Song and Silence, 3E book for Rogues and Bards. Has a prestige class called Dread Pirate. I own a copy, but unfortunately I don't have it with me, and I will not be able to pick it up from where it is for another week and a half.Ford Prefect wrote:Anyone got any idea how I could go about constructing a swashbuckling pirate character? Suggested classes would be wonderful.
D&D Recruitment Thread
Moderator: Thanas
- Civil War Man
- Posts: 3790
- Joined: 2005-01-28 03:54am
- Civil War Man
- Posts: 3790
- Joined: 2005-01-28 03:54am
Two, not including you. We also have a gnome, a halfling, a half orc, two humans, and a tiefling (which some would consider a subrace of humanity, though technically its archetype is "Native Outsider"). So, we don't have an unusual amount of Dwarves so far.Pcm979 wrote:Yipe. We've got a lot of Dwarves.
Note I am shifting this post up in the thread every once in awhile, the origional a page or two back gets deleted when I do this
Ok for easy reading lets update the list of those who have responded(That and there are no threads for me to oppress right now.)
PM me or post flavor text and I'll edit it in
(GMT +3) the .303 bookworm-Sorceror 5, Alienist 3, Palemaster 1, wearer of purple 1, Dwarf.
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14
INT 12 WIS 12 CHA 17
Race: -2 dexterity, +4 constitution +2 open locks:roll: , + PhB dwarf traits
level + 2 charisma
class (alienist) -2 wisdom (and +1 all saves)
feats- +2 (alienist and sorceror- metamagic feat's only- magical prodigy and one of the heritage feats from Dragon 311/325 [either Illithid or dragon or fiend, depends on how I flesh up the backstory in details])
Hd: 8d4 and 2d6 (palemaster and wearer of purple-d6)
Ford Perfect- Captain Jack Wyrdbeard - The Pirate Dwarf!
(Chaotic Neutral) HP-93
Fighter 7, Duelist 3
STR 14 DEX 15 CON 20
INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 7
Skills: Climb ( 9 ), Intimidate ( 6 ), Jump ( 8 ),
Swim ( 9 ), Tumble ( 6 ), Perform [comedy] ( 4 )
Feats: Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiency, All. All Armour Proficencies. Shield Proficiency. Tower Shield Proficiency. Canny Defense (+1). Improved Reaction (+2). Enhanced Mobility. Dodge. Mobility. Two Weapon Fighting. Athletic. Weapon Finesse. Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Weapon Focus (Rapier). Weapon Specialisation (Rapier).
Equipment: One Adamantine Masterwork Rapier. Another Rapier. Leather Armour. Pirate Clothes (That's basically Noble Clothes in terms of price). A Bottle of Air. Sealing Wax. A small chest (that's the case, map or scroll). A spyglass. And a Folding Boat.
(GMT -5 ) Civil War Man- Neutral Evil Tiefling Mageblade
Marst Uwas
Mageblade 10
STR 16 DEX 18 CON 14
INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 10
Race: +2 DEX, +2 INT, -2 CHA, +2 Bluff, +2 Hide, Darkness 1/day, Darkvision 60 ft, Cold resistance 5, Fire resistance 5, Electricity resistance 5
Level: +2 STR
Class abilities: +2 Magic Blade, Psychic Strike +2d8, Speed Boost, Bladewind
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, (class feats) Weapon Focus (Magic Blade), Greater Weapon Focus (Magic Blade)
Languages: Common, Infernal, Draconic
Bluff ( 2 ), Climb ( 13 ), Concentration ( 10 ), Hide ( 17 ),
Listen ( 10 ), Move Silently ( 17 ), Spot ( 8 ), Survival ( 5 ),
Knowledge: Arcana ( 10 )
Note: For class abilities, like the Psionic Class Soulknife. Magic Blade = Mind Blade, Speed Boost is similar to Speed of Thought (Speed Boost: Concentration DC 20 to activate, adds +10 speed for a certain period of time, will hammer out the details on that). Bladewind and Psychic Strike as is. Knowledge: Arcana is a class skill instead of Knowledge: Psionics.
