STGOD 2K5 Main Game
Moderator: Thanas
- Vanas
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 1808
- Joined: 2005-03-12 05:31pm
- Location: Surfing the Moho
- Contact:
United Government Parliament Building, Evan
"...and so the matter rests. Next on the agenda, Fleet Admiral Alth'aea has brought us the Colonial Authority's bi-annual report. Admiral?"
From his seat at the end of the chamber, the Admiral stood and nodded respectfully at the Speaker, before pulling out a large pile of papers from his briefcase
"Madam Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the United Government, I'll attempt to be brief. You've all read the report on fleet status that I submitted last week, this report is more about the exterior.
Since our... ah, aquisition of some intra-galactic standard Faster than Light communication devices from the now-defunct Thirteen Republics, we've been tuning into passing communications to see what we can find out about the galactic community.
Most communications appear to be in a standard language, which one of the techs has originally designated 'Galactic Standard', which is fortunately also the one we found and deciphered on numerous pirate wrecks. The volume of these communications also seems to indicate that our area of the galaxy is one of the less inhabited areas, hence the reason we had not met any other civilisations until six months ago. Infact, the Thirteen appears to have been the largest 'local' empire.
Given that the Thirteen is the only empire we have any kind of data on, we have been tearing apart all of the remanant ships and related pirate ships that have come into our hands. First, the good news: We have aquired a starmap that will enable our ships to make far longer-ranged jumps without worry of arriving in a planet or slamming into an asteroid. Also, our Galactic Shortcut Drives are in the same speed range as the ships of the Thirteen, and hopefully of the galaxy proper. The bad news is that on the weapons front, things aren't as reassuring. Our standard weapons systems are more powerful than an equivalent Thirteen 'Turbolaser' per shot, but suffer from longer recharge times. We belive that, unless we can destroy an agressor with an equivalent ship in five or six broadside salvoes, they will prevail. Our Siege Cannon, while highly powerful, would be practically a one-shot weapon.
While we have considerable experience with stripping down captured ships and redering their technology useable, we cannot install 'turbolasers' on our ships. Or, rather, we cannot install enough. Both of the races we have seen have had ships that have far greater mass and volume than our own, and have more room to install these weapons, especially given the numbers of cannon needed to make up the firepower difference. Of course, the strength of our navy has always been in hit-and-run operations and agressive, single system attacks and, as the raid on the Thirteen remanant system 3 months ago proved, we can go up against even a trained force, as opposed to the usual pirates. At present, however, we remain hopeful we can contact and communicate with at least some of the alien empires before any shooting starts.
At present, pirate activity has dropped to a new low, following the blitzkreig on the Tortuga base last month and the Thirteen remenant seems more concerned with tearing itself to pieces. To make use of this lull, the battleship Nil Sine Numine is in the Feronia system with one of the new communications systems, broadcasting a message on the typically used frequencies, with a mind to initiate first contact. Task Force 04 has been formed in a system close to Feronia, incase any responding ships are less than welcome.
The Colonial Authority's present objectives, assuming the Unified Government accepts them, are: 1) To initiate communications with an alien empire and, if possible, to propose an alliance of sorts. 2) To escalate our modernisation of the fleet. While several ships have been refitted, with this extra information and research we can create more rounded vessels. 3) To continue research on all related subjects."
Nisien and Efnisien binary system, 6ly from Feronia, 110ly from Evan
Operating under sub-space radio silence and low emission protocols, Task Force 04 quietly lurks in the darkness waiting for a message it hopes never arrives. From the operations of the Virtute et Armis, his Tenebrae class flagship, Admiral Mi'dir watches the fleet through the large simulated displays, admiring the dozens sleek of warships under his command and idly reflecting that perhaps, all things considered, he preferred hunting pirates to waiting around for aliens
"...and so the matter rests. Next on the agenda, Fleet Admiral Alth'aea has brought us the Colonial Authority's bi-annual report. Admiral?"
From his seat at the end of the chamber, the Admiral stood and nodded respectfully at the Speaker, before pulling out a large pile of papers from his briefcase
"Madam Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the United Government, I'll attempt to be brief. You've all read the report on fleet status that I submitted last week, this report is more about the exterior.
Since our... ah, aquisition of some intra-galactic standard Faster than Light communication devices from the now-defunct Thirteen Republics, we've been tuning into passing communications to see what we can find out about the galactic community.
Most communications appear to be in a standard language, which one of the techs has originally designated 'Galactic Standard', which is fortunately also the one we found and deciphered on numerous pirate wrecks. The volume of these communications also seems to indicate that our area of the galaxy is one of the less inhabited areas, hence the reason we had not met any other civilisations until six months ago. Infact, the Thirteen appears to have been the largest 'local' empire.
Given that the Thirteen is the only empire we have any kind of data on, we have been tearing apart all of the remanant ships and related pirate ships that have come into our hands. First, the good news: We have aquired a starmap that will enable our ships to make far longer-ranged jumps without worry of arriving in a planet or slamming into an asteroid. Also, our Galactic Shortcut Drives are in the same speed range as the ships of the Thirteen, and hopefully of the galaxy proper. The bad news is that on the weapons front, things aren't as reassuring. Our standard weapons systems are more powerful than an equivalent Thirteen 'Turbolaser' per shot, but suffer from longer recharge times. We belive that, unless we can destroy an agressor with an equivalent ship in five or six broadside salvoes, they will prevail. Our Siege Cannon, while highly powerful, would be practically a one-shot weapon.
While we have considerable experience with stripping down captured ships and redering their technology useable, we cannot install 'turbolasers' on our ships. Or, rather, we cannot install enough. Both of the races we have seen have had ships that have far greater mass and volume than our own, and have more room to install these weapons, especially given the numbers of cannon needed to make up the firepower difference. Of course, the strength of our navy has always been in hit-and-run operations and agressive, single system attacks and, as the raid on the Thirteen remanant system 3 months ago proved, we can go up against even a trained force, as opposed to the usual pirates. At present, however, we remain hopeful we can contact and communicate with at least some of the alien empires before any shooting starts.
At present, pirate activity has dropped to a new low, following the blitzkreig on the Tortuga base last month and the Thirteen remenant seems more concerned with tearing itself to pieces. To make use of this lull, the battleship Nil Sine Numine is in the Feronia system with one of the new communications systems, broadcasting a message on the typically used frequencies, with a mind to initiate first contact. Task Force 04 has been formed in a system close to Feronia, incase any responding ships are less than welcome.
The Colonial Authority's present objectives, assuming the Unified Government accepts them, are: 1) To initiate communications with an alien empire and, if possible, to propose an alliance of sorts. 2) To escalate our modernisation of the fleet. While several ships have been refitted, with this extra information and research we can create more rounded vessels. 3) To continue research on all related subjects."
Nisien and Efnisien binary system, 6ly from Feronia, 110ly from Evan
Operating under sub-space radio silence and low emission protocols, Task Force 04 quietly lurks in the darkness waiting for a message it hopes never arrives. From the operations of the Virtute et Armis, his Tenebrae class flagship, Admiral Mi'dir watches the fleet through the large simulated displays, admiring the dozens sleek of warships under his command and idly reflecting that perhaps, all things considered, he preferred hunting pirates to waiting around for aliens
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
"We now take you live to a press confrence from Councilman Keyes."
The picture shifts and a podium is shown on stage. Keyes is standing behind it.
"Good day, my fellow Sparatans. Due to recent events, such as the Parliament taking more and more attempts to control the military, and the recent forced recall of the fleet, a major legal battle has been ensueing in the Sparatan High Court. It is the decision of the High Court and the Council that the Parliament has taken their control too far. The High Court has ruled that all military oversight, and control of the budget of our nation is under the direct and sovereign control of the Council. The Parliament is from now on is for civilian issues. That is all." Reporters hands shot up and there were shouts for the councilman's attention.
"Yes, you in the first row. What is your question?"
"Councilman, will this mean that the Sparatan Navy will continue to remain in port?"
