I dunno, something about that feels wrong somehow.
We have never said there is an “endless” source of energy emanating from magnets. We have said that the magnets we use in the Lutec 1000 are able to maintain their magnetic qualities for over twelve hundred years. That is a long time when gauged by human life expectancy, but is not forever. We welcome informed opinion, and to that end have sought out the highest qualified people in Australia and the United States of America to review our work.
The Lutec 1000 only baffles those who misinterpret the actions taking place within it as being outside common scientific principles and laws, where in fact it certainly is not. We will try to make a simple explanation to demonstrate what motivates the Lutec 1000 motor/generator:
Let’s say we hang a ten kilo weight off a permanent magnet butted to a steel roofing beam, and that the only thing holding the permanent magnet to the steel beam is the magnetism. Now let’s do the same thing, but this time with an electro-magnet which requires a constant electrical input to maintain its magnetic qualities.
Let’s say we leave them both there for ten years…
They will both perform the same task, that of holding the ten kilos off the floor. The electro-magnet, however, has needed to be fuelled by electricity provided by a generator of some kind - it could be hydro, nuclear, wind, solar, coal or oil - and has cost a large amount in terms of energy. Much work (in the scientific sense) has been done to provide the constant electric current necessary to maintain its magnetic hold on the steel girder.
Now take notice, the permanent magnet has not needed to be energised by an external source, it has done the job for “free” using only the magnetism it contains to perform the same job. The clue here is in the title of “permanent” magnet.
That same principle is one of the reasons the Lutec 1000 motor turns, it is of course the spinning of the centre core of the motor which is caused by the permanent magnets being attracted and then repulsed from the steel cores of the fixed stator coils. It is this primary movement that allows the magnetic fields around the stator coils to be “cut” by the effect of the permanent magnets sweeping past the steel cores of the coils.
Note that we have achieved two effects from one cause, thus inducing an electric current per Mr Faraday’s theory, and so generating electricity as an output or product of the motors motion. The only electricity consumed has been that required to temporarily charge the coils and so creating a temporary magnet of like polarity to cause the permanent magnet to be repulsed rather than attracted.
There are a couple of other major factors that we won’t go into here, suffice it to say that our current prototype demonstrates 1500% more “out” than “in”...