Some info for our most elusive console may be on the way. =)Nintendo Revolution: New Details?
August 23, 2005
by: Chris Playo
RUMOR: A fury of internet activity is centered around Nintendo's next generation gaming console.
The Internet publication, Computer Games Magazine is reporting that they have the inside scoop regarding Nintendo's next generation console.
The site is saying that the Revolution controller will feature a device that provide "resistance to being tilted". It doesn't sound like much, but to accomplish this, the controller would have to generate a sufficient force of inertia.
For those who haven't taken AP physics, inertia is defined as the tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.
A practical application of inertia comes from the simple act of riding a bike. As your bike accelerates it becomes increasingly harder to tilt.
It is still unknown as to how this application could affect the game play of next generation titles. Please note that this has yet to be confirmed by any official source, and that their could be other details regarding the controller of the Revolution.
GC Advanced promises to keep you updated about this developing story as further details are revealed. If necessary the Advanced Media Network will follow this story throughout the night with hourly updates.
UPDATE - 2:30 AM Eastern
by Chris Playo
The Internet forum, Gaming Age is speculating that further details about the Nintendo Revolution will be made available on Wednesday August 24th. For those who do not know the significance of the date, both the GBA and the GameCube were discussed on that day.
However, news regarding the Revolution may have come a little sooner than expected. On the forum, a user posted a French article regarding the graphical capabilities of the console.
Apparently the Revolution will utilize a new form of a polygon currently referred to as a NURB or nonuniform rational B-splines. These NURB's are said to be able to generate very detailed graphics within an enormous scope.
In addition, NURB's are known to be much more efficient than standard polygons. It is much easier on a machine to generate an image in terms of NURB's rather than traditional polygons. This fact regarding the new type of image formatting fits very well into Nintendo's design for the Revolution.
Given the inherent design of NURB curves, the Revolution could be substantially smaller and less powerful than the competition but would still be comparable.
Please remember that this information has not been confirmed by any official source. However, for a detailed history of NURB's check out this page. GC Advanced will keep you updated regarding this developing story.
Updated 3:45PM PST 8-23-05:
Interestingly enough, the Computer Games Online site has been taken offline for unknown reasons. GCA will continue to keep you updated on these intriguing developments. Stay tuned.