"As of this time, we will be sending ships out to rejoin the galaxy, as well as conducting a build up up our military forces."
Build orders
2 Wolf Class Dreadnaught (4 Cap points)
2 Cap points to the Amry
7 Acheron Cruisers (14 cruiser points)
50 Bartow Frigates ( 100 escort points)
"We now take you live to a press confrence from Councilman Keyes."
The picture shifts and a podium is shown on stage. Keyes is standing behind it.
"Good day, my fellow Sparatans. Due to recent events, such as the Parliament taking more and more attempts to control the military, and the recent forced recall of the fleet, a major legal battle has been ensueing in the Sparatan High Court. It is the decision of the High Court and the Council that the Parliament has taken their control too far. The High Court has ruled that all military oversight, and control of the budget of our nation is under the direct and sovereign control of the Council. The Parliament is from now on is for civilian issues. That is all." Reporters hands shot up and there were shouts for the councilman's attention.
"Yes, you in the first row. What is your question?"
"Councilman, will this mean that the Sparatan Navy will continue to remain in port?"
"As of this time, we will be sending ships out to rejoin the galaxy, as well as conducting a build up up our military forces."
Build orders
2 Wolf Class Dreadnaught (4 Cap points)
2 Cap points to the Amry
7 Acheron Cruisers (14 cruiser points)
50 Bartow Frigates ( 100 escort points)
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Between Blue Pointe Station and Stuart border
The Battlecruiser Regnancy and her escort of two destroyers were idling around right between Blue Pointe Station and the Stuartian counterpart at their border. The actual trading lane was some light years to their galactic right and they had been sent to investigate a peculiar sensor reading.
It turned out to be derelict freigher, which had been floating around there for ages. For some unknown reason, some systems turned on again and caused the sensor disturbance. For safety's sake, it was destroyed.
Now, the ships were staying here and doing some more scanning, in case something else might turn up.
They were about to jump back home, when the communications sub-consensus picked up a distress call.
<<Freighter under attack, distance 10.3 light years,>> it told the command consensus.
<<Prepare to intercept>> command told the navigational sub-consensus of the small task force. Generators charged, jumps were calcuöated, and then executed. With the suddenes of their drive, they vanished.
Jumps were instantanous, at least to the outside observer, and they reappeared in the universe a mere light minute off the given coordinates.
The sensors picked up the freighter and its attackers. It was already leaking atmosphere and small shuttles were sensed that tried to dock with it.
As soon as they were aware of their presence, two of the three ships turned tail, racing away from them.
"Enemy ships," the task force consensus rang out, "stop immediately or be destroyed."
It did not seem to impress them, as they continued to run. This was a bad idea.
The Regnancy was one of the most powerful battlecrusiers in existance, and no mere pirate could live where she was. Two heavy capital hypermissiles were launched, destroying the two ships outright. It could be considered massive overkill, but that's something the Coproration was always seeing as a good thing.
The third ship seemed to have had a much more professional captain, but in the face of the attack, he panicked. At least that's what the consensus reckoned as it started to run. Soon, it shared its sisters fate.
The task force closed with the freighter, and with them, the pirate shuttles. In short time, they would have pirates to interrogate...
The Battlecruiser Regnancy and her escort of two destroyers were idling around right between Blue Pointe Station and the Stuartian counterpart at their border. The actual trading lane was some light years to their galactic right and they had been sent to investigate a peculiar sensor reading.
It turned out to be derelict freigher, which had been floating around there for ages. For some unknown reason, some systems turned on again and caused the sensor disturbance. For safety's sake, it was destroyed.
Now, the ships were staying here and doing some more scanning, in case something else might turn up.
They were about to jump back home, when the communications sub-consensus picked up a distress call.
<<Freighter under attack, distance 10.3 light years,>> it told the command consensus.
<<Prepare to intercept>> command told the navigational sub-consensus of the small task force. Generators charged, jumps were calcuöated, and then executed. With the suddenes of their drive, they vanished.
Jumps were instantanous, at least to the outside observer, and they reappeared in the universe a mere light minute off the given coordinates.
The sensors picked up the freighter and its attackers. It was already leaking atmosphere and small shuttles were sensed that tried to dock with it.
As soon as they were aware of their presence, two of the three ships turned tail, racing away from them.
"Enemy ships," the task force consensus rang out, "stop immediately or be destroyed."
It did not seem to impress them, as they continued to run. This was a bad idea.
The Regnancy was one of the most powerful battlecrusiers in existance, and no mere pirate could live where she was. Two heavy capital hypermissiles were launched, destroying the two ships outright. It could be considered massive overkill, but that's something the Coproration was always seeing as a good thing.
The third ship seemed to have had a much more professional captain, but in the face of the attack, he panicked. At least that's what the consensus reckoned as it started to run. Soon, it shared its sisters fate.
The task force closed with the freighter, and with them, the pirate shuttles. In short time, they would have pirates to interrogate...

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
Poriatus Six: High Orbit, Independant Trade Vessel
With the tour of the vessel concluded and the missile satellites resupplied it was now time to talk shop.
Laremy snaps his fingers. "You know what, I just 'ad an idea. My mate Bryan told me about the deal you're offering. Personally, I think it's brilliant. With your ongoing patrols it's going to be no problem keeping this sector secure. I'd like to contribute, I think we could work something out.
"You see there's a lot more colonies out there, thousands of them. I just happen to know a couple of suppliers that could get us all kinds o' gear cheaper then dirt. Equipment for farms, factories, mines, you name it. With your distribution channels and my connections we could reach them all. If we focus on getting these colonists what they need to beef up their output and improve their quality of life then it's quite possible we could have a drastic effect on the galactic stage. Competition would fade as resources become plentiful. We could create an economy where everyone wins, including the hub that brought it about. What do ya say?"
With the tour of the vessel concluded and the missile satellites resupplied it was now time to talk shop.
Laremy snaps his fingers. "You know what, I just 'ad an idea. My mate Bryan told me about the deal you're offering. Personally, I think it's brilliant. With your ongoing patrols it's going to be no problem keeping this sector secure. I'd like to contribute, I think we could work something out.
"You see there's a lot more colonies out there, thousands of them. I just happen to know a couple of suppliers that could get us all kinds o' gear cheaper then dirt. Equipment for farms, factories, mines, you name it. With your distribution channels and my connections we could reach them all. If we focus on getting these colonists what they need to beef up their output and improve their quality of life then it's quite possible we could have a drastic effect on the galactic stage. Competition would fade as resources become plentiful. We could create an economy where everyone wins, including the hub that brought it about. What do ya say?"

The captain, after a quick conferance with the negotionation team, the Captain replied "Well, you make an intresting offer, we're going to have to discuss this with superiors, but I'd say you probebly got yourself a deal, would you mind on your way out of the system you'd be escorted by a pair of my gunboats? I know your ship is more then capable of defending itself, but its extra protection.
Otherwise, we'll be back here, after we finsh moving this load we'll be moving back and come in with a taskforce, I belive the first priority will be setting up some sort of patrol over this area and tracking down these raiders"
Down on the surface, a temporary deal was being struck, that would let the Hub develop a large scale trade treaty with the planet, opening a new market to the galaxy.
Otherwise, we'll be back here, after we finsh moving this load we'll be moving back and come in with a taskforce, I belive the first priority will be setting up some sort of patrol over this area and tracking down these raiders"
Down on the surface, a temporary deal was being struck, that would let the Hub develop a large scale trade treaty with the planet, opening a new market to the galaxy.
Useless geek posting above.
Its Ace Pace.
Its Ace Pace.
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
"Nah, that's alright, I'm just going to spin up the jump drive and be on my way." Laremy draws a card out of his jacket pocket and hands it to the Hub rep. "If you need anything, and I mean anything, you can reach me on that frequency. Well, was nice meeting ya. Good luck and good business and all that."Tiger Ace wrote:The captain, after a quick conferance with the negotionation team, the Captain replied "Well, you make an intresting offer, we're going to have to discuss this with superiors, but I'd say you probebly got yourself a deal, would you mind on your way out of the system you'd be escorted by a pair of my gunboats? I know your ship is more then capable of defending itself, but its extra protection.
