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If a man said he was the messiah would you listen to him or turn him away?

Listen to him
Turn him away
No one can save this world
George Bush is the way I follow him
I dont believe in the messiah
Once terrorisum is defeated all will be ok, that is my savior
Total votes: 117

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Kaye Elle Emenopey
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Post by J »

J wrote:
Jake99 wrote:I scanned some court docs to a disk but I only know how to attach to emails. If someone wants it emailed to them I will do it or tell me how to attach to here.

Take out the 3 asterisks. I expect the documents within 2 days.
Tick tick tick tick have a bit over a day now. Time's running out...
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I'm not sure why people choose 'To Love is to Bury' as their wedding song...It's about a murder-suicide
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Post by Surlethe »

Since I have a bit of time on my hands, I'm going to give our resident Communist Messiah blasphemous chewtoy a little lesson on quoting and posting images so he can only plead being an asshole cockmonkey and not ignorance.

Jake99, are you listening? Your first lesson is quoting.

To quote someone, write this:

Code: Select all

[quote="Their Username"]Whatever they wrote.[/quote]
That will come out to look like this:
Their Username wrote:Whatever they wrote.
So, for example, if I write:


to quote me and reply, you would write:

Code: Select all

which looks like this:
The convention in replying to quotes is to respond beneath the quoted text, as everybody so far in this thread has done in replying to your posts, NOT post inside the quotes.

Posting Images

To post an image, first go to

There, you will see a blank bar, a button beside which says "Browse", and a button beneath those which says "host it!"

"Browse" means you will be looking through your hard drive -- browsing -- and you will need to find the images. Once you find the image you want hosted, highlight it and click "Open". Then, click "host it!"

The screen will say "uploading" for a little bit. Don't worry yourself; this is perfectly normal.

Once the image is uploaded -- that means you have transferred it from your computer to imageshack's server -- there will be a page with different strings of text on it. Choose one that says "thumbnail for forums (1)", because you are posting on a forum, and copy and paste the string of text into the posting window, so it looks like this:

Code: Select all

(code broken to preserve formatting)

This will result in a thumbnail, like so:


I have used a sketch I made of one of my starship designs as an example; naturally, your thumbnail will look like your court documents.

Hopefully, even the simpering pile of caviar you call your brain will be able to process this information. I expect you to be debating properly and posting all the relevant documents from now on, cumsucker.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by Mark S »

Money on all his quotes having the word 'Code:' above them.
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Post by DrkHelmet »

Mark S wrote:Money on all his quotes having the word 'Code:' above them.

Only a fool would bet against that.
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Post by Jake99 »


Thank you for the tutorial I will use the imaging system and post soon and I will try and use the quote thing properly. The simple system that I used to correct the problems of the worlds largest baked goods manufacturer and distributer are similar to the problems of the world. Plain and simple problem solving and automation that eliminated stress, accidents, and waste. Not to mention the increased capacity and efficiency with which it operated. That is what needs to be accomplished to achieve peace in the world. You order it and I send it, unless I cannot make enough at which time, I must increase my capability and tell you when you will get what you ask for. And if I cannot fill all the orders it becomes a luxury due to limited resourses. All that I ask is that you send the manpower and resourses I ask for to supply your requests. You can democratically oversee every operation with elected professionals that distribute in the most efficient way possible. I cannot stand by and watch salesman burn up energy and resourses when products can be demonstrated online. And transporting children to schools for basic education that can be done at home over the internet is wasteful. Socialize your children at the plyground not when they are trying to learn. The signs and advertisements alone are a poison to the well being of the human mind, not to mention the alarm clocks and busy schedules that people are on. Set prices and wages globally and give the basics away for free its easier and it reduces crime dramatically. Cut through the red tape and middlemen and the stress level goes way down along with pollution. I need forests managed and beaches life gaurded not liers cheaters, theives and gamblers telling me how much a product will cost me today. Stop building weapons to kill each other and build infrastructure that serves each other.

