Add me on ICQ (3295836) or AIM (KurganJKnet) and I'll hook you up. Many of these mods I have on cd and have collected from various places. is a good place to start but it's so crammed it can be daunting for beginners. Decent single player mods are more rare though anyway...DPDarkPrimus wrote:I just got this used for $5. I have to play through single-player first and such, but are there any mods or campaigns or fan-patches I should download?
First install the official 1.01 patch from (or many other sites), the rest I can send you (skins, voice packs, enhancements, fan patches). As far as SP maps, I don't really have any, that's something you'll have to find on your own (and post here if you like if you find any good ones).
Incidentally you don't "have" to play the Single Player campaign first. Beating SP really won't prepare you for MP because the gameplay is significantly different (ie: weapons, powers, and moves are changed around... just like Jedi Outcast did it). It's a great SP campaign don't get me wrong, but I'm just saying beating the SP game is poor training for MP.

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