Adding inventory:
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (STR +2)
+2 Studded Leather Armor of Spell Resistance
(SR 17) +2 Light steel shield
Handy Haversack
-Side Pouch 1: 20 days of rations
-Side Pouch 2: 20 Alchemist fires
-Main pouch: 20 Tanglefoot bags
Belt pouch
-19 smokesticks
-19 tindertwigs
Dahak-Intrested but on a German Timezone
(GMT +0 )A Big Flying Fish- Dwarf- Druid/Master of Many Forms(Shifter)
Boin Evaeat
Druid 5/Master of Many Forms 5
STR 11 CON 15 DEX 9
INT 14 WIS 18 CHA 11
HP 46 (10d8) + 16 = 62
BAB +6 Will +9 Ref +4 Fort +10
Languages: common, dwarven, druidic, giant, elven
trackless step, woodland stride, nature sense, resist nature's lure, wild empathy, shifter's speech, fast wild shape.
Improved wild shape (animal, humanoid, giant, monstrous humanoid, fey, vermin, tiny, small, medium, large) 6 times per day. Max of 10hours per form.
dwarf stuff (+1 to hit goblinoids, +4 AC against giants, +2 to stone and metal craft/appraise checks,
+2 saving throw against poisons, spells and spell like abilities, stability, +2 to spot irregular stonework)
concentration ( 8 ) craft {stonework} ( 6 ) Diplomacy ( 7 )
heal ( 5 ) hide ( 6 ) knowledge {nature} ( 13 )
knowledge {geography} ( 6 ) listen ( 8 ) profession {herbalist} ( 5 )
spellcraft ( 5 ) swim ( 3 )
(GMT +1) Pcm979-TBA
(GMT +0 )The Dark-TBA
Utsanomiko-GNOMISH PALADIN! Blublo
STR 16 DEX 8 CON 16
INT 10 WSD 14 CHA 12
Four feats (Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard sword, Endurance, Leadership, Self-Sufficient), and I believe 24 skill points (4 starting +2/lvl, 0 Int bonus):
Concentration: 5
Diplomacy: 5
Heal: 4
Knowledge (nobility & royalty): 6
Sense Motive: 4
consequences-Daimoe, of Clan Hanzo
STR 14 DEX 18 CON 10
INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 14
HP: 60
Class: Samurai 10 Race: Human
Feats: Improved Initiative(class), Staredown(+4 Intimidate , class), Mass Staredown(all opp. 30ft, class), Two weapons(daisho only, class), Quick Draw(Daisho only, class), Kiai Smite(2/day +cha att/dam, class), two weapon defense, Improved two weapon defense, Combat expertise, combat reflexes, weapon focus katana
Skills:Craft(weaponsmithing) ( +12 ), Intimidate ( +19 ), Jump ( +7 ), Knowledge(history) ( +7 ), Knowledge(Nobility) ( +7 ), Listen ( +6 ), Ride ( +14 ) , Sense Motive ( +5 ), Spot ( +6 )
(GMT -8 ) Maraxus-Half Orc Druid
(GMT -8 )CaptainChewbacca- Mourad Bey
STR 15 DEX 22 CON 12
INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 11
HP: 93 (Got insane lucky) Class: Fighter (10)
Feats- Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Critical: Scimitar, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Scimitar, Weapon Specialization: Scimitar.
