Figuring out a level adjustment for D20 Modern
Moderator: Thanas
- Majin Gojira
- Sith Acolyte
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- Location: Philadelphia
Figuring out a level adjustment for D20 Modern
Ok, I'm a conversion nut. I like doing conversions. One of the hardest things to do is to convert--well--something to D20. Here is my attempts at a Vampire Slayer and a BtVS style Vampire. However, I am having problems with the Level Adjustments. I'm thinkin the Slayer should be a +5 and the Vampire a +3, but I am not sure.
Vampire Slayer (Slayers)
Species Traits
Size: Medium. Vampire Slayers have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Ability Modifiers: +6 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma
Extra Starting Hit Dice: a Vampire Slayer starts with 5 hit dice (5d8 points). The Slayer’s constitution modifier applies to each Hit Die when determining hit points.
Base Speed: 30 feet
Natural Armor Bonus: Vampire Slayers have an enhanced muscle and bone structure, providing them with a +6 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Attack Bonuses: Vampire Slayers gain a +3 Base Attack Bonus from their starting hit dice.
Saving Throws: Vampire Slayers gain +1 to Fortitude Saves +4 to Reflex Saves and +1 to Willpower Saves from their bonus hit dice
Low-Light Vision: Slayers can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Energy Resistance: Vampire Slayers have Acid, Cold and Electricity resistance 5
Energy Immunity: Vampire Slayers are immune to Energy Drain, such as a Vampire’s touch or the spell “Ghouls’ Touch”
Fast Healing: A Vampire Slayer heals 5 points per round. They still die at -10 hit points, however.
Memories of Slayers’ Past A Vampire Slayer can tap into the lives of previous slayers for information they may have known. The character must make a concentration check against a DC 10 + 1 per character level (with appropriate penalties for distraction). If successful, they may make an unskilled check at any skill with a skill rank equal to her Wisdom bonus (other ability bonus is added to these ranks as usual) with a minimum bonus of +1. This is a supernatural ability and works even with trained-only or restricted skills. For skills that they already possess, they may add their Wisdom bonus as a competence bonus. This is a Supernatural Ability.
Spell-Like Abilities: A Vampire Slayer may cast Detect Undead at will, True Strike once per day, and can cast Dream once per week as an Acolyte of similar hit-die.
Allegiance: Vampire Slayers must begin play with an allegiance to Good.
Feats: Vampire Slayers gain the following Feats: Archaic Weapon’s Proficiency, Combat Martial Arts, Improved Initiative and Iron Will
Negative Feats: Vampire Slayers are burdened with the following Negative Feats: Adversary 4 (-2 Feat Slots) – All creatures of evil alignment, demons, devils, Old Ones, their servants and Undead hate Slayers simply for existing and go out of their way to hunt, kill, and or convert any Slayers they come across, due to the fact that Slayers were designed to hunt and kill them. *
Single Gender: All Vampire Slayers are born as female humans, but change when they hit puberty. There are no Male Slayers, and when polymorphed into a male, a Slayer loses their Slayer bonuses.
*I don't have access to the Book of Unearthed Arcana that has the true Negative feats rules, this was taken largely from the D20 Modern conversion available in the AFMBE Second Edition Corebok.
Vampire (BtVS)
The Vampire template can only be applied to Humans and still uses all the base humans scores and abilities except when notes below.
Level Adjustment: ?
Undead: A Vampire has traits and immunities common to Undead
Hit die: Change do d12. Undead have no constitution score. They also gain a bonus 2 Hit Die when this template is applied.
Base Attack Bonus: From their bonus hit die, they gain a +1 to their attack bonus.
Saving Throws: From these extra hit dice, they also gain +2 to Will Saves.
Defense: A Vampire gains a +6 bonus to defense from their unnatural form.
Attacks: a Vampire gains a Bite attack that deals 1d6+str Slashing Damage.
Special Qualities:
Blood Drain(Ex): A Vampire can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by first successfully grappling then biting an opponent. Unless the part of the body being bitten is armored, the vampire only needs to make a touch attack with a +2 bonus in order to bite the victim. Once a vampire takes hold with their fangs, they deal1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage per turn.
Create Spawn(Su): When a Vampire brings a Human victim down to 3 or less Constitution (but not below or at 0—where the victim dies) they may peform a ritual to turn a them into a Vampire. They offer the victim their own blood to drink, they must succeed in a will save with a DC equal to 10 + ½ the Vampire’s total Hit Die + the amount of Constitution Drained + the Vampire’s Charisma Modifier. If they fail, they drink. If they succeed, they reject it. The victim then dies and will rise as a Vampire in 1d6 days. This spawn gains allegiances and gains an allegiance to Chaos and Evil, if they had any allegiances that opposed these, they are lost. A Vampire is often a twisted mockery of the person they once were.
Damage Reduction 10/- for Piercing Attacks only: A vampire’s undead body can be riddled full of holes with no real effect. The only exception is a Wooden Stake to the heart (explained below).
Damage Reduction 15/- for Massive Damage Only: Aside from being immune to death from massive damage, if a Vampire’s Massive Damage threshold is reached with a physical attack, that damage is reduced by 15.
Fast Healing 5(Ex): A Vampire heals 5 points per turn, unless they were dealt Holy or Fire damage, which heals normally.
Frightful Presence (Ex): When activated (IE: the vampire Bares its fangs) all those within 10ft must succeed a Will Save (DC= 1/2 Hit Die + Charisma Modifier + Reputation Bonus). IF they fail, they are shaken (-2 to all actions) for 1d6+charisma modifier turns. If they succeed, they are immune to the effect for 24 hours. If they succed more than 5 times, a target becomes immune to this ability.
Immune to Turning(Ex): Vampires are corpses animated by demonic spirits, and cannot be turned as Undead. They can, however, be turned as Outsiders.
Energy Resistance (Cold) 10(Ex): A Vampire ignores the first 10 points of Cold Damage from any cold-based attacks.
Energy Resistance (Electricity) 15(Ex): A Vampire ignores the first 15 points of Electricity damage from any electricity based attacks.
Darvision(Ex): Vampires have Darkvision at a range of 60ft.