Just because something was tried and failed does not mean the circumstances have not changed and whatever you do it must be global to work. All of us want the same things and I have yet to get a complaint from a person who worked for me in the 30 years that I have been a leader. I treat people with respect and I never ask them to do something that I would find objectionable to do myself. I don't work hard, I work smart, I just did it at a level that was hidden from sight. Forbes magazine has no idea what goes on inside companies because it is propriatary information. I was not interested in getting credit for what I did, I was hiding. It was a demonstration of how simple it is to solve ongoing problems in an environment that had been plaged with them. I had plenty of wars and dragons to defeat and it was a pleasure to do it without anyone getting hurt. The same can be done with the holy war that is expected to last forever. I suggest you unite this world and I dont think it takes very long to do it. I am very pleased with what the US has done in the area of technology and infrastructure its the method of how it was done that needs to be changed. The invention war is over, we have what we need to make a better system work, and that will lead to even more inventions. Its just a redistribution of labor and standardizing the use of resourses. If you don't make everyone happy your system does not work properly and all of my simple systems worked properly. The world systems are way too complicated and they need tremendous support as a result. get simple and you will work far less and never complain again.
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Jake99, it doesn't take this long to email some docs to someone. J has already offered her email address.

If you're lying about this just admit it now and end this charade, because as far as I'm concerned you are lying.
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Post by Maraxus »

But why were you hiding jake? It seems to me that if you were the messiah, you'd be able to smite anything/one who attempted to harm you, as those filthy captializt war-mongers certainly would.

Infact, if you are the messiah, why the hell are you short of resources? wouldn't your jesus-like connection to god make you able to eat coal and shit diamonds or something?
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Post by Pcm979 »

This isn't your traditional Messiah. It's the Messiah of Hostess Twinkies. He does actaully shit them, but you can't tell the difference.
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Post by Maraxus »

Ah. I knew there was something faintly divine about twinkies...
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Post by Erik von Nein »

Pcm979 wrote:This isn't your traditional Messiah. It's the Messiah of Hostess Twinkies. He does actaully shit them, but you can't tell the difference.
All hail the Messiah! He'll lead us to the Moon on his Twinkie bridge!


There we shall dine on Twinkies 'til we're full! All our basic necessities (well, anything you want) will be given to use by Him! Hail! Hail! Hail!
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Post by Surlethe »

Jake99 wrote:Surelethe,

Thank you for the tutorial I will use the imaging system and post soon and I will try and use the quote thing properly.
Good. Then maybe you'll stop acting like a retard broken record.
The simple system that I used to correct the problems of the worlds largest baked goods manufacturer and distributer are similar to the problems of the world.
The problems of a family are similar to the problems of the world. That doesn't mean solutions which work on the level of a family will work on a global scale.
Plain and simple problem solving and automation that eliminated stress, accidents, and waste. Not to mention the increased capacity and efficiency with which it operated.
You capitalist pig! How did you become more efficient? You saved money so it could be invested in other areas! Wow; that's quite communist. :roll:
That is what needs to be accomplished to achieve peace in the world.
Moving toward an economic system where resources are traded rather than demanded will do a lot; of course, one can't expect too much comprehension from the resident communowanker troll.
You order it and I send it, unless I cannot make enough at which time, I must increase my capability and tell you when you will get what you ask for. And if I cannot fill all the orders it becomes a luxury due to limited resourses.
All that I ask is that you send the manpower and resourses I ask for to supply your requests. You can democratically oversee every operation with elected professionals that distribute in the most efficient way possible. I cannot stand by and watch salesman burn up energy and resourses when products can be demonstrated online.
If you think ordinary sales are so inefficient, then why don't you become a salesman, and by demonstrating products online, drive the offline salesman out of business? Honestly, saying that is like saying "I cannot idly stand by and allow wolves to burn up resources and energy when cougars get the job done so much more efficiently": what an idiot.
And transporting children to schools for basic education that can be done at home over the internet is wasteful. Socialize your children at the plyground not when they are trying to learn.
Part of school is learning how to socialize, a point you clearly didn't pick up.
The signs and advertisements alone are a poison to the well being of the human mind, not to mention the alarm clocks and busy schedules that people are on. Set prices and wages globally and give the basics away for free its easier and it reduces crime dramatically.
Translation: Image
Cut through the red tape and middlemen and the stress level goes way down along with pollution. I need forests managed and beaches life gaurded not liers cheaters, theives and gamblers telling me how much a product will cost me today. Stop building weapons to kill each other and build infrastructure that serves each other.
By creating a humongous distributory (not that I expect you to know what that word means) bureaucracy, you're going to increase the fucking red tape, moron.
Just because something was tried and failed does not mean the circumstances have not changed and whatever you do it must be global to work.
And how have the circumstances changed, fucktard? Human nature has not fundamentally changed in the past decade.
All of us want the same things and I have yet to get a complaint from a person who worked for me in the 30 years that I have been a leader. I treat people with respect and I never ask them to do something that I would find objectionable to do myself.
I don't work hard, I work smart, I just did it at a level that was hidden from sight. Forbes magazine has no idea what goes on inside companies because it is propriatary information. I was not interested in getting credit for what I did, I was hiding.
You were hiding so there'll be no evidence? Pretty convenient, eh?
It was a demonstration of how simple it is to solve ongoing problems in an environment that had been plaged with them. I had plenty of wars and dragons to defeat and it was a pleasure to do it without anyone getting hurt.
The same can be done with the holy war that is expected to last forever. I suggest you unite this world and I dont think it takes very long to do it.
That's already been done, in case you weren't aware. I refer you here for further information.
I am very pleased with what the US has done in the area of technology and infrastructure its the method of how it was done that needs to be changed.
And has it not occurred to that little pile of bullshit you call your brain the US leads in technology and infrastructure because it is capitalist?!
The invention war is over, we have what we need to make a better system work, and that will lead to even more inventions. Its just a redistribution of labor and standardizing the use of resourses.
Image :wanker:
If you don't make everyone happy your system does not work properly and all of my simple systems worked properly.
For the ten zillionth time: PROVE IT, MORON. The current system works just fine with or without unhappy people.
The world systems are way too complicated and they need tremendous support as a result. get simple and you will work far less and never complain again.
I'm not complaining, moron. You are. You propose an incredible redistributive bureaucracy over the invisible hand -- forcing human nature against itself rather than playing off greed -- dammit, I'm writing like Ayn Rand now... -- inefficient distribution rather than efficient -- and you call it simple!!?