Otherwise, we'll be back here, after we finsh moving this load we'll be moving back and come in with a taskforce, I belive the first priority will be setting up some sort of patrol over this area and tracking down these raiders"
Down on the surface, a temporary deal was being struck, that would let the Hub develop a large scale trade treaty with the planet, opening a new market to the galaxy.

- Glimmervoid
- Jedi Master
- Posts: 1344
- Joined: 2005-01-29 09:00am
- Location: Some were in the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm.
- Contact:
OOC: Build order.
2 X BS Mark A-1
Ship of the line. (1.5 cap points each)
4 X BC Mark F-32
Carrier. (1crusier point each)
2 X BC Mark J-1
Scout Cruiser. (0.7 cruiser points each)
2 X BC Mark A-5
Cruiser of the line. (1.3 cruiser points each)
12 X ES Mark H-73
Destroyers. (2 escort points each)
26 X ES Mark R-2
Escort. (1 escort point each)
Master speaker stared down at First Commander Cal More. His unblinking eyes seeming to bore in to the heart of the First Commander.
“And what have you to report” Master of Fire said.
“The Stuart Corporation’s ambassador has arrived safely on North Continent” said Cal More, “He is currently being housed in a converted office building last the permanent embassy is being built”.
“We don’t like it” said Master of Earth “why should we build some thing only to give it away”
“And We don’t like loosing part of the northern continent” butted in Voice of North.
“It is the way of thing in the galaxy. I know the concept of an embassy is new to us but the Gift's data banks show that the concept is common.” Said Cal More, “but back to my report. Our Ambassador is on his way to Stuart Corporation space and will arrive with in the day. Also no other major government has responded to our message. We don’t know if this is because we are simply too small or maybe hyperwave technology is less universal than we thought”.
“This is worrying indeed” said Master of water, “We were relying on being able to establish a strong alliance in the space around us last we build up our strength”.
“Is that all you have to report First Commander” said master speaker.
“Yes” snapped Cal More who was beginning to regret his constant reports to the Consensus.
“Then leave us” replied Master Speaker.
First Commander Cal More saluted and turned to leaver. Walking out the tall imposing doors before letting out his frustration “Frak, Don’t those people see that this is more important that a small peace of land. Out very existence is on the line! ” With that he headed to the shuttle bay and back to his orbiting Pocket battle ship.
Edited to included build order
Last edited by Glimmervoid on 2005-08-16 12:46pm, edited 3 times in total.

- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
The SCS Matilda, a massive Wraith dreadnaught, glided through space, flanked by a pair of Wolf dreadnaughts and ten Acheron cruisers. Today the mighty Sparatan Navy was escorting 20 cargo ships to Blue Pointe Station.
Admiral Wages nodded to his comm officer and the officer opened a fleet wide channel.
"All ships, make the jump."
The dissappeared and reappeared next to Blue Pointe. The cargo ships lined up to dock and waited there turn.
Admiral Wages nodded to his comm officer and the officer opened a fleet wide channel.
"All ships, make the jump."
The dissappeared and reappeared next to Blue Pointe. The cargo ships lined up to dock and waited there turn.
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
Message to TSC Officials on Cornia Station
From: Office of Benedict and Associates Trading, Private Merchants.
"Dear Officials,
We here at BA Trade would like to enquire about gaining access to Maralsartel for the purpose of administering an aid package consisting of food and medical supplies kindly donated from a variety of independant colonies and suppliers. It's not much but we feel that improving the conditions on Maralsartel, even if only a little, would be an important step in healing the scars of war and bringing stability back to the region.
Yours Faithfully,
Vince Benedict
BA Trade"
From: Office of Benedict and Associates Trading, Private Merchants.
"Dear Officials,
We here at BA Trade would like to enquire about gaining access to Maralsartel for the purpose of administering an aid package consisting of food and medical supplies kindly donated from a variety of independant colonies and suppliers. It's not much but we feel that improving the conditions on Maralsartel, even if only a little, would be an important step in healing the scars of war and bringing stability back to the region.
Yours Faithfully,
Vince Benedict
BA Trade"

- White Haven
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6360
- Joined: 2004-05-17 03:14pm
- Location: The North Remembers, When It Can Be Bothered
Code: Select all
FROM: Rear Admiral Albert Dunston, SO, Aquarian Theatre Station
TO: Admiral Wallace Allanby, XO, Sixth Cruiser Squadron
RE: Aquarian Union SitRep
-Past six months have seen an 86% reduction in active pirate activity within the region.
-Union defense forces in controlled systems comprised primarily of prize hulls, with Guardian escort cruisers supplementing local firepower when required.
-Prior to the end of the amnesty program, an estimated 60% (Margin of error high due to inaccurate census) of local pirate craft and crews surrendered to Sixth and local forces, forming the core of the local defenses.
-Local shipyards, as they are not equipped to produce Sixth warcraft, are being rented out on a slip-by-slip basis to both Union planetary defense forces and ERTC members. Once the costs of the liberation force are balanced, the yards will be considered purchased and full control will be restored to local Union powers. Suggest proceeds be put towards establishing fresh yards in Sixth territory proper.
-One major resistance group (possibly raiders attempting to look like rebels) active in force in the eastern fringes of the outlying colonies. Request deployment in force to pacify.
Message Ends.
As his eyes slipped off the last words of the missive, Admiral Allanby grunted in amusement, a slight smirk tugging at one end of his perpetual scowl. "No massacres, Al? You're going soft...ah well, cross Mandraki off that list, then...PO!" His voice raises to a shout abruptly. As he waits for his aide, he types out a set of terse orders, handing them to the latest in a long string of harried secretaries, and growling, "Get that to Hallmeyer."Personal addendum: Send someone reasonable, Wallace. I don't need a bloodbath.
SCSS Crimson Dawn
A man in the crisp uniform of a Sixth Cruiser flag officer finishes reading over a dataslate, setting it down on his desk and pressing a button next to it. "Commodore Stevens, the Second ships out in twelve hours, alert the crews and get them back from shore leave. We've got some business in the Union."

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'
Fiction!: The Final War (Bolo/Lovecraft) (Ch 7 9/15/11), Living (D&D, Complete)

- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Joven Consensus
It was still a mytery to him how anyone would like to live on little dirt balls like these people did, Ambassador Veiland thought as he relaxed in a comfortable armchair. He was used to it by now, but this mind still missed the vast huge atmosphere of home. Luckily, he had others back home, so the discomfort was luckily limited.
<<We don't know much about them,>> he conversed in another thread of his mind with Erad Nelhoun, the Corporation's "foreign secretary". <<But it seems that they still want more contacts with the galaxy at large. We could give them that.>>
<<Indeed,>> Nelhoun answered. <<We should move slowly here, and see what they have to offer, if anything. A useful ally might be a good investment in these times. Proceed with caution.>>
<<I will>>, he answered.
Avalon System, Avalon III, Laanda Base
<<He seems to be hardened against telepathy,>> Major Myerson observed. A member of the newly creaty pysionic corps, he was brand new from the reconstruction facilities. The captured pirate lay below him stock-still under a stasis field. <<I can't get through to his mind centre. He has some blocks. I think breaking through would disrupt his mind so we might lose the information we are after.>>
<<Then the old way it is,>> Agent Jefreys smiled. A mental command and from the wall a metalic arm emerged, connecting with the pirates eyes. Unseen, hundreds of nano filaments flowed out of it, slithering though the soft tissue of his eyes and moved into the brain, connecting with neurons. Soon, information flowed out of the pirate. It would only take minimal time to get what they wanted.
<<Discard him when we're finished,>> Jefreys said.
