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Civil War Man
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Post by Civil War Man »

Raxmei wrote:Sword and Board isn't my style, so I don't know what feats match up well with it. ::shrug:: Some people think highly of Cleave.
Cleave and Great Cleave do go well with the hack and slash type characters. I was in a game where one time our party got attacked by an army of increasingly difficult enemies (goblins at the front, clockwork horrors in the back). My fighter (wielding a two bladed sword) stood at a chokepoint and basically killed all the enemies that came through there (up until the clockwork horrors started swarming us, at least). Four enemies would come through the chokepoint and my character would attack one, kill it, and cleave all the way through to the fourth (never even got to use my second attack).
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Post by Pcm979 »

Okay, how about this:

Waraxe, Dwarven +1 (Metalline, Sure Striking), Shield, Large, Steel +1 (moderate fortification) Full-Plate +1 (Improved Fire Resistance (Mr. Bean's suggestion))?
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Post by A Big Flying Fish »

Pcm979 wrote:Okay, how about this:

Waraxe, Dwarven +1 (Metalline, Sure Striking), Shield, Large, Steel +1 (moderate fortification) Full-Plate +1 (Improved Fire Resistance (Mr. Bean's suggestion))?
The improved fire resistance on the armour takes the cost up to 43,000 for the armour, which I'm sure would take you over 49k by a long way. Fire resistence would take it under I believe. Otherwise good.
Dwarf Obsessive. There's just something about short barrel-chested people with a penchent for axes and beards.
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Post by Pcm979 »

Okay, this is my list so far:

Theoretical 10th level Dwarven fighter Sword and Board style

Str 16, Con 18, Dex 12, Wis 14, Int 12, Cha 8. Race modifiers and level bonuses included.

Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus: Spot, Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Waraxe, Improved Critical: Dwarven Waraxe, Power Attack, Improved Sunder.

Gear: Shield, Large, Steel +1 (Moderate Fortification), Full-Plate +1 (Fire Resistance), Waraxe, Dwarven +1 (Metalline, Sure Striking), Eyes of the Eagle, Cloak of resistance +1, Ring of Protection +1, Ring of sustenance.

Feats suggested: Cleave and Great Cleave.

Looking over the System Resource Document, I found a Tanky Prestige Class called the Dwarven Defender. It requires Dodge, Endurance, Toughness, Craft, Listen, Sense Motive and Spot. Worth investing in?
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Post by Raxmei »

It gives you listen, sense motive, and spot as class skills, which a fighter doesn't. IIRC that fits in with your concept.
The prerequisite feats aren't particularly useful, but the same could be said for some of the ones you already have. The BAB prerequisite means you can only take three levels of DD at starting. You'd lose the level 8 and 10 fighter bonus feats and gain use of defensive stance for 13 rounds twice a day. It's an okay power if you're comfortable holding the line while the spellcasters blast away.

The resistance bonus from defensive stance does not stack with a cloak of resistance.

If you feel like the sort of stubborn fighter who takes a stand and then nothing can make him budge, it fits really well. If you feel like the sort of person who advances or retreats it fits really poorly.
I prepared Explosive Runes today.
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Post by Pcm979 »

I'm afraid I only caught half of that. How would I have to alter my existing stats to make it work? In one-syllable words?
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Post by Raxmei »

Basically you'd become a Fighter 7, Dwarven Defender 3 instead of Fighter 10. Or Fighter 8, DD 2, or Fighter 9, DD 1. You must have at least seven levels in Fighter (for the BAB) before you can start taking levels in Dwarven Defender. The exact number of levels you take in each class is your choice, and is a basic tradeoff. You're going to lose your level 10 fighter bonus feat, and the level 8 bonus feat too if you take three levels in Dwarven Defender. Personally, I think 8 levels in Fighter and 2 in Dwarven Defender is better than the other possible combinations. You lose only one of your feats that way.

You also need the feats Dodge, Endurance, and Toughness to qualify. You'd have to replace some of your feats with those. Dodge can be taken as a fighter bonus feat, the others can not. Exactly what you replace is up to you.

