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Christian Gaming, you too can read insipid, er, inspiring news and reviews of the newest and Godliest games for the discriminating, er, intelligently-designed Christian gamer. Impress your friend, gladden their hearts, and show them the only and most entertaining way to being saved!
Christian Gaming also provides a convenient
Rating System. That's right, the higher a game's Christian Sense, the more likely your eternal soul is to be saved after playing.
Christian Sense (CS)
This is simply how well this game fares from a Christian perspective. We do take into account the type of game and its intent. For most game makers the intent is simply to make a fun game that sells well. In general, there isn't a dark agenda to destroy Christianity and promote Satan's agenda. Those that do include satanic/occult symbols do so for the shock value rather than out of any conviction those symbols hold valuable life lessons. They are trying to take advantage people's emotional reactions to help promote their product.
Usually games simply don't take into account Christian sensibilities and when they do it's usually haphazard, stereotypical or just plain dumb. For those that do intentionally offend Christians it's because we're an easy target that's relatively easy to manipulate. They are counting on the shock value and the publicity such offense generates for them.
The game, Postal (which is a pretty lousy game) sold hundreds of thousands of copies, helped greatly by the controversy and publicity the subject matter gave them. This is because those who play the game are not dissuaded by the controversial subject matter. In fact, that's what draws them to the game. The controversy just helped get the word out.
And so, our offense becomes part of their marketing strategy. We don't intend to take the marketing bait. That's why we have the Stupid and Ignorant categories. Keep in mind that this category isn't there just to judge secular games. Christian games could potentially fit any of the categories.
0=Antichrist: (Satan's pet project) Christian Sensibilities intentionally and highly offended or blatantly presents clearly heretical doctrine (see our statement of belief for the basis on which we make this judgment).
1=Stupid: Non-Christian game tries hard to offend but in tired, lame, clueless and stereotypical ways. Christian game presenting Christianity in a stupid or foolish fashion that provides good laughs for non-Christians and offers up new avenues to ridicule Jesus Christ (foolishness isn't a biblical mandate).
2=Ignorant: Stumbles over Christian Sensibilities or handles Christian themes clumsily. Unintentionally propagates lies or myths or lesser heresies (yes, there is such a thing). Hidden agendas weigh it down. Bumbling.
3=OK: Secular games which are not particularly insensitive to Christianity or have minor to non-existent problems. A Christian game that handles the Christian presentation reasonably well even though it can be heavy handed or preachy at times. A Christian game in this category has little appeal to non-Christians.
4=Heavenly: has content that is positive toward Christian sensibilities or does a good job of presenting Christian themes, even if not always in a positive light. Intelligent or just plain good. Both Christians and Non-Christians can enjoy this.
5=Second Coming: Intentionally promotes Christian values and sensibilities and does it well without being preachy. Or, it treats Christianity with honesty and/or respect without the intent to cause harm, even if the outcome isn't particularly flattering.