Me and Tasoth have been having a debate about this for over half a week, and I said we'd take it to the board when I beat RE4, and so here we are.
My theory is that Nemesis is to the Plagas, what the T-Virus is to the Mother Virus. They are remarkably similar. The Nemesis is a parasite, that takes over the host body and develops powerful tenticles as well and increased size, strength, and durability while retaining a high level of inteligence compared to other Umbrella bioweapons, while not having enough inteligence to worry about free will. The Plagas show all these one state or the other, it takes over the host body(the ganados can still use weapons with out their original head), tenticles(various bosses and salazars dogs(thats where it first clicked for me), increased size(chief mendez), and retained inteligence but lack of free will. Now I'm not saying that Nemesis is a basic Plagas, that be saying that a Tyrant is a mother virus creation. Luis and other biologists developed novistors, salazars hands, U3, etc from the plagas spores and parasites found in the fossils and villiagers. Umbrella was working on the Nemesis parasite for some time(earliest mention of it is in 1988, the French branch of umbrella has a good success rate in making Nemesi, but a zero percent survival rate). The only stretch for this is assuming that the caves under the Salazar estate were the only place that Plagas EVER exsisted(since any fossil should be enough to extract spores for R&D).
Heres a basic timeline for my theory.
Some time prior to 1988: A another excavation/fossil of the plagas is located, Umbrella quickly extracts it and siliences its discover, European Branch located in France begins research for use as a bioweapon. Standard plagas aren't desired as a generic bioweapon since the T-Virus is much more contagious, but the mutation aspect of it is developed. The parasites are developed to make a Tyrant-like monster that shows inteligence, but the hosts cannot survive this strain.
1988: Wesker bascily steals a Nemesis parasite and plants it into Lisa Trevor, the parasite moves to her brain and dissappears, but Wesker and Birkin discover a pathogen in her that would eventually lead to the G-Virus. French Branch of Umbrella very pissed that the American Branch stole there product and in using it discovered something greater.
Some time between 1988 to September 1998: THe French Branch perfects the Nemesis parasite, or at the very least makes it a viable weapon(death may still be 100% but takes considerably longer so that it can be used for a small operation, Nemesis was in Racoon for three days before Jill defeated him assuming one day for tranpsort that gives Nemesis and minimum 4 day operating period if he isn't perfect yet)
July 1998: Lisa Trevor is apparently put down by Jill(although Wesker spent three days killing years before the Mansion incident and she still survived) Lisa has since developed tentciles but it is unknow if this is a manifestation of the Nemesis parasite or a proto-G-virus mutation resulting from the three day attempted murder by Wesker.
September 22 1998: Umbrella France sends an team of soldiers to steal the G-Virus from Birkin in retrobution for stealing a sample of their work 10 years ago(payback is a bitch)
September 28, 1998 possibly earlier: Nemesis is dropped off by Umbrella France to kill S.T.A.R.S. as a target of opertunity(whose gonna notice one more big monster in a city full of them), Brad vickers is slain.
October 1st 1998: Nemesis is put down by Jill and if not the nuke gets him.
December 17, 1998:(BIG Assumption here) France's Nemesis project is destoryed or atleast severly damaged by Claire Redfield. [Ok, heres where I got this from. We know that that facility is where the Nemesis is being worked on, we know Claire was there, and we know she pissed Umbrella off enough that they went after her in downtown Paris with an attack helicopter. I'm probably jumping to conclusions here but still.]
Resident Evil: Plagas/Nemesis link (very indepth RE)
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- Anarchist Bunny
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Resident Evil: Plagas/Nemesis link (very indepth RE)
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Ornithology Subdirector: Dept. of Biological Sciences

Ornithology Subdirector: Dept. of Biological Sciences

- Anarchist Bunny
- Foul, Cruel, and Bad-Tempered Rodent
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If someone is wondering where they missed all this stuff in the games this will be of use to you. Its a overview of the plots of all the Resident Evil games short of Gaiden(and who blames him for skipping that) and the two Wesker Reports.
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Ornithology Subdirector: Dept. of Biological Sciences