Skills: Handle Animal ( +2 ), Hide ( +20 ), Jump ( +6 ), Listen ( +6 ),
Move Silently ( +12 ), Tumble ( +12 ), Wilderness Lore ( +1 )
The Guid-Possible Timezone issues
(GMT -8 ) Raxmei- Halfling fighter( 6 ) /rogue ( 4 )
STR 10 DEX 20 CON 12
INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw Weapon Focus: Daggers
Weapon Specialization: Daggers Two Weapon Fighting Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Skills: Bluff ( 5 ) Climb ( 5 ) Diplomacy ( 1 ) Disable Device ( 6 )
Escape Artis ( 5 ) Gather Information ( 5 ) Hide ( 6 ) Jump ( 6 )
Listen ( 8 ) Move Silently ( 6 ) Open Lock ( 4 ) Search ( 10 )
Sense Motive ( 5 ) Sleight of Hand ( 3 ) Spot ( 10 ) Swim ( 5 )
Tumble ( 7 ) Use Magic Device ( 10 )
(GMT +5) Mr Bean-Lev Timolo
Half-Elf Neutral Good Sorceror,
STR 12 DEX 8 CON 14
INT 15 WIS 12 CHA 18
Feats: Negotiator(+2 Diplomacy/Sense) Persuasive(+2 Bluff/Intimidate)
Leadership, Weapon Focus Quarterstaff
Racial +2 Diplomacy/Gather Information. +1 Listen/Spot/Search
Low Light Vison, Immunity to Sleep
Bluff( 12 ) Concertration( 7 ) Knowledge {Nobility and Royalty}( 6 )
Diplomacy ( 14 ) Disguise ( 8 ) Gather Info ( 8 )
Intimidate ( 12 ) Sense Motive ( 7 ) Search ( 3 )
Languages-Dwarven, Undercommon, Draconic, Common and Elven
+1 Staff of Office(Silver edged Quarterstaff)-2000
+2 Cloak of Disguse(As per Hat of Disguse but in cloak form with AC modifiers)-15,000
Necklace of Adaptation-The magic of the necklace wraps the wearer in a shell of fresh air, making him immune to all harmful vapors and gase-9000
Mind Shielding: immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern his alignment-8,000
Handy Haversack-8,500(Full bag)
-Side Pouch 1: 20 days of rations
-Side Pouch 2: Waterskin(5x) Full
-Main pouch
Disguise Kit, Artisan’s Outfit, Explorer’s Outfit
5x Tindertwig, 5x Oil(Vial)
SCP backups
When asked about his past he mentions he was an Advisor/Ambassador to royality who was forced to flee his native homeland(He is evasive when asked which one) when he started a revolt when the current ruler went mad(According to him). Two assaination attempts and one attempted hanging by mob later he skipped out of the country for his own saftey leaving with nothing more than the clothes on his back and his staff of office. A true friend of the people.. whoever they are.
Ok for easy reading lets update the list of those who have responded(That and there are no threads for me to oppress right now.)
PM me or post flavor text and I'll edit it in
(GMT +3) the .303 bookworm-Sorceror 5, Alienist 3, Palemaster 1, wearer of purple 1, Dwarf.
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14
INT 12 WIS 12 CHA 17
Race: -2 dexterity, +4 constitution +2 open locks:roll: , + PhB dwarf traits
level + 2 charisma
class (alienist) -2 wisdom (and +1 all saves)
feats- +2 (alienist and sorceror- metamagic feat's only- magical prodigy and one of the heritage feats from Dragon 311/325 [either Illithid or dragon or fiend, depends on how I flesh up the backstory in details])
Hd: 8d4 and 2d6 (palemaster and wearer of purple-d6)
Ford Perfect- Captain Jack Wyrdbeard - The Pirate Dwarf!
(Chaotic Neutral) HP-93
Fighter 7, Duelist 3
STR 14 DEX 15 CON 20
INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 7
Skills: Climb ( 9 ), Intimidate ( 6 ), Jump ( 8 ),
Swim ( 9 ), Tumble ( 6 ), Perform [comedy] ( 4 )
Feats: Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiency, All. All Armour Proficencies. Shield Proficiency. Tower Shield Proficiency. Canny Defense (+1). Improved Reaction (+2). Enhanced Mobility. Dodge. Mobility. Two Weapon Fighting. Athletic. Weapon Finesse. Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Weapon Focus (Rapier). Weapon Specialisation (Rapier).
Equipment: One Adamantine Masterwork Rapier. Another Rapier. Leather Armour. Pirate Clothes (That's basically Noble Clothes in terms of price). A Bottle of Air. Sealing Wax. A small chest (that's the case, map or scroll). A spyglass. And a Folding Boat.
(GMT -5 ) Civil War Man- Neutral Evil Tiefling Mageblade
Marst Uwas
Mageblade 10
STR 16 DEX 18 CON 14
INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 10
Race: +2 DEX, +2 INT, -2 CHA, +2 Bluff, +2 Hide, Darkness 1/day, Darkvision 60 ft, Cold resistance 5, Fire resistance 5, Electricity resistance 5
Level: +2 STR
Class abilities: +2 Magic Blade, Psychic Strike +2d8, Speed Boost, Bladewind
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, (class feats) Weapon Focus (Magic Blade), Greater Weapon Focus (Magic Blade)
Languages: Common, Infernal, Draconic
Bluff ( 2 ), Climb ( 13 ), Concentration ( 10 ), Hide ( 17 ),
Listen ( 10 ), Move Silently ( 17 ), Spot ( 8 ), Survival ( 5 ),
Knowledge: Arcana ( 10 )
Note: For class abilities, like the Psionic Class Soulknife. Magic Blade = Mind Blade, Speed Boost is similar to Speed of Thought (Speed Boost: Concentration DC 20 to activate, adds +10 speed for a certain period of time, will hammer out the details on that). Bladewind and Psychic Strike as is. Knowledge: Arcana is a class skill instead of Knowledge: Psionics.