Sire Connection(Su): If any Vampire is within (Wisdom Score) Miles of their sire, their sire may sense their presence through vague dreams.
Scent: A Vampire has a keen sense of smell and may use it to detect approaching enemies, detect hidden foes and track by their sense of smell. If there is very any blood involved, the DC to track a target is reduced by 2 based on the severity of the injury. (a minor wound reduced the DC by 2, a wound that reduces the targets HP by 5 or more reduces it by 4, 10 by 6 and 15 by . Blood also doubles the range of that the vampire can smell.
Weaknesses(Ex): A Vampire has several weaknesses described below.
Direct Sunlight: Being exposed to even the smallest amount of sunlight hurts a vampire. Though, it must be direct sunlight. A Vampire can operate indoors, in shade or even covered by heavy clothing can minimize or negate the exposure. A Vampire takes 3d6 points of damage at the end of each turn it is in direct sunlight. If they are under heavy cover, this reduces to either 1d4 or 1d2 per turn, depending on the level of cover (Shade deals 1d4, hiding under a heavy blanket reduces the damage to 1d2). If it is within reach, a Vampire may attempt a reflex save (DC 20) to get out of the sun and under cover, thus only taking 1d4 damage. While in Direct Sunlight, they must also succeed a Reflex Save (DC 20) or catch on fire, suffering an additional 1d6 fire damage per turn until extinguished.
Crosses: When presented strongly, a Vampire cannot attack the wielder, only attempt to disarm him or her, and even then they must succeed a Will Save (DC 15+level of the Wielder) to even try. If the Cross comes in contact with their skin it deals 1d4 points of Holy damage. They cannot be killed in this manner.
Beheading: If a vampire is every beheaded, they are reduced to ash as if they were staked with a wooden stake. A Beheading only occurs on a critical hit with a slashing weapon, and even then, they must roll a 1d20 again, and get at least a 15 or higher to confirm that it was the head that was sliced off. A Vampire then has to make a Fortitude save (DC 25+Damage Dealt-Current Hit Points) or die and be reduced to ash. Failure means that the wound was not deep enough to decapitate. This may or may not mess up the Vocal Chords of the vampire (GMs discretion)
Fire: If reduced to 0 HP from fire damage, a vampire is destroyed and is reduced to ash.
Garlic: Because of their acute sense of Smell, a Vampire does not like Garlic a lot. They suffer a -1 to attack rolls when in 5 feet garlic cloves.
Inviolate Sanctuary: A Vampire cannot enter the private property of a Human without an invitation. Other creatures are fair game.
Mirror: a Vampire casts no reflection and can be detected with a Mirror.
Stake: Wooden Weapons that deal Piercing damage (stake, a pool cue, arrows, spears, etc) ignore the Vampire’s damage reduction on a critical hit. For a vampire, a critical hit occurs on a 17-20. It deals damage normally, but a Vampire must succeed fortitude save (DC 25+damage dealt-Current Hit points) or die and be reduced to ash. A failure means that the attacker missed the heart.
Holy Water: Prolonged exposure to Holy Water can destroy a vampire.
Allegiances: A Vampire gains an Allegiance to Chaos and Evil. If their sire is present when they rise, they also gain a minor allegiance to their sire. Certain rituals can change a Vampire’s allegiances.
Ability Scores: +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Skills: Same as a human, including bonus skills. Vampires receive a +4 Bonus racial to Listen, Move Silently and Spot checks.
Feats: Same as the human, but they also gain Combat Martial Arts and Great Fortitude
Advancement: By Character Class
Vampire Slayer (Slayers)
Species Traits
Size: Medium. Vampire Slayers have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Ability Modifiers: +6 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma
Extra Starting Hit Dice: a Vampire Slayer starts with 5 hit dice (5d8 points). The Slayer’s constitution modifier applies to each Hit Die when determining hit points.
Base Speed: 30 feet
Natural Armor Bonus: Vampire Slayers have an enhanced muscle and bone structure, providing them with a +6 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Attack Bonuses: Vampire Slayers gain a +3 Base Attack Bonus from their starting hit dice.
Saving Throws: Vampire Slayers gain +1 to Fortitude Saves +4 to Reflex Saves and +1 to Willpower Saves from their bonus hit dice
Low-Light Vision: Slayers can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Energy Resistance: Vampire Slayers have Acid, Cold and Electricity resistance 5
Energy Immunity: Vampire Slayers are immune to Energy Drain, such as a Vampire’s touch or the spell “Ghouls’ Touch”
Fast Healing: A Vampire Slayer heals 5 points per round. They still die at -10 hit points, however.
Memories of Slayers’ Past A Vampire Slayer can tap into the lives of previous slayers for information they may have known. The character must make a concentration check against a DC 10 + 1 per character level (with appropriate penalties for distraction). If successful, they may make an unskilled check at any skill with a skill rank equal to her Wisdom bonus (other ability bonus is added to these ranks as usual) with a minimum bonus of +1. This is a supernatural ability and works even with trained-only or restricted skills. For skills that they already possess, they may add their Wisdom bonus as a competence bonus. This is a Supernatural Ability.
Spell-Like Abilities: A Vampire Slayer may cast Detect Undead at will, True Strike once per day, and can cast Dream once per week as an Acolyte of similar hit-die.
Allegiance: Vampire Slayers must begin play with an allegiance to Good.
Feats: Vampire Slayers gain the following Feats: Archaic Weapon’s Proficiency, Combat Martial Arts, Improved Initiative and Iron Will
Negative Feats: Vampire Slayers are burdened with the following Negative Feats: Adversary 4 (-2 Feat Slots) – All creatures of evil alignment, demons, devils, Old Ones, their servants and Undead hate Slayers simply for existing and go out of their way to hunt, kill, and or convert any Slayers they come across, due to the fact that Slayers were designed to hunt and kill them. *
Single Gender: All Vampire Slayers are born as female humans, but change when they hit puberty. There are no Male Slayers, and when polymorphed into a male, a Slayer loses their Slayer bonuses.
*I don't have access to the Book of Unearthed Arcana that has the true Negative feats rules, this was taken largely from the D20 Modern conversion available in the AFMBE Second Edition Corebok.