Ornithology Subdirector: Dept. of Biological Sciences

I'm against this for several reasons:
- -As far as we know, Plagas existed solely beneath the castle Salazar was steward of. The initial infection was from spores of petrified Plagas.
-Plagas do not corrupt the body of the infected. The tentacles only come out when it's exposed.
-They're hive intelligence.
-The majority of those effected by it become Ganados. Very few have any chance of remaining indepent enough to be like Saddler/Salazar/Mendes.
-Why would Wesker need a sample of Plagas if they already have the Nemesis parasite?
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight
Mecha Maniac
Mecha Maniac
- Anarchist Bunny
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Like I said that was the big assumption. It could of been the only know location of the plagas.Tasoth wrote:I'm against this for several reasons:
- -As far as we know, Plagas existed solely beneath the castle Salazar was steward of. The initial infection was from spores of petrified Plagas.
Nope, the wolves in Salazar's maze attack with their tenticles without losing their heads.
- -Plagas do not corrupt the body of the infected. The tentacles only come out when it's exposed.
We know Luis Sera and the other biologists developed the Plagas enough in a few years to make Novistors, Salazars hands, the U3, etc. Umbrella has a habit of throwing biologist at a organism and making it into a monster. The Tryant in 1988 was a one in a million shot, but by 1998 they had developed a reliable way of making it. Its not much of a stretch to believe that Umbrella could devellop a plagas to exhibit the aspects they wanted. Also anyone has a chance to remain indepented like Saddler/Salazar/Mendez, they got something different than one the townsfolk/cultists/soldiers did. Its a stretch to believe that the two main players in releasing the plagas(Salazar and Saddler) just by chance both turned out to be able to be control plagas. Besides Saddler states in one of his memos that he can choose to make someone like that he just has to find someone he can trust enough, or they could betray him.
- -They're hive intelligence.
-The majority of those effected by it become Ganados. Very few have any chance of remaining indepent enough to be like Saddler/Salazar/Mendes.
He doesn't have the Nemesis parasite, he got one 17 years ago and lost it in Lisa, all he has are the T-virus, the G-virus, the T-Veronica, and whatever he infected himself(and Krauser) with. Besides, he may be more interested in the world domination aspect of the plagas then Ozwald Spencer was. Also that wasn't an ordinare plagas(the ones obtain in Assignment Ada may have been) there was something very special about that specific sample. Ada was causing trouble and Leon was blowing his way through a few hundred Ganados and stole Ashely from them, yet Luis was made their top priority cause he had that sample. One of the files states that Ashely(who also was infected by a base Plagas) would be worthless to them without that sample.
- -Why would Wesker need a sample of Plagas if they already have the Nemesis parasite?
Well then you must of hated the ending of Assignment Ada.[/quote]And personally, I hope capcom isn't that stupid. I like the step away from having to relie on umbrella to be the main antagonist.
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Ornithology Subdirector: Dept. of Biological Sciences

- Anarchist Bunny
- Foul, Cruel, and Bad-Tempered Rodent
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The controls, inventory set up, and weapon selection are what RE should of been from the begining(I love the games, I love the story, I have a unhealthy obcession with zombies, but god damn the handling of the first 5 non-gun survivor/gaidens is awful), but storywise and feel wise it was off. It picked and choose with sticking true to the story(stuck to the Wesker Report 1's Ada fate, ignored gaiden, god bless, but also ignored Dead Aim and sucked alot of the purpose out of Jill, Barry, Chris, Claire, (and Leon in a backseat situation since he was being trained at the time and really in CV and GS all he really does is cooridinate) whole quest to bring down Umbrella. Instead of three known orginizations fighting against Umbrella(US and Chinese agencies from DA and the reminants of Racoon City's underground movement mentioned over several game) doing something to destroy Umbrella, there Stock falls and they just close up the apocolypse shop? Plus although Sci-Fi, the T-virus and mutations were someone believeable, very little spontanious growth and then it was small compared to some of the stuff from this game(rapid growth of Plagas, Mendez, Salazar, and Saddler instantly into giant monsters, and back again). It felt more like fantasy horror than sci-fi horror.Galvatron wrote:I suddenly have the urge to play RE4 again. Damn that game rocks.
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Ornithology Subdirector: Dept. of Biological Sciences

Ornithology Subdirector: Dept. of Biological Sciences