Adding inventory:
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (STR +2)
+2 Studded Leather Armor of Spell Resistance
(SR 17) +2 Light steel shield
Handy Haversack
-Side Pouch 1: 20 days of rations
-Side Pouch 2: 20 Alchemist fires
-Main pouch: 20 Tanglefoot bags
Belt pouch
-19 smokesticks
-19 tindertwigs
Dahak-Intrested but on a German Timezone
(GMT +0 )A Big Flying Fish- Dwarf- Druid/Master of Many Forms(Shifter)
Boin Evaeat
Druid 5/Master of Many Forms 5
STR 11 CON 15 DEX 9
INT 14 WIS 18 CHA 11
HP 46 (10d8) + 16 = 62
BAB +6 Will +9 Ref +4 Fort +10
Languages: common, dwarven, druidic, giant, elven
trackless step, woodland stride, nature sense, resist nature's lure, wild empathy, shifter's speech, fast wild shape.
Improved wild shape (animal, humanoid, giant, monstrous humanoid, fey, vermin, tiny, small, medium, large) 6 times per day. Max of 10hours per form.
dwarf stuff (+1 to hit goblinoids, +4 AC against giants, +2 to stone and metal craft/appraise checks,
+2 saving throw against poisons, spells and spell like abilities, stability, +2 to spot irregular stonework)
concentration ( 8 ) craft {stonework} ( 6 ) Diplomacy ( 7 )
heal ( 5 ) hide ( 6 ) knowledge {nature} ( 13 )
knowledge {geography} ( 6 ) listen ( 8 ) profession {herbalist} ( 5 )
spellcraft ( 5 ) swim ( 3 )
(GMT +1) Pcm979-TBA
(GMT +0 )The Dark-TBA
Utsanomiko-GNOMISH PALADIN! Blublo
STR 16 DEX 8 CON 16
INT 10 WSD 14 CHA 12
Four feats (Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard sword, Endurance, Leadership, Self-Sufficient), and I believe 24 skill points (4 starting +2/lvl, 0 Int bonus):
Concentration: 5
Diplomacy: 5
Heal: 4
Knowledge (nobility & royalty): 6
Sense Motive: 4
consequences-Daimoe, of Clan Hanzo
STR 14 DEX 18 CON 10
INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 14
HP: 60
Class: Samurai 10 Race: Human
Feats: Improved Initiative(class), Staredown(+4 Intimidate , class), Mass Staredown(all opp. 30ft, class), Two weapons(daisho only, class), Quick Draw(Daisho only, class), Kiai Smite(2/day +cha att/dam, class), two weapon defense, Improved two weapon defense, Combat expertise, combat reflexes, weapon focus katana
Skills:Craft(weaponsmithing) ( +12 ), Intimidate ( +19 ), Jump ( +7 ), Knowledge(history) ( +7 ), Knowledge(Nobility) ( +7 ), Listen ( +6 ), Ride ( +14 ) , Sense Motive ( +5 ), Spot ( +6 )
(GMT -8 ) Maraxus-Half Orc Druid
(GMT -8 )CaptainChewbacca- Mourad Bey
STR 15 DEX 22 CON 12
INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 11
HP: 93 (Got insane lucky) Class: Fighter (10)
Feats- Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Critical: Scimitar, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Scimitar, Weapon Specialization: Scimitar.
