DrkHelmet wrote:Come on, there have to be some other evil people out there besides me. Seriously, am I the only one who would attempt conquering the earth?
Well, I don't know about
conquoring it, but I'd certainly do some naughty thigs with my powers. With crop growing, I could start up my own little Mary Jane farm or something and make a fortune peddling super-enriched pot (and maybe pot that has some of the nasty stuff in it removed, if that ability goes into that effect). I'd go to Vegas and clean out the craps and roulette tables with my TK, eventually settinng myself up as a multi-millionare who lives off the three percent interest of a savings account. With my persuesion and mind control, I'd go and make all the jackasses of the world (Fred Phelps, to name one) go and ruin their own lives, like having Phelps try to have his followers assault a military funeral, but then have them fight so pathetically that they get their asses handed to them seven ways and then getting their asses sued of in court for aassault and battery and a slew of other things. Maybe I'd go so far as to try and run for a public office or something of that sort, though all I'd ever try to push through Congress (or Parliment, for that matter - I always considered moving to England, and these powers might give me just the chance to) some small-scale stuff, like repealing marajuaa prohibition, cracking down on pollution, and something to reduce the amount of pork in the budget and try to balance things a bit.
As for the other guy, I then amass a small army of security guards and go a'knockin' on their door, just giving them a heads-up that if they try to do something that screws other people who didn't have it coming up, I'd then screw
them up. Not that I don't want then doing a bit of enterprising like I am, but if they start using their powers to convert their country into a dictatorship that worships them as a Demi-God, me and the boys aren't going to be looking too well upon that.
By the way - do we also get pre-cog and such like that? If so, I could expand my gig to the poker and blackjack tables as well.
This has been another blunder by you friendly local idiot.