I look forward to you actually replying to the points we make.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by Mark S »

Jake99 wrote:...I can and have done all the important things that no one else has ever done. That is the fail safe mechanisum that absolutly identifies the real christ. Jesus spoke in ways that were strange and many said he was nuts but look at what he did which was nowhere close to what I have done.
I might be in danger of sounding like a broken record myself, but Jake, reciting your psuedo-economic jargon and outlining your supposed work history still hasn't backed up the claim above.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Erik von Nein wrote:All hail the Messiah! He'll lead us to the Moon on his Twinkie bridge!


There we shall dine on Twinkies 'til we're full! All our basic necessities (well, anything you want) will be given to use by Him! Hail! Hail! Hail!
That picture is fucking hilarious.

And Jake99 seems to think that simply repeating his claims is the same thing as backing them up. Even though there is no record whatsoever of Hostess becoming utopia, regardless of who took credit for it.

What years did you work at Hostess, Jake99? It would be interesting to check Hostess' financial records for those years to see this enormous spike in profits, not to mention the achievement of zero layoffs or firings that would be necessary in order to call it a utopia. Don't tell me you don't have the skills to rattle off dates on the Internet.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by Solauren »

Erik von Nein wrote: All hail the Messiah! He'll lead us to the Moon on his Twinkie bridge!
<image snipped>
There we shall dine on Twinkies 'til we're full! All our basic necessities (well, anything you want) will be given to use by Him! Hail! Hail! Hail!
Oh man, that is BRILLIANT.

Note to self; save it to use for a D&D adventure
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Post by Lord Zentei »