It was still a mytery to him how anyone would like to live on little dirt balls like these people did, Ambassador Veiland thought as he relaxed in a comfortable armchair. He was used to it by now, but this mind still missed the vast huge atmosphere of home. Luckily, he had others back home, so the discomfort was luckily limited.
<<We don't know much about them,>> he conversed in another thread of his mind with Erad Nelhoun, the Corporation's "foreign secretary". <<But it seems that they still want more contacts with the galaxy at large. We could give them that.>>
<<Indeed,>> Nelhoun answered. <<We should move slowly here, and see what they have to offer, if anything. A useful ally might be a good investment in these times. Proceed with caution.>>
<<I will>>, he answered.
Avalon System, Avalon III, Laanda Base
<<He seems to be hardened against telepathy,>> Major Myerson observed. A member of the newly creaty pysionic corps, he was brand new from the reconstruction facilities. The captured pirate lay below him stock-still under a stasis field. <<I can't get through to his mind centre. He has some blocks. I think breaking through would disrupt his mind so we might lose the information we are after.>>
<<Then the old way it is,>> Agent Jefreys smiled. A mental command and from the wall a metalic arm emerged, connecting with the pirates eyes. Unseen, hundreds of nano filaments flowed out of it, slithering though the soft tissue of his eyes and moved into the brain, connecting with neurons. Soon, information flowed out of the pirate. It would only take minimal time to get what they wanted.
<<Discard him when we're finished,>> Jefreys said.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Blue Pointe
Exit Zone 4
The Sparatan convoy departed hyperspace at disembarkation point four, one of eight massive drop points around Blue Pointe's perimeter marked for incoming traffic. The space around the station was very carefully regulated, as there were regularly thousands of ships in the area, ranging in size from personal shuttle craft to massive forty kilometer long super freighters. By now Blue Pointe was a sizeable tract of space with dozens of small satellites and platforms with the Station at the center.
Station traffic control had been in communication with the ships since they entered the Blue Pointe region, and had already transmitted docking plans and flight paths. It was somewhat unusual for such a large fleet of ships to enter the region at once, but the station could easily handle it. As the ships dropped to sub-light speeds control towers came to life, extending their powerful tractor beams, collision prevention was always a concern. Less than a minute after they had came into real-space the ships were docked, massive umbilical tubes came to greet each vessel as they approached their berths, men, equipment and supplies could be transferred between the station and the ship at a frightening rate if need be.
The presence of a Sparatan war fleet was certainly somewhat peculiar, considering the relatively small convoy they escorted, but with the closure of the Spartan arm of the great lane the region became a hunting ground for pirates unable to find easy pickings in other parts of the west, now actively being watched by the warships of a dozen nations, large and small.
Exit Zone 4
The Sparatan convoy departed hyperspace at disembarkation point four, one of eight massive drop points around Blue Pointe's perimeter marked for incoming traffic. The space around the station was very carefully regulated, as there were regularly thousands of ships in the area, ranging in size from personal shuttle craft to massive forty kilometer long super freighters. By now Blue Pointe was a sizeable tract of space with dozens of small satellites and platforms with the Station at the center.
Station traffic control had been in communication with the ships since they entered the Blue Pointe region, and had already transmitted docking plans and flight paths. It was somewhat unusual for such a large fleet of ships to enter the region at once, but the station could easily handle it. As the ships dropped to sub-light speeds control towers came to life, extending their powerful tractor beams, collision prevention was always a concern. Less than a minute after they had came into real-space the ships were docked, massive umbilical tubes came to greet each vessel as they approached their berths, men, equipment and supplies could be transferred between the station and the ship at a frightening rate if need be.
The presence of a Sparatan war fleet was certainly somewhat peculiar, considering the relatively small convoy they escorted, but with the closure of the Spartan arm of the great lane the region became a hunting ground for pirates unable to find easy pickings in other parts of the west, now actively being watched by the warships of a dozen nations, large and small.
- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
The Sparatan's flagship sent a message to the commander of Blue Pointe Station.
Code: Select all
Blue Pointe. This is a prerecorded message from Councilman Keyes. The recent events of our withdraw from Blue Pointe security was the work of a small faction of extremeists on the Council. Councilman Durgen acted largely without the consent of the Council. When he did, it created a large legal battle which forced us to pull our ships from anti-piracy duty. Durgen has since been put back into line. This fleet that came with the cargo ships has orders to help pick up the slack and resecure the Sparatan arm of the Lane. That is all for now. Keyes out.
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Blue Pointe Station
The Overlook
There were many sections of the station that overlooked the great docking rings of the station, but few had both a commanding view, and were a private officer's club. The Coordinator, a healthy fellow in his mid fourties sat at one of the tables nursing a drink while looking over a datapad. Past him was a grand view of the Primary Docking ring; the swarm of small ships ebbed and flowed throughout the docking ring, while larger vessels came and went every few minutes, many larger than the Sparatan Dreadnaughts now docked.
The Sparatan ships had arrived over an hour ago, and he had extended an invitation to the fleet's commander and second to join him at the Overlook, a very comfortable place to go over the renewed Sparatan interest in international commerce. The coordinator wasn't a politician, but he knew a thing or two, and hoped that a meeting with the military commanders of these ships would provide him with some real, useful numbers. Politicians never gave you what you needed, officers, he hoped, might prove more reliable. The sooner he found what the Sparatan's were willing to commit, the faster he could draw up escort paths.
His plan for the meeting was simple, find out what the Sparatan's were willing to sacrifice in order to maintain the trade lanes, there was a limit to which one could do with a handful of capital ships, versus dozens of escorts. Either way, the Coordinator was thankful to get away from his desk and have a drink.
The Overlook
There were many sections of the station that overlooked the great docking rings of the station, but few had both a commanding view, and were a private officer's club. The Coordinator, a healthy fellow in his mid fourties sat at one of the tables nursing a drink while looking over a datapad. Past him was a grand view of the Primary Docking ring; the swarm of small ships ebbed and flowed throughout the docking ring, while larger vessels came and went every few minutes, many larger than the Sparatan Dreadnaughts now docked.
The Sparatan ships had arrived over an hour ago, and he had extended an invitation to the fleet's commander and second to join him at the Overlook, a very comfortable place to go over the renewed Sparatan interest in international commerce. The coordinator wasn't a politician, but he knew a thing or two, and hoped that a meeting with the military commanders of these ships would provide him with some real, useful numbers. Politicians never gave you what you needed, officers, he hoped, might prove more reliable. The sooner he found what the Sparatan's were willing to commit, the faster he could draw up escort paths.
His plan for the meeting was simple, find out what the Sparatan's were willing to sacrifice in order to maintain the trade lanes, there was a limit to which one could do with a handful of capital ships, versus dozens of escorts. Either way, the Coordinator was thankful to get away from his desk and have a drink.
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Avalon System, High Orbit
The information the priate produced was immediately processed. The interrogated pirates had yielded the necessary information and finally had given their best for the Corporation in the reclamation tanks. Ships were formed into a fleet consensus and sent on their way. No one liked piracy. Except the pirates, of course. But it would not be allowed around the newly established route to Blue Pointe Station. The Corporation had some interest in this project and the development of the western galaxy, and so it was time again for a demonstration. A grand one, this time.
The ships acknowledged the orders and after warming up the drives jumped away on their mission to erradicate yet another pirate outpost, as little as it may be.
The information the priate produced was immediately processed. The interrogated pirates had yielded the necessary information and finally had given their best for the Corporation in the reclamation tanks. Ships were formed into a fleet consensus and sent on their way. No one liked piracy. Except the pirates, of course. But it would not be allowed around the newly established route to Blue Pointe Station. The Corporation had some interest in this project and the development of the western galaxy, and so it was time again for a demonstration. A grand one, this time.
