Name: Doriaz.
Class: Necromancer.
Race: Human.
Al: CG.
S: 10
D: 10
C: 16
I: 22 (20 without bonus)
W: 14
Ch: 6 (I edited this down from 8... thought it suited him better).
Skills (with attribute bonus): Alchemy +13(+19), Concentration +13(+16), Heal +2 (+4), Knowledge (Geography) +11 (+17), Knowledge (History) +11(+17), Knowledge (The Planes) +13(+19), Knowledge (Arcana) +13(+19), Knowledge (Religion) +11(+17), Scry +13(+19), Spellcraft +13(+19), Speak Abyssal (

Feats: Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Enlarge Spell, Quicken Spell, Still Spell, Silent Spell.
Equipment: Alchemist's Lab(
Not carried with him but hidden in his cave somewhere guarded by a few skeletons), 40 Crossbow Bolts, Cold Weather outfit, Heavy Crossbow, Headband of Intellect +2, Ioun Stone (clear spindle), Quarterstaff, Ring of the Ram, Traveller's Outfit, 2 Spellbooks, Spell Component Pouch.
Backstory: Doriaz has lived in a cave for as long as he can remember now. Brought up and trained by a wizard somewhere around the Icewind Dale area he went travelling only to learn that his master had been slain by a Necromancer. He fought the Necromancer, barely escaping with his life. He concluded that the best way to fight fire, was with fire, he travelled far away from Icewind Dale to find somewhere he could study Necromancy so that evil Necromancers would no longer be unchallenged. He hates Enchanters as he sees the taking away of freedoms as the greatest evil there is. He has left his cave of study due to his scrying around and being aware only of a threat which he felt he needed to challenge. He has no idea what this is, or how to combat it but he has decided (perhaps in a rather deluded way) that he is the one to challenge it. Doriaz comes across as an evil Necromancer, somewhat mad and without heart. He is in fact a good person but his worldly knowledge is quite limited.