Jake99 wrote:The simple system that I used to correct the problems of the worlds largest baked goods manufacturer and distributer are similar to the problems of the world.
The entire world economy is RATHER more complex than a goddamn bakery, you tool.
Jake99 wrote:Plain and simple problem solving and automation that eliminated stress, accidents, and waste. Not to mention the increased capacity and efficiency with which it operated. That is what needs to be accomplished to achieve peace in the world.
Simply introducing automation into the workplace has nothing to do with resource allocation, you moron.
Jake99 wrote:You order it and I send it, unless I cannot make enough at which time, I must increase my capability and tell you when you will get what you ask for. And if I cannot fill all the orders it becomes a luxury due to limited resourses. All that I ask is that you send the manpower and resourses I ask for to supply your requests.
And you are going to provide work without pay and expext everyone else to do likewise? :roll: Oh, by the way, if you eliminate trade and money, how are you going to sell these "luxuries"? How will people even know which luxuries are available if advertising is not permitted? For that matter, how are people going to ask for these "basic needs" of yours if advertising is not allowed? They won't know where to go or who to talk to.
Jake99 wrote:You can democratically oversee every operation with elected professionals that distribute in the most efficient way possible.
How the hell are you going to guarantee that these democratically elected officials are capable of doing so? Didn't you understand my previous point that top down control of the economy represents a computationally intractable problem? How are you going to define the "most efficient way possible"? WHERE IS THE QUANTITATIVE PRESENTATION OF YOUR MODEL, MORON?
Jake99 wrote:I cannot stand by and watch salesman burn up energy and resourses when products can be demonstrated online. And transporting children to schools for basic education that can be done at home over the internet is wasteful. Socialize your children at the plyground not when they are trying to learn.
Resources cannot always be demonstrated online, certainly not as well as when you are viewing the product in person. Incidentally, socializing while learning and not just at play is important because the workplace is a social environment. Moreover, some learning requires a hands-on approach that simply cannot be communicated through the internet.
Jake99 wrote:The signs and advertisements alone are a poison to the well being of the human mind, not to mention the alarm clocks and busy schedules that people are on. Set prices and wages globally and give the basics away for free its easier and it reduces crime dramatically.
I have already explained why advertisements are neccesary, you idiot. They are needed to relay information to businesses and consumers about what products and services are available. If they do not have the needed information, they cannot make the right decisions. Even an idiot like you should be able to see that.

Also, you have failed to demonstrate that your idiocies will eliminate crime. Not to mention the fact that you have failed to understand the little lessons I and Surlethe gave you on trade and supply-demand.
Jake99 wrote:Cut through the red tape and middlemen and the stress level goes way down along with pollution.
Bullshit. I have already covered this, when I wrote the following:

"It is the middleman who makes the economy more efficient, dumbass. Or do you plan to travel personally to the farmer every time you need a quart of milk and some wheat, to take that wheat personally to the miller for him to grind it and then to take the flour personally to the baker so he can bake it? Are you planning on going to the mines personally to get the ore that needs to be smelted, to take it personally to the factory after it has been smelted so it can be made into that box of nails you need to fix the shed in your garden? Oh, wait... you don't have a box, do you? Better go up to Canada to get the paper, right? Might as well take a trip to Mexico too, to get all the petrolium you'll need. Hell you'll have to take the petrolium to the refinery too."
Jake99 wrote:I need forests managed and beaches life gaurded not liers cheaters, theives and gamblers telling me how much a product will cost me today. Stop building weapons to kill each other and build infrastructure that serves each other.
Retard, when a trader tells you how much a product will cost, he names a figure that is low enough that you won't go to his competitors. Traders compete with each other to provide the products consumers want at affordable prices, otherwise they go out of business. Those who do go out of business are the ones who FAILED to provide the products consumers want at affordable prices.

