What if Padme had survived child birth?

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Post by Kenoshi »

Though ROTS left this particular plot thread on the cutting room floor, the novelizsation does show that Padme was active in the creation of what would become the Rebel Alliance. Has she survived I think she'd see that the Alliance would be all the more necessary and she'd work covertly to build it into something that could actively oppose the Empire. She'd likely do it under an assumed identity but I think that would take up most of her time so she'd have less time to brood over Anakin.

And I do think that Obi Wan would lead her to believe that Anakin was dead.

And I also think that she'd agree that her children would be safer split up cared for by different parents. She knew the value of decoys when she was a queen and a senator, and so I don't think Obi Wan and Yoda would have to try too hard to persuade her to let Luke be taken to Tatooine and have Leia become the daughter of Bail Organa.
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Post by Cykeisme »

Didn't she go to find Anakin on Mustafar right after she found out he mass-murdered the Jedi in the Temple? Granted that you might argue that killing a whole bunch of Jedi she didn't know is not on the same level as him attacking her directly, but I think she's deeply enough affected by the form of insanity some refer to as "love" that her otherwise rational faculties might be compromised.

Since the nature of the issue precludes quantitive assessment, how will a satisfactory conclusion be attained?

As an aside, I subscribe to the dramatic idea of Padme dying from a broken heart (rather than the notion that Anakin did a game-style Force Drain across a distance of light years).
I suppose the discussion ("what if she survived childbirth") is moot, because the effect of her love wasn't to go to him and try to convince him to turn back; instead it broke her will to live.
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Post by DrkHelmet »

Cykeisme wrote: As an aside, I subscribe to the dramatic idea of Padme dying from a broken heart (rather than the notion that Anakin did a game-style Force Drain across a distance of light years).
I suppose the discussion ("what if she survived childbirth") is moot, because the effect of her love wasn't to go to him and try to convince him to turn back; instead it broke her will to live.
I think that the idea of "dying from a broken heart" is dumb as hell personally, but that's not the issue. If she was so in love with Anakin that she could die if she couldn't have him, I could see her running back to him at the first chance available. However, Obi-Wan and Yoda would no doubt restrain her, so she still couldn't reach him.
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Post by Batman »

DrkHelmet wrote: I think that the idea of "dying from a broken heart" is dumb as hell personally, but that's not the issue. If she was so in love with Anakin that she could die if she couldn't have him, I could see her running back to him at the first chance available.
Yeah, that makes so much sense. If she thinks she can win him back why, pray tell, does she die of a broken heart in the first place?
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Post by Cykeisme »

Trying to apply logic to a woman's emotions, are we? :D
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Post by DrkHelmet »

Cykeisme wrote:Trying to apply logic to a woman's emotions, are we? :D
I would respond to that, but I'd probably get in trouble and be called some nasty names. Not like it's never happened before, but I'm gonna keep it to one thread at a time.
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Post by 000 »

The movie actually tells us that she's "lost the will to live." Apparently having Anakin get pissed at her made he lose all desire to go on living.

I suppose no one took the time to explain to her that she was giving birth to a baby which would, you know, need her and give her something to live for.

Anyway, in the RotS novel it doesn't show Padme as being involved with the creation of the Rebel Alliance-- it shows her as being around Mon Mothma and Bail Organa, who were considering the creation of a rebellion, but kept such things from her. The whole petition thing wasn't rebellion, it was just politely asking Palpatine to lay down his powers.
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Post by Cykeisme »

DrkHelmet wrote:I would respond to that, but I'd probably get in trouble and be called some nasty names. Not like it's never happened before, but I'm gonna keep it to one thread at a time
Don't be silly, just say what you were going to say. :)

Unless your significant other was going to read your comment on women's logic and demonstrate an application of that same logic on you, or something.
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Post by Vicious »

Cykeisme wrote:
DrkHelmet wrote:I would respond to that, but I'd probably get in trouble and be called some nasty names. Not like it's never happened before, but I'm gonna keep it to one thread at a time
Don't be silly, just say what you were going to say. :)

Unless your significant other was going to read your comment on women's logic and demonstrate an application of that same logic on you, or something.
:lol: This just makes me laugh and laugh. I know we're not supposed to carry disagreements into other forums, but this is too much.

As to the topic, I believe that Padme, despite her love for Anakin, would actively work for the Rebel Alliance, though probably in secret. She's too dedicated to freedom to allow her feelings to come between her and her beliefs.

