exploits, thanks of course to the renamed COMPNOR organization. In the wake of the slaughter at the Jedi Temple, COMPNOR had worked feverishly to seize control of every piece of information, and control every potential outlet for that information. What had been the brutal massacre of Jedi led by one of their own had now become a heroic counterattack against the Jedi Rebellion, instigated by mace Windu's assassination attempt. There were plenty across the galaxy, especially those who had known Jedi, who would not and could not accept that story as fact. But there were many more who had accepted the Imperial presentation, some eagerly and some begrudgingly. The fact that Anakin Skywalker had led the attack gave it legitimacy, Jedi did not turn against each other without reason.

Upon returning to Coruscant, and securing Padme at the new Emperor Palpatine Medical Center, Anakin had made it his first order of business to annhiliate the Jedi Temple. Construction droids and decay would not suffice for him and his master agreed. The Era of the Jedi ended in the eyes of the public when their temple was obliterated in a barrage of fire. Anakin Skywalker personally commanded the Clone Pilots as the LAAT Gunships unleashed their strength onto the now vacated building. In its place a second palace would be built, also befitting a Sith. From there Darth Vader would watch over the skyline of Imperial City, and once complete he would make it his own private fortress, with Padme and his children at his side.

That had come as a complete surprise to him, discovering that Padme was pregnant with twins was entirely unexpected, although not as unexpected as the pregnancy itself. Although afterwards he immediately cited his repressed Jedi upbringing for not educating him properly about birth control.

Thanks to Palpatine's medical capsule Padme had been stabilized. The pregnancy however was drawing rapidly towards its end, sooner or later even the stabilizing equipment would be unable to delay the birth of the twins, when that happened the doctors would have to remove Padme from her sleep and the next step was still up in the air. As soon as she awoke she would be close to death, and her weakened state made anesthesia out of the question. Anakin was aSith now, but although he was able to embrace pain he could not bear to see it inflicted on Padme, and he impressed his concerns on each and every doctor attending her personally. Needless to say the doctors would share her fate.

Palpatine took the pulpit, the crowds were teeming and growing anxious but order was being maintained thanks to the white armored troopers standing guard all over the plaza. The Grand Army of the Republic, now the Imperial Armed Forces, had replaced the Jedi as the guardians of order and stability in the galaxy. To embody this, Palpatine had chosen a new icon to represent the government. He redesigned the Jedi symbol, removing two of the spokes of the Jedi Emblem, removing the spokes representing the ancient Bendu ideals of serenity and pacifism. In the Empire there was no place for serenity, instead there was passion. Palpatine's rise to power had been characterized by passion, the fervor he could generate in the name of order, justice, and security was unmatched by any politician before him. There was no place for pacifism either, pacfisim had allowed the Confederacy of Independent Systems to raise their forces quickly and caused the deaths of billions.

Behind him stood the man the crowds had been so eager to see. In one of his few public appearances since defeating the Jedi Rebellion, Anakin Skywalker, known in secret to his master as Darth Vader, recieved a rousing ovation from the crowd. Not only did he have his fame, but an outpouring of support for the incapacitated Senator Amidala, nearly killed by a jealous Obi Wan Kenobi, had venerated him further among the masses. Where Palpatine was the voice of the Empire Anakin Skywalker had become its face, and the citizens would have it no other way.

"Citizens of the Empire, let us take but a brief moment, to honor the sacrifices made by our armed forces. As we celebrate the end of the Clone Wars and as our forces return to the Core Worlds following the Outer Rim sieges, let us remember that upon their sacrifices we are able to build a bridge to the future that will take the Empire further than the Republic has ever been!"

The crowed roared with its approval as Palpatine began reiterating a lot of the same rhetoric that had accompanied his career. Of the thousands of people in attendance, few of them were not straining their voices. One of them was Bail Organa, whose mind was occupied with events back home.

On Alderaan, a team of accomplished surgeons worked feverishly to rebuild a fallen Jedi master. At least one of them who had examined Obi Wan prior to surgery thought it was joke and asked why he had been summoned to operate on a cadaver. But there was a spark of life within him, and it would be all they would have to work with.

The limbs would be simple enough, cybernetic limbs had come a long way, ironically thanks in part due to advances in droid advancements made by the Techno Union and Trade Federation prior to the war. While Obi Wan would never again be as mobile as he was before he would have complete control of his new attachments. The damage to his internal organs and skin however was horrifying. His organs appeared charred as overcooked meat, their color consumed by the darkness of severe burns. His weak heart pumped slowly, and what blood that did flow was as oxygen starved as the void of space. His lungs were so fragile that they had largely turned to ash. But his brain still lived, and amazingly had suffered little damage, his face was recognizable through the collection of burns and gashes now accumulated.