Skills: Handle Animal ( +2 ), Hide ( +20 ), Jump ( +6 ), Listen ( +6 ),
Move Silently ( +12 ), Tumble ( +12 ), Wilderness Lore ( +1 )
The Guid-Possible Timezone issues
(GMT -8 ) Raxmei- Halfling fighter( 6 ) /rogue ( 4 )
STR 10 DEX 20 CON 12
INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw Weapon Focus: Daggers
Weapon Specialization: Daggers Two Weapon Fighting Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Skills: Bluff ( 5 ) Climb ( 5 ) Diplomacy ( 1 ) Disable Device ( 6 )
Escape Artis ( 5 ) Gather Information ( 5 ) Hide ( 6 ) Jump ( 6 )
Listen ( 8 ) Move Silently ( 6 ) Open Lock ( 4 ) Search ( 10 )
Sense Motive ( 5 ) Sleight of Hand ( 3 ) Spot ( 10 ) Swim ( 5 )
Tumble ( 7 ) Use Magic Device ( 10 )
(GMT +5) Mr Bean-Lev Timolo
Half-Elf Neutral Good Sorceror,
STR 12 DEX 8 CON 14
INT 15 WIS 12 CHA 18
Feats: Negotiator(+2 Diplomacy/Sense) Persuasive(+2 Bluff/Intimidate)
Leadership, Weapon Focus Quarterstaff
Racial +2 Diplomacy/Gather Information. +1 Listen/Spot/Search
Low Light Vison, Immunity to Sleep
Bluff( 12 ) Concertration( 7 ) Knowledge {Nobility and Royalty}( 6 )
Diplomacy ( 14 ) Disguise ( 8 ) Gather Info ( 8 )
Intimidate ( 12 ) Sense Motive ( 7 ) Search ( 3 )
Languages-Dwarven, Undercommon, Draconic, Common and Elven
+1 Staff of Office(Silver edged Quarterstaff)-2000
+2 Cloak of Disguse(As per Hat of Disguse but in cloak form with AC modifiers)-15,000
Necklace of Adaptation-The magic of the necklace wraps the wearer in a shell of fresh air, making him immune to all harmful vapors and gase-9000
Mind Shielding: immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern his alignment-8,000
Handy Haversack-8,500(Full bag)
-Side Pouch 1: 20 days of rations
-Side Pouch 2: Waterskin(5x) Full
-Main pouch
Disguise Kit, Artisan’s Outfit, Explorer’s Outfit
5x Tindertwig, 5x Oil(Vial)
SCP backups
When asked about his past he mentions he was an Advisor/Ambassador to royality who was forced to flee his native homeland(He is evasive when asked which one) when he started a revolt when the current ruler went mad(According to him). Two assaination attempts and one attempted hanging by mob later he skipped out of the country for his own saftey leaving with nothing more than the clothes on his back and his staff of office. A true friend of the people.. whoever they are.
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2005-07-25 12:55am, edited 5 times in total.
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
- Ford Prefect
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 8254
- Joined: 2005-05-16 04:08am
- Location: The real number domain
Also, after much mucking around, I managed to come up with my character, Captain Jack Wyrdbeard - The Pirate Dwarf!
Fighter 7, Duelist 3
STR 14 DEX 15 CON 20
INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 7
Skills: Climb (9), Intimidate (6), Jump (8),
Swim (9), Tumble (6), Perform [comedy] (4)
Feats: Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiency, All. All Armour Proficencies. Shield Proficiency. Tower Shield Proficiency. Canny Defense (+1). Improved Reaction (+2). Enhanced Mobility. Dodge. Mobility. Two Weapon Fighting. Athletic. Weapon Finesse. Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Weapon Focus (Rapier). Weapon Specialisation (Rapier).
Equipment: One Adamantine Masterwork Rapier. Another Rapier. Leather Armour. Pirate Clothes (That's basically Noble Clothes in terms of price). A Bottle of Air. Sealing Wax. A small chest (that's the case, map or scroll). A spyglass. And a Folding Boat.
Right. Is there anything wrong with that? Have I messed up royally in any way?
Fighter 7, Duelist 3
STR 14 DEX 15 CON 20
INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 7
Skills: Climb (9), Intimidate (6), Jump (8),
Swim (9), Tumble (6), Perform [comedy] (4)
Feats: Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiency, All. All Armour Proficencies. Shield Proficiency. Tower Shield Proficiency. Canny Defense (+1). Improved Reaction (+2). Enhanced Mobility. Dodge. Mobility. Two Weapon Fighting. Athletic. Weapon Finesse. Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Weapon Focus (Rapier). Weapon Specialisation (Rapier).
Equipment: One Adamantine Masterwork Rapier. Another Rapier. Leather Armour. Pirate Clothes (That's basically Noble Clothes in terms of price). A Bottle of Air. Sealing Wax. A small chest (that's the case, map or scroll). A spyglass. And a Folding Boat.
