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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Exacaliber.. About to kick ass.. have been waiting so long! Suddenly... talking like Kirk! Need... Final Engament!!

Seriously Stravo, I am so looking forward to this... Even if it isn't the FINAL, 'final' battle, The best thing about making 90% of a story with the bad guys winning, is that the last 10% where the good guys win feels Soooooooooo Good :twisted:
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Stravo wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:What will happen to the continuum when the universe implodes? Do they go too? If so, why aren't they worried?
The Continuum is bored...bored...bored. Frankly they don't know what will happen so for them that means something different and thus they don't fear oblivion because at least it will be different than what they've been experiencing for the last 100 million years.

Its this overall ennui that Q is struggling against and Gary is taking full advantage of.
I fail to see how having the ability to snap up a million beautiful women could ever get boring, but hey.. takes all kinds to make up a galaxy I guess.

Are we going to see more the Kahn vs Thrawn subplot? Also, what does Gary think of Kahn trying to overtake Thrawn when he needs Thrawn to hand Kirk his goody two shoe federation ass?
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:Exacaliber.. About to kick ass.. have been waiting so long! Suddenly... talking like Kirk! Need... Final Engament!!

Seriously Stravo, I am so looking forward to this... Even if it isn't the FINAL, 'final' battle, The best thing about making 90% of a story with the bad guys winning, is that the last 10% where the good guys win feels Soooooooooo Good :twisted:
I think though a lot of people on this board like rooting for the bad guys, hence "Stardestroyer".net
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Post by JME2 »

If I were a Klingon, my blood would sing at the prospect of the coming clash of the titans. Well done Stravo, well done indeed.
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Post by Mark S »

Stravo wrote:This story will in no way shape or form be decided on a technobabble or gizmo device.
Even so, pulling the wormhole weapon out of nowhere and setting it up as such in the same chapter that Kirk talks about not waiting for a Deus Ex Machina is just hilarious.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Mark S wrote:
Stravo wrote:This story will in no way shape or form be decided on a technobabble or gizmo device.
Even so, pulling the wormhole weapon out of nowhere and setting it up as such in the same chapter that Kirk talks about not waiting for a Deus Ex Machina is just hilarious.
Well Thrawn and Co do have a reputation for setting up pre-planned microjumps... something that makes it VERY hard to set off a superweapon on any formation.

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Post by Xon »

It does however make for a great plot device to get rid of that pesky Deathstar which is running around.
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Post by starfury »

I am really happy to see some more progress, can't wait for the final battle.
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Post by Trogdor »

JME2 wrote:If I were a Klingon, my blood would sing at the prospect of the coming clash of the titans. Well done Stravo, well done indeed.
One needs not be a Klingon.:wink: Can't wait for the upcoming battle royale.

I liked the little time out Kirk took for himself. I really felt bad for the guy; he's been running himself ragged for so long and he considers it a favor just to have a single hour to himself. The captain's log was nice. I didn't notice its startling absence until Kirk made that one.
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Post by Perseid »

Excellent as always Stravo, keep up the good work.
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Post by Crown »

Ha! Nice work mate, took you long enough though. :wink:
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Post by NecronLord »

Congratulations Stavro, you've done what I had thought impossible.

You've made me want James T. Kirk, one of my favourite characters of all time, put out of an airlock.
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Post by Pcm979 »

Why? Too much kirkwank?
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

ggs wrote:It does however make for a great plot device to get rid of that pesky Deathstar which is running around.
I didn't even think of that.

Keep it coming, Stravo.
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Post by NecronLord »

Pcm979 wrote:Why? Too much kirkwank?
Risking quintillions of lives to try and restore a poxy 150 world confederacy. Bloody terrorist. Should be killed, preferably painfully.

Oh sure, the Andorians get consulted on whether they're willing to take the risk, but obviously everyone else in the galactic cluster is not as important as the Andorians and he should be willing to sacrifice all their lives in order to bring back the federation.

If the Organians want to do something useful again they can destroy this 'Amber device' and lock out any prospect of re-developing it from the minds of the Fedrats.
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Insert WTF look here at Necron.

Ohhkay moving on.

Stravo you magnificant barstard, bring on Andor!
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Post by NecronLord »

Chris OFarrell wrote:Insert WTF look here at Necron.
Last Chapter wrote:“And what happens .11% of the time?” McCoy pressed.

T’Nis looked into McCoy’s eyes without hesitation.

“A runaway cascade effect that creates shockwaves through the subspace domains comprising the local galactic cluster.”

McCoy blinked.

“From reviewing your data that would constitute the explosive disruption of the Milky Way galaxy and perhaps Andromeda as well.” Data concluded matter of factly.

“Undoubtedly the local Magellanic clouds would be extinguished.” Spock added.

McCoy’s eyes widened and he whirled to face Kirk.

“Jim, you can’t be serious.” He exclaimed in horror.

“It’s a slim chance Bones.” Kirk answered calmly.

“Slim chance?! Jim you’re talking about cooking a thing off that could destroy the galaxy and beyond. There is such a thing as victory at too great a cost.”

