SW Attitudes towards Autism/Asperger's Syndrome

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SW Attitudes towards Autism/Asperger's Syndrome

Post by Dakarne »

How do you think the Galactic Empire would handle Autistic or Asperger's Citizens?

How would the Jedi Handle someone with Autistic Traits?

And finally, Who here has Autistic Traits? (I have.)
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Post by Mr Bean »

Genetic engineering seems commonplace in the SW universe, except on third world planets or other downtech places most of the Galatic Empire citizin's seem to have such problems edited out of the genome.

And there is always the choice of clone replacement to fix many medical problems.

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Post by Dakarne »

I wouldn't get rid of some Autism Symptoms (especially my own) they make people eccentric sure, but who's more interesting than an eccentric person?
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Post by Noble Ire »

Two aliens on the backwater world Ansion have the equivelent of human retardation, and they are seen as outcasts, forced to become hired thugs. (Of course, the two eventually have their disability repaired by Barriss Offee's healing.)

As to your question though, I doubt the Empire goes after every mentally disabled human on all of their worlds or something, but they probably wouldn't recruit them. And as Bean says, most worlds probably have medical tech sufficent to ensure that such problems could be healed, or be removed beofre birth.
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Post by Dakarne »

I said Asperger's Syndrome and Autism, not Mental Retardation...

There's a really big difference.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

All three are still mental disabilities and appear to be curable/preventable in the Empire.
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Post by Dakarne »

They probably wouldn't bother with Asperger's unless it proved to be a hinderance to the person...

Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton both had it... do the math on that one.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

How celebratory.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by Dakarne »

What can I say Spanky... I like being unique.
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Post by FTeik »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:All three are still mental disabilities and appear to be curable/preventable in the Empire.
Do they? As far as i know, little indicates, that they have those abilities or that those are widespread.
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Post by NecronLord »

FTeik wrote:Do they? As far as i know, little indicates, that they have those abilities or that those are widespread.
They can make storm troopers literally incapable of betraying the empire. I think fixing a few brain abnormalities is easy in comparison.
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Post by Dakarne »

I think it should honestly be up to the person suffering... I personally would tell them to shove treatment up their chocolate whizways.
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Post by Duckie »

Dakarne wrote:I think it should honestly be up to the person suffering... I personally would tell them to shove treatment up their chocolate whizways.
Most anti-genetic defect therapy, I assume based on what I've read, would be before a person is born. Thus the fetus' opinion would be rather hard to obtain, no?
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Post by Dakarne »

Most anti-genetic defect therapy, I assume based on what I've read, would be before a person is born. Thus the fetus' opinion would be rather hard to obtain, no?
Ahem: I don't want to be cured.

So I'd have little option in that regard (it isn't life threatening OR a Defect, so why treat it as such)
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

MRDOD wrote:
Dakarne wrote:I think it should honestly be up to the person suffering... I personally would tell them to shove treatment up their chocolate whizways.
Most anti-genetic defect therapy, I assume based on what I've read, would be before a person is born. Thus the fetus' opinion would be rather hard to obtain, no?
That's pretty much how it is for the processes we have today: in-utero gene therapy.
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Post by Duckie »

Dakarne wrote: Ahem: I don't want to be cured.
Are you having difficulty communicating, or am I just a dumbass again?
You said "I think it should be up to the person."
I said "The people getting this done would not have been born yet, so you can't ask them."
You said "I wouldn't do it if it were me.", and that doesn't seems to be rather like a non-sequitur.

Considering it is highly unlikely you are a fetus, it'd probably be impossible to cure you, considering what I know of genetics. Even in the Empire, changing people's genes in mid-life doesn't change them at all, right? Changing someone's hair color genes wouldn't make their hair grow out in the new color, I've heard.[/quote]
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Post by Dakarne »

I don't think Aspeger's Syndrome is a Genetic Defect, in any sense of the Imagination.

It is neurological... and thus: Brain Surgery!
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Autism is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder (specifically a pervasive developmental disorder), and since Asperger's Syndrome is a type of autism, so is it.
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Post by Duckie »

Dakarne wrote:I don't think Aspeger's Syndrome is a Genetic Defect, in any sense of the Imagination.

It is neurological... and thus: Brain Surgery!
No, I'm nearly a hundred percent sure there are cases of Aspergers syndrome clearly passing down family lines, along with identical triplets having Aspergers. It's just that they don't know the exact genetics of it, not that it isn't at all.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Actually, autism and Asperger's Syndrome could probably be easily treated in the SW galaxy through mental reprogramming therapy in infancy or early childhood, since we know they can do that kind of stuff.
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Post by DocHorror »

I don't think Aspeger's Syndrome is a Genetic Defect, in any sense of the Imagination.

It is neurological... and thus: Brain Surgery!
Not to be rude, and i think most people around here can atest that I'm seldom rude, but is this a thread about Autism in the SW universe or just a way for you to tell us all that you have a form of Autism?
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Post by Duckie »

True, but it still wouldn't be their decision anyway, because a child probably couldn't comprehend the pros and cons of neurological surgery on their brain, let alone to the unclear things Aspergers does to people. At least in any sort of reasonable manner, as dumbing it down that much would lose the meaning.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

MRDOD wrote:True, but it still wouldn't be their decision anyway,
Frankly, I don't think that's important, and is up to the child's parents.
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Post by Duckie »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote: Frankly, I don't think that's important, and is up to the child's parents.
I never disagreed on that. I was merely stating the lack of the child's capacity to decide for redundancy in opposition to Dakarne's opinion.
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Post by 000 »

And this all has... what to do with Star Wars?