You are a Jedi (what if)

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What is your specialization?

I'm a pure force guy, red lightsaber for backup.
I like my red lightsaber. I'll use that.
The pure force is my ally, and I will protect the galaxy.
Give me my blue/green/purple lightsaber. I prefer straight up melee.
I'm a middle of the road evil, about medium at either.
I'm a middle of the road good, whichever works.
Grey/Other (please specify)
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

I'm a nice guy, though I'd like a nice pretty purple lightsaber.
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Post by The Dark »

I'd probably end up a fallen (but not dark) jedi. I'm too anti-authoritarian to be happy within such a regimented organization. Most likely I'd end up as some sort of professional rebel trying to eliminate corrupt governments.

Oh, and force powers over the saber. The saber generally involves getting close, and I'd rather work at a distance. Besides, a blaster may not be "elegant," but it works on non-Force users.
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Post by Zaia »

Moving to SW.
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Post by Comosicus »

Most probably, I will be a grey Jedi. And perhaps I'll focus more on force powers with lightsaber for backup. Regarding color, a white one would appeal to me most :mrgreen:
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Post by AntarDragon »

Hmm....I'll be a generally good guy who only indulges into the force when absolutly nessecary. I'd have a blue lightsabre.
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Post by Lord Revan »

Probaly Dark/Grey if my life would be anything like what it was in real life and I would probaly use mostly the Force, but would use the saber if I needed (and for the blade probaly Red or Purple).
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Post by Manus Celer Dei »

I'd probably be a part of the Order and focus mostly on saber ability. A single green saber. Probably end up using Soresu as well.
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Post by Dakarne »

I'd end up using either Makashi or Ataru
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Post by Hawkwings »

I'd probably try to *hide* the fact that I am a Jedi, because, well, Vaders would come a get me, you know?

If there was no threat of that, I'd be a light-side jedi, but not in the Order, and use a white saber :-D

of course, I'd have a blaster too. For fighting, the saber stays hidden unless I really need it. I could even disguise a some sort of mercenary or bounty hunter.
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Post by Guardsman Bass »

Uraniun235 wrote:Let's see:

If I go Dark Side, I'll be corrupted by power into an evil, twisted monster who thrives on hatred and the suffering of others. The Jedi will want to hunt me down and destroy me. There's a good chance I will die by a knife in the back.

If I go Light Side, without joining the Jedi (who have thousands of years of experience with this sort of thing to help avoid the whole "power corrupts" deal) there's still a good possibility that the exercise of my power could eventually corrupt me. Joining the Jedi means I never get to fall in love with anyone or pursue anything resembling a normal life; serving others will be my destiny.

Personally, I'll just choose not to develop my Force abilities and live out the rest of my life as a regular guy. Being a Force-adept sucks.
What? Come now; there are plenty of advantages to being a force-adept that you can ignore the Jedi and Sith. Just think of all the money you would win gambling, or racing professionally. :D
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Post by Kenoshi »

If how I play the KOTOR games are any indication, I'd be an all around do-gooder, play-by-the-rules, Obi Wan type. And I'd have a blue lightsaber.
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Post by Trogdor »

I'd be one of the "oh, you got your stupid self into a crime lord's debt, here's 200 credits so you can save your stupid ass" goody-two shoes Jedi. I'd use the Force rather than my lightsaber wherever possible. My lightsaber would be green, as being a Jedi Consular suits me best, and, if the movies are any indication, a Jedi wielding a green lightsaber is far more likely to emerge victorious than a Jedi with a blue one. Single bladed, because I like the classic look. I'd probably opt for the Soresu form, or maybe Shien.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Call me Darth MAul if you like, but I like being a wirling dervish of destruction. I'll take my double bladed lightsaber and lightning emitting body, thankyou very much. (The lightning thing is from the Visionaries comic)
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Post by Xess »

If D&D allignments are applicable here then I'd be chaotic good. I'd like to balance my use of the Force with lighsaber skills.

I'd to my best to help others, I just can't see myself as a bad guy. But I'd have no problems with breaking out the Force lightning to help me out in combat.

As for lightsabers I'd use a either single purple blade or use two blades, a shorter one in my off hand for parrying, one purple the other red.
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Post by GeneralTacticus »

Trogdor wrote:I'd be one of the "oh, you got your stupid self into a crime lord's debt, here's 200 credits so you can save your stupid ass" goody-two shoes Jedi. I'd use the Force rather than my lightsaber wherever possible. My lightsaber would be green, as being a Jedi Consular suits me best, and, if the movies are any indication, a Jedi wielding a green lightsaber is far more likely to emerge victorious than a Jedi with a blue one. Single bladed, because I like the classic look. I'd probably opt for the Soresu form, or maybe Shien.
Eh? The only instance in the movies I can recall where a Jedi with a green blade actually won was Luke vs. Vader in RotJ. Qui-Gon died, Yoda failed to kill Dooku, allowing him to escape, Sidious butchered the three green-sabre-wielding Masters who came for him, and then beat Yoda himself. By contrast, Obi-Wan killed Maul and Grievous, Anakin killed Dooku, and Obi-Wan beat Anakin when they fought. How exactly are Jedi wielding green sabres more likely to win?
"The bird let out a slow chicken cackle. It sounded like a chicken, but in her heart she knew it wasn't. In that instant, she completely understood the concept of a chicken that was not a chicken. This looked like a chicken, like most of the Mud People's chickens. But this was no chicken.