Vampire (BtVS)
The Vampire template can only be applied to Humans and still uses all the base humans scores and abilities except when notes below.
Level Adjustment: ?
Undead: A Vampire has traits and immunities common to Undead
Hit die: Change do d12. Undead have no constitution score. They also gain a bonus 2 Hit Die when this template is applied.
Base Attack Bonus: From their bonus hit die, they gain a +1 to their attack bonus.
Saving Throws: From these extra hit dice, they also gain +2 to Will Saves.
Defense: A Vampire gains a +6 bonus to defense from their unnatural form.
Attacks: a Vampire gains a Bite attack that deals 1d6+str Slashing Damage.
Special Qualities:
Blood Drain(Ex): A Vampire can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by first successfully grappling then biting an opponent. Unless the part of the body being bitten is armored, the vampire only needs to make a touch attack with a +2 bonus in order to bite the victim. Once a vampire takes hold with their fangs, they deal1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage per turn.
Create Spawn(Su): When a Vampire brings a Human victim down to 3 or less Constitution (but not below or at 0—where the victim dies) they may peform a ritual to turn a them into a Vampire. They offer the victim their own blood to drink, they must succeed in a will save with a DC equal to 10 + ½ the Vampire’s total Hit Die + the amount of Constitution Drained + the Vampire’s Charisma Modifier. If they fail, they drink. If they succeed, they reject it. The victim then dies and will rise as a Vampire in 1d6 days. This spawn gains allegiances and gains an allegiance to Chaos and Evil, if they had any allegiances that opposed these, they are lost. A Vampire is often a twisted mockery of the person they once were.
Damage Reduction 10/- for Piercing Attacks only: A vampire’s undead body can be riddled full of holes with no real effect. The only exception is a Wooden Stake to the heart (explained below).
Damage Reduction 15/- for Massive Damage Only: Aside from being immune to death from massive damage, if a Vampire’s Massive Damage threshold is reached with a physical attack, that damage is reduced by 15.
Fast Healing 5(Ex): A Vampire heals 5 points per turn, unless they were dealt Holy or Fire damage, which heals normally.
Frightful Presence (Ex): When activated (IE: the vampire Bares its fangs) all those within 10ft must succeed a Will Save (DC= 1/2 Hit Die + Charisma Modifier + Reputation Bonus). IF they fail, they are shaken (-2 to all actions) for 1d6+charisma modifier turns. If they succeed, they are immune to the effect for 24 hours. If they succed more than 5 times, a target becomes immune to this ability.
Immune to Turning(Ex): Vampires are corpses animated by demonic spirits, and cannot be turned as Undead. They can, however, be turned as Outsiders.
Energy Resistance (Cold) 10(Ex): A Vampire ignores the first 10 points of Cold Damage from any cold-based attacks.
Energy Resistance (Electricity) 15(Ex): A Vampire ignores the first 15 points of Electricity damage from any electricity based attacks.
Darvision(Ex): Vampires have Darkvision at a range of 60ft.
Sire Connection(Su): If any Vampire is within (Wisdom Score) Miles of their sire, their sire may sense their presence through vague dreams.
Scent: A Vampire has a keen sense of smell and may use it to detect approaching enemies, detect hidden foes and track by their sense of smell. If there is very any blood involved, the DC to track a target is reduced by 2 based on the severity of the injury. (a minor wound reduced the DC by 2, a wound that reduces the targets HP by 5 or more reduces it by 4, 10 by 6 and 15 by . Blood also doubles the range of that the vampire can smell.
Weaknesses(Ex): A Vampire has several weaknesses described below.
Direct Sunlight: Being exposed to even the smallest amount of sunlight hurts a vampire. Though, it must be direct sunlight. A Vampire can operate indoors, in shade or even covered by heavy clothing can minimize or negate the exposure. A Vampire takes 3d6 points of damage at the end of each turn it is in direct sunlight. If they are under heavy cover, this reduces to either 1d4 or 1d2 per turn, depending on the level of cover (Shade deals 1d4, hiding under a heavy blanket reduces the damage to 1d2). If it is within reach, a Vampire may attempt a reflex save (DC 20) to get out of the sun and under cover, thus only taking 1d4 damage. While in Direct Sunlight, they must also succeed a Reflex Save (DC 20) or catch on fire, suffering an additional 1d6 fire damage per turn until extinguished.
Crosses: When presented strongly, a Vampire cannot attack the wielder, only attempt to disarm him or her, and even then they must succeed a Will Save (DC 15+level of the Wielder) to even try. If the Cross comes in contact with their skin it deals 1d4 points of Holy damage. They cannot be killed in this manner.
Beheading: If a vampire is every beheaded, they are reduced to ash as if they were staked with a wooden stake. A Beheading only occurs on a critical hit with a slashing weapon, and even then, they must roll a 1d20 again, and get at least a 15 or higher to confirm that it was the head that was sliced off. A Vampire then has to make a Fortitude save (DC 25+Damage Dealt-Current Hit Points) or die and be reduced to ash. Failure means that the wound was not deep enough to decapitate. This may or may not mess up the Vocal Chords of the vampire (GMs discretion)
Fire: If reduced to 0 HP from fire damage, a vampire is destroyed and is reduced to ash.
Garlic: Because of their acute sense of Smell, a Vampire does not like Garlic a lot. They suffer a -1 to attack rolls when in 5 feet garlic cloves.
Inviolate Sanctuary: A Vampire cannot enter the private property of a Human without an invitation. Other creatures are fair game.
Mirror: a Vampire casts no reflection and can be detected with a Mirror.
Stake: Wooden Weapons that deal Piercing damage (stake, a pool cue, arrows, spears, etc) ignore the Vampire’s damage reduction on a critical hit. For a vampire, a critical hit occurs on a 17-20. It deals damage normally, but a Vampire must succeed fortitude save (DC 25+damage dealt-Current Hit points) or die and be reduced to ash. A failure means that the attacker missed the heart.
Holy Water: Prolonged exposure to Holy Water can destroy a vampire.
Allegiances: A Vampire gains an Allegiance to Chaos and Evil. If their sire is present when they rise, they also gain a minor allegiance to their sire. Certain rituals can change a Vampire’s allegiances.