The ships acknowledged the orders and after warming up the drives jumped away on their mission to erradicate yet another pirate outpost, as little as it may be.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
Message for the Aglatarian Hub, attn: Local Sector Representative (or name of the guy that Laremy was talking to)
"Ah 'ello, Laremy here. Persuant to our conversation earlier I've forwarded you some of my contacts. There's about thirty colonies, give or take a couple of mining ops. I've also sent them your number, hope that's ok. Anyway, my boys have supplied these guys with gear needed to get their production up, as well as set up a few defenses. If you guys just want to play distribution with their trade goods that would be sweet. Anyway, those colonists should be forwarding their trade portfolios and sell orders shortly if they haven't done so already.
You have 108 Unread Messages
Deep Space 5,000 ly North of Biel-Tan
"The pretty one's going to fetch a pretty price." One of the two overlookers smiled a toothless grin. The sound of whimpering could be heard below the floor grates.
"Well, there's no sense in taking chances with the livestock. To ensure customer satisfaction it's our duty to test the merchandise." The hairy fat one started to unbuckle his belt.
Angry groans came from the boy in the opposite cage as he tried to push the words "leave her alone" passed the restraints over his face.
"A little privacy if you don't mind?" The second one asked.
The first grinned. "Don't smack her around too badly, there's only so much to go around."
"Yeah, yeah. You'll get your turn. Go see if the drive's ready yet."
"Shithead." The frst one utters as he returns to the ship's two-man bridge.
"Out here? Yeah right." He said as he smacked his fist against the threat indicator.
Although slow witted, the realisation hit that not only was his threat indicator working but it was being triggered by the four ships, each one bigger then his, currently encircling his vessel with missile ports open.
An incoming communication, "We're not going to waste time with the plesentries. We're going to board you, we're going to remove the slaves that you're holding and we're take them back to their homes safe, alive and healthy. Alternatively you're going to explode. Is any of this unclear?"
The whimpering this time didn't come from the cages.
The next day...
The farmer's wife had managed to get into the gun cabinet. With the long twin barrels pointed at her head and tears tracking down her pale freckled cheeks she squeezed the trigger. Nothing happened.
"I removed the firing pin." The farmer spoke, entering through the side door.
The woman collapsed on the ground, overcome with grief.
"The took our daughter," she cried, "my little Valerie" she sobbed into her hands, now saturated with tears. The farmer held his wife, even his strong hands weren't enough to prevent the theft of everything that was precious to them both.
The sound of engines could be heard in the distance, the couple would ignore it for the moments. The stock can wait.
There was a knock on the door. "Ken, Celia, get out here, quick!" Shouted a neighbor.
"Fuck the freighter!" Ken shouted. "That can wait! They can just fucking wait!"
"It's not a freighter! It's the kids! They're back, they're all back!"
Ken and Celia rushed outside, all manor of conscious thought left them as they rushed towards the town square.
"Mom, dad?" the thirteen year old girl staggered towards her parents.
"Oh my God, Valerie!" The family embraced as did many other families that had gathered in the square. Ken looked up and saw the face of the stranger that had accompanied them.
"Jack?" Ken immediately recognising the man he spoke with a week ago about new harvesting equipment. "I don't understand, how did you do this?"
"I'm going to level with you. I wasn't here to broker a deal on wheat harvesting. We've been tracking these guys for a while now, when we learned that you guys were hit we knew where they'd be."
"No one's ever helped us before. We've been on our own ever since this colony was founded. Why did you do this?"
Jack smiled, "because it was time someone said no."
Corneria Station
The slaver vessel suddenly emerged back into real space. Inside the cockpit the two men were secured firmly in their seats with the same restraints that had been used to secure their cargo.
"Unregistered vessel, identify yourself immediately."
Immediately, a preprogramed message was broadcast over the comm system.
"Hi! You've reached the office of Vlota Saro and Bolton Chee."
"We're slavers!"
The pair groaned and wrestled against the restraints, trying to get free.
"We're responsible for a variety of slaving activites throughout the eastern rim!"
"Including a few within TSC territory!"
"Here's our flight recorder data!" *Beep*
"Hey check it out! We've been present at four locations where they've been reported kidnappings in TSC border colonies, isn't that amazing!"
The groaning suddenly became a shrill squeal.
"Ah 'ello, Laremy here. Persuant to our conversation earlier I've forwarded you some of my contacts. There's about thirty colonies, give or take a couple of mining ops. I've also sent them your number, hope that's ok. Anyway, my boys have supplied these guys with gear needed to get their production up, as well as set up a few defenses. If you guys just want to play distribution with their trade goods that would be sweet. Anyway, those colonists should be forwarding their trade portfolios and sell orders shortly if they haven't done so already.
You have 108 Unread Messages
Deep Space 5,000 ly North of Biel-Tan
"The pretty one's going to fetch a pretty price." One of the two overlookers smiled a toothless grin. The sound of whimpering could be heard below the floor grates.
"Well, there's no sense in taking chances with the livestock. To ensure customer satisfaction it's our duty to test the merchandise." The hairy fat one started to unbuckle his belt.
Angry groans came from the boy in the opposite cage as he tried to push the words "leave her alone" passed the restraints over his face.
"A little privacy if you don't mind?" The second one asked.
The first grinned. "Don't smack her around too badly, there's only so much to go around."
"Yeah, yeah. You'll get your turn. Go see if the drive's ready yet."
"Shithead." The frst one utters as he returns to the ship's two-man bridge.
"Out here? Yeah right." He said as he smacked his fist against the threat indicator.
Although slow witted, the realisation hit that not only was his threat indicator working but it was being triggered by the four ships, each one bigger then his, currently encircling his vessel with missile ports open.
An incoming communication, "We're not going to waste time with the plesentries. We're going to board you, we're going to remove the slaves that you're holding and we're take them back to their homes safe, alive and healthy. Alternatively you're going to explode. Is any of this unclear?"
The whimpering this time didn't come from the cages.
The next day...
The farmer's wife had managed to get into the gun cabinet. With the long twin barrels pointed at her head and tears tracking down her pale freckled cheeks she squeezed the trigger. Nothing happened.
"I removed the firing pin." The farmer spoke, entering through the side door.
The woman collapsed on the ground, overcome with grief.
"The took our daughter," she cried, "my little Valerie" she sobbed into her hands, now saturated with tears. The farmer held his wife, even his strong hands weren't enough to prevent the theft of everything that was precious to them both.
The sound of engines could be heard in the distance, the couple would ignore it for the moments. The stock can wait.
There was a knock on the door. "Ken, Celia, get out here, quick!" Shouted a neighbor.
"Fuck the freighter!" Ken shouted. "That can wait! They can just fucking wait!"
"It's not a freighter! It's the kids! They're back, they're all back!"
Ken and Celia rushed outside, all manor of conscious thought left them as they rushed towards the town square.
"Mom, dad?" the thirteen year old girl staggered towards her parents.
"Oh my God, Valerie!" The family embraced as did many other families that had gathered in the square. Ken looked up and saw the face of the stranger that had accompanied them.
"Jack?" Ken immediately recognising the man he spoke with a week ago about new harvesting equipment. "I don't understand, how did you do this?"
"I'm going to level with you. I wasn't here to broker a deal on wheat harvesting. We've been tracking these guys for a while now, when we learned that you guys were hit we knew where they'd be."
"No one's ever helped us before. We've been on our own ever since this colony was founded. Why did you do this?"
Jack smiled, "because it was time someone said no."
Corneria Station
The slaver vessel suddenly emerged back into real space. Inside the cockpit the two men were secured firmly in their seats with the same restraints that had been used to secure their cargo.
"Unregistered vessel, identify yourself immediately."
Immediately, a preprogramed message was broadcast over the comm system.
"Hi! You've reached the office of Vlota Saro and Bolton Chee."
"We're slavers!"
The pair groaned and wrestled against the restraints, trying to get free.
"We're responsible for a variety of slaving activites throughout the eastern rim!"
"Including a few within TSC territory!"
"Here's our flight recorder data!" *Beep*
"Hey check it out! We've been present at four locations where they've been reported kidnappings in TSC border colonies, isn't that amazing!"
The groaning suddenly became a shrill squeal.