The doctors had agreed that the only way to save Obi Wans life would be a very radical and extensive operation that would place nearly every vital function of Obi-Wans body under mechanical control, and exchange nearly two thirds of his body for cybernetics. Such operations were considered grossly unethical in the medical community. But Bail Organa had stressed that Obi Wan had to survive at any cost, and at any price. When Yoda had been informed the Jedi Master was visibly upset. "The same science used, to create General Greivous, it was." He had said.

Bail had solemnly bowed his head. "I wish there were another way Master, but Greivous was an abomination through his actions, not because he was a cyborg." Of course Bail knew there was nothing he could say that would convince Yoda that this was an entirely good idea. The reverance for life held by a 900 year old Jedi Master did not coexist easily with the artificial life of high technology.

The operation had been in its final hours and there had been no serious complications, save for technicians struggling to program the central computer that would ultimately govern Obi-Wan's vital functions. He would no longer eat, oxygen would be cycled through supermedicating filters, his speech would have to come from a vocabulator and his voice would never again have that gentle comforting tone that had endeared him to many.

There were a few improvements, optical imagery and audio-sensitive equipment suitable for the HUD of an elite clone trooper was integrated into his life support unit, essentially a suit of armor that protected him from the harsh reality of his condition. To soften the appearance, Organa's own tailors had begun crafting accessories made from Bantha leather at the behest of the doctors, gloves that could be form fitted to resemble human hands, and robes that would soften the appearance of the mechanical visage. Only the main life support panel would be entirely visible, as well as the expressionless mask. A skull conforming helmet with the wide eyes and breathing regulator composing the face would now be Obi Wans image.

Yoda could not bear to watch the proceedings, electing instead to meditiate in the Force in a lounge nearby. Despite his reservations about the operration he could feel Obi-Wan's connection to the Force strengthen, and as his new organs were installed and the remainder of his body stabilized Yoda felt the tether of the Force drift away from Obi-Wan as it was no longer needed. But the momentary relief for his friend allowed Yoda's mind to fill with memories, many of them pleasant, many of them bitter. Ever since his defeat something inside of him had been changed and he knew this to be true. He could be of no help to his old friend, and he knew that he could not properly handle seeing Obi-Wan as a machine.

As soon as this operation was over, Yoda would have to retreat. He would have to find sanctuary. As he pondered his exile a vision came before him in his mind, showing him a place of refuge. Yoda began picturing a solitary existence in this place, the swamp world of Dagobah, the isolation would allow him to clear his mind once again so that he would be able to thwart the Sith and bring light to the darkness. This place had been known to him for many years, and its location was a secret to all but him and a few departed comrades. But suddenly the vision changed, and a silent voice called out to him. The vision reshaped itself, the dense swamps and thick fog of the world was replaced with white sands and a pair of suns which illuminated the world while roasting its surface. On this world events had been set into motion years ago. And the voice continued to call out to Yoda, that there was much to be learned. The voice belonged to Qui Gon Jinn.

Yoda opened his eyes, and made his decision. As soon as Obi-Wan was out of surgery and Bail Organa returned he would depart, and go into hiding on Tatooine.

Within a small room, recently refurbished, stood two men. Both of them happened to be Dark Lords of the Sith, the only two in existence. Within the Emperor's chambers at 500 Imperia, Anakin and Palpatine were able to speak privately again as Vader and Sidious. For the first time since Anakin had made his decision and severed the hand of Mace Windu, he and his master could take time away from prying eyes, and discuss things as Sith.

"You have gained a tremendous following as of late my apprentice."

"Such things do not concern me Master."

"So it would seem."

"With your permission my lord, I wish to see the Holocrons take from the temple"

Vader had been aching to have access to those holocrons the minute he had been nominated to the Jedi Council, brief as his tenure there was. He made no effort to hide his desires now though. While Sidious was more than a slight bit irritated at his apprentice's obvious expectation to have his request granted, he was pleased that he still sought deference to his master. No longer was he hiding his desires either, he was accepting the ways of the Sith quicker than expected.

"You have leave Lord Vader, I will have need for you again shortly."

