She retrieved the card and thanked me for the money I had put in it for the little one (Kenleigh) and then said that the line of sentiment I had put in was really quite profound for a piss head Geordie ex-soldier like me. Needless to say when I re-read the card one line stood out from the rest, can you spot it:
To Kenleigh,
Congratulations on your big day little one.
You have taken your first steps into a larger world.
Love Pete x
I had quoted old Ben and never even noticed that I did it, the force it would seem can indeed have a strong influence on the week minded! Needless to say when I told her that I was pretty sure that it was not me that come up with it but a '"Wizard and a crazy old man" she looked at me like I was insane but Kenny just went "Ahh Star Wars, cool!"