Ability Scores: +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Skills: Same as a human, including bonus skills. Vampires receive a +4 Bonus racial to Listen, Move Silently and Spot checks.
Feats: Same as the human, but they also gain Combat Martial Arts and Great Fortitude
Advancement: By Character Class
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
- Steven Snyder
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Re: Figuring out a level adjustment for D20 Modern
LA +10, this includes the +5 LA for the Hit Dice.Majin Gojira wrote:Vampire Slayer (Slayers)
- Majin Gojira
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6017
- Joined: 2002-08-06 11:27pm
- Location: Philadelphia
O_o Ok, how do you figure the additional +5 considering that Saves, BAB, and Feats all come from the HD and Negafeats? Is it the Negative Energy immunity?
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
- Homicidal Maniac
- Posts: 6964
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- Civil War Man
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- Majin Gojira
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6017
- Joined: 2002-08-06 11:27pm
- Location: Philadelphia
Interesting...I will have to do some adjustments...
Does anyone have data on exactly how to determine a proper Level Adjust?
Interesting...I will have to do some adjustments...
Does anyone have data on exactly how to determine a proper Level Adjust?
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
- Homicidal Maniac
- Posts: 6964
- Joined: 2002-07-07 03:06pm
- Majin Gojira
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6017
- Joined: 2002-08-06 11:27pm
- Location: Philadelphia
Yeah, but don't buy it, it hardly has any rules in it and is stuffed to the brim with filler.
Going through the "Savage Species" book, I've made some alterations to both. Here they are:
Vampire Slayer/Slayer
Species Traits
Size: Medium. Vampire Slayers have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Ability Modifiers: +6 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Extra Starting Hit Dice: a Vampire Slayer starts with 5 hit dice (5d8 points). The Slayer’s constitution modifier applies to each Hit Die when determining hit points.
Base Speed: 30 feet
Natural Armor Bonus: Vampire Slayers have an enhanced muscle and bone structure, providing them with a +5 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Attack Bonuses: Vampire Slayers gain a +3 Base Attack Bonus from their starting hit dice.
Saving Throws: Vampire Slayers gain +1 to Fortitude Saves +4 to Reflex Saves and +1 to Willpower Saves from their bonus hit dice
Low-Light Vision: Slayers can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Energy Resistance: Vampire Slayers have Acid, Cold and Electricity resistance 5
Energy Immunity: Vampire Slayers are immune to Energy Drain, such as a Vampire’s touch or the spell “Ghouls’ Touch”
Fast Healing: A Vampire Slayer heals 3 points per round. They still die at -10 hit points, however.
Memories of Slayers’ Past: A Vampire Slayer can tap into the lives of previous slayers for information they may have known. The character must make a concentration check against a DC 10 + 1 per character level (with appropriate penalties for distraction). If successful, they may make an unskilled check at any skill with a skill rank equal to her Wisdom bonus (other ability bonus is added to these ranks as usual) with a minimum bonus of +1. This is a supernatural ability and works even with trained-only or restricted skills. For skills that they already possess, they may add their Wisdom bonus as a competence bonus. This is a Supernatural Ability.
Spell-Like Abilities: A Vampire Slayer may cast Detect Undead at once per day per Hit Die, True Strike once per day, and can cast Dream once per week as an Acolyte of similar hit-die.
Allegiance: Vampire Slayers must begin play with an allegiance to Good.
Feats: Vampire Slayers gain the following Feats: Archaic Weapon’s Proficiency, Combat Martial Arts, Improved Initiative and Iron Will
Negative Feats: Vampire Slayers are burdened with the following Negative Feats: Adversary 5 – All creatures of evil alignment, demons, devils, Old Ones, their servants and Undead hate Slayers simply for existing and go out of their way to hunt, kill, and or convert any Slayers they come across, due to the fact that Slayers were designed to hunt and kill them. This extends to their reputation with other races. Slayers suffer a -5 on all Diplomacy and reputation checks with Shadowkind, but a +5 on Intimidate checks. This only applies to Shadowkind who know what they are. They also suffer an Obligation (Total) drawback as they are expected to fight the evil aspects of the Shadowkind until she dies.
Single Gender: All Vampire Slayers are born as female humans, but change when they hit puberty. There are no Male Slayers, and when polymorphed into a male, a Slayer loses their Slayer bonuses.
Level Adjustment is somewhere around 6 or 7 based on Savage Specoes.
Vampire (BtVS)
Traits:The Vampire template can only be applied to Humans and still uses all the base human’s scores and abilities except when notes below.
Level Adjustment: +5?
Undead: A Vampire has traits and immunities common to Undead
Hit die: Change do d12. Undead have no constitution score. They also gain a bonus 2 Hit Die when this template is applied.
Base Attack Bonus: From their bonus hit die, they gain a +1 to their attack bonus.
Saving Throws: From these extra hit dice, they also gain +2 to Will Saves.
Defense: A Vampire gains a +5 bonus to defense from their unnatural form.
Attacks: a Vampire gains a Bite attack that deals 1d6+str Slashing Damage.
Special Qualities:
Blood Drain (Ex): A Vampire can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by first successfully grappling then biting an opponent. Unless the part of the body being bitten is armored, the vampire only needs to make a touch attack with a +2 bonus in order to bite the victim. Once a vampire takes hold with their fangs, they deal1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage per turn.
Create Spawn (Su): When a Vampire brings a Human victim down to 3 or less Constitution (but not below or at 0—where the victim dies) they may perform a ritual to turn them into a Vampire. They offer the victim their own blood to drink, they must succeed in a will save with a DC equal to 10 + ½ the Vampire’s total Hit Die + the amount of Constitution Drained + the Vampire’s Charisma Modifier. If they fail, they drink. If they succeed, they reject it. The victim then dies and will rise as a Vampire in 1d6 days. This spawn gains allegiances and gains an allegiance to Chaos and Evil, if they had any allegiances that opposed these, they are lost. A Vampire is often a twisted mockery of the person they once were.
Damage Reduction 10/- for Piercing Attacks only: A vampire’s undead body can be riddled full of holes with no real effect. The only exception is a Wooden Stake to the heart (explained below).
