What would you do with your powers?

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Post by Lord Revan »

Dakarne wrote:
I'm just one man even with Force powers and in ROTS we see that Jedi are indeed mortal.
You could take the Palpatine approach
it's possible but it might draw the attention of the other guy (no Dark Side cloud after all) and there's no use ruling over a dead piece of rock.

EDIT:if forced (pun intended) face non Force user with guns I'd take Magneto approach (from the movie X-Men).
Last edited by Lord Revan on 2005-08-09 08:25pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Future world ruler here I come, Time to mind trick me some political friends and work my way up from there.

I'd split my time between building popular support and hunting down stupidity.

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Post by Cykeisme »

I think the best approach to either end of the moral spectrum would be Sidious-esque master manipulator, or superhero.

I'd go for superhero, heh.
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Post by Sharpshooter »

DrkHelmet wrote:Come on, there have to be some other evil people out there besides me. Seriously, am I the only one who would attempt conquering the earth?
Well, I don't know about conquoring it, but I'd certainly do some naughty thigs with my powers. With crop growing, I could start up my own little Mary Jane farm or something and make a fortune peddling super-enriched pot (and maybe pot that has some of the nasty stuff in it removed, if that ability goes into that effect). I'd go to Vegas and clean out the craps and roulette tables with my TK, eventually settinng myself up as a multi-millionare who lives off the three percent interest of a savings account. With my persuesion and mind control, I'd go and make all the jackasses of the world (Fred Phelps, to name one) go and ruin their own lives, like having Phelps try to have his followers assault a military funeral, but then have them fight so pathetically that they get their asses handed to them seven ways and then getting their asses sued of in court for aassault and battery and a slew of other things. Maybe I'd go so far as to try and run for a public office or something of that sort, though all I'd ever try to push through Congress (or Parliment, for that matter - I always considered moving to England, and these powers might give me just the chance to) some small-scale stuff, like repealing marajuaa prohibition, cracking down on pollution, and something to reduce the amount of pork in the budget and try to balance things a bit.

As for the other guy, I then amass a small army of security guards and go a'knockin' on their door, just giving them a heads-up that if they try to do something that screws other people who didn't have it coming up, I'd then screw them up. Not that I don't want then doing a bit of enterprising like I am, but if they start using their powers to convert their country into a dictatorship that worships them as a Demi-God, me and the boys aren't going to be looking too well upon that.

By the way - do we also get pre-cog and such like that? If so, I could expand my gig to the poker and blackjack tables as well.
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Post by consequences »

I would be a bastard, but not try for world domination. Way too much of a pain in the ass.

Issue 1: Assemble enough money to livein comfort for the rest of my life, without drawing attention.

Issue 2: Make the world a better place(how, I have not the slightest clue).

Issue 3: Randomly punish stupidity wherever I find it.

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Post by Dakarne »

Force Geld for the child molestors.
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Post by bilateralrope »

Well first I would find someone willing to pretend that he won this million dollars so that:

1) the other force user will look for him if I stay near enough to confuse the direction sense (I might not tell him about this part, but I will let him keep the money)
2) I will still be allowed into casino's to get more money
3) if the other force user wants to kill me he will warn me by killing the other guy I set up.

After that I'm not sure what I will do.
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Post by Dakarne »

Well first I would find someone willing to pretend that he won this million dollars so that:

1) the other force user will look for him if I stay near enough to confuse the direction sense (I might not tell him about this part, but I will let him keep the money)
2) I will still be allowed into casino's to get more money
3) if the other force user wants to kill me he will warn me by killing the other guy I set up.

After that I'm not sure what I will do.
That's assuming that the other guy doesn't do that first
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Post by Solauren »

Force-powered Bounty Hunter. Time to make the world safe and get some $ in the process

I'd also locate the other Force user, (IDing him from a distance), and find out about him. If he or she is 'safe' to approach, do so, in disguise, and offer them the chance to join me. If they are NOT safe (i.e a threat to me or the world), I need 10 volunteers with assault rifles.

After that, enter the political arena....
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Post by Ender »

Dakarne wrote:

UK is EU country and so is Finland, aparently Geography isn't one of your strongest points.
The UK wasn't always part of the EU, it's actually a large Island to the Northwest of Europe, and it has its own laws... Amazingly, Geography was one of my strong points, I just don't like referring to the UK as Europe.
I don't like the fact you can't put your elbows on the table in polte company. However, I can't do it, and the UK is still part of the continent of Europe, so it doesn't matter what the fuck you think, and you are still a stupid little shit.