Right. Is there anything wrong with that? Have I messed up royally in any way?
What is Project Zohar?
Here's to a certain mostly harmless nutcase.
Here's to a certain mostly harmless nutcase.
- Ford Prefect
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 8254
- Joined: 2005-05-16 04:08am
- Location: The real number domain
Oooh! I got that and there is another class in there which is more of a swashbuckler type, uses intelligence to add to AC and suchlike. By the way, when I said I would be "be away" I meant sort of "afk" for a few days because I have a friend to stay and its a bit rude to go online when he is here but there are times such as him in the shower or him going to be early (as early as 1am!Civil War Man wrote:Song and Silence, 3E book for Rogues and Bards. Has a prestige class called Dread Pirate. I own a copy, but unfortunately I don't have it with me, and I will not be able to pick it up from where it is for another week and a half.Ford Prefect wrote:Anyone got any idea how I could go about constructing a swashbuckling pirate character? Suggested classes would be wonderful.

What is the best way for me to get information to this chap on Song and Silence?
Self declared winner of The Posedown Thread
EBC - "What? What?" "Tally Ho!" Division
I wrote this:The British Avengers fanfiction
"Yeah, funny how that works - you giving hungry people food they vote for you. You give homeless people shelter they vote for you. You give the unemployed a job they vote for you.
Maybe if the conservative ideology put a roof overhead, food on the table, and employed the downtrodden the poor folk would be all for it, too". - Broomstick
EBC - "What? What?" "Tally Ho!" Division
I wrote this:The British Avengers fanfiction
"Yeah, funny how that works - you giving hungry people food they vote for you. You give homeless people shelter they vote for you. You give the unemployed a job they vote for you.
Maybe if the conservative ideology put a roof overhead, food on the table, and employed the downtrodden the poor folk would be all for it, too". - Broomstick
- Homicidal Maniac
- Posts: 6964
- Joined: 2002-07-07 03:06pm
Updated, equipment from my 3.0 DMG as I can't find my 3.5. Also, I'm in Maryland, so Eastern time as far as the U.S is concerned(however that translates to GMT, should have paid more attention in geography)
Daimoe, of Clan Hanzo
STR 14 DEX 18 CON 10
INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 14
HP: 60
Class: Samurai 10 Race: Human
Feats: Improved Initiative(class), Staredown(+4 Intimidate , class), Mass Staredown(all opp. 30ft, class), Two weapons(daisho only, class), Quick Draw(Daisho only, class), Kiai Smite(2/day +cha att/dam, class), two weapon defense, Improved two weapon defense, Combat expertise, combat reflexes, weapon focus katana
Skills:Craft(weaponsmithing) ( +12 ), Intimidate ( +19 ), Jump ( +7 ), Knowledge(history) ( +7 ), Knowledge(Nobility) ( +7 ), Listen ( +6 ), Ride ( +14 ) , Sense Motive ( +5 ), Spot ( +6 )
Equipment: +1 Keen katana(8335 gp) Wakizashi(300 GP), chain shirt +3(9250, Armor penalty -2 maximum dex +4, AC bonus 7) , Ring of protection +3(9000 GP) Amulet of natural armor +3(9000 GP), boots of speed(8000 GP), ring of sustenance(2500 GP), bag og holding type 1(2500 GP)
AC 29(30 while hasted, 32-36 while fighting defensively, 33-37 while hasted and fighting defensively)
Attack +14/+9 katana(+15/+15/+10 while hasted)
+12/+7 katana +11 wakizashi(+13/+13/+8katana, +12 wakizashi while hasted
Daimoe, of Clan Hanzo
STR 14 DEX 18 CON 10
INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 14
HP: 60
Class: Samurai 10 Race: Human
Feats: Improved Initiative(class), Staredown(+4 Intimidate , class), Mass Staredown(all opp. 30ft, class), Two weapons(daisho only, class), Quick Draw(Daisho only, class), Kiai Smite(2/day +cha att/dam, class), two weapon defense, Improved two weapon defense, Combat expertise, combat reflexes, weapon focus katana
Skills:Craft(weaponsmithing) ( +12 ), Intimidate ( +19 ), Jump ( +7 ), Knowledge(history) ( +7 ), Knowledge(Nobility) ( +7 ), Listen ( +6 ), Ride ( +14 ) , Sense Motive ( +5 ), Spot ( +6 )
Equipment: +1 Keen katana(8335 gp) Wakizashi(300 GP), chain shirt +3(9250, Armor penalty -2 maximum dex +4, AC bonus 7) , Ring of protection +3(9000 GP) Amulet of natural armor +3(9000 GP), boots of speed(8000 GP), ring of sustenance(2500 GP), bag og holding type 1(2500 GP)
AC 29(30 while hasted, 32-36 while fighting defensively, 33-37 while hasted and fighting defensively)
Attack +14/+9 katana(+15/+15/+10 while hasted)
+12/+7 katana +11 wakizashi(+13/+13/+8katana, +12 wakizashi while hasted

Just a note, GMT is equal to Brit time, minus going left, plus going right(When looking at the big old maps)consequences wrote:Updated, equipment from my 3.0 DMG as I can't find my 3.5. Also, I'm in Maryland, so Eastern time as far as the U.S is concerned(however that translates to GMT, should have paid more attention in geography)
You can find out your GMT time by looking under your... *drumroll....*
Windows Clock! And/or if your running Linux with a GUI the built in clock has that listing as well
GMT for Eastern seaboard is -5 I know that one by heart.
