On my forums we have a guy who's seen it 22 times in theaters. He claims 10 of those times were with free passes.
Still... that means he's spent at least $80 (not including any refreshments)!
Another guy claims to have seen it 15 times.
I'm a freak for seeing it 3 times in theaters (although only paid twice, once was my dad's treat).

I actually feel like a bit of a chump, because the first time they showed it the volume in the theater was too low. The second time only the front speakers seemed to be on, but the third time was perfect.
I plan to buy the DVD yes, but seeing it again in the theater? Not unless it's on a "free pass" if I ever get one. But I rarely go to the theaters since it's so expensive.
Rarely will I ever see a movie in the theater twice, unless it's really good. The other movies I've seen twice in theaters include the Star Wars special editions (except ROTJ, which I only saw once) and the LOTR movies (except ROTK). I saw AOTC actually 3 times because I saw it twice in normal theaters and once for the "IMAX Experience" when I noticed it in Toronto.