I'd use my powers for awesome - Vegas here I come. I'd definatley get some hard core fencing lessons. And I'd use a clear lightsbre - make it harder for them to see what they are fighting when I find the other fucker.
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Re: What would you do with your powers?

Post by Enforcer Talen »

DrkHelmet wrote:OP:

Present Day:

This morning, you woke up with full force powers. You have at your disposal: Mind Trick, Force Lightning, TK, and a brand new lightsaber, along with all combat worthiness to wield that lightsaber.

The lightsaber cannot be studied, imitated, used to build a turbolaser, or anything of that nature. It's a magic lightsaber. It even changes colors on command (nifty!).

Also, somewhere else on Earth, another person has been given equivalent force powers and a lightsaber. It could be any person, and any TYPE of person. You can sense the presence of each other along with approximate distance and direction. It is not absolute, but you can sense each other.

You do not know what the other looks like, or what his plans are. He's a random person in the crowd. He could be out to take over the world, or he could be a person that only desires peace. Greeting him directly, however, may place you in peril. Since he is your rough equal.

What do you do with your powers, and what do you do about the other other guy?

P.S. I would have made it a poll, but there are far too many options available, along with a bunch I probably wouldn't think of.
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Post by bilateralrope »

Dakarne wrote:That's assuming that the other guy doesn't do that first
Since I can easily 'win' money from various casino's without being noticed I'm not really doing that for the money, but instead trying to contact the other guy. If he does it first that makes things much eaiser because I will be the one to contact him, instead of the other way round.

Can you think of a better way to contact him ?
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Post by Duckie »

I'm not going to lie here, I'd be the world's biggest prick, a bastard, and a tyrant with Jedi Powers, and everyone near me would love me for it. I'd make everybody happy, sure, but it'd be Asimov's Mule's Happiness, everything I could control remade out to my own image of how life should be, and everyone happy the way I like it. Really, without Mind Trick I doubt many people would mind my minimal changes to the world anyway, but I think it's best to do so anyway.

Of course, no use killing what gives you joy, so I'd first have to find my evil twin and make sure he doesn't fuck with my world. Observe what he does. Consiering he's likely to be a Chinese or Indian peasant by pure probability, he won't share my ideology and decisions for my world, so if he doesn't look likely to join me as an equal, or even share my ideas at all, he'll have to go, preferrably by quiet assasination with a good explanation for why Government Operatives from the US tried to kill him while I'm far away. Then it's back to doing my part to "perfect" the world as I see it.

Yeah. Um, it sounds a lot worse when you type it out.

I'm still struggling with the idea that if I'm mind controlling them (to like what I'm making them do, and it's nothing really out of the ordinary), is it really evil? Aldous Huxley thought so.

I don't know. I wouldn't mind being mind-controlled into a blissful state of slavery to someone. But of course I wouldn't mind, since that's the way they'd want it.
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Post by Caius »

Would you have the ability to sense force potential in other people? Possible train them? Or is it just you and this other person period? No one else and when you both die that's it for force users? (as example)

If you could sense force potiential, I'd look for one or two like minded individuals to aid me in dealing with the other guy, if (s)he turned out evil.
Plus how many people wouldn't want to give their buddies force powers so you could all run wild.

But without the little above senario. I'd actually keep a low profile. I'd image that government agencies would want to get a hold of you and exploit you for military purposes. Yeah you could fight back, but would you want to be running and taking on a whole army for a long time?

Or I'd use my powers to influence things to set myself up comfortably. No world domination or anything.

Then I'd find George Lucas just to see the look on his face. :D
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Post by Dakarne »

Plus how many people wouldn't want to give their buddies force powers so you could all run wild.
Remember, Darth Plagueis could manipulate midichlorians...

You could make someone force sensitive
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Dakarne wrote:
Plus how many people wouldn't want to give their buddies force powers so you could all run wild.
Remember, Darth Plagueis could manipulate midichlorians...

You could make someone force sensitive
That is on the level of claiming you are going to accomplsih what Palpatine did in Dark Empire.

Unless the scenario states you're of the upper .0001% of force users, don't put up ridiculous high end scenarios, especially ones that have a possiblity of not even begun to be proven and are easily in the realm of hyperbole.

And another thing, it's a leap of logic to go from manipulating the midis to giving some bizarre birth to saying they GAVE force sensitvity to someone.

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Post by Dakarne »

That is on the level of claiming you are going to accomplsih what Palpatine did in Dark Empire.
It all depends on how much energy you put into it...

