Star Wars in your subconscious mind?

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Star Wars in your subconscious mind?

Post by Loony Toon »

I went to the Christening of my friends baby daughter yesterday. I filled in the card without really looking at what I had written. Later at the function Kenny’s missus Lisa came up and give me a sloppy kiss, saying we never realised you were that deep Pete. Embarrassed I had to ask what the hell she was talking about (everyone had, had a few drinks in the pub by then – typical British Christening!).

She retrieved the card and thanked me for the money I had put in it for the little one (Kenleigh) and then said that the line of sentiment I had put in was really quite profound for a piss head Geordie ex-soldier like me. Needless to say when I re-read the card one line stood out from the rest, can you spot it:

To Kenleigh,

Congratulations on your big day little one.

You have taken your first steps into a larger world.

Love Pete x

I had quoted old Ben and never even noticed that I did it, the force it would seem can indeed have a strong influence on the week minded! Needless to say when I told her that I was pretty sure that it was not me that come up with it but a '"Wizard and a crazy old man" she looked at me like I was insane but Kenny just went "Ahh Star Wars, cool!"
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Post by Dakarne »

I quote a lot of Star Wars lines in a Joking pretense...

"Your lack of faith disturbs me." being the chief of which.

But the way you used fit quite well.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Dakarne wrote:I quote a lot of Star Wars lines in a Joking pretense...

"Your lack of faith disturbs me." being the chief of which.
Personally I've always thought stuff like that gets damn old fast. I've never really liked the whole idea of quoting movie and TV lines as posts (especially when that's ALL what the post is). Just seems rather sophomoric and unoriginal.
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Post by Dakarne »

Personally I've always thought stuff like that gets damn old fast. I've never really liked the whole idea of quoting movie and TV lines as posts (especially when that's ALL what the post is). Just seems rather sophomoric and unoriginal.
I only use it in a joking context, and not that often...

I'm more likely to say something off of the top of my head.
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Post by Pcm979 »

Gah, you should have claimed credit! :)
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Post by Dakarne »

Gah, you should have claimed credit!
I find your reliance on plaegerism disturbing.[/Irony]
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Post by Pcm979 »

Darn, I forgot about all those Lucasarts lawyers who would sue him if he did.[/irony]
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Post by Dakarne »

Yeah right, and two positive words can form a negative phrase :roll:. You wanted him to get in trouble.
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Post by Pcm979 »

You've uncovered my master plan! Curses! I'll get you some day, Agent Dakarne! *Pulls a lever and disappears down a secret tunnel*

Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.
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Post by Dakarne »

You've uncovered my master plan! Curses! I'll get you some day, Agent Dakarne! *Pulls a lever and disappears down a secret tunnel*
Thanks for spelling my name right.

And I could have sworn that floor was solid.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.
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I never subconsciously think about Star Wars, at least, I'm sure there's little need since I'm always thinking about it consciously.
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Post by Admiral Drason »

I did the same thing for a friends high school graduation party the other day as well. But I wrote something like "you have done well young one, but you are not a Jedi yet" but then thats expected of me. :roll:
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Post by DrkHelmet »

I have only channeled Star Wars once, that I can think of. Someone told me that there was no point in trying something. I immediately responded with "Do, or do not. There is no try."

Yep, I did it.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

I am perpetually doing star wars quotes (along with monty python and pirates of the carribean), but I run a star wars game, so its appropriate.
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Post by Patrick Degan »

I'll channel Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Yoda, or Gov. Tarkin at the drop of a hat, if the situation warrants it.
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Post by Gandalf »

I channel Yoda and Obi-Wan a fair bit. Mostly things like "There is no try" and "Wretched hive of scum and villainy".
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Post by Loony Toon »

Dakarne wrote:I quote a lot of Star Wars lines in a Joking pretense...

"Your lack of faith disturbs me." being the chief of which.

But the way you used fit quite well.
The point is I also use the odd quote in my normal every day conversations and other sources also (personal favourite of the moment is from the episode of Firefly were Mal un-knowingly gets wed to a young woman and Book tells him that if he touches her that he will be sent to the "Special Hell" comes in handy when you see your mate trying to chat up an ugly woman!).