I'm holding off updating the list on your equipment till I get that pricecheck
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
- Homicidal Maniac
- Posts: 6964
- Joined: 2002-07-07 03:06pm
Ah, I screwed that one up good. Down to +2 they go. Curse my inability to create a tank!Raxmei wrote:Amulet of natural armor +3 and ring of protection +3 both cost 18,000, not 9,000. Boots of Speed are 12,000.

So they changed the price on the boots for 3.5, joy. Losing the bag of holding to compensate:
Daimoe, of Clan Hanzo
STR 14 DEX 18 CON 10
INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 14
HP: 60
Class: Samurai 10 Race: Human
Feats: Improved Initiative(class), Staredown(+4 Intimidate , class), Mass Staredown(all opp. 30ft, class), Two weapons(daisho only, class), Quick Draw(Daisho only, class), Kiai Smite(2/day +cha att/dam, class), two weapon defense, Improved two weapon defense, Combat expertise, combat reflexes, weapon focus katana
Skills:Craft(weaponsmithing) ( +12 ), Intimidate ( +19 ), Jump ( +7 ), Knowledge(history) ( +7 ), Knowledge(Nobility) ( +7 ), Listen ( +6 ), Ride ( +14 ) , Sense Motive ( +5 ), Spot ( +6 )
Equipment: +1 Keen katana(8335 gp) Wakizashi(300 GP), chain shirt +3(9250, Armor penalty -2 maximum dex +4, AC bonus 7) , Ring of protection +2(8000 GP) Amulet of natural armor +2(8000 GP), boots of speed(12000 GP), ring of sustenance(2500 GP)
AC 27(28 while hasted, 30-34 while fighting defensively, 31-35 while hasted and fighting defensively)
Attack +14/+9 katana(+15/+15/+10 while hasted)
+12/+7 katana +11 wakizashi(+13/+13/+8katana, +12 wakizashi while hasted
Edit:Character sheet here
Last edited by consequences on 2005-07-24 04:37pm, edited 1 time in total.

Is the Bonus Column in the equipment listing meant to indicate enhancement bonus? If so,Maraxus wrote:Here's my character.
Please grade/correct.
+4 armor of the wild is a +7 enchantment. That on its own is worth 49,000 gold.
A +3 keen flaming weapon is a +5 weapon. Enchantment valued at 50,000 gold.
Assuming that I misunderstood that column and each weapon has just the minimum +1 enhancement bonus required to gain the listed special abilities, you have a +4 armor, a +3 primary weapon, and a +2 secondary weapon. Those weapon enchantments are worth 26,000, and the armor 16,000. Total: 42,000, not counting the price of the base items.
Then we go on to the rest of the inventory.
+4 Bracers of Armor are worth 16,000 gp
+4 amulet of health, also worth 16,000
Cloak of resistance +4, 16,000 gp.
These three items together cost 48,000 gp.
That adds up to a bit over 100,000 gold, minimum.
I believe you have misjudged your character's wealth.
Further, you appear to be using a 3.0 edition character generation tool. I'm pretty sure we're using 3.5 edition.
I prepared Explosive Runes today.