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Code: Select all
From: Office of Benedict and Associates Trading, Private Merchants.
"Dear Officials,
We here at BA Trade would like to enquire about gaining access to Maralsartel for the purpose of administering an aid package consisting of food and medical supplies kindly donated from a variety of independant colonies and suppliers. It's not much but we feel that improving the conditions on Maralsartel, even if only a little, would be an important step in healing the scars of war and bringing stability back to the region.
Yours Faithfully,
Vince Benedict
BA Trade"
Bloody locals, who do they think they are? And why the hell are they asking me about this?
Pierre felt that the world had dealt him a simply awful hand. His ancestors had served Desjardins since before the Commonwealth was established, and he stood at the head of a long line of honorable Francaiz citizens, who had fought in every major war of the Commonwealth's short but bloody history. The world, in the form of President Delacroix's new initiatives, had sent him from his well-appointed Grand Fleet office on Osiris to this uncivilized mess of a system, and put him in charge of a bunch of raggedy-assed Provincial Fleet officers. The least the world could do was not overburden him with useless paperwork.
Who do these people think they are? Some indigy microcorp wants to send *us* aid?
Lefou swallowed his pride. He'd forwards the message down to the gubernatorial palace on Corneria. M. Geofferies had enough patience to write a civil response to the indigies,
Code: Select all
FROM: M. Santiago Geofferies, Office of the Governer, Corneria
TO: M. Vince Benedict, BA Trades
SUBJ: Re: Aid
"Dear sir, I am afraid that your offer, while certainly very kind, is quite un-necessary. The recent annexation of the Maralsartel region is well in hand, and the occupation authority has full control of the situation. Moreover, we would not wish to unduly burden you with the expense of providing a small aid package at such a time as the Commonwealth's Department of Colonies has already directed it's significant resources to the problem.
Should you wish to make donations to the Department of Colonies, you are free to do so. Alternatively, should your organization be listed as a non-profit aid group under Commonwealth Law, you may apply to send a mission to Maralsartel.
To avoid future delays in communications with the Commonwealth, let me ask you to forwards any further messages along the proper channels. My own desk is quite busy with the affairs of Corneria and the Northeastern Region. Business dealing with Maralsartel or other systems in the Southeast should be sent to the appropriate Commonwealth offices.
Good Day,
Santiago Geofferies,
Sous-Legate in the Service of the Commonwealth (Ret.)
Governer of Corneria
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
Code: Select all
To the Commenwealth Offices in charge of Maralratel in charge of non profit registry aid distribution:
"Dear Officials,
We here at Benedict and Associates wish to submit our application for registry as a non-profit organisation for the purpose of sending a mission to Maralratel so that we can assist with the distribution of food and medical supplies donated to us by various sources.
Yours Faithfully,
Vince Benedict
BA Trade, charity divison"

- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Uninhabitated System
First came scores of recon drones, appearing in a shell-like formation. They scanned the vicinity and didn't try to be stealthy about it. Twenty seconds later, the cruisers and destroyers appeared. They, too, formed a shell around an empty center. Seconds later, five huge ships appeared with the sudden and anticlimactic way Stuartian ships preferred.
The Behemoth Götterdämmerung, its two Aviary-class battle carriers and 2 Uther-Pendragon-class battleships formed the core, the screen of 80 smaller ships flocked around them.
The target lay 35 light minutes dead ahead. The pirate base was located on a large moon. In some forgotten times, it had been a mining outpost, and the planet it orbited was still a radioactive waste of some war long past. It's close distance to the hyperlane from Blue Pointe Station to Stuartian space had made it an ideal location. This was about to end.
"Pirate base," the immaterial voice of fleet consensus rang out, "this is the Stuart Corporation. We regret to inform you that your presence here will be terminated. You have thirty seconds to surrender."
A shield flickered in existance around the base, the ships felt target sensors hitting them. But they just waited. No one surrendered.
After the 30 seconds were over, fleet consensus gave the order, and the capital ships fired their hypermissiles. These were heavy capital missiles and without any meaningful delay, the hypermissiles popped back into real space right on target. The powerful gravitonic warheads ripped and tore at the base and the moon it was built on. It didn't hold up under the onslaught and disintegrated along with the base.
The fleet remained for a moment, then suddenly vanished again, setting course for Blue Pointe Station for a quick station call.
First came scores of recon drones, appearing in a shell-like formation. They scanned the vicinity and didn't try to be stealthy about it. Twenty seconds later, the cruisers and destroyers appeared. They, too, formed a shell around an empty center. Seconds later, five huge ships appeared with the sudden and anticlimactic way Stuartian ships preferred.
The Behemoth Götterdämmerung, its two Aviary-class battle carriers and 2 Uther-Pendragon-class battleships formed the core, the screen of 80 smaller ships flocked around them.
The target lay 35 light minutes dead ahead. The pirate base was located on a large moon. In some forgotten times, it had been a mining outpost, and the planet it orbited was still a radioactive waste of some war long past. It's close distance to the hyperlane from Blue Pointe Station to Stuartian space had made it an ideal location. This was about to end.
"Pirate base," the immaterial voice of fleet consensus rang out, "this is the Stuart Corporation. We regret to inform you that your presence here will be terminated. You have thirty seconds to surrender."
A shield flickered in existance around the base, the ships felt target sensors hitting them. But they just waited. No one surrendered.
After the 30 seconds were over, fleet consensus gave the order, and the capital ships fired their hypermissiles. These were heavy capital missiles and without any meaningful delay, the hypermissiles popped back into real space right on target. The powerful gravitonic warheads ripped and tore at the base and the moon it was built on. It didn't hold up under the onslaught and disintegrated along with the base.
The fleet remained for a moment, then suddenly vanished again, setting course for Blue Pointe Station for a quick station call.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Encyclopaedia Galactica
"The Cornerian Union, 222-273 AF"
"... the defeat of the People's Navy at Second Desjardins and the successful invasion of the Corneria system by Chef-Admiral St. Juste's Expeditionary Fleet placed the Three Suns Commonwealth in a serious predicament. The entrance of the Quadruple Entente into the war had ensured a sudden end to all hostilities, leaving the battered Commonwealth with a massive clean-up job for which it was totally unprepared. At home, the Three Suns had lost two of their most vital industrialised planets to Cornerian strategic weapons, as well as a significant portion of their fleet. Abroad, the Commonwealth had to contend with the consolidation of it's hold on the recently annexed Star Kingdom of Brisbane. In the Eastern Rim, the Commonwealth-loyal Kraus dynasty of the Azegart Star Empire had to be upheld to stop the ressurection of the violently xenophobic Emperor Cult, which had enjoyed a resurgence thanks to the return of Cornerian-supported Loyalist forces. Finally, the People's Republic of Corneria itself had to be dealt with. With a population almost 30% greater than that of the Commonwealth at that time, concentrated in a smaller number of very densely inhabited worlds, the People's Republic presented a nigh-insurmountable problem. Occupation was out of the question- Corneria was on the other side of the galaxy, and would require hundreds of millions, if not billions, of soldiers to hold. With the Azegart Empire in a state of upheaval and revolt, the Commonwealth didn't even have a decent base from which to supply such an occupation. To make matters worse, the Quadruple Entente was rapidly pulling out of the war, with the principle aggressors emasculated and their point made.