If you don't want to go through all this rigamarole you can always just stay a 10th level Fighter.
I prepared Explosive Runes today.
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Post by Pcm979 »

Howabout I stay a Fighter, but become a DD next level?
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Toughness can also be taken as a Fighter bonus feat.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Raxmei »

Pcm979 wrote:Howabout I stay a Fighter, but become a DD next level?
That works too, though some DMs make you get training to take on a new class.
I prepared Explosive Runes today.
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Post by Pcm979 »

I'll PM Captain Tycho, see what he says.
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Post by The Dark »

Sorry Bean, I linked to the wrong page. If I'm right, this should work. Just in case it doesn't, the character is Rhys Seabharinn.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Maraxus »

Half-Orc Male
Druid 10
Chaotic Neutral
Representing Maraxus

Strength 12 ( + 1)
Dexterity 16 ( + 3)
Constitution 16 ( + 3)
Intelligence 12 ( + 1)
Wisdom 18 ( + 4)
Charisma 9 (-1)

Size: Medium
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 270 lb
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black

Total Hit Points: 70

Speed: 20 feet

Armor Class: 16 = 10 + 3 [hide] + 3 [dexterity]

Touch AC: 13
Flat-footed: 13

Initiative modifier: + 7 = + 3 [dexterity] + 4 [improved initiative]
Fear check: + 4 = + 4 [wisdom]
Horror check: + 4 = + 4 [wisdom]
Madness check: + 4 = + 4 [wisdom]
Fortitude save: + 10 = 7 [base] + 3 [constitution]
Reflex save: + 6 = 3 [base] + 3 [dexterity]
Will save: + 11 = 7 [base] + 4 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): + 8/ + 3 = 7 [base] + 1 [strength]
Attack (missile): + 10/ + 5 = 7 [base] + 3 [dexterity]
Grapple check: + 8/ + 3 = 7 [base] + 1 [strength]

Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
43 lb. or less
44-86 lb.
87-130 lb.
130 lb.
260 lb.
650 lb.

Languages: Auran Common Draconic Druidic Dwarven Giant Ignan Orc
Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
Sling [1d4, crit x2, range inc. 50 ft., 0 lb, bludgeoning]
Scimitar [1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]
Hide armor [medium; + 3 AC; max dex + 4; check penalty -3; 25 lb.]

Improved Initiative
Skill Focus (Handle Animal)
Wild Scent
Quicken Spell

Bluff Cha 1.5 = -1
+ 2.5
Climb Str* 1 =+ 1
Concentration Con 11 = + 3+ 8
Diplomacy Cha 3 =-1+ 4
Escape Artist Dex* 3 =+ 3
Handle Animal Cha 10 = -1 + 8 + 3 [skill focus]
Heal Wis 4 = + 4
Hide Dex* 3 = + 3
Intimidate Cha -1 =-1
Jump Str* -2.5 = + 1+ 2.5 -6 [speed 20]
Knowledge (nature) Int 11 =+ 1+ 6+ 2 [druid] + 2 [survival]
Listen Wis 4 = + 4
Move Silently Dex* 3 =+ 3
Ride Dex 10 = + 3+ 5 + 2 [handle animal]
Survival Wis 14 = + 4 + 8 + 2 [druid]
Swim Str** 9 = + 1+ 8

This character also has 4 ranks in Speak Languages.
Handle Animal >=5 ranks gives + 2 on wild empathy checks.
Know Nature >=5 ranks gives + 2 on survival checks above ground.

SPell List:
Create water 0 yes no
Flare 0 yes instant fort dazzles one creature
Guidence 0 yes no
light 0 yes no
Read Magic 0 yes read scrolls and spellbooks
resistance 0 yes no
Animal Friendship 1 yes Gains permenant animal companion
cure light wounds 1 yes touch no
entangle 1 yes ref, DC16
invisibility to animals 1 yes no
Flaming sphere 2 yes ref halves
Resist elements 2 yes ignores first 12 damage from energy type in each round
Speak with Animal 2 yes May speak with normal animals
tree shape 2 yes will
Dominate animal 3 yes will
Meld with stone 3 yes You and your gear merge with stone.
Speak with Plants 3 yes Can communicate with normal plants and plant creatures
Dispel Magic 4 yes cancels magical spells and effects
Freedom of movement 4 yes Subject may move freely even when impeeded
Spike Stones 4 yes Deals 1d8 damage, slows creatures in area.
Animal Growth 5 yes will Target animal doubles in size/HD.
Cure Critical wounds 5 yes cures 4d8 damage +10, inflicts 4d8 damage +10 on undead.

