Praxis wrote:This is where we had the teamwork. You just started running. The entire way, people would run and jump at you and I would toss them into cliffs, or miss you and run straight into me, or run from the side targetting you. I literally killed 6 or 7 people and two others were helping me by sniping the guys around us.
You didn't spot it cause I was behind you the entire time. It worked out extremely well

But that dang TrackerOfNoobs prevented us from scoring

Yeah, see when I get the flag I just try to haul ass back to base, I don't look around much. But we were actually playing CTF "correctly" rather than just trying to have one guy sneak around capturing all by himself!
Gotta love that pit. I had multiple strategies for pushing and pulling people into it while I defended the flag.
I fell WAY too much on that map. I even fell when nobody was around. I realized later that in my force setup I forgot to give myself a full level of Push/Pull so that might explain the ease with which you could toss me. As to chasing somebody and then just hoping in I blame that on my own stupidity.
The guy on the elevator was too stupid to move and I just charged my pistol and got a nice headshot. His buddy in the pit tried to take my flag while I was shooting the guy on the elevator.
Yeah you got quite a few blastech headshots as I saw it. I had to swipe that smug grin off your face by sniping you at least once while you were doing that.
Sorry I don't have any shots of me dying. I'm sure Kurgan has plenty of those.
Unfortunately not, I barely took any shots during that match (was too tired I guess). Maybe next time.
Great pics! Guess I'll use thumbnails next time too. See I use my own site, rather than an image hosting service, so it's just laziness. ;P
As to Tracker, to be fair, he did spend a lot of time simply strafe running through each base (looking for easy marks I guess), but yeah, there was no doubt he was good. He pulled all my weapons the first time, then I started using Absorb (hehe, thanks for the reminder!). Killing noobs just ruins you for these guys!
So *that* was smithers... ok. Poor VikingLarz! I'm sure he was trying.