Execute Order 66 (SW.com Databank update)

PSW: discuss Star Wars without "versus" arguments.

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Post by Ender »

FTeik wrote:34 clone-troopers? What kind of military unit is this?
34 troops plus 2 drivers equals 36, or one platoon.
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Post by FTeik »

Ender wrote:
FTeik wrote:34 clone-troopers? What kind of military unit is this?
34 troops plus 2 drivers equals 36, or one platoon.
So the drivers leave their vessel behind, when going into combat with their platoon? Not that i doubt you, but this seems a little bit impractical (if the entire platoon is killed).
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Post by Aquatain »

Following the rise of the Empire, the military cloning program expanded to include new clone hosts. By the time of the Empire consolidated its power by dissolving the Senate, the ranks of the Imperial stormtroopers would include cloned infantry from multiple sources as well as birth-born conscripts and recruits from various worlds.
Imagine being one of the first Conscrips i a Clone Platoon, "Hey 6564-7 you own me 20 Credits".
"I'm 6566-9 - 6564-7 is over there *giggles*".
"why are you laughing?"
"i'm pulling your leg..i'm really 6699-5".
"i hate you guys".
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Post by DrkHelmet »

Aquatain wrote: Imagine being one of the first Conscrips i a Clone Platoon, "Hey 6564-7 you own me 20 Credits".
"I'm 6566-9 - 6564-7 is over there *giggles*".
"why are you laughing?"
"i'm pulling your leg..i'm really 6699-5".
"i hate you guys".
I'm easy, that made me laugh. :lol:
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Post by Duckie »

FTeik wrote: So the drivers leave their vessel behind, when going into combat with their platoon? Not that i doubt you, but this seems a little bit impractical (if the entire platoon is killed).
It does say that there are seats for 34 but it can hold much more standing- perhaps the extra two in the platoon (I would say the Lieutenant and Platoon Sergeant for leading by example or the two Privates who everyone hates the most for the traditional method ;) ) stand.
It seems like a rather tortured explanation for two missing seats, but it's possible.
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Post by wautd »

VT-16 wrote:
Instead they would be used behind friendly lines.
Exactly, which is what is said in its article.

Too bad some people can´t bother to read before bitching. :roll:
Oh fuck off. I read that before I started bitching and I still find it a retarded design
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

wautd wrote:I still find it a retarded design
Do you think that the open-top armoured half-tracks used by every mayor power in WWII to be retarded designs too?

In case you don't know what I'm talking about:

The open-top transport seen in RotS is basically a SW version of the vehicle above.

However, I would agree with you that it would have been better if the SW vehicle was tracked, wheeled, or both.
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Post by Vympel »

If we're talking "retarded", the WW2 halftracks are even more so since Clones can be expected to be protected from shrapnel by their armor, not to mention that artillery is much more prevalent in WW2 than it is in Star Wars.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Also, most 'rear army areas' probably have portable theater shields to protect supplies and command posts, making the threat of artillery even smaller.
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Post by wautd »

Adrian Laguna wrote:
wautd wrote:I still find it a retarded design
Do you think that the open-top armoured half-tracks used by every mayor power in WWII to be retarded designs too?
However, I would agree with you that it would have been better if the SW vehicle was tracked, wheeled, or both.
offcourse. And antigrav would be even better

About the speed of that eyesore, in the short time we see it move, didnt it was rather shaky for its passengers? At a mere walking speed? I wonder how long those clones can even stay inside if that thing walks at higher speed.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Repulsorlift vehicles can't go through theater shields, though. A simple tracked vehicle would work best; quite frankly, I don't know why GL has such a hardon for walkers. :)
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Post by LordShaithis »

At least the Aayla Secura non-debate is over.
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Post by Ender »

FTeik wrote:
Ender wrote:
FTeik wrote:34 clone-troopers? What kind of military unit is this?
34 troops plus 2 drivers equals 36, or one platoon.
So the drivers leave their vessel behind, when going into combat with their platoon? Not that i doubt you, but this seems a little bit impractical (if the entire platoon is killed).
*shrug* I dunno, maybe two guns stand, or are the gunners?
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Post by Vympel »