Vader bowed in respect and exited the office where he had made his fateful decision, once again becoming Anakin Skywalker as he left. He finally had the chance to search the holocrons, and what little remained of the Jedi archives, in order to discover the way to save his dying wife. Sidious however was not quite ready to resume the persona of Palpatine quite yet though. There was business that needed to be attended to while there was time to spare. He walked as a Sahdow to a secret elevator not unlike the one leading to his former sanctuary in the works, although this one led much deeper and had required a far greater effort in order to properly conceal. Down the turbolift he went, until it stopped some ten minutes and several hundred meters later. At a bottom floor in the deepest levels of Coruscant, in the place where he had murdered Darth Plagueis, in the place where he had been raised. The dwelling of his youth now served as a vault for his darkest secrets, one more critical to the grand design than even the secret of his dual identity.

He entered a sparse wide room of the small complex and gave his crooked smile. Before him, chained to a table and bleeding, lay a man in tattered brown and tan robes. The man, tried to spit a curse at Palpatine, but his dry mouth was unable to muster the words.

"Master Dyas, defiant to the end. If only your friends above could see you now, but then again even i am surprised that you were able to outlive them all. Even your friend Dooku, although you and i both knew he wouldn't last much longer hmmm?"

Sifo Dyas sturggled against his bonds, trying to summon the Force, but each desperate attempt to reach out with his feelings and give into the force failed.

"You can end all of this you know, if you reveal to me the knowledge I require."

Sifo wheezed a dry hacking cough as he looked to his captor. Speaking with his eyes, giving him the only answer he was capable of.

"A pity really," remarked Sidious, "I suppose then you should know that there is nobody left to save you now. As of but a few days ago the Jedi were wiped out, destroyed by the Clone Army that YOU ordered."

At firs the did not, could not, believe what Sidious was saying was the truth. But in the years of his captivity he had learned that Sidious was a deciever, but not a liar. Sidious used the truth as his weapon, and a powerful weapon truth was in the hands of the greatest manipulator in the galaxy. The grief in Sifo Dyas' heart was like a starship crashing into him.

Many years ago, shortly after the funeral of Qui Gon Jinn, Sifo Dyas had sensed the coming of a great conflict. He knew that nothing would stop the greed of entities like the Trade Federation, and that one day War would be the only answer for the Republic. However there was no way the Jedi Council would listen to his actions, and there was no way that one man alone, even a Jedi Master, could raise an army of the size necessary to defend the Republic when the time came. A few thousand Jedi would be no chance for a nearly limitless supply of battle droids.

He had travelled to Kamino, keeping his moves secret. He had placed the Order for the Clone Army in secret, using both the Force and his incredible guile to ensure the secrecy of the order. The Kaminoans had only requested a template for the clone and payment in advance. Beyond the order for an Army of Soldiers though, he had also placed a smaller order of his own accord. A clone of himself, which would be the demonstration as to the effectiveness of the process. Sifo Dyas though had another idea in mind for this clone, an idea that if successful would allow him to further delve into the mystery of the Sith behind the invasion of Naboo.

For Sifo Dyas had a special talent with the Force that he learned from his master, Ashka Boda. He could transfer his consciousness into a new vessel, leaving a comatose shell behind. Master Boda had nearly become one of the "Lost Twenty" himself for developing the technique, and had imposed on himself an exile to a now-lost planet. But not before passing on his knowledge to his former padawan. Sifo-Dyas had practiced on several non-sentient creatures at great risk and in secret, and eventually he had practiced on sentients as well. His training occurred down in the lower area of Coruscant, known as "The Works". Until one day he was prepared for the test. His clone prepared by the Kaminoans and all traces of the encounter forgotten via a trick of the Force, he made the transfer into his new body. The mindless clone, sequestered away across the galaxy, lay in wait. Sifo Dyas released his luminous being from himself, and traveled the vast distance along currents of the Force, finally arriving into his new host.

The experiment had worked. Sifo Dyas was now free to investigate the Sith at his discretion, should his life become in danger he could now escape to his secondary body on Coruscant, and return to the sanctuary of the Jedi Temple.

But the Sith, the dark shadows behind the great plot had came for him sooner than expected, just as they came for Qui Gon on Naboo. When Sifo Dyas had first anticipated the assassin hunting him he had expected another being clad in the garb of a shadow, acting as silent killer. What he had encountered instead was his old friend, Count Dooku. They had battled, it was no contest, Dooku had him outclassed in every way. In the moment before his death, as Dooku gloated over him and raised his saber, Sifo Dyas had escaped through the Force, making his way safely to Coruscant.