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Post by DrkHelmet »

GeneralTacticus wrote: Eh? The only instance in the movies I can recall where a Jedi with a green blade actually won was Luke vs. Vader in RotJ. Qui-Gon died, Yoda failed to kill Dooku, allowing him to escape, Sidious butchered the three green-sabre-wielding Masters who came for him, and then beat Yoda himself. By contrast, Obi-Wan killed Maul and Grievous, Anakin killed Dooku, and Obi-Wan beat Anakin when they fought. How exactly are Jedi wielding green sabres more likely to win?
Only two had green sabers. The other guy had a blue. Also I thought only Mace and one of the Greenies were Masters and the other two were knights. Am I wrong?
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Post by GeneralTacticus »

Acording to the novelisation, all of them were Masters. The novelisation also has them all wielding green sabres (apart from Windu, of course), so I was going on that - it's been a while since I saw the movie.
"The bird let out a slow chicken cackle. It sounded like a chicken, but in her heart she knew it wasn't. In that instant, she completely understood the concept of a chicken that was not a chicken. This looked like a chicken, like most of the Mud People's chickens. But this was no chicken.

"This was evil manifest."

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Post by DrkHelmet »

GeneralTacticus wrote:Acording to the novelisation, all of them were Masters. The novelisation also has them all wielding green sabres (apart from Windu, of course), so I was going on that - it's been a while since I saw the movie.
My apologies. I thought that only two of them were masters. I guess I assumed since two of them got bitchslapped without so much as parrying a single time, they couldn't have been masters.

Although, I am correct, in the movie: 2 greens, 1 blue, one black guy with a purple lightsaber. Check.
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Post by Zwinmar »

Blasters may be unweildy, but in some situations you need one. And id prefer mine at at least 500yards away. So that means a sniper rifle. But when it comes to close combat, Id have to say, two blue bladed sabers. After all, two attacks are better than one. Combine with a fully agressive style.

Oh yeah, alignment: Jedi, along the lines of Chaotic to Neutral good
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Post by Grand Admiral Mango »

I can't believe hardly any people opted for twin sabers! Surely the best option - not only does it look so much cooler, you have a spare should you break/lose the other.

As for my vote, i went for pure force with sabers as a backup. I wouldn't, however, choose red blades. It's so clichéd. I'd go for a gold and a silver blade. Although i doubt they'd get much of a look in. I'd just choke/fry everyone. Much easier :lol:
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I would be in the Grey area. My specialties would be in Mastering and Creating numerous Lighsaber Dueling techiques. (Plus Defense against ranged weaponry) and harnessing/utilizing both aspects of the force. Both The Jedi and the Sith are too rigtheous for their own good.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Grand Admiral Mango wrote:I can't believe hardly any people opted for twin sabers! Surely the best option - not only does it look so much cooler, you have a spare should you break/lose the other.

As for my vote, i went for pure force with sabers as a backup. I wouldn't, however, choose red blades. It's so clichéd. I'd go for a gold and a silver blade. Although i doubt they'd get much of a look in. I'd just choke/fry everyone. Much easier :lol:
Musashi the jedi would be bad ass

Musashi running around with a couple of pieces of broken wood using his TK to block lightsabers with them and killing sith with a pair of friggin sticks!!! would be even more badassed

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Post by Admiral Drason »

In KOTOR I always feel more fullfilled while playing as a light sider so i would be one of the blue lightsaber melee guys.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

In KOTOR I always play the geekist Jedi nerd., virtual grey sider as I only care about my two best metal pals in the whole galaxy. Nothing quite says DIE Betrayers!, quite like two fully kitted driods with infinate flame throwers and stunners, and infinate shields, with master grade smart targetting sensors. even the dark jedi seem to have a problem with getting flamed by that tag team.

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Post by Imperator Galacticus »

I'd pesonally be all fine with using Force powers over lightsaber most definately. Like say, I wouldn't use it to harm others unless it's necessary, but I'd go right ahead and use mind tricks or read someone's mind without remorse if it'll help me or any one I care for. I don't much care for lightning or telekinesis, I'd rather just manipulate people's thoughts directly instead of "persauding" them to do my dirty work by fear.
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