The Three Suns could hardly leave the People's Republic alone. The bombing of Desjardins and Jacob's Landing had left the Commonwealth's citizenry and military aristocracy hungry for blood and vengeance. Many voices called for the usage of strategic weapons on all major Cornerian worlds. Strongest among these voices was that of Chef-Admiral Carl Andreson, hero of Second Desjardins. The soldier wrote in his memoirs; "...I felt an anger then, as I stared out over the vast, hellish wasteland, that I have never felt before or since, over any loss I have taken in battle. I had been raised among the towing starscrapers and lush gardens of Desjardins, and had been raising children of my own there, in turn. To see that taken away so suddenly and callously by the Communists turned my head away from any thoughts of mercy. If someone had given me [the Cornerian admiral in charge of the People's Navy] I would have killed him with my bare hands.... This anger and sorrow took many of us, and we would have seen the same horror visited upon the Cornerian people had not cooler heads prevailed... (1, pg. 352)"
These cooler heads were those of President Genivere Conner and Jaquiline St. Juste. St. Juste's forces had already taken a number of key points on Corneria itself, and had succeeded in taking the Party headquarters. The St. Juste plan called for a novel solution to the Corneria problem- to take the symbolic Corneria System, but ignore the rest of the country. Three factors allowed this maneuver. Firstly, the capture of the major Party chiefs had lead ot the desintegration of the Party, causing tremendous upheaval in the People's Republic. Second, the destruction of the military foldspace com hub on the Cornerian command base had cut off all Cornerian government and military FTL communications, throwing the still-considerable might of the Cornerian military machine into disarray. Finally, the Corsair forces in the region had taken advantage of this chaos, snatching much of the Cornerian's heavy industry- in particular, almost all of their military space yards were removed or destroyed by the pirates. Essentially, Corneria was emasculated as a military power, and was in no condition to continue a war. most of it's recently conquered border provinces had already declared independence, and fighting had broken out on almost every planet in the Republic.
The following fifty years saw a degree of order return to the region. A coalition of former party members and Cornerian nationalists came to the top of the dogpile, forging the uneasy alliance now known as the Cornerian Union. The Union is hardly a united front, and the central government contends with dozens of warlords with whom it must share power. A group of well-fortified and entrenched worlds still hold a rump People's Republic of Corneria, where a dozen minor Party officials have made their holdfast. To this day, the Communist pocket has yet to be reduced. Finally, there are a half dozen border states which had languished under Party rule for only a short time, each enjoying the support and garuantees of independence from the Three Suns Commonwealth.
To this day, relations are strained between Corneria and the Three Suns. Corneria itself has become one of the wealthiest ports in the Rim, and it's people have largely acculturated. Communist English has been replaced with Francez, Anglic, and the myriad tongues spoken by traders and vagabonds. This is in contrast to the poverty stricken worlds of the Union, where technology is fifty years behind the norm. Internal conflicts are common, and skirmishes between Nationalist and Communist forces are commonplace. It should be noted that despite this, Corneria still boasts a massive population and significant military strength, especially in terms of it's army. Most of the People's Army was at home when the Fleet was destroyed, and the Army was never defeated outside of the Corneria system itself. This fact has lead the expansionistic and vengeful Commonwealth to accept the status quo, and maintain it's attention elsewhere. Trade between the Cornerian Union and the Commonwealth's Corneria Station continues at a brisk pace thanks to cheap labor prices in the Union. The nationalist's fortified Marco Polo Station is the sight of much of this cargo transfer, and has even attraced a small amount of independent commerce..."
"The Cornerian Union, 222-273 AF"
"... the defeat of the People's Navy at Second Desjardins and the successful invasion of the Corneria system by Chef-Admiral St. Juste's Expeditionary Fleet placed the Three Suns Commonwealth in a serious predicament. The entrance of the Quadruple Entente into the war had ensured a sudden end to all hostilities, leaving the battered Commonwealth with a massive clean-up job for which it was totally unprepared. At home, the Three Suns had lost two of their most vital industrialised planets to Cornerian strategic weapons, as well as a significant portion of their fleet. Abroad, the Commonwealth had to contend with the consolidation of it's hold on the recently annexed Star Kingdom of Brisbane. In the Eastern Rim, the Commonwealth-loyal Kraus dynasty of the Azegart Star Empire had to be upheld to stop the ressurection of the violently xenophobic Emperor Cult, which had enjoyed a resurgence thanks to the return of Cornerian-supported Loyalist forces. Finally, the People's Republic of Corneria itself had to be dealt with. With a population almost 30% greater than that of the Commonwealth at that time, concentrated in a smaller number of very densely inhabited worlds, the People's Republic presented a nigh-insurmountable problem. Occupation was out of the question- Corneria was on the other side of the galaxy, and would require hundreds of millions, if not billions, of soldiers to hold. With the Azegart Empire in a state of upheaval and revolt, the Commonwealth didn't even have a decent base from which to supply such an occupation. To make matters worse, the Quadruple Entente was rapidly pulling out of the war, with the principle aggressors emasculated and their point made.
The Three Suns could hardly leave the People's Republic alone. The bombing of Desjardins and Jacob's Landing had left the Commonwealth's citizenry and military aristocracy hungry for blood and vengeance. Many voices called for the usage of strategic weapons on all major Cornerian worlds. Strongest among these voices was that of Chef-Admiral Carl Andreson, hero of Second Desjardins. The soldier wrote in his memoirs; "...I felt an anger then, as I stared out over the vast, hellish wasteland, that I have never felt before or since, over any loss I have taken in battle. I had been raised among the towing starscrapers and lush gardens of Desjardins, and had been raising children of my own there, in turn. To see that taken away so suddenly and callously by the Communists turned my head away from any thoughts of mercy. If someone had given me [the Cornerian admiral in charge of the People's Navy] I would have killed him with my bare hands.... This anger and sorrow took many of us, and we would have seen the same horror visited upon the Cornerian people had not cooler heads prevailed... (1, pg. 352)"
These cooler heads were those of President Genivere Conner and Jaquiline St. Juste. St. Juste's forces had already taken a number of key points on Corneria itself, and had succeeded in taking the Party headquarters. The St. Juste plan called for a novel solution to the Corneria problem- to take the symbolic Corneria System, but ignore the rest of the country. Three factors allowed this maneuver. Firstly, the capture of the major Party chiefs had lead ot the desintegration of the Party, causing tremendous upheaval in the People's Republic. Second, the destruction of the military foldspace com hub on the Cornerian command base had cut off all Cornerian government and military FTL communications, throwing the still-considerable might of the Cornerian military machine into disarray. Finally, the Corsair forces in the region had taken advantage of this chaos, snatching much of the Cornerian's heavy industry- in particular, almost all of their military space yards were removed or destroyed by the pirates. Essentially, Corneria was emasculated as a military power, and was in no condition to continue a war. most of it's recently conquered border provinces had already declared independence, and fighting had broken out on almost every planet in the Republic.
The following fifty years saw a degree of order return to the region. A coalition of former party members and Cornerian nationalists came to the top of the dogpile, forging the uneasy alliance now known as the Cornerian Union. The Union is hardly a united front, and the central government contends with dozens of warlords with whom it must share power. A group of well-fortified and entrenched worlds still hold a rump People's Republic of Corneria, where a dozen minor Party officials have made their holdfast. To this day, the Communist pocket has yet to be reduced. Finally, there are a half dozen border states which had languished under Party rule for only a short time, each enjoying the support and garuantees of independence from the Three Suns Commonwealth.
To this day, relations are strained between Corneria and the Three Suns. Corneria itself has become one of the wealthiest ports in the Rim, and it's people have largely acculturated. Communist English has been replaced with Francez, Anglic, and the myriad tongues spoken by traders and vagabonds. This is in contrast to the poverty stricken worlds of the Union, where technology is fifty years behind the norm. Internal conflicts are common, and skirmishes between Nationalist and Communist forces are commonplace. It should be noted that despite this, Corneria still boasts a massive population and significant military strength, especially in terms of it's army. Most of the People's Army was at home when the Fleet was destroyed, and the Army was never defeated outside of the Corneria system itself. This fact has lead the expansionistic and vengeful Commonwealth to accept the status quo, and maintain it's attention elsewhere. Trade between the Cornerian Union and the Commonwealth's Corneria Station continues at a brisk pace thanks to cheap labor prices in the Union. The nationalist's fortified Marco Polo Station is the sight of much of this cargo transfer, and has even attraced a small amount of independent commerce..."
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Blue Pointe StationAgent Fisher wrote:The shuttle containing Admiral Wages and the second in command of the task force, General Arnold docked with Blue Pointe station. Wages and Arnold were escorted into a formal dining room.