Damage Reduction 15/- for Massive Damage Only: Aside from being immune to death from massive damage, if a Vampire’s Massive Damage threshold is reached with a physical attack, that damage is reduced by 15.
Fast Healing (Ex): A Vampire heals 3 points per turn, unless they were dealt Holy or Fire damage, which heals normally.
Frightful Presence (Ex): When activated (IE: the vampire Bares its fangs) all those within 10ft must succeed a Will Save (DC= 1/2 Hit Die + Charisma Modifier + Reputation Bonus). IF they fail, they are shaken (-2 to all actions) for 1d6+charisma modifier turns. If they succeed, they are immune to the effect for 24 hours. If they succed more than 5 times, a target becomes immune to this ability. The Renown Feat increases the DC by 5.
Immune to Turning(Ex): Vampires are corpses animated by demonic spirits, and cannot be turned as Undead. They can, however, be turned as Outsiders.
Energy Resistance (Cold) 10(Ex): A Vampire ignores the first 10 points of Cold Damage from any cold-based attacks.
Energy Resistance (Electricity) 15(Ex): A Vampire ignores the first 15 points of Electricity damage from any electricity based attacks.
Darvision (Ex): Vampires have Darkvision at a range of 60ft.
Sire Connection (Su): If any Vampire is within (Wisdom Score) Miles of their sire, their sire may sense their presence through vague dreams.
Scent (Ex): A Vampire has a keen sense of smell and may use it to detect approaching enemies, detect hidden foes and track by their sense of smell. If there is very any blood involved, the DC to track a target is reduced by 2 based on the severity of the injury. (a minor wound reduced the DC by 2, a wound that reduces the targets HP by 5 or more reduces it by 4, 10 by 6 and 15 by . Blood also doubles the range of that the vampire can smell.
Weaknesses (Ex): A Vampire has several weaknesses described below. They may only be permenantly killed by these listed methods. Otherwise, they will recover (albiet slowly).
Direct Sunlight: Being exposed to even the smallest amount of sunlight hurts a vampire. Though, it must be direct sunlight. A Vampire can operate indoors, in shade or even covered by heavy clothing can minimize or negate the exposure. A Vampire takes 3d6 points of damage at the end of each turn it is in direct sunlight. If they are under heavy cover, this reduces to either 1d4 or 1d2 per turn, depending on the level of cover (Shade deals 1d4, hiding under a heavy blanket reduces the damage to 1d2). If it is within reach, a Vampire may attempt a reflex save (DC 20) to get out of the sun and under cover, thus only taking 1d4 damage. While in Direct Sunlight, they must also succeed a Reflex Save (DC 20) or catch on fire, suffering an additional 1d6 fire damage per turn until extinguished.
Crosses: When presented strongly, a Vampire cannot attack the wielder, only attempt to disarm him or her, and even then they must succeed a Will Save (DC 15+level of the Wielder) to even try. If the Cross comes in contact with their skin it deals 1d4 points of Holy damage. They cannot be killed in this manner, though they can be killed by other forms of Blessed weaponry.
Beheading: If a vampire is every beheaded, they are reduced to ash as if they were staked with a wooden stake. A Beheading only occurs on a critical hit with a slashing weapon, and even then, they must roll a 1d20 again, and get at least a 15 or higher to confirm that it was the head that was sliced off. A Vampire then has to make a Fortitude save (DC 25+Damage Dealt-Current Hit Points) or die and be reduced to ash. Failure means that the wound was not deep enough to decapitate. This may or may not mess up the Vocal Chords of the vampire (GMs discretion)
Fire: If reduced to 0 HP from fire damage, a vampire is destroyed and is reduced to ash.
Garlic: Because of their acute sense of Smell, a Vampire does not like Garlic a lot. They suffer a -1 to attack rolls when in 5 feet garlic cloves.
Inviolate Sanctuary: A Vampire cannot enter the private property of a Human without an invitation.
Mirror: a Vampire casts no reflection and can be detected with a Mirror.
Stake: Wooden Weapons that deal Piercing damage (stake, a pool cue, arrows, spears, etc) ignore the Vampire’s damage reduction on a critical hit. For a vampire, a critical hit occurs on a 17-20. It deals damage normally, but a Vampire must succeed fortitude save (DC 25+damage dealt-Current Hit points) or die and be reduced to ash. A failure means that the attacker missed the heart.
Holy Water: Prolonged exposure to Holy Water can destroy a vampire.
Allegiances: A Vampire gains an Allegiance to Chaos and Evil. If their sire is present when they rise, they also gain a minor allegiance to their sire. Certain rituals can change a Vampire’s allegiances.
Ability Scores: +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Skills: Same as a human, including bonus skills. Vampires receive a +4 Bonus racial to Listen, Move Silently and Spot checks.
Feats: Same as the human, but they also gain Combat Martial Arts and Great Fortitude
Advancement: By Character Class
Going through the "Savage Species" book, I've made some alterations to both. Here they are:
Vampire Slayer/Slayer
Species Traits
Size: Medium. Vampire Slayers have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Ability Modifiers: +6 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Extra Starting Hit Dice: a Vampire Slayer starts with 5 hit dice (5d8 points). The Slayer’s constitution modifier applies to each Hit Die when determining hit points.
Base Speed: 30 feet
Natural Armor Bonus: Vampire Slayers have an enhanced muscle and bone structure, providing them with a +5 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Attack Bonuses: Vampire Slayers gain a +3 Base Attack Bonus from their starting hit dice.
Saving Throws: Vampire Slayers gain +1 to Fortitude Saves +4 to Reflex Saves and +1 to Willpower Saves from their bonus hit dice
Low-Light Vision: Slayers can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Energy Resistance: Vampire Slayers have Acid, Cold and Electricity resistance 5
Energy Immunity: Vampire Slayers are immune to Energy Drain, such as a Vampire’s touch or the spell “Ghouls’ Touch”
Fast Healing: A Vampire Slayer heals 3 points per round. They still die at -10 hit points, however.
