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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Indeed. Ethnic dwarves get Ugrosh and waraxe as martial weapons.
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Post by Pcm979 »

So I can drop Exotic Weapon Proificiency (Dwarven War Axe?)
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Pcm979 wrote:So I can drop Exotic Weapon Proificiency (Dwarven War Axe?)
Yes. You don't need it to use DWA.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Sorry, that was a 3.0 carryover. On the subject of mistakes, Pcm actually gets 10hp +9d10hp +(Con bonus x10).
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Post by Captain tycho »

A Big Flying Fish wrote:
Pcm979 wrote: I have MSN. Pcm979(at)hotmail.com

Thanks to IO, I've got a tentative build:

Theoretical 10th level Dwarven fighter Sword and Board style

Str 16, Con 18, Dex 12, Wis 14, Int 12, Cha 8. Race modifiers and level bonuses included.

Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus: Spot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Dwarven War Axe), Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven War Axe, Improved Critical: Dwarven Waraxe, Power Attack, Sunder.

Gear: Magic shield, magic plate, magic axe, eyes of the eagle, cloak of resistance, ring of protection.
I do believe Dwarves treat dwarven war axes as martial weapons. I think you might have an extra feat to play with.
Fuck, I thought he put those in as being racial feats.
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Post by consequences »

Captain tycho wrote:
A Big Flying Fish wrote:
Pcm979 wrote: I have MSN. Pcm979(at)hotmail.com

Thanks to IO, I've got a tentative build:

Theoretical 10th level Dwarven fighter Sword and Board style

Str 16, Con 18, Dex 12, Wis 14, Int 12, Cha 8. Race modifiers and level bonuses included.

Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus: Spot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Dwarven War Axe), Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven War Axe, Improved Critical: Dwarven Waraxe, Power Attack, Sunder.

Gear: Magic shield, magic plate, magic axe, eyes of the eagle, cloak of resistance, ring of protection.
I do believe Dwarves treat dwarven war axes as martial weapons. I think you might have an extra feat to play with.
Fuck, I thought he put those in as being racial feats.
He also looks to be two feats light on top of that. Six fighter bonus feats, plus four for normal levels equals ten, and I'm only seeing 8.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Yep, I botched it. Apparently holding two conversations at once and doing a good job of character building is not in my skill set.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Mine's updated, with equipment added and reduntant proficiency retracted:

(GMT -6) Utsanomiko-- Blublo Phillippei-- Gnomish Paladin
STR 16 DEX 8 CON 16
INT 10 WSD 14 CHA 12
Feats: Endurance, Die Hard, Leadership, Self-Sufficient
26 skill points:
Concentration: 6
Diplomacy: 5
Heal: 5
Knowledge (nobility & royalty): 6
Sense Motive: 4
Class Abilities: Smite evil 3/day, Remove disease 2/week, Special mount, Turn undead, Aura of courage, Divine Health, Divine Grace, Lay on hands, Detect evil, Aura of good.

Bastard Sword +2, Gnomish Holy Plate (Full-Plate +1, Moderate Fortification), Courtier's outfit, Ring of Protection +2, Amulet of Health +2, signet ring, belt pouch containing: Healer's kit, flint & steel, charcoal pencil & 5 sheets of parchment, 10,925gp.

Stats don't reflect items, which I recall adds 2 AC and 2 Constitution, boosting his hitpoints to 110 and AC to 21. Oh, and about that special mount: naturally I'd prefer it to be a riding dog. Some sort of big St. Bernard kind of breed, dark red fur... and his name shall be 'Peanut'.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I believe a Bastard Sword is a large weapon, and you're a small creature, so that would mean you'd need a feat to use it.
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Post by The Dark »

Bean - my character sheet is at this site. I am GMT -5.

And I got bloody lucky on my hit dice. Both mage rolls came up 4, and the lowest other roll I had was a 4 on a d8. Everything else was 6 or higher.

I feel pretty good. AC 21 if fighting ranged, 23 up close. I should stay away, though, since my ranged attack bonus is at least double my melee bonus (more if they're point-blank). 1d8+2 normally, 1d8+4 if a target's within 30 feet.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:I believe a Bastard Sword is a large weapon, and you're a small creature, so that would mean you'd need a feat to use it.
Rax pointed out earlier in this thread that I'd only need the feat to use it one-handed, which he wouldn't be able to do anyway due to his size.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Utsanomiko wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:I believe a Bastard Sword is a large weapon, and you're a small creature, so that would mean you'd need a feat to use it.
Rax pointed out earlier in this thread that I'd only need the feat to use it one-handed, which he wouldn't be able to do anyway due to his size.
You're small, so you can use small weapons one-handed and medium weapons 2-handed. Just like a medium creature can use a medium weapon one-handed, but can only use a large weapon 2-handed without a feat. You need a feat to use a large weapon at all.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
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Post by consequences »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Utsanomiko wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:I believe a Bastard Sword is a large weapon, and you're a small creature, so that would mean you'd need a feat to use it.
Rax pointed out earlier in this thread that I'd only need the feat to use it one-handed, which he wouldn't be able to do anyway due to his size.
You're small, so you can use small weapons one-handed and medium weapons 2-handed. Just like a medium creature can use a medium weapon one-handed, but can only use a large weapon 2-handed without a feat. You need a feat to use a large weapon at all.
It doesn't appear to be classified as such.