Wow you actually managed to use a goddamned paragraph. Do this more often.
Jake99 wrote:Just because something was tried and failed does not mean the circumstances have not changed and whatever you do it must be global to work.
It doesn't mean that they HAVE changed, tool. Particularly when economic theory shows that the reasons for communism's failure are FUNDAMENTAL in nature. The burden of proof is on you, chuckles.
Jake99 wrote:All of us want the same things and I have yet to get a complaint from a person who worked for me in the 30 years that I have been a leader. I treat people with respect and I never ask them to do something that I would find objectionable to do myself. I don't work hard, I work smart,
Blah, blah, blah. :wanker:
Jake99 wrote:I just did it at a level that was hidden from sight. Forbes magazine has no idea what goes on inside companies because it is propriatary information. I was not interested in getting credit for what I did, I was hiding.
Sure you were. :lol:
Jake99 wrote:It was a demonstration of how simple it is to solve ongoing problems in an environment that had been plaged with them. I had plenty of wars and dragons to defeat and it was a pleasure to do it without anyone getting hurt. The same can be done with the holy war that is expected to last forever. I suggest you unite this world and I dont think it takes very long to do it.
:wtf: Are you on crack, boy? There were "wars and dragons" in Hostess before you arrived there? And now you are actually advocating uniting the world with a fucking HOLY WAR after all your earlier dibetries against our "warmongering" culture. Good grief, you are even more fucked up than I previously imagined, and that's saying a LOT.
Jake99 wrote:I am very pleased with what the US has done in the area of technology and infrastructure its the method of how it was done that needs to be changed. The invention war is over, we have what we need to make a better system work, and that will lead to even more inventions.
And it was the capitalist-democratic system that made this possible, tool.
Jake99 wrote:Its just a redistribution of labor and standardizing the use of resourses.
Jake99 wrote:If you don't make everyone happy your system does not work properly and all of my simple systems worked properly. The world systems are way too complicated and they need tremendous support as a result. get simple and you will work far less and never complain again.
The reason the world systems are complicated, you asinine retard, is because of the number of people who are living there and the number of resources that need to be distributed. THAT IS WHY NO "SIMPLE" SYSTEM CAN WORK.
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Post by Antares »

Darth Wong wrote: And Jake99 seems to think that simply repeating his claims is the same thing as backing them up.
I guess that's how indoctrination (correct word?) works.
Repeat your bullshit often enough, that people start to believe.
Works for Scientology, why shouldn't it work here.

Otherwise i have to admit, that this Jake99 creature is one of the strangest posters on this board.

Uhm... and BTW Jake:
Stop talking bullshit. You had your time on earth, now return to heaven.
Your break was long enough. There are still a lot of dark clouds to clean and turn them white again.

- God, your father (yeah, that's me Antares, didnt you know?)

PS: It really was a mistake to give you a break after 2000 years.
Next time will be in no less than 10000 years.
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Post by J »

J wrote:
Jake99 wrote:I scanned some court docs to a disk but I only know how to attach to emails. If someone wants it emailed to them I will do it or tell me how to attach to here.

Take out the 3 asterisks. I expect the documents within 2 days.
Tick tick tick tick have about seven hours now. Time's running out...
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I'm not sure why people choose 'To Love is to Bury' as their wedding song...It's about a murder-suicide
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Post by R.O.A »

Once the moon explodes and vin diesal inhales jupiter you might get a reply from the little debbie, oh wait no scratch that the Hostess bakery messaiah that refuses to bear a QUANTITATIVE PRESENTATION (Lord Zentei's words) of how his perfect wonderful socalled economic plan is supposed to work.

Jake99 wrote:
I scanned some court docs to a disk but I only know how to attach to emails. If someone wants it emailed to them I will do it or tell me how to attach to here
Also he lacks the knoledge of how to make attachments. What do they not have computers in heaven? the hostess factory? I can hardly understand that from where you came from and your "infinite wisdom" (bout as much as the woman who tried to put a fire out with gasolene) that you would not have the capablity to make an attachment. My mom which is high in her age doesent even know how to turn on a computer and still understands that if you select your document and hit the button-Vhalaa it works imagine that.

I highly dobut one can come from the heavens and say he knows how to change our world if they cannot even do somthing like that even after we give such "Tuturials". Which leads me to the conclusion that our little Hostesiah as I like to call him is a frikken liar who is making a rediculus excuse just to hide the facts
I was not interested in getting credit for what I did, I was hiding.

Oh what now Mr. Hostesiah I backed my shit up by quoting your own words.
Thank you for the tutorial I will use the imaging system and post soon and I will try and use the quote thing properly.
Well I gave you a tutorial of backing your shit up-oh wait you cannot do that, because you fail to provide facts supporting your claim and because you havent a clue at all.

What is this like Monk or somthing??