Memories of Slayers’ Past: A Vampire Slayer can tap into the lives of previous slayers for information they may have known. The character must make a concentration check against a DC 10 + 1 per character level (with appropriate penalties for distraction). If successful, they may make an unskilled check at any skill with a skill rank equal to her Wisdom bonus (other ability bonus is added to these ranks as usual) with a minimum bonus of +1. This is a supernatural ability and works even with trained-only or restricted skills. For skills that they already possess, they may add their Wisdom bonus as a competence bonus. This is a Supernatural Ability.
Spell-Like Abilities: A Vampire Slayer may cast Detect Undead at once per day per Hit Die, True Strike once per day, and can cast Dream once per week as an Acolyte of similar hit-die.
Allegiance: Vampire Slayers must begin play with an allegiance to Good.
Feats: Vampire Slayers gain the following Feats: Archaic Weapon’s Proficiency, Combat Martial Arts, Improved Initiative and Iron Will
Negative Feats: Vampire Slayers are burdened with the following Negative Feats: Adversary 5 – All creatures of evil alignment, demons, devils, Old Ones, their servants and Undead hate Slayers simply for existing and go out of their way to hunt, kill, and or convert any Slayers they come across, due to the fact that Slayers were designed to hunt and kill them. This extends to their reputation with other races. Slayers suffer a -5 on all Diplomacy and reputation checks with Shadowkind, but a +5 on Intimidate checks. This only applies to Shadowkind who know what they are. They also suffer an Obligation (Total) drawback as they are expected to fight the evil aspects of the Shadowkind until she dies.
Single Gender: All Vampire Slayers are born as female humans, but change when they hit puberty. There are no Male Slayers, and when polymorphed into a male, a Slayer loses their Slayer bonuses.
Level Adjustment is somewhere around 6 or 7 based on Savage Specoes.
Vampire (BtVS)
Traits:The Vampire template can only be applied to Humans and still uses all the base human’s scores and abilities except when notes below.
Level Adjustment: +5?
Undead: A Vampire has traits and immunities common to Undead
Hit die: Change do d12. Undead have no constitution score. They also gain a bonus 2 Hit Die when this template is applied.
Base Attack Bonus: From their bonus hit die, they gain a +1 to their attack bonus.
Saving Throws: From these extra hit dice, they also gain +2 to Will Saves.
Defense: A Vampire gains a +5 bonus to defense from their unnatural form.
Attacks: a Vampire gains a Bite attack that deals 1d6+str Slashing Damage.
Special Qualities:
Blood Drain (Ex): A Vampire can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by first successfully grappling then biting an opponent. Unless the part of the body being bitten is armored, the vampire only needs to make a touch attack with a +2 bonus in order to bite the victim. Once a vampire takes hold with their fangs, they deal1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage per turn.
Create Spawn (Su): When a Vampire brings a Human victim down to 3 or less Constitution (but not below or at 0—where the victim dies) they may perform a ritual to turn them into a Vampire. They offer the victim their own blood to drink, they must succeed in a will save with a DC equal to 10 + ½ the Vampire’s total Hit Die + the amount of Constitution Drained + the Vampire’s Charisma Modifier. If they fail, they drink. If they succeed, they reject it. The victim then dies and will rise as a Vampire in 1d6 days. This spawn gains allegiances and gains an allegiance to Chaos and Evil, if they had any allegiances that opposed these, they are lost. A Vampire is often a twisted mockery of the person they once were.
Damage Reduction 10/- for Piercing Attacks only: A vampire’s undead body can be riddled full of holes with no real effect. The only exception is a Wooden Stake to the heart (explained below).
Damage Reduction 15/- for Massive Damage Only: Aside from being immune to death from massive damage, if a Vampire’s Massive Damage threshold is reached with a physical attack, that damage is reduced by 15.
Fast Healing (Ex): A Vampire heals 3 points per turn, unless they were dealt Holy or Fire damage, which heals normally.
Frightful Presence (Ex): When activated (IE: the vampire Bares its fangs) all those within 10ft must succeed a Will Save (DC= 1/2 Hit Die + Charisma Modifier + Reputation Bonus). IF they fail, they are shaken (-2 to all actions) for 1d6+charisma modifier turns. If they succeed, they are immune to the effect for 24 hours. If they succed more than 5 times, a target becomes immune to this ability. The Renown Feat increases the DC by 5.
Immune to Turning(Ex): Vampires are corpses animated by demonic spirits, and cannot be turned as Undead. They can, however, be turned as Outsiders.
Energy Resistance (Cold) 10(Ex): A Vampire ignores the first 10 points of Cold Damage from any cold-based attacks.
Energy Resistance (Electricity) 15(Ex): A Vampire ignores the first 15 points of Electricity damage from any electricity based attacks.
Darvision (Ex): Vampires have Darkvision at a range of 60ft.
Sire Connection (Su): If any Vampire is within (Wisdom Score) Miles of their sire, their sire may sense their presence through vague dreams.
Scent (Ex): A Vampire has a keen sense of smell and may use it to detect approaching enemies, detect hidden foes and track by their sense of smell. If there is very any blood involved, the DC to track a target is reduced by 2 based on the severity of the injury. (a minor wound reduced the DC by 2, a wound that reduces the targets HP by 5 or more reduces it by 4, 10 by 6 and 15 by . Blood also doubles the range of that the vampire can smell.
Weaknesses (Ex): A Vampire has several weaknesses described below. They may only be permenantly killed by these listed methods. Otherwise, they will recover (albiet slowly).
Direct Sunlight: Being exposed to even the smallest amount of sunlight hurts a vampire. Though, it must be direct sunlight. A Vampire can operate indoors, in shade or even covered by heavy clothing can minimize or negate the exposure. A Vampire takes 3d6 points of damage at the end of each turn it is in direct sunlight. If they are under heavy cover, this reduces to either 1d4 or 1d2 per turn, depending on the level of cover (Shade deals 1d4, hiding under a heavy blanket reduces the damage to 1d2). If it is within reach, a Vampire may attempt a reflex save (DC 20) to get out of the sun and under cover, thus only taking 1d4 damage. While in Direct Sunlight, they must also succeed a Reflex Save (DC 20) or catch on fire, suffering an additional 1d6 fire damage per turn until extinguished.
