[Mikal768]What if the Federation followed Mike's suggestion?

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Post by Mikal768 »

Crown wrote:
Mikal768 wrote:Check out the EU, specifically during the NJO time period. It's rife with examples of ships having to revert to realspace to retake their bearings, and go from one jump to another. Hell, the Vong/Peace Brigade started ambushing Republic and trading ships at well known reversion spots specifically for that purpose. By YOUR reasoning those ships wouldn't NEED to make those reversions, since they could just 'travel on a straight line' to their destination.
The onus is on you to back up your claims. If you are so sure that these events happened, pick up the relevant book, find the passage and quote it like SirNitram did with the DFR passage. :wink:
would if i a) had the actual book handy and b) was not at work, even if i did have the relevant book handy.
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Post by Crown »

Mikal768 wrote:
Crown wrote:
Mikal768 wrote:Check out the EU, specifically during the NJO time period. It's rife with examples of ships having to revert to realspace to retake their bearings, and go from one jump to another. Hell, the Vong/Peace Brigade started ambushing Republic and trading ships at well known reversion spots specifically for that purpose. By YOUR reasoning those ships wouldn't NEED to make those reversions, since they could just 'travel on a straight line' to their destination.
The onus is on you to back up your claims. If you are so sure that these events happened, pick up the relevant book, find the passage and quote it like SirNitram did with the DFR passage. :wink:
would if i a) had the actual book handy and b) was not at work, even if i did have the relevant book handy.
The I would suggest that your next prudent course of action would be to stop posting in this thread at work, and wait till you get home to your refrences? It would be a lot easier on all involved you know.
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Post by Mikal768 »

I shouldn't have to, as anyone could easily pick up the damn book themselves and read the passage, if they wished. I'm not going to be pushed around by some people (not you, obviously) because I can't quote chapter and verse.
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Post by Lord Revan »

Mikal768 wrote:I shouldn't have to, as anyone could easily pick up the damn book themselves and read the passage, if they wished. I'm not going to be pushed around by some people (not you, obviously) because I can't quote chapter and verse.
It's not our job to prove your points, you'll have to do that all by yourself and if these reversion are well know it suggests they're static and there for not due to the limitations of Hyperdrive, but for some other reasons.
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Post by Mikal768 »

Lord Revan wrote:
Mikal768 wrote:I shouldn't have to, as anyone could easily pick up the damn book themselves and read the passage, if they wished. I'm not going to be pushed around by some people (not you, obviously) because I can't quote chapter and verse.
It's not our job to prove your points, you'll have to do that all by yourself and if these reversion are well know it suggests they're static and there for not due to the limitations of Hyperdrive, but for some other reasons.
It's apparently due to the limits of hyperspace ROUTES, which has been the point I've been trying to make. Hyperspace travel itself is extremely fast. I never denied it wasn't. My point was that the establishing of safe corridors of travel, especially for a military campaign, would take time. Once those routes were established, then it'd be a quick war, but until such a time as said routes happen, then the war would move much slower. And I've shown the evidence on why it takes time to establish these routes, even with thousands upon thousands of probe droids to call upon to search for them
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Post by Lord Revan »

Mikal768 wrote:It's apparently due to the limits of hyperspace ROUTES, which has been the point I've been trying to make. Hyperspace travel itself is extremely fast. I never denied it wasn't. My point was that the establishing of safe corridors of travel, especially for a military campaign, would take time. Once those routes were established, then it'd be a quick war, but until such a time as said routes happen, then the war would move much slower. And I've shown the evidence on why it takes time to establish these routes, even with thousands upon thousands of probe droids to call upon to search for them
most Hyperspace routes are the safest possible route from A to B, but while it is dangerous ramdom Hyperspace jump can't done (also wouldn't it be quite odd that Jango Fett didn't Obi-wan's Delta-7 until Geonosis if he (and Obi-wan) had to make stops along the way (IIRC Geonosis and Kamino were nowere near each other))
I may be an idiot, but I'm a tolerated idiot
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
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Post by SirNitram »

Mikal768 wrote:
SirNitram wrote: I misremembered the incident. Here's the exact quote from Dark Force Rising, as a Victory-class ticks along uncharted space:
pg 250-251", DFR wrote: But from the labored sound of the engines, she could guess they were pushing
uncomfortably far past a Victory Star Destroyer's normal flank speed of
Point Four Five. Possibly even as high as Point Five, which would mean they
were covering a hundred twenty-seven light-years per hour.
Which means that they cover a little over their realtime sensor radius in an hour; not impossible to do safely. Of course, you cut out the bit where I explained why this should be obvious. Ah, trekkies.
Except that IIRC the Vic knew where Mount Tantiss and Wayland was by this time in the trilogy, thus it wasn't unknown, since Thrawn found the damn planet a book ago. And all this proves is that the ship can travel at that speed. There is still no evidence whatsoever that they use these FTL sensors when they travel in hyperspace, only that they're used at the most to 'perhaps' detect in bound ships, and even that has no evidence backing it up.
So by your argument, once they know where Earth is, they'll be able to fly there at these speeds? Thank you. Concession Accepted.