- A Big Flying Fish
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 623
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- Location: England
Another minor nitpick. He also seems to be adding the bracer's of armour bonus as well as the armour bonus, which I believe doesn't count. A ring of protection would though. The total skill ranks looks off too, 111 by my count..Raxmei wrote:*snip*
Dwarf Obsessive. There's just something about short barrel-chested people with a penchent for axes and beards.
Done Maraxus,
OAN I still need GMT times from Ford Perfect, Dahak, The Guid and
Dahak, The Dark, The Guid I need progress updates from you on how charater gen is going.
Pcm979 you as well though I could have sworn I saw you post one up somewhere...
OAN I still need GMT times from Ford Perfect, Dahak, The Guid and
Dahak, The Dark, The Guid I need progress updates from you on how charater gen is going.
Pcm979 you as well though I could have sworn I saw you post one up somewhere...
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
- CaptainChewbacca
- Browncoat Wookiee
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I already told you what time zone I'm in. GMT -8, same as Raxmei.
As for additional stuff for Mourad:
AC 24
Init: 10
Fort: 8. Ref: 9. Will: 3.
As for additional stuff for Mourad:
AC 24
Init: 10
Fort: 8. Ref: 9. Will: 3.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

- Captain tycho
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Sorry I've been away; work and all that. Once everyone is done with their character, email it to me so I have a permanent copy. We also need suggestions for a session time. I would like to hold it friday night, but saturday and sunday are fine.
Captain Tycho!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
- Homicidal Maniac
- Posts: 6964
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You got AIM? Coaching will be a great deal easier with that than in the thread or PMs.Pcm979 wrote:Well, you swore wrong. I haven't been getting a lot of help here, so all I've got at the moment is Male Dwarf Fighter.Mr Bean wrote:Pcm979 you as well though I could have sworn I saw you post one up somewhere...

I have MSN. Pcm979(at)hotmail.comconsequences wrote:You got AIM? Coaching will be a great deal easier with that than in the thread or PMs.Pcm979 wrote:Well, you swore wrong. I haven't been getting a lot of help here, so all I've got at the moment is Male Dwarf Fighter.Mr Bean wrote:Pcm979 you as well though I could have sworn I saw you post one up somewhere...
Thanks to IO, I've got a tentative build:
Theoretical 10th level Dwarven fighter Sword and Board style
Str 16, Con 18, Dex 12, Wis 14, Int 12, Cha 8. Race modifiers and level bonuses included.
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus: Spot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Dwarven War Axe), Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven War Axe, Improved Critical: Dwarven Waraxe, Power Attack, Sunder.
Gear: Magic shield, magic plate, magic axe, eyes of the eagle, cloak of resistance, ring of protection.
- Captain tycho
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- Homicidal Maniac
- Posts: 6964
- Joined: 2002-07-07 03:06pm
Get a ring of sustenance. 2500 GP, cuts your sleep down to 2 hours a night, and means you don't have to worry about people poisoning your grub, as it covers all food and water needs.Pcm979 wrote:I have MSN. Pcm979(at)
Thanks to IO, I've got a tentative build:
Theoretical 10th level Dwarven fighter Sword and Board style
Str 16, Con 18, Dex 12, Wis 14, Int 12, Cha 8. Race modifiers and level bonuses included.
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus: Spot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Dwarven War Axe), Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven War Axe, Improved Critical: Dwarven Waraxe, Power Attack, Sunder.
Gear: Magic shield, magic plate, magic axe, eyes of the eagle, cloak of resistance, ring of protection.

- A Big Flying Fish
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 623
- Joined: 2002-07-07 07:49am
- Location: England
I do believe Dwarves treat dwarven war axes as martial weapons. I think you might have an extra feat to play with.Pcm979 wrote: I have MSN. Pcm979(at)
Thanks to IO, I've got a tentative build:
Theoretical 10th level Dwarven fighter Sword and Board style
Str 16, Con 18, Dex 12, Wis 14, Int 12, Cha 8. Race modifiers and level bonuses included.
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus: Spot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Dwarven War Axe), Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven War Axe, Improved Critical: Dwarven Waraxe, Power Attack, Sunder.
Gear: Magic shield, magic plate, magic axe, eyes of the eagle, cloak of resistance, ring of protection.
Dwarf Obsessive. There's just something about short barrel-chested people with a penchent for axes and beards.