But when he returned to his body, a surprise lay in wait. A meancing being of smaller stature but greater power than Dooku waited for him at the abandoned complex far below Galactic city's surface. Sifo-Dyas knew that the being had to be a Sith Lord, the Master for sure. The Sith revealed that he had killed Master Boda, but that his knowledge was not yet complete.

The being, who referred to himself as Sidious, utterly crushed Sifo Dyas. It was in a far different way though, instead of the lightsaber, Sidious had burned him badly with Force lightning, and then used the Force to break his bones. Sifo Dyas, giving in to his fear attempted to escape, but in his absence from Coruscant the shroud of the Dark side grew darker, and wider. No longer was he able to flee from his body.

That was the day, no more than a few days after the Battle of Naboo, that he had been imprisoned. The Dark Lord Sidious had discovered his great power. Using Dooku as a proxy, he forced Sifo Dyas' hand into what amounted to be a masterful trap. One of his tortures he was forced to endure was an ancient Sith technique that worked only on Jedi. As Sidious literally dissolved the midiclorians in his bloodstream, a process that took days. But it worked, Sidious completely severed the Jedi's link to the Force.

Sifo Dyas had been promised that he would have the Force returned to him, if he would reveal the secret of consciousness transference. And for almost ten years Sifo Dyas had gone without breaking, despite minimal sustenance and long periods of isolation in this underground dungeon. He knew in his heart that there was no worse torture than a Sith with the key to immortality. Sidious however, had refused to allow him to die, using knowledge stolen from his Master Darth Plagueis, Sidious had prolonged Sifo Dyas life along with his suffering.

But now his own plans to save the Republic had backfired. The Empire of the Sith was built upon the rubble of the Jedi's Republic. There was nothing left for him now, and he wanted desperately to touch the Force again. Even the strongest tree eventually broke under the strongest wind. As he closed his eyes he nodded his head, and Sidious cackled.

"Good, Good, I see you have finally come to your senses."

And so Sifo Dyas, through a cracked whispering voice revealed to Sidious how he could use the force to travel between mortal shells. And in the end he was given what he was promised. The Force was returned to him, as he slowly joined with it. Sidious used the force to sever his spinal cord, and Sifo Dyas was finally dead for real.

Eager to return to his work above as Emperor of the Galaxy, Sidious ascended to his chambers through the turbolift. His ultimate plan one step closer to fruition. Now that he had the knowledge he needed, it was time for his apprentice to have the knowledge he so desperately sought as well.

Authors Note: Sorry if the Sifo Dyas stuff is too boring, but I had to get it out there because it will definitely be relevant to the upcoming portions of the plot
Last edited by Darth Fanboy on 2005-09-06 03:24pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Murazor »

The concept is good, very good.So is the writting, although the story is too short to judge it. For some reason, I find the "damned I will be" hilarious.
NecronLord wrote:I want to see Vader salvage his relationship wih Padme, somehow, and kill Palpatine and rule!
You might be interested to check Tribun's "The angel of Alderaan" in

Tribun's profile

It is not the best of stories, but the concept is close enough to what you ask (the story premise in a nutshell, Vader blocks himself from the Dark Side inmediately before Alderaan's destruction, as the destruction of Despayre somehow injured him through the Force (completely non canon, but...) and detects Padme's presence in the planet).
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Post by NecronLord »

Murazor wrote: You might be interested to check Tribun's "The angel of Alderaan" in
Read it. :wink:
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Very nice chapter.
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Post by Noble Ire »

Syfo was a nice touch I thought.
Please, continue. :)
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Whoes Syfo again?
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Read "Tales From The Crossroads"!
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Post by Losonti Tokash »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:<_<

Whoes Syfo again?
Guy that commissioned the clone army, more or less.
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Post by MKSheppard »


*hack cough wheeze*

Master Fanboy, you have fallen to the DARK SIDE OF SERIOUS FANFICTION...forevermore it shall dominate your destiny it shall...
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Post by Crazedwraith »

MKSheppard wrote:Kekekekek

*hack cough wheeze*

Master Fanboy, you have fallen to the DARK SIDE OF SERIOUS FANFICTION...forevermore it shall dominate your destiny it shall...
Obviously you've not yet read Skywalker's Empire yet...
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Post by NecronLord »

*Reaches out through the screen, grabs Fanboy's collar, and jerks him down to smack his head on his monitor."

For using the 'Wankatine Life Transfer' process, that is.

*Does it again*

This for using the 'Ancient Sith Technique of Much Uberness' cliche is.

Right. Carry on.
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Post by Kuja »

Nice idea with Sifo Dyas being the one who teaches Palpatine the body transfer. I like this story so far.
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