CaptainChewbacca wrote:HyperionX wrote:CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Ok, Bumblefuck, you listen and you listen good. Current environmental data shows a correlation between the following:
1. Rising industrialization
2. Increasing Atmospheric CO2 levels
3. Increasing Global temperature.
Now, 1 & 2 correlate alot better than 1 & 3 based on what we know. HOW-FUCKING-EVER, we don't have a causal relationship, and we don't know all the effects. Your own link on "Global Dimming" proves that they're still trying to figure out what's going on with the planet's atmosphere, and that we don't know the whole story.
Ok 'tard, there's something known as
the Greenhouse Effect. And it very adequately explains the connection between 2 and 3.
Moreover, the global dimming effect shows that
we should be getting cooler, but we're not. What does that mean?
The Earth is trapping more of the heat from the sun that before. Any idea what could be causing it? I think you do.
No, that means that the combination of anthropogenic warming, cooling, and long-term climate trends is getting screwy in ways we don't fully know.
And where did you get this from? Your ass? Did you even read the article on global dimming? It's coming primarily from soot and other aerosols in the air, aka our fault too. It's not natual either. Look, the climate is not "screwy," there are no known "climate trends," just global warming by human causes. ALl known evidence points to this. Are you getting this at all?
Last, there are no other know methods for which the Earth could be warming up, or have been shown to be false as the current time period. Leaving only the greenhouse effect as the only plausible explanation for 2 & 3.
Well, there's the Milankovitch cycle
, long-term sunspot cycles,
Bullshit. If there's global dimming, no amount of sunspot cycles will explain global warming to any degree.
changes in deep-sea chemistry...
Pure bullshit. I never even heard of this, and you have no sources. In fact, the only time I ever heard of anything remotely like this is when a methane hydrate bursts, release methane into the air cause global warming. Well right now that's not happening.
But you knew that already, right?
I do. I know for a fact that you just pulled out some old, irrelevant, or just plain nonsensical claims in a desperate attempt to save your argument. Look,
all non-anthropogenic causes have been rejected. I believe SirNitram demostrated that there's a virtually total scientific concensus on this, with effectively no research papers disputing GW in recent years. You're running of excuses, there's just nothing lying that can explain any of this.
Goddamn it's like going back to elementary school.
Have you even BEEN out of elementary school? I mean, I have a degree in this, but what's your education beyond pulling out news articles?
Degree? What degree would that be? I just saw you confuse scientific theory with "law," which means you absolutely do not a degree in any field of science.
For example, SO2 has a COOLING effect on the atmosphere, and may be contributing to global dimming. SO2 comes largely from coal burning, which is the primary power-generation fuel of the third world. Should we expect it to balance out the CO2-related increases? Will CO2 levels continue to increase?
No and yes respectively. It's pretty obvious that SO2
isn't balancing out CO2 productions, and CO2 will continue to increase if we burn coal.
If its so obvious, there wouldn't be any controversy. Fact is we don't know how the climate will develop as the third world industrializes and exploits different fuel sources.
What controversy? What "we don't know?" Are the future coal sources going to be super-ladened with sulfur? Hell no. We know what SO2 is, where it comes from, and approximately how much we could potentially produce. Nothing here will reduce global warming, especially if we continue to dump CO2 into the air.
Yes, the old cop-out. We don't know what'll happen so let's do nothing...
Sorry, but we do have an pretty damn good idea of what's gonna happen and that's rising sea levels, major climate change (this place get's dryer, that place get's wetter, hotter overall), more violent weather, etc. This is the weakest of excuses and it's shameful that you're pulling this one.
Christ on a cracker, kid! You expect us to get alarmist with a "
OMG WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHAT!!!111ONEONEONE" before we have it figured out? Right now earth's climate is changing.
Oh great, the even dumber arguments of "we don't know what to do" and "let's wait till we know fo' shur," and "my opponent's an alarmist!!!":roll: It's obvious what we need to do, reduce GHGs (building more efficient cars, factories, go nuclear or whatver), and we know for sure that it's probably negative. Hell the rising sea levels alone are irrefutably bad enough. The only true thing you said is that we do know Earth's climate is changing.
It appears that human pollution may have something to do with it, but it doesn't all add up. For example, the most significant temperature increases in the 20th century happened before 1940, yet more pollution was produced 1970-2000 than in the previous seven decades.
No. The most significant warming happened from 1980 to 2000. They were about the same net warming as the 1900-1940 just in half the time. Remember, this is
on top of global dimming, i.e. we should be cooling right now, but we're not. Predictions of future warming only point up.
Sounds like there might be something else going on, eh?
No. The non-anthropogenic are so small as to being irrelevant. In fact, models without CO2 emissions point to little or no global warming at all (see El Moose's link). In short, the number of plausible excuses for global warming are about as rare as Saddam's WMDs: They just don't exist. Seriously, they don't.