He could just use a bastard sword sized for him. According to the PHB, such a thing would do 1d8.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

CaptainChewbacca wrote: You're small, so you can use small weapons one-handed and medium weapons 2-handed. Just like a medium creature can use a medium weapon one-handed, but can only use a large weapon 2-handed without a feat. You need a feat to use a large weapon at all.
Isn't that a contradiction to say I can use a large without the feat but need it anyway? And that's besides theexotic proficiency is for using it one-handed, and a medium bastard sword does 1d10.

Redblade 3.5ed character builder doesn't note any inability or attack reduction to use a Bastard Sword without an exotic proficiency.
Last edited by Utsanomiko on 2005-07-24 07:50pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I stand corrected. Bastard Sword is a medium weapon.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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Post by Ford Prefect »

I'm GMT + 10, if you'd like to know, which you do. This actually fine as I can sync with you lot anyway.
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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

(GMT -5 ) Civil War Man- Neutral Evil Tiefling Mageblade
(GMT -5 )The Dark-Dark your link is broken it goes back to the mainpage
(GMT -6 ) Utsanomiko-GNOMISH PALADIN! Blublo
(GMT -8 )CaptainChewbacca- Mourad Bey
(GMT -8 ) Maraxus-Half Orc Druid
(GMT -8 ) Raxmei- Halfling fighter( 6 ) /rogue ( 4 )
(GMT +0 )A Big Flying Fish- Dwarf- Druid/Master of Many Forms(Shifter)
(GMT +1) Pcm979-10th level Dwarven fighter Sword and Board style
(GMT +3) the .303 bookworm-Sorceror 5, Alienist 3, Palemaster 1, wearer of purple 1, Dwarf.
(GMT +5) Mr Bean-Lev Timolo
(GMT +10 )Ford Perfect- Captain Jack Wyrdbeard - The Pirate Dwarf!

There we go a shortened timezone/charater layout.
We have six on the West side of GMT
One on the GMT line
And four across the GMT line
And one extra
consequences-Daimoe, of Clan Hanzo-Need GMT time

And dark note the above your link is broken, or is atleast for me. Post your charater name as well as your link.

*Edit Edit CaptianC added in, mybad.
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2005-07-25 02:27am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Seems like I'll be playing around midnight.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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Post by Pcm979 »

Just thought I'd add that I am on the GMT line, it's just Daylight Savings over here. Hence the +1.

For my HP I've got 10 automatically (Yay Fighter!) followed by 5, 10, 7, 7, 9, 1, 6, 9, 7. 71 total, plus Con bonus (2) times 10 (20) equals 91. :shock:
Isn't that a little high?

Rolling again, I get a total (+20 included) of 77. Is that more reasonable?

So, my modified Character Build is:

Theoretical 10th level Dwarven fighter Sword and Board style

Str 16, Con 18, Dex 12, Wis 14, Int 12, Cha 8. Race modifiers and level bonuses included.

Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus: Spot, Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Waraxe, Improved Critical: Dwarven Waraxe, Power Attack, Improved Sunder.

Gear: Magic shield, magic plate, magic axe, eyes of the eagle, cloak of resistance, ring of protection, ring of sustenance.

This leaves me with 3 feats to play with. I seem to recall Consequences suggesting I drop Skill Focus: Spot, but I'd accidentally taken a sleeping pill (Long story), so it's rather vague. :oops:
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

The Skill Focus: Spot was in there only because you wanted extreme watchfullness.

You miscalculated your hitpoints: At 18 Con your bonus is +4. 4x10=40. So you have 40+10+9d10 hp (if you don't have items boosting your Con even higher). Unfortunately, you can burn through even that number of hitpoints pretty quickly.
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Post by Pcm979 »

So, my HP on the higher roll is 111? :shock:
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Yes, it is high. Sword and board style is based on going high AC/high hp and taking everythng the opponents can dish out. Your Con is your highest stat and you rolled well. You'll need every point. 3.0/3.5 dishes out more damage than previous editions. One crit from a Fire Giant and you will be in a world of hurt.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Pcm979 »

Hrm. There's a lot of Rings of Protection and Cloaks of Resistance to choose from.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Imperial Overlord wrote:Yes, it is high. Sword and board style is based on going high AC/high hp and taking everythng the opponents can dish out. Your Con is your highest stat and you rolled well. You'll need every point. 3.0/3.5 dishes out more damage than previous editions. One crit from a Fire Giant and you will be in a world of hurt.
I speak giant! I'll taunt him and then duck!
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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Post by Ford Prefect »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Imperial Overlord wrote:Yes, it is high. Sword and board style is based on going high AC/high hp and taking everythng the opponents can dish out. Your Con is your highest stat and you rolled well. You'll need every point. 3.0/3.5 dishes out more damage than previous editions. One crit from a Fire Giant and you will be in a world of hurt.
I speak giant! I'll taunt him and then duck!
Then I'll perform a swinging thrust attack from the rigging of my Folding Boat, stabbing him in both eyes with my rapiers, then I'll swirl them around in his brains, arrr.
What is Project Zohar?

Here's to a certain mostly harmless nutcase.
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