Oh, they have subspace sensors, and can scan the entire domain in three hours. WEG. 8) So it turns out they'd hear all the comm traffic and find the centres for activity to strike.
And as for calling me a trekkie, why do you assume I'm for Trek or against Wars in this debate? All I'm doing is taking the evidence shown in the movies, books, and games, and being logical about it, rather then succumbing to the near no-limits fallacy that you all seem to ascribe to the SW side. Their ships are fast, I never denied it, but they're limited by the mode of travel.
Accuse me of fallacies again without evidence and it will go poorly, you lying little cunt. You are claiming I'm biased; you have very limited time to stop this and provide evidence. This sort of Ad Hominem bullshit isn't held here.
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Post by SirNitram »

Mikal768 wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:
Mikal768 wrote:I shouldn't have to, as anyone could easily pick up the damn book themselves and read the passage, if they wished. I'm not going to be pushed around by some people (not you, obviously) because I can't quote chapter and verse.
It's not our job to prove your points, you'll have to do that all by yourself and if these reversion are well know it suggests they're static and there for not due to the limitations of Hyperdrive, but for some other reasons.
It's apparently due to the limits of hyperspace ROUTES, which has been the point I've been trying to make. Hyperspace travel itself is extremely fast. I never denied it wasn't. My point was that the establishing of safe corridors of travel, especially for a military campaign, would take time. Once those routes were established, then it'd be a quick war, but until such a time as said routes happen, then the war would move much slower. And I've shown the evidence on why it takes time to establish these routes, even with thousands upon thousands of probe droids to call upon to search for them
Except that we know even a smuggler's hotrod can calculate it's own route(The Falcon), without needing an established one.

No one here beleives you spewing about what NJO says without actually referencing it. You don't know how to debate it seems: You must back up your claims.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

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Post by AdmiralKanos »

Mikal768 wrote:And as for calling me a trekkie, why do you assume I'm for Trek or against Wars in this debate? All I'm doing is taking the evidence shown in the movies, books, and games, and being logical about it, rather then succumbing to the near no-limits fallacy that you all seem to ascribe to the SW side. Their ships are fast, I never denied it, but they're limited by the mode of travel.
"Limits" for which you've never shown a shred of evidence, asshole. And when challenged, you still provide nothing.
Yes, because they just sent a probe droid to see if there was any of this shit in their way, you idiot. What part of this do you not understand? You don't need to "calculate" jack shit when you simply apply the brute-force method of sending a disposable probe ahead of you.
Except for the fact that a lot of those probes will probably fail in getting the route mapped out. Yes, the probes will eventually find a safe route, but it'll take time. Why don't YOU understand that I never said it wouldn't work, I said it would take TIME. THAT'S the point I'm trying to refute: that the SW ships can quickly and easily establish beacheads around the galaxy willy nilly. From everything we've seen about hyperspace travel, they CAN'T, at least not until they establish hyperspace routes: which will take TIME.
Just how dense do you think space is, moron? You follow a probe droid through hyperspace, and if it runs into a mass shadow, it drops out and you drop out behind it. Worse-case scenario is that you lose the probe droid. In the meantime, you've made tens of thousands of light-years progress toward your goal.
Either provide objective evidence of those claims right now or shut the fuck up, asshole. Your next post in this thread will either be objective evidence to support these accusations, a retraction of those accusations, or your last post on this board. You decide.
piss off.
Wrong answer, asshole.


When will people learn that when I give a warning, I mean it? If there is one thing I've tried to impress upon people, it's that when I give a warning, it's for real. Obviously, it's taking a very long time for this message to sink in. Perhaps some people are just very slow at picking up the obvious.
I've shown my evidence, specifically the rates of expansion in the SW galaxy itself, as well as the nature of hyperspace jumps.
No, you haven't shown a shred of evidence. You've only made completely unsupported claims with vague references to an entire series of books as your evidence, despite the fact that we've seen SW ships hyperjump to uncharted systems.
Provide evidence that it is impossible to make a hyperjump in a straight line, you lying little shit.
Check out the EU, specifically during the NJO time period. It's rife with examples of ships having to revert to realspace to retake their bearings, and go from one jump to another.
Hey dumb-shit, what makes you think that preferred routes are the same as proof that it's impossible to use anything else?
Hell, the Vong/Peace Brigade started ambushing Republic and trading ships at well known reversion spots specifically for that purpose. By YOUR reasoning those ships wouldn't NEED to make those reversions, since they could just 'travel on a straight line' to their destination.
Were you born this stupid, or did you have a habit of drinking window cleaner as a youth? If there's something between point A and point B, you obviously can't take a direct path in that particular case. That doesn't mean it's impossible to make straight-line jumps in hyperspace, you idiot.

On this board, we have a rule: WHEN CHALLENGED, YOU WILL EITHER PROVIDE EVIDENCE FOR YOUR CLAIMS OR BACK OFF. You will not tell people to go find their own evidence, and you will not make vague allusion to the evidence being somewhere in a dozen books. This rule is clearly stated at the top of this forum. If you're too stupid to read it, and then too arrogant to stop making unsourced claims even after being warned, that's your problem. As of right now, it is no longer our problem.
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Post by Lord Revan »

It's funny How Turd thinks that Slave 1 didn't detect Obi-wan's Delta-7 and Hyperspace ring attached to it in any stops between Kamino and Geonosis, but is able detect the unattached Delta-7 at ease when arrives at Geonosis. While the ability calculate a single jump from A to B solves this (no stops).
I may be an idiot, but I'm a tolerated idiot
"I think you completely missed the point of sigs. They're supposed to be completely homegrown in the fertile hydroponics lab of your mind, dried in your closet, rolled, and smoked...
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Post by Crown »

Well, I can't say that I didn't see that coming ... oh Mike, the BANNED title isn't showing up. :wink:
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