So as a wonderful message from deep inside my heart:

Thank you kindly Jake99 for alowing me to show just how much I care
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Post by Jake99 »

I totally appreciate the technology that the US has developed, but it has been a blood bath to get here which is what needs to stop. I think the number is 65% of the US federal budget is for defense spending and I say the lines on the map are illegal and inefficient. Spend your labor on good things like helping your neighbor not killing those who stand against the destruction you leave in your wake. If you don't think the internet is a better place to demonstrate a product you are nuts. I don't want to negotiate the price of anything and I want its value to remain the same barring shortages of materials and transportation expenses. If you want something that is manufactured on the other side of the earth then transportation fees increase the cost of the item.
I worked 1978-1980 in Buffalo, 1980 -1988 in Natick Ma. 1988-1991 Cleveland 1991 -2000 Natick Ma. and I worked temporary assagnments in Philadelphia Pa., Biddeford Me, and East Brunswick NJ. The only computer skills I needed were accounting, payroll, word processing and simple CAD programs that I used to redesign many work areas. I sent some stuff to Snuggly Swimmer Babe's email because as a hotmail customer the web host Surelth sent me to won't handle hotmail accounts. I was the only internal problem solver dedicated to that task that I know of in that company and I solved every problem I faced very quickly. China has 250,000 work place deaths per year and 70-90% of all dr visits in the US are due to stress. I had a similar environments and eliminated the injuries and the stress. I play a simple game and the results are miraculous. That same simple game can be applied to the world and the results would be the same. And I had no help other than the engineering firms and internal engineers who developed the systems that I designed. This world creates problems faster than it solves them which is a problem that I overcame. I need to clean up the traffic jams and waste that has been left behind by the greedy systems that brought us the technology we needed to change the way we live. I thank you but I cannot let you continue on the path that you are on, without trying to stop you. Live by the sword, die by the sword and this world builds and uses bigger swords every day.
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Post by Nephtys »

Troll! Troll! Troll! US Technology has been mostly developed through hard work and need, as well as profitability. No blood there. Not even North Korea spends 65 percent of their budget on military, try less than 10 for the US.

You know what? You don't want to negotiate for prices? What kind of manager are you? Oh wait. A bullshiter. You have no stats of any reliable sort, you still refuse to address points... et cetera, ad endless nauseum.

I'm just going to ignore your ignorant pseudo-socialist wankery. Because your stupidity is that inspiring.
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Post by brianeyci »

Jake99 wrote:I thank you but I cannot let you continue on the path that you are on, without trying to stop you. Live by the sword, die by the sword and this world builds and uses bigger swords every day.
Is this a death threat Jake99? If so, you're ass is fried extra tasty crispy.

There's no point debating you, since you don't want to respond to counter points with proper quotation, and you just ignore points and keep repeating them. For example, you stated this,
I don't want to negotiate the price of anything and I want its value to remain the same barring shortages of materials and transportation expenses. If you want something that is manufactured on the other side of the earth then transportation fees increase the cost of the item.
...and others have already countered this point by mentioning that this proposal does not meet supply and demand. Even a baby can understand the concept "mine", are you saying you do not? What happens if everybody in the world wants a television, is the price supposed to stay the same? Look at the bolded part, when everybody wants something there will be shortages and the price will go up, meaning you contradict yourself in the same sentence!

The death threat and the trolling is probably the end of the line for you, see you around, I'll think of you when I buy a twinkie :twisted:.

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Post by J »

Jake99 wrote:I sent some stuff to Snuggly Swimmer Babe's email because as a hotmail customer the web host Surelth sent me to won't handle hotmail accounts.
Either you don't know how to use email or you're lying. There's nothing in my email from you.
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Post by Mark S »

Jake99 wrote:I was the only internal problem solver dedicated to that task that I know of in that company and I solved every problem I faced very quickly.
Is this supposed to equate to you doing things that no one else can?
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Post by DaveJB »

Jake99 wrote:as a hotmail customer the web host Surelth sent me to won't handle hotmail accounts.
Bullshit. Imageshack does not require any personal information when uploading images, and what E-Mail service you use has no bearing at all on whether you can use it or not. The only thing you need to enter in is where the image on your hard drive.
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Kamakazie Sith
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

brianeyci wrote:
Jake99 wrote:I thank you but I cannot let you continue on the path that you are on, without trying to stop you. Live by the sword, die by the sword and this world builds and uses bigger swords every day.
Is this a death threat Jake99? If so, you're ass is fried extra tasty crispy.

The death threat and the trolling is probably the end of the line for you, see you around, I'll think of you when I buy a twinkie :twisted:.

He's an idiot, Brian. However, that isn't a death threat.
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