The Coordinator entered and greeted them.
The two gentlemen, dressed in full regalia, walked into the private dining room, the grandure of the officer's club was matched only by the spectacular view. Waiting at the table was a the Coordinator, Hors d’oeuvres were already on the table, a large plate with a myriad of finger foods sat waiting to be eaten. The Coordinator rose and greeted the two men, after a brief introduction they sat down.
"Gentlemen, I'm so glad you could make it. I am Harlyle Karode, Chief Coorindator of the Western Rim Hyperlane, essentially, I'm the man who will be deciding where your ships will be patroling along the lane. I'd like to talk to you fine gentlemen, get an idea of your men's... stamina, the sort of resources you are willing to commit," he paused for a moment and moved closer to the officers, "how far your men are willing to go to maintain the safety of the lane." he sat back in his seat and took out his datapad.
"I'm told that I've got fifty escorts, ten cruisers and three capital warships to deploy. A little slim, but the Order has been working these past months on... recruiting small nations to help aid in patrol duties." he munched a small fried crustacean, a more local creature found in the nearby Putty system, one of the many tarde goods coming from that direction these days. The waiter came and took their meal orders, the menu had a variety of exotic and common foods, all real, fitting of officers and the wealthy. "Do you have any questions I can answer? Last year's ship deployment was not my work, so I have very little to go on, other than this rather sparse notes."
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
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The river sparkled in the sunlight that spilled over the treetops. Between the bank of the river and the treeline a woman was gathering a few bits and pieces from the foliage. After eyeing an item of interest she would kneel down and carefully extract the sample, place it in a container and the container in her pack. Various plants and flowers, soil and some water from the river.
"Is such fascination with dirt common with merchant spacers these days?" Spoke a man that approached from behind.
"Dirt has it's uses," the woman smiled, "even for a merchant."
"Yes, except that you're not really a merchant are you?"
The woman raises an eyebrow, "oh, and what makes you say that?"
"Well Trista, for one thing the water desalinizers you gave us actually work. For another, this place has been performing terribly since day one. Why anyone would bother with us is beyond me."
The woman dusted off her hands stood up and moved closer to the river bank. "There's a lot more value here then you give it credit for. Good air, good soil, good water, and the temperature's right. Resonance tests have also shown signs of some interesting minerals which could prove useful in the future. There's a lot of potential here, your people just need to get off to the right start."
"You see, this is the part where a merchant wipes their hands and tells us to get back to him in a hundred years or so. Why deal with us when there are many more better built and established colonies out there?" The man folds his arms.
The woman collects another tube of the clear river water, seals it and puts it in her pack. "If it makes you feel any better then you are correct. I'm not technically a merchant, although when the merchants do come knocking, and they will, you'll be in a much better position to deal with them. So you could say I am in the trade business."
The man nods, "Alright, so you're somekind of trade, slash, colonial advocate."
"Something like that" the woman responds.
"Alright, I'll settle for that. Just one thing though, what exactly are you doing?"
Trista sealed her pack and slung it over her shoulders. "Just picking up a few things for a little terraforming project. Some friends of a friend are trying to revive a dead world."
"Is such fascination with dirt common with merchant spacers these days?" Spoke a man that approached from behind.
"Dirt has it's uses," the woman smiled, "even for a merchant."
"Yes, except that you're not really a merchant are you?"
The woman raises an eyebrow, "oh, and what makes you say that?"
"Well Trista, for one thing the water desalinizers you gave us actually work. For another, this place has been performing terribly since day one. Why anyone would bother with us is beyond me."
The woman dusted off her hands stood up and moved closer to the river bank. "There's a lot more value here then you give it credit for. Good air, good soil, good water, and the temperature's right. Resonance tests have also shown signs of some interesting minerals which could prove useful in the future. There's a lot of potential here, your people just need to get off to the right start."
"You see, this is the part where a merchant wipes their hands and tells us to get back to him in a hundred years or so. Why deal with us when there are many more better built and established colonies out there?" The man folds his arms.
The woman collects another tube of the clear river water, seals it and puts it in her pack. "If it makes you feel any better then you are correct. I'm not technically a merchant, although when the merchants do come knocking, and they will, you'll be in a much better position to deal with them. So you could say I am in the trade business."
The man nods, "Alright, so you're somekind of trade, slash, colonial advocate."
"Something like that" the woman responds.
"Alright, I'll settle for that. Just one thing though, what exactly are you doing?"
Trista sealed her pack and slung it over her shoulders. "Just picking up a few things for a little terraforming project. Some friends of a friend are trying to revive a dead world."

- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
"Not at this time, although I would like to point out that we will also, with your premission, be stationing several wings of bombers here and two wings of fighter craft."InnocentBystander wrote:Blue Pointe StationAgent Fisher wrote:The shuttle containing Admiral Wages and the second in command of the task force, General Arnold docked with Blue Pointe station. Wages and Arnold were escorted into a formal dining room.
The Coordinator entered and greeted them.
The two gentlemen, dressed in full regalia, walked into the private dining room, the grandure of the officer's club was matched only by the spectacular view. Waiting at the table was a the Coordinator, Hors d’oeuvres were already on the table, a large plate with a myriad of finger foods sat waiting to be eaten. The Coordinator rose and greeted the two men, after a brief introduction they sat down.
"Gentlemen, I'm so glad you could make it. I am Harlyle Karode, Chief Coorindator of the Western Rim Hyperlane, essentially, I'm the man who will be deciding where your ships will be patroling along the lane. I'd like to talk to you fine gentlemen, get an idea of your men's... stamina, the sort of resources you are willing to commit," he paused for a moment and moved closer to the officers, "how far your men are willing to go to maintain the safety of the lane." he sat back in his seat and took out his datapad.
"I'm told that I've got fifty escorts, ten cruisers and three capital warships to deploy. A little slim, but the Order has been working these past months on... recruiting small nations to help aid in patrol duties." he munched a small fried crustacean, a more local creature found in the nearby Putty system, one of the many tarde goods coming from that direction these days. The waiter came and took their meal orders, the menu had a variety of exotic and common foods, all real, fitting of officers and the wealthy. "Do you have any questions I can answer? Last year's ship deployment was not my work, so I have very little to go on, other than this rather sparse notes."
- Rogue 9
- Scrapping TIEs since 1997
- Posts: 18689
- Joined: 2003-11-12 01:10pm
- Location: Classified
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Greer grabbed a headset from the comms station and switched it on. "This is Commander Greer of the NRS Hlondath Raider. I'm listening."Spyder wrote:The unbreakable rule in space combat: hesitation is death. As the pirate vessels flailed in shock a series of flashes fired across the monitors as each vessel was picked off one by one. The first two from the storm of Nashtari shells, the next two from the Nashtari missile batters and the remaining two from two more missiles launched by the unidentified vessel impacting each craft as they attempted to flee. The salvage crews were going to enjoy this one.Rogue 9 wrote:"Hard starboard, bring us to heading 063 mark 10!" Commander Greer stared in disbelief at the freighter, so suddenly displaying teeth. "Shields to full. Comms, contact that freighter and find out just what the hell is going on. Helm, set a pursuit course for the nearest raider, all batteries fire at will." The NRS Hlondath Raider came about towards the nearest circling corvette, the frigate's powerful railgun and missile batteries coming to life as she accelerated towards the nearest pirate. Shells leapt forth at thee quarters the speed of light as missiles bloomed from their firing tubes.Spyder wrote:Nashtar Border System
...The six remaining pirate vessels broke off and circled at range unsure of how to proceed, their leader’s command ability had just been exposed to vacuum.
"Tactical, all hostiles eliminated."
"Receiving a response from unidentified vessel, audio only."
"Nashtari vessel," Came a generic male voice over the speakers, "I wish to speak to your commanding officer. I am in posession of important information regarding pirate activity throughout this region. I am also in posession of incriminating evidence linking the Independant Trade Authority to recent raids."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician