You have two men offering to sell you fish. One offers 'Super Duper Extra Tasty Fish Seasoning' as a free extra to go along with the fish. The other wants to charge you extra for it. It makes the fish taste much better. Other than the Seasoning the fish cost the same whomever you buy from and are of the exact same quality from the same fishery same freshness etc. Who do you buy your fish from?
Are you trying to compare online console gaming with online PC gaming? If so, have you factored in the fact that you'd pay about three times as much money up front for a PC that would do what a console can?
I think he's talking about your confusion of the word "cheap" with "free", which are not the same thing. Generally when someone's wanting a game to be cheap, they're actually wanting to pay for it but not at insane prices. WIth the point above being consoles are generally expected to be cheaper than PCs, in case you missed it.
In what regard is $400 not cheaper than $1200? And since when have PC games started routinely selling for significantly less than $50?
Spoofe, you can buy all sorts of high-quality computer games for less than $30 (I recently bought a friend KOTOR for less than $15), provided you're willing to ignore the new releases.
Console games don't drop in price? Is this your contention?
Computer games are less expensive than console games.
If by "less expensive" you mean "about the same price", then yes, I agree with you. But certainly you're not suggesting that Half-Life 2 didn't start selling for 50 bucks, are you? Further, you're completely ignoring the fact that you
spend a fraction as much on the game playing unit with a console as opposed to a PC.
The other problem with those bundles (which is obvious), is that I have absolutely no interest in playing a few of the games that are included in the low-end package.
Oh, so your contention is with the bundles and not with consoles in general, then? You and your compatriots should go back to school and re-learn your English composition, because you're not presenting a clear message at all.
A pretty blatant one there. Of course, you'd have to be literate.
Sarcasm does not equal strawman.
But of course you'll claim innocence.. Pity everyone sees through your bullshit.
It was an honest question, if incredulous. You're really desperate now, aren't you?
Your desperate, undeniable need to leap into threads about it and attack those who say anything bad, of course.
You mean corrected small-minded fools that don't know what they're talking about? You seem to think that $400 is more expensive than $1200. I don't think I need to elaborate on your poor grip on reality.
I'm afraid all that glue you're sniffing has finally fried your brain. You've never smacked me around, cunt-dribble. You've screeched like a spanked child about how mean I am, about how I just come to personally attack, but the last thread seemed to end when you posted nothing but an attack on someone.
Actually, in the last thread we "rumbled", you launched a strawman at Xbox fans in general, I asked you to clarify, and then you launched into hysterics. It was pretty funny. I turned down the lights and got some popcorn and everything.
I can provide a play-by-play transcript with analysis, if you'd like.
What. A. Surprise. Spoofe's a hypocrit and a troll. Jee, I've only known that for months. Fuck off, kiddo.
Dude, you started the shit in this thread. You're the troll, buddy. Your tactic is to accuse me of all the fallacies you commit... "poisoning the well", just like last time. It's cute and all, really, but you still haven't explained how anything I've said in this thread or the last is incorrect. You've just continued with the venom. That's what five-year olds do.
So my challenge, Oh Ye Of Big Word And Little Substance: Take the objective statements I've made in this thread and the last, put 'em all together, and 'splain what's wrong. I've so far contended only that consoles are cheaper and easier to game with than PC's... let's see you respond.
I don't expect you to, though. Your entire contribution to this board seems to be to hunt through the big List Of Fallacies and commit every last one of 'em.