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Post by Mr. T »

Batman wrote:
Mr. T wrote: Hmm lets see, she did overlook Anakin slaughtering an entire village of men, women and children for him. I'd say that's a pretty good example of her fucked up attachment to Anakin.
He did so in revenge for them torturing and killing his mother, and was torn apart by the fact that he did so afterwards. Yes, that's clearly the same thing as him nearly killing her.
Well, she also overlooked him slaughtering the Younglings in the Jedi temple before she went to Musstafar (sp?). Obviously Padme has a long history of forgiving Anakin's fuck-ups. Is it really so inconcievable to you that she would forgive Anakin for attempting to kill her and just write it off as another one time mistake. I mean honestly, the fact that she is a "dove" in the senate, yet has twice overlooked her lovers mass murders is evidence that she has a history of simply burying her sense of logic and common sense when it comes to Anakin. The whole point of the story is that her better judgement is blinded by her love for him.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I forget. Was Padme part of the Delegation of 2000?
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Post by Batman »

Mr. T wrote: Well, she also overlooked him slaughtering the Younglings in the Jedi temple before she went to Musstafar (sp?).
No she didn't. She accepted his story of the Jedi attempting a coup. If you could be bothered to remember she was devastated when confronted with footage of Anakin actually killing younglings.
Obviously Padme has a long history of forgiving Anakin's fuck-ups.
Like Hell she does.
Is it really so inconcievable to you that she would forgive Anakin for attempting to kill her and just write it off as another one time mistake.
I mean honestly, the fact that she is a "dove" in the senate, yet has twice overlooked her lovers mass murders
She has done no such thing.
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Post by 000 »

Batman wrote:She has done no such thing.
ANAKIN: I... I killed them. I killed them all. They're
dead, every single one of them...

ANAKIN focuses on her like someone returning from far away.

ANAKIN: Not just the men, but the women and the children
too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like
animals... I hate them!

There is silence for a moment, then ANAKIN breaks down,
sobbing. PADMÉ takes him into her arms.

ANAKIN: Why do I hate them? I didn't... I couldn't... I
couldn't control myself. I... I don't want to hate them...
But I just can't forgive them.

PADMÉ: To be angry is to be human.

ANAKIN: To control your anger is to be a Jedi.

PADMÉ: Ssshhh... you're human.

ANAKIN: No, I'm a Jedi. I know I'm better than this. I'm
sorry, I'm so sorry!

PADMÉ: You're like everyone else...
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Post by Mr. T »

Batman wrote:
Mr. T wrote: Well, she also overlooked him slaughtering the Younglings in the Jedi temple before she went to Musstafar (sp?).
No she didn't. She accepted his story of the Jedi attempting a coup. If you could be bothered to remember she was devastated when confronted with footage of Anakin actually killing younglings.

Blow me, she may have been devastated as you say but she clearly got over it pretty quick. Did her devestation stop her from travelling to Mustafarr and yet again professing her undying love to her mass murdering husband?
Obviously Padme has a long history of forgiving Anakin's fuck-ups.
Like Hell she does.
Oh really? Care to provide a single solitary example then of her turning her back on Anakin for all of the terrible things he's done that would have otherwise gone against her (or any sane persons) sense of ethics?
Is it really so inconcievable to you that she would forgive Anakin for attempting to kill her and just write it off as another one time mistake.
Well obviously your opinon goes against every single fucking thing we saw regarding there relationship in the movie.
I mean honestly, the fact that she is a "dove" in the senate, yet has twice overlooked her lovers mass murders
She has done no such thing.
O.K then.....I don't know what your definition of "overlooking" is, but for me, telling someone that it was ok for them to kill innocent people, or just ignoring the fact that they did constitutes "overlooking." Don't give me bullshit about her being "torn inside" or whatnot by it all, the fact is when the time came to get the fuck away from her psycho husband, she forgave him, or in the second instance ran after him in a desperate attempt to win him back.
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Post by Solauren »

The synic in me says if she didn't end up back at Vader's side and turned by Palpatine (come on, imagine the solid grip he'd have if Padme was brainwashed into telling him EXACTLY what the Emperor wanted him to hear from her)....

Yoda and Obi-Wan hide the kids away somewhere safe (that Padme doesn't know about), find other surviving Jedi, and then use her as bait to deal with Anakin. Either he's willing to turn for her, or else we have a rather intense force-battle.

Then the surviving Jedi go take down Palpatine.
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