Crosses: When presented strongly, a Vampire cannot attack the wielder, only attempt to disarm him or her, and even then they must succeed a Will Save (DC 15+level of the Wielder) to even try. If the Cross comes in contact with their skin it deals 1d4 points of Holy damage. They cannot be killed in this manner, though they can be killed by other forms of Blessed weaponry.
Beheading: If a vampire is every beheaded, they are reduced to ash as if they were staked with a wooden stake. A Beheading only occurs on a critical hit with a slashing weapon, and even then, they must roll a 1d20 again, and get at least a 15 or higher to confirm that it was the head that was sliced off. A Vampire then has to make a Fortitude save (DC 25+Damage Dealt-Current Hit Points) or die and be reduced to ash. Failure means that the wound was not deep enough to decapitate. This may or may not mess up the Vocal Chords of the vampire (GMs discretion)
Fire: If reduced to 0 HP from fire damage, a vampire is destroyed and is reduced to ash.
Garlic: Because of their acute sense of Smell, a Vampire does not like Garlic a lot. They suffer a -1 to attack rolls when in 5 feet garlic cloves.
Inviolate Sanctuary: A Vampire cannot enter the private property of a Human without an invitation.
Mirror: a Vampire casts no reflection and can be detected with a Mirror.
Stake: Wooden Weapons that deal Piercing damage (stake, a pool cue, arrows, spears, etc) ignore the Vampire’s damage reduction on a critical hit. For a vampire, a critical hit occurs on a 17-20. It deals damage normally, but a Vampire must succeed fortitude save (DC 25+damage dealt-Current Hit points) or die and be reduced to ash. A failure means that the attacker missed the heart.
Holy Water: Prolonged exposure to Holy Water can destroy a vampire.
Allegiances: A Vampire gains an Allegiance to Chaos and Evil. If their sire is present when they rise, they also gain a minor allegiance to their sire. Certain rituals can change a Vampire’s allegiances.
Ability Scores: +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Skills: Same as a human, including bonus skills. Vampires receive a +4 Bonus racial to Listen, Move Silently and Spot checks.
Feats: Same as the human, but they also gain Combat Martial Arts and Great Fortitude
Advancement: By Character Class
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
- Arthur_Tuxedo
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5637
- Joined: 2002-07-23 03:28am
- Location: San Francisco, California
Having just finished watching every episode of Buffy, in order, I'd like to critique.
1. The change doesn't occur at all for most Slayer potentials, and certainly not at puberty. We never see or hear about a Slayer younger than 16 or so.
2. No gender-changing polymorphs were ever mentioned on the show, so how do we know one way or the other what would happen?
Buffyverse vampires don't Energy Drain, and resistance to such powers was never mentioned, so there's no reason to give her that.Majin Gojira wrote:Energy Immunity: Vampire Slayers are immune to Energy Drain, such as a Vampire’s touch or the spell “Ghouls’ Touch”
This seems like too much. They recover much quicker than a human, but it still takes days for them to get over a serious wound. 3 HP per round is more like serious wounds being completely healed in minutes.Fast Healing: A Vampire Slayer heals 3 points per round. They still die at -10 hit points, however.
I don't remember any episode where any power like this was ever mentioned.Memories of Slayers’ Past: A Vampire Slayer can tap into the lives of previous slayers for information they may have known. The character must make a concentration check against a DC 10 + 1 per character level (with appropriate penalties for distraction). If successful, they may make an unskilled check at any skill with a skill rank equal to her Wisdom bonus (other ability bonus is added to these ranks as usual) with a minimum bonus of +1. This is a supernatural ability and works even with trained-only or restricted skills. For skills that they already possess, they may add their Wisdom bonus as a competence bonus. This is a Supernatural Ability.
A slayer is taught how to recognize vampires and demons on sight. It's a skill, not at all like the spell Detect Undead. I don't know what the justification is for the other two, but spell-like abilities doesn't really seem to fit what we see in the show.Spell-Like Abilities: A Vampire Slayer may cast Detect Undead at once per day per Hit Die, True Strike once per day, and can cast Dream once per week as an Acolyte of similar hit-die.
Don't want to drop any spoilers, but we meet one Slayer in the course of the series who wasn't good when she became a Slayer. Also another reason not to have this which I won't mention because it's spoilerific.Allegiance: Vampire Slayers must begin play with an allegiance to Good.
Two issues here.Single Gender: All Vampire Slayers are born as female humans, but change when they hit puberty. There are no Male Slayers, and when polymorphed into a male, a Slayer loses their Slayer bonuses.
1. The change doesn't occur at all for most Slayer potentials, and certainly not at puberty. We never see or hear about a Slayer younger than 16 or so.
2. No gender-changing polymorphs were ever mentioned on the show, so how do we know one way or the other what would happen?
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
- Majin Gojira
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6017
- Joined: 2002-08-06 11:27pm
- Location: Philadelphia
Game Balance, mostly. Any d20 System is usually high in magic and 3extraneous abilities. This was put in to counter the most common extraneous ability of Undead.Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Buffyverse vampires don't Energy Drain, and resistance to such powers was never mentioned, so there's no reason to give her that.
I've playtested the other version of this (Slayer with the Faster Healing feat in "Complete Warrior"), it didn't work over so well. Again, compare this to the generic D20 Vampire, which gets Fast Healing as well. Strangely the ECL adjustment for both abilities is the same (from "Savage Species"). Given D20 High-powered nature, I went with Fast Healing for this version. I kept it low given the ammount of Starting Hit die they come with (5d8, or an average of 41HP), Fast Healing does little for that, though I may reduce it to 1 per turn.This seems like too much. They recover much quicker than a human, but it still takes days for them to get over a serious wound. 3 HP per round is more like serious wounds being completely healed in minutes.
Joss Whedon's Fray is where I expanded this from. Again, D20 is notorios for extraneous powers to mythic beings. Most Notoriously "Damage Reduction". But that's just MOPI don't remember any episode where any power like this was ever mentioned.
BS. First Episode, Season 1. Giles Explains that a Slayer can reach out with her mind and spot a vampire, even when it is hiding.A slayer is taught how to recognize vampires and demons on sight. It's a skill, not at all like the spell Detect Undead.