The line of Obi-Wan's that I had put in the card I can assure you all was completely unintentional and not even noticed by myself until I had the chance to read the card again. But as Dakarne noted Obi-Wan's sage like words of wisdom did fit the occasion very well indeed.

Oh well it could have been worse I could have inadvertently written "No Kenleigh, I am your Father" in the card instead - that would have went down like a lead balloon at a Christening!!! :shock:

P.S. I am not the childs real dad by the way (honest)!
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Post by Dakarne »

P.S. I am not the childs real dad by the way (honest)!
Suure you aren't :roll:
The point is I also use the odd quote in my normal every day conversations and other sources also (personal favourite of the moment is from the episode of Firefly were Mal un-knowingly gets wed to a young woman and Book tells him that if he touches her that he will be sent to the "Special Hell" comes in handy when you see your mate trying to chat up an ugly woman!).
I've never actually seen firefly... I'm more of a Law & Order fan, or a Monk Fan myself.
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Post by Loony Toon »

Dakarne wrote:
P.S. I am not the childs real dad by the way (honest)!
Suure you aren't :roll:
LOL, sure as shit I'm sure! :lol:
Dakarne wrote:I've never actually seen firefly... I'm more of a Law & Order fan, or a Monk Fan myself.
Watch it I emplore you. Very witty, original and intelligent stuff indeed. Much better than Joss Whedons other outings, although Angel and Buffy did have some redeeming features - mainly the female cast of eye candy though! The less said about his screenplay for the truely "Wank beyond Wankyness" that was Alien Resurrection, the last 20 mins killed what was already only an average Xeno outing (still better than AvP mind you!). The feature film version of Firefly 'Serenity' is only a month away although I'm not sure what the release plans will be for us lot the UK.
Last edited by Loony Toon on 2005-08-09 05:40am, edited 1 time in total.
"At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last we shall have revenge"

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Post by Dakarne »

I'll give it a look sometime then
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

A couple of years ago I had a dream about the Kaminoans cloning one of my classmates. No, seriously.
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Post by Zwinmar »

I catch myself at time saying "Do, or do not..." but then, Im in a SW rp too
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Yoda's line "Do or do not do, there is no try" has become my mantra over the years.

I had a shirt made, with that on the front. Cost a chunk of change but i wear it regularly and proudly. :)
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Post by Loony Toon »

I have discovered that I'm getting worse than I thought I was and its not just Star Wars, I slipped into Gandalf (oh err - not like that!) last night without thinking also.

I was recently divorced so I'm currently enjoying something a single renaissance - 33 and single again its brilliant! (i.e. out 'on the pull' with the lads every night). Two of my friends were being chatted up by a pair of large and spectacularly gruesome looking girls (both had been hit very hard and repeatedly with a VERY big ugly stick it would appear from birth) last night and kept looking across the bar to me for help (to which I just pointed and laughed!) Anyway the moment the girls excused themselves to go and powder there noses I found myself shouting:

"Run, you fools!"

And run we all did to the next pub along and left the two creatures with the next drunken mugs sitting at the bar!!! :wink:
"At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last we shall have revenge"

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Post by Admiral Drason »

"Run, you fools!"
Nitpick.......It was actually Fly, you fools!

Sorry but once I did the same thing infront of a big time Lord of the Rings fan and he almost didnt let me live to speak of it again.
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Post by Grand Admiral Mango »

Loony Toon wrote:I have discovered that I'm getting worse than I thought I was and its not just Star Wars, I slipped into Gandalf (oh err - not like that!) last night without thinking also.

I was recently divorced so I'm currently enjoying something a single renaissance - 33 and single again its brilliant! (i.e. out 'on the pull' with the lads every night). Two of my friends were being chatted up by a pair of large and spectacularly gruesome looking girls (both had been hit very hard and repeatedly with a VERY big ugly stick it would appear from birth) last night and kept looking across the bar to me for help (to which I just pointed and laughed!) Anyway the moment the girls excused themselves to go and powder there noses I found myself shouting:

"Run, you fools!"

And run we all did to the next pub along and left the two creatures with the next drunken mugs sitting at the bar!!! :wink:
They have a cave troll.

Sorry, just couldn't resist it :lol:
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