“Bones, when they detonated the first atom bombs back on Earth there was a slim chance that it could have ignited the Earth’s atmosphere. They went ahead anyway because the chance was small and the benefits were too large to be ignored.”

“And if I recall my history Jim, those same atom bombs were then use to rain fire and death upon civilians. Do you think that maybe you should rethink that analogy?”

“Bones, this decision like any other command level decision I or any other flag officer makes is not up for review. If we were discussing the overall health of the fleet then I would like your input.”

“Or MAYBE you’d like my input if we were discussing a mutagenic plague designed to specifically target extragalactic humans.” McCoy shot back acidly and instantly regretted what he said.

“Doctor..” Riker began.

“That was low, Bones. Beneath you really.” Kirk replied tightly glaring at one of his oldest friends with anger and bitter disappointment.
McCoy is right (As usual). The Federation have nothing remotely resembling a right to do that. A 0.11% chance of killing several quintillion people, including the ones they're trying to liberate, to save a few hundred billion from the compartively minor opression of the Empire is not something they should be doing. It's like saying "I'm prepared to press this button, knowing that there's an 0.11% chance it'll nuke my city, based on the 99.89% chance it'll lower my rent."

What's worse, to win the war, not just the battle, they'd have to use this device multiple times, each time running the same appalling risk. The United Federation of Planets simply is not worth it in my opinion, and I'm rather troubled that Kirk/Stravo (either-or) thinks it is.
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Post by Stravo »

If I agreed with using WMDs that could kill everyone on the planet just to save NYC I would not have had McCoy (who is my voice of reason as he is throughout the TV series as well) say what he said. Kirk has a tendency to get very singleminded about his pursuits. For instance in the episode with that vampire cloud Kirk risks his crew and his ship to kill it no matter the cost.

He's trying to save the Federation but what he does not want to admit to himself is that perhaps the Federation is already lost and is he just doing this because of his greatest strength and paradoxically his greatest flaw - he cannot accept defeat. There is no no-win scenario.

Kirk is not perfect in this story, no one is. Luke afterall should be rejecting the empire he's fashioned for himself instead he is desperately trying to fashion it into something not so nasty and evil. He's in for some jarring shocks when he runs into the way some of his orders as Nemesis have been interpretted (internment camps, routine torture)

Both men are trying to hold on to something that perhaps never existed (an idealized Imperium) or should be allowed to die (the Federation)

And as an additonal point I don't know what the chances were that the first Atom bombs would have ignited the Earth's atmosphere, but it was a concern yet the US went ahead anyway with using them. It was a time fo war and victiory was on everyone's mind. I just wanted to try and portray some of the mental gymanastics that leaders must go through to justify these things.
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Post by NecronLord »

Good. I can go back to despising your Kirk without despising you then. I didn't think you agreed with him. :)

And for the record, it was IIRC something an alarmist physicist made up to try and get them to stop, not something taken seriously or with actual theory behind it.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Alright, 'nuff discussion, more chapters please!
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Post by Xon »

Stravo wrote:And as an additonal point I don't know what the chances were that the first Atom bombs would have ignited the Earth's atmosphere, but it was a concern yet the US went ahead anyway with using them. It was a time fo war and victiory was on everyone's mind. I just wanted to try and portray some of the mental gymanastics that leaders must go through to justify these things.
Actually the whole thing about ignited the Earth's atmosphere wasnt even a concern at the time. Simple back of the napkin calculations showed the atom bomb didnt have enough energy to ignite air, while it was brought up it wasnt vaguely an issue after a few numbers were crunched.

Thats mostly revisonism anti-nuclear ideals making it much more than it was.

However, the concept does sound big and dangerous.
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Post by Crown »

At this point, I'm wondering if Kirk isn't going down the road of Gaius Julius Ceasar ... you know, fight to save the 'Republic', but really creating a position where he is going to turn the Senate into his lap dogs, and get declared dictator for life.

The difference being that Caesar was doing this on purpose, and Kirk might fall into this by accident, after all the Federation is dead.
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Post by Natorgator »

Is anyone else reminded of the situation in All Good Things where the actions of Picard were going to bring about the destruction of humanity, rather than something Q did?
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Post by consequences »

Natorgator wrote:Is anyone else reminded of the situation in All Good Things where the actions of Picard were going to bring about the destruction of humanity, rather than something Q did?
You mean the possibility that Kirk's future employment of the weapon is what is actually causing the destruction of everything? It's plausible, but stands against everything I believe in: That Janeway is the root of all evil, and the direct progenitor of Ragnarok.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

consequences wrote:
Natorgator wrote:Is anyone else reminded of the situation in All Good Things where the actions of Picard were going to bring about the destruction of humanity, rather than something Q did?
You mean the possibility that Kirk's future employment of the weapon is what is actually causing the destruction of everything? It's plausible, but stands against everything I believe in: That Janeway is the root of all evil, and the direct progenitor of Ragnarok.
It would also be the lamest Deus-Ex of all time and undermine everything that has happend so far.
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