Here's my semi-complete character sheet. I'll post my magical items when i get around to it.
Last edited by Maraxus on 2005-07-25 09:09pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Dark »

Deity edit: I would assume Sehahine Moonbow is a logical choice for an Arcane Archer? If not, I may change over to Araleth Letheranil, since he would make sense for a good elvish adventurer.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by consequences »

consequences: GMT-5
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Civil War Man
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Post by Civil War Man »

It'd be almost kinda funny if I made Marst a follower of Malar, considering the potentially large number of druids in the group. But hunting, stalking, lycanthropy, and bloodlust aren't his things.

Deities like Chauntea, Tyr, or Lathander would not want someone like Marst hanging around them. Ilmater or Loviatar would accept him, but suffering's not Marst's thing. He'd probably find deities like Bane, Cyric, Talos, Mask, and Tempus to be a little too...crazy. They go a little too far with their whole thing.

Considering how he's very self-serving, it'd probably make most sense for him to follow one of the Goddesses of Fortune (Tymora and Beshaba). And even though Beshaba fits his alignment more (being Evil), she's a bit of a killjoy. Tymora may be a Good deity, but she accepts any alignment as a follower. Fortune favors the bold.

So my character follows Tymora. He's not one of the real super devout people, though. Mostly just holidays.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Very sorry about not being on at all today, my comp's internet connection was fucked by a bad registry, which has now been repaired.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Okay, a little bit of backstory about whats going on in Calimport right now (nothing too detailed, you'll find out alot more about whats going on onc ewe start the game):

-An efreet pasha and his entourage arrived a week ago, intent on speaking with the ruler of Calimsham, His Lordship The Prescient Kadar Galhad. The efreet's prescence in Calimport has disrupted much local trade and activity; Azer (dwarves from the Plane of Fire), fire salamanders, and the rest of the pasha's servants and guards have been stirring up trouble, though nothing fatal has happened (yet.)

Rumors persist that the efreet is there to talk about opening an extra-planar trade pact with Calimsham; this rumor has upset many local merchant houses and incensed the local thieves' guild.

The Imperial Guard has been twitchy lately, and due to the increased incidents across the city, is trying to bolster it's ranks with mercenaries and outsiders with promises of coin.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Hmmm... Mourad could use some money for supplies before he heads for home. A few extra camels would help his drought-inflicted tribe.
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You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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Post by Mr Bean »

Wazza? Oh right sorry just came off a fourteen hour shift, I'm going back in for another one in about fifteen minutes the previous eight hours have been spent asleep/PTing so I'll update everything when I get back.

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Post by lance »

Sorry, psionics don't exist in faerun aside from the natural spell like abilities alot of critters have, plus its a pain in the ass to run a game with psionicists.
Did you miss page 172 in players guide to faerune? Where it discusses on how they are rare, but their? But I guess They could be a real pain in the ass so I will digress. Can I join as a Wiz/Cl/Mystic Theurge?

I would also like to use from complete arcane Practiced Spell castor , Adds 4 to caster level in chosen class, cap of hit die,arcane mastery,(allows me to take 10 on casterlevel checks) and colleigiate wizard doubles the spells I get putin my book per level.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Ah, in my faerun, psionics don't exist. Don't forget I am the ultimate authority in this game, not the rulebook. :twisted: :wink:
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Civil War Man
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Post by Civil War Man »

Captain tycho wrote:Ah, in my faerun, psionics don't exist. Don't forget I am the ultimate authority in this game, not the rulebook. :twisted: :wink:
Though if you did allow psionics, I probably would have made my character a thrall of the Ithillid. :twisted:
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Post by White Haven »

Hmm...just how badly would you hurt me if I dropped in with a folding boat and a Spelljammer helm? :angelic:
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Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
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Post by Captain tycho »

White Haven wrote:Hmm...just how badly would you hurt me if I dropped in with a folding boat and a Spelljammer helm? :angelic:
'Run from Halaster! He'll get you! GET YOU!' :P
Captain Tycho!
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