I imagine that given time and concentration, you could make someone force sentsitive... the Matukai Order (sort of like the Jedi), who accept people with lesser amounts of Force Sensitivity, can concentrate and Amplify it within someone.

The same could be done to anyone, since the force is only ever blank in the Yuuzhan Vong...
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Dakarne wrote:
That is on the level of claiming you are going to accomplsih what Palpatine did in Dark Empire.
It all depends on how much energy you put into it...
That why he didn't do these effects at RoTJ?

I mean that pesky rebel fleet or those ewoks...nah neither feeling the effects of the Force Storm would've done shit?
I imagine that given time and concentration, you could make someone force sentsitive... the Matukai Order (sort of like the Jedi), who accept people with lesser amounts of Force Sensitivity, can concentrate and Amplify it within someone.

The same could be done to anyone, since the force is only ever blank in the Yuuzhan Vong...
Wow, a red herring and shifting goal posts from a moron.

Care to provide proof of average Jedi just INSERTING Force sensitivity?

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Post by NecronLord »

I'd hunt down and confront the other person as soon as possible.

Oh, and I'd use mind trick for picking up lovers. And so would you. :)
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I'd probably end up living my life the same way I do now, although I like to think that I'll try being a merc for a bit.

And yeah, I would use Mind Trick to pick up chicks.
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Post by DrkHelmet »

Dakarne wrote: I imagine that given time and concentration, you could make someone force sentsitive... the Matukai Order (sort of like the Jedi), who accept people with lesser amounts of Force Sensitivity, can concentrate and Amplify it within someone.
No making other people force sensitive. I'm sorry.

The only way to get another force sensitive person in the world besides the two people in the OP is to make babies, and it takes a while for them to grow up.
NecronLord wrote:I'd hunt down and confront the other person as soon as possible.

Oh, and I'd use mind trick for picking up lovers. And so would you. :)
Of course, there is a possibility that the other person will best you. The level of force usage and skill is approximately equal in each of you.

And yes, every male on earth probably would.
Ghost Rider wrote:Unless the scenario states you're of the upper .0001% of force users,
Consider it upper 1%, you aren't a Padawan who can barely levitate a book, but you aren't creating force storms and whatever else comes to mind that's ridiculously powerful. Also, no battle meditation. Sorry, not many Jedi have demonstrated this ability, even in the EU.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

DrkHelmet wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Unless the scenario states you're of the upper .0001% of force users,
Consider it upper 1%, you aren't a Padawan who can barely levitate a book, but you aren't creating force storms and whatever else comes to mind that's ridiculously powerful. Also, no battle meditation. Sorry, not many Jedi have demonstrated this ability, even in the EU.
Which is why in responding to Dakarne's stupidity I posted:
, don't put up ridiculous high end scenarios,
I understand you are likely beyond the average schlub, but you are not the second com ing of Yoda, by any stretch.

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Post by DrkHelmet »

Ghost Rider wrote:
DrkHelmet wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Unless the scenario states you're of the upper .0001% of force users,
Consider it upper 1%, you aren't a Padawan who can barely levitate a book, but you aren't creating force storms and whatever else comes to mind that's ridiculously powerful. Also, no battle meditation. Sorry, not many Jedi have demonstrated this ability, even in the EU.
Which is why in responding to Dakarne's stupidity I posted:
, don't put up ridiculous high end scenarios,
I understand you are likely beyond the average schlub, but you are not the second com ing of Yoda, by any stretch.
Yeah, I know. I was just reinforcing, since I wrote the OP. :D
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Post by RThurmont »

Not even Palpatine at the height of his power in Dark Empire (surely by then he was more powerful by Darth Plageuis) demonstrated an ability to make non-force users attenuated. As far as we know, no force user is capable of that.

Before you resort to mentioning that Anakin Skywalker was highly force sensitive, remember, the idea that he was created by Darth Plageuis is still a theory (although unfortunately enough, it is now apparently cannon that Plageuis was the master of Sidious-a stupid, overly Byzantine plot device, but whatever).

Also, Darkane, would you please do us all a favor and leave the phrase "I would imagine" out of AT LEAST ONE of your posts? It's geniunely annoying.
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Post by Lord Revan »

Well Tavion (a Dark Jedi of rather modest talent was able to create low level force users using the scepter of Marko(?) Ragnos and her Master Desann was able create Force users by using the Valley of the Jedi (and some machines) (from Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy (Games)).
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