# Dumbasses in general, particularly the kind who always punish TKs. FF motherfucking happens, the only reason the option to punish is there is to deal with fuckwits who do it intentionally. Personally, I always forgive unless it's on purpose (to get to a vehicle first, often) or is incredibly stupid. Like when I have my medical gear out, crouching next to my squad leader, healing him, as he empties a magazine on me, reloads, and finishes me off before realizing his mistake (yes, that happened).
Ugh, it's exactly this point from the demo that has me reluctant to waste $50 on the full game.
I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about this. I'm flying a
bomber, which drops you know, these exploding things called
bombs. If you are standing next to an enemy tank/base that I'm blowing up, you will die. It's not intentional, I promise. Just respawn (wow, a whole 10 seconds lost) and accept it as the risks of war. So why is it that I can't even count the number of times I've been TK punished and/or kicked because some idiot happened to be standing too close to an airstrike?
And then there's the "tk me or die" idiots who can't stand losing the plane. I'm a decent pilot, and can use the SU-34 as more than a one-way taxi. So I'll get it whenever I can. Which seems to make some people really mad, as they stand right in front of the wheels so I have to TK them to take off. Or of course sit there helplessly until they get tired or the inevitable enemy flies by and blows me up. Real productive help to your team there...
I can only dream of an alternate reality in which instead of doing stuff like that, people actually
used the "blow this up" markers on the points they're attacking....