The BMP-3 has two bow machine guns that are manned by two members of the infantry squad aboard- when they dismount, they take a pair of machineguns with them. It might be something similar?
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Post by FTeik »

Gunners i would have no problems with, but the driver(s)?
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Post by Cykeisme »

Random statement: If that vehicle appeared in a game (Battlefront 2 or somesuch) I think it'll be pretty damn fun. The guys riding inside would be able to simply use the edge of the vehicle as cover, and fire their weapons from inside.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

Vympel wrote:If we're talking "retarded", the WW2 halftracks are even more so since Clones can be expected to be protected from shrapnel by their armor, not to mention that artillery is much more prevalent in WW2 than it is in Star Wars.
Then why were open-toped half-tracks so common? Covered versions did exist, but were not used as much. There probably is a good reason for this, if we find out what this reason is, then it might become more clear why the Clone Army has such a vehicle.
About the speed of that eyesore, in the short time we see it move, didnt it was rather shaky for its passengers? At a mere walking speed? I wonder how long those clones can even stay inside if that thing walks at higher speed.
Based on experience, a horse at full galop feels a lot smoother than one at a leisurely trot. However, from walking to galloping, things get shakier before they get smoother.
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Post by VT-16 »

I´d think that a walker with eight legs would be a smoother ride compared to one with six (or four ;)). If you can accept the AT-AT and AT-TE carrying troops, I don´t see what your problem is with the AT-OT.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Ender wrote:
FTeik wrote:34 clone-troopers? What kind of military unit is this?
34 troops plus 2 drivers equals 36, or one platoon.
I don't see how that works out, mathmatically. A clonetrooper squad size is 10 troopers.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Maybe it works out a little like the Imperial Guard of the IoM. Two spuads of ten and a command unit of five for a platoon. Maybe a Clone Trooper platoon is three squads of ten and a unit of six.
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Post by LaserRifleofDoom »

Or a command unit of four.

But an open-topped design makes sense for rear-duty. Its easier to load and unload cargo ffrom it, since you can just drop it strait in from above with cranes. presumably, it would also be easier for troopers to disembark. We can probably assume that it has the same speed as an AT-TE (not too unlikelyan estimate, perhaps even a little slow).

Also about the 'shakiness' that wautd brought up, it doesn't seem unlikely to me that it might ove more smoothyl at higher speeds. A horse's gallop is much smoother than a trot. And the clones aren't exactly ones to complan, especially if they're seated.

Overall, this is an okaydesign for rear-eschelon duty, not as bad as some of you would make it out to be.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Ford Prefect wrote:Maybe it works out a little like the Imperial Guard of the IoM. Two spuads of ten and a command unit of five for a platoon. Maybe a Clone Trooper platoon is three squads of ten and a unit of six.
Wait, I think I figured it out. You have three squads (30, plus three commanders (33), plus either a Jedi General or another Clonetrooper (34).
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Post by Ender »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:
Ender wrote:
FTeik wrote:34 clone-troopers? What kind of military unit is this?
34 troops plus 2 drivers equals 36, or one platoon.
I don't see how that works out, mathmatically. A clonetrooper squad size is 10 troopers.
No, it's 9. AOTC ITW says so.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Ender wrote:
DPDarkPrimus wrote:
Ender wrote:34 troops plus 2 drivers equals 36, or one platoon.
I don't see how that works out, mathmatically. A clonetrooper squad size is 10 troopers.
No, it's 9. AOTC ITW says so.
Where does it say that? I would assume, then, that the "10" figure I have is the 9-member squad plus the squad commander, since according to the AOTC ICS, clonetroopers march in rows two squads long- and the rows are twenty little clonetroopers long.
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Post by Clone Sergeant »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:Where does it say that? I would assume, then, that the "10" figure I have is the 9-member squad plus the squad commander, since according to the AOTC ICS, clonetroopers march in rows two squads long- and the rows are twenty little clonetroopers long.
The number of clones in a squad is mentioned on page 32 of the AOTC ITW.
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