True Strike - Added Cinematic Flair for those that don't play with Action Points.I don't know what the justification is for the other two, but spell-like abilities doesn't really seem to fit what we see in the show.
Dream - Season 3, Faith and Buffy share several dreams. Dreams are an important aspect of Buffy (She has recieved prophetic visions through her dreams in the past). Dream covers the first such ability, I have not found a way to duolicate these psychic visions, however.
The show has been off the air for what? 3 years? And you're worried about spoilers?!Don't want to drop any spoilers, but we meet one Slayer in the course of the series who wasn't good when she became a Slayer. Also another reason not to have this which I won't mention because it's spoilerific.
Yes, I know about faith. I stated that they must "Start" with an allegence to Good. By the time she reached Sunnydale, she was Definitely Self-Interested.
Bull and SHIT. "Choesn" Season 7, the montage has a Little League Slayer. LITTLE LEAGUE. I'd be generous and call her 12.Two issues here.
1. The change doesn't occur at all for most Slayer potentials, and certainly not at puberty. We never see or hear about a Slayer younger than 16 or so.
I do that to counter Male-Slayer Bullshit. Because I hate it with a passion.2. No gender-changing polymorphs were ever mentioned on the show, so how do we know one way or the other what would happen?
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
- Arthur_Tuxedo
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5637
- Joined: 2002-07-23 03:28am
- Location: San Francisco, California
Makes sense.Majin Gojira wrote:Game Balance, mostly. Any d20 System is usually high in magic and 3extraneous abilities. This was put in to counter the most common extraneous ability of Undead.Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Buffyverse vampires don't Energy Drain, and resistance to such powers was never mentioned, so there's no reason to give her that.
That sounds more reasonable.I've playtested the other version of this (Slayer with the Faster Healing feat in "Complete Warrior"), it didn't work over so well. Again, compare this to the generic D20 Vampire, which gets Fast Healing as well. Strangely the ECL adjustment for both abilities is the same (from "Savage Species"). Given D20 High-powered nature, I went with Fast Healing for this version. I kept it low given the ammount of Starting Hit die they come with (5d8, or an average of 41HP), Fast Healing does little for that, though I may reduce it to 1 per turn.This seems like too much. They recover much quicker than a human, but it still takes days for them to get over a serious wound. 3 HP per round is more like serious wounds being completely healed in minutes.
Joss Whedon's Fray? Is that a book?Joss Whedon's Fray is where I expanded this from. Again, D20 is notorios for extraneous powers to mythic beings. Most Notoriously "Damage Reduction". But that's just MOPI don't remember any episode where any power like this was ever mentioned.
I forgot about that. My mistake.BS. First Episode, Season 1. Giles Explains that a Slayer can reach out with her mind and spot a vampire, even when it is hiding.A slayer is taught how to recognize vampires and demons on sight. It's a skill, not at all like the spell Detect Undead.
I suppose that's reasonable.True Strike - Added Cinematic Flair for those that don't play with Action Points.I don't know what the justification is for the other two, but spell-like abilities doesn't really seem to fit what we see in the show.
Dream - Season 3, Faith and Buffy share several dreams. Dreams are an important aspect of Buffy (She has recieved prophetic visions through her dreams in the past). Dream covers the first such ability, I have not found a way to duolicate these psychic visions, however.
Faith was never good. Her callous outlook on life extended way back into childhood. Also, Slayers derive their power from the essence of a demon, so if there's any mystical influence on their morality, it should be to make them less good rather than more.The show has been off the air for what? 3 years? And you're worried about spoilers?!Don't want to drop any spoilers, but we meet one Slayer in the course of the series who wasn't good when she became a Slayer. Also another reason not to have this which I won't mention because it's spoilerific.
Yes, I know about faith. I stated that they must "Start" with an allegence to Good. By the time she reached Sunnydale, she was Definitely Self-Interested.
She only became a Slayer when she did because of Willow's magic. We've never seen or heard about a normally created Slayer who became one at puberty.Bull and SHIT. "Choesn" Season 7, the montage has a Little League Slayer. LITTLE LEAGUE. I'd be generous and call her 12.Two issues here.
1. The change doesn't occur at all for most Slayer potentials, and certainly not at puberty. We never see or hear about a Slayer younger than 16 or so.
I see. Well, the show doesn't contradict it.I do that to counter Male-Slayer Bullshit. Because I hate it with a passion.2. No gender-changing polymorphs were ever mentioned on the show, so how do we know one way or the other what would happen?
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
- Majin Gojira
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6017
- Joined: 2002-08-06 11:27pm
- Location: Philadelphia
Comic Book, and it is very good, IMO. But I am a little biased.Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Joss Whedon's Fray? Is that a book?
Good point. Maybe a different allegence..."The Hunt" perhaps?Faith was never good. Her callous outlook on life extended way back into childhood. Also, Slayers derive their power from the essence of a demon, so if there's any mystical influence on their morality, it should be to make them less good rather than more.
Let's see. How to respond to this, since you're ignoring Willow's Called Slayers for some reason:She only became a Slayer when she did because of Willow's magic. We've never seen or heard about a normally created Slayer who became one at puberty.
Buffy was called at 15 Years old (January Birthday, "Prophecy Girl" states that she is 16).
In the "Tales of the Slayer" series, there are several young Slayers IIRC. But I don't recard the novels as very cannonical. The Comic of "Tales of the Slayer" OTOH can be. This supports the 15 year old idea.
Checking Wikipedia for data about puberty provides this interesting quote.
Placing Slayer-ness at the end of Puberty, on average.Average age for first signs of breast development in girls is about 10.5 years. Average age for first signs of testicular enlargement in boys is 11.5 years. See Tables below for approximate average ages and ranges for other milestones of physical development of North American children.
Duration of puberty (time from onset to completion) varies less between children than does the age of onset. Duration of puberty in girls from onset of breast development to cessation of growth is roughly 5 years. Duration of puberty in boys from first testicular enlargement to cessation of growth is about 6 years.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
- Arthur_Tuxedo
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5637
- Joined: 2002-07-23 03:28am
- Location: San Francisco, California
That all sounds good to me.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong