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Post by Dahak »

Glimmervoid wrote:To Stuart Corporation
From Joven Consensus.

We would like to open full trade negotiation at your convenience. We believe we have a lot to offer each other. In both trade and future partnerships.

Yours The Joven Consensus.
From: Stuart Corporation
To: Joven Consensus
Subject: Trade Negotiation

We are open to talks and look forward to it. We would be willing to attend a meeting in a location of your convenience.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by InnocentBystander »

ooc: Sorry this took so long!
Dahak wrote:Blue Pointe Station

Sometimes, the Corporation was at a loss why these other humans still were so fond of primitive communication systems, as they were so much inferior to their own form, but it was a mystery it could live with. The Corporation certainly wouldn't give away that particiular technology for free...
"Blue Pointe Traffic Control, acknowledged. We will begin docking maneuvres momentarily."
The fleet moved closer to the large station, but only the Götterdämmerung actually docked. As it moved closer, small ripples on the perfect surface appeared and formed into airlocks. With surprising elegance and grace for such a huge warship it moved closer and finally connected with the airlock. It took only slight adaptations to connect the airlock tightly with the ship. The rest of the fleet stayed slightly away, endlessly moving among themselves, like a oversized fish swarm.

Admiral Lundstrom 'gated close to the airlock and then walked off the ship and into the great station to the greeting officials. She chuckled inwardly as she saw a slight shock flicker over the faces of the waiting delegation when they saw her and her small entourage. They certainly weren't used to full-fledged Admirals and warship's commanding staff with the apparant age of 18 year-olds and perfect looks.
"Mother Superior, I assume?" she slightly bowed. "I'm Admiral Lundstrom. Thanks for meeting us on such a short notice. We had some pirate business to attend to in the vicinity, and as we may stay around here for a short while, for maneuvres and, well, 'showing the flag', we thought it would be a good idea to stop by and say hello," she pleasantly smiled.
Blue Pointe Station
The Darvley Room

The Darvley Room was a stately affair if ever there was one, the room usually is used by high profiles companies and diplomats looking to impress. The room's many pieces of artwork, lavish light fixtures and grand windows overlooking the docking rings was overshadowed by an extravagant central table, designed to comfortably seat up to twenty.
Mother Superior Elizabeth Catherine lead her guests into the room, she dismissed her aids and they took their seats.

"Admiral, I'm pleased you are here. Over the past six months this region of space has undergone considerable change, both economic and political." she looked out the wall sized window, "We've brought some order to this part of space, but our work is far from over. So many ships have not moved through this area in over three hundred years, but for all the good we do, there are those who wish to disturb the flow of trade. Despite all we do, we get reports of ships lost in and around the lanes, over the past few months we've been getting more adept at this, but the problem still exists, and it is considerable. You, admiral, have been in the field, you know this to be true. But please, your time is valuable, why have you come to see me?"
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Verling Station, Nashtari colonial holdings

The convoy bearing the components for the joint trade station formed up under the watchful eyes of their escorting destroyers and fighter squadrons. The last one, the Mastodon, hove into position at the end of the convoy line as Black Aces Third Flight soared around her massive bulk to join with the rest of their squadron on the starboard side of the formation.

Captain Gregorin stood before the primary viewscreen on the bridge of the NRS Regulus. It was his job to ensure that this vital shipment did not fall prey to regional pirates, a duty that he took seriously. It was one that the RSC took seriously as well, he thought, eyeing the pair of heavy cruisers ostensibly present for a port-of-call visit, but that would in reality trail the convoy all the way to the station and the protection of the Hub.

"All escort elements, report in."

"Altair, standing by."

"Sherwood Renegade, standing by."

"Darkness, standing by."

"Dusk Bandit, standing by."

"Black Ace leader, all units accounted for. Standing by."

"Jackdaw leader, my boys are go. Ready when you are."

"Acknowledged. Convoy craft, report readiness."

A chorus of variations on "ready to go" rang back over the communications array from the civilian freighters.

"Right. All units, jump to slipspace in five. Four. Three. Two. One..."

White slipspace rifts opened in front of each ship as the countdown reached zero, and as one the ships moved through them and disappeared in a blinding flash.

Two minutes later, the Dalton and the Fermi followed along the same vector.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Dahak »

InnocentBystander wrote:ooc: Sorry this took so long!
Blue Pointe Station
The Darvley Room

The Darvley Room was a stately affair if ever there was one, the room usually is used by high profiles companies and diplomats looking to impress. The room's many pieces of artwork, lavish light fixtures and grand windows overlooking the docking rings was overshadowed by an extravagant central table, designed to comfortably seat up to twenty.
Mother Superior Elizabeth Catherine lead her guests into the room, she dismissed her aids and they took their seats.

"Admiral, I'm pleased you are here. Over the past six months this region of space has undergone considerable change, both economic and political." she looked out the wall sized window, "We've brought some order to this part of space, but our work is far from over. So many ships have not moved through this area in over three hundred years, but for all the good we do, there are those who wish to disturb the flow of trade. Despite all we do, we get reports of ships lost in and around the lanes, over the past few months we've been getting more adept at this, but the problem still exists, and it is considerable. You, admiral, have been in the field, you know this to be true. But please, your time is valuable, why have you come to see me?"
*ooc: no problem...*

The Admiral took in every detail of the room, and while it was a bit too lavish for her, she still could see that some might consider it beautiful. Still no style she would do her quarters in.

"Mother Superior," the Admiral answered as she seated herself, "the Stuart Corporation has been a bit reclusive in the past, as you may have noticed. Despite that, we have helped to make this project, this station, possible. The station, and the fortress guarding it, on our end of the lane is seeing quite some traffic; maybe not as much as Blue Pointe or our Orbital One itself, but respectable nonetheless. Recent events brought a slight change in mind, shall we say?" She slightly chuckled. "My nation is quite powerful, as is our military, as you may also be aware. We wish to see this project prosper, and to bring the western galaxy peace and stability. This is one way to this goal. We are offering increased co-operation between your, and other nation's forces protecting this lane, joint operations, a more formal way of interaction. We might also consider building a fleet base along the lane." She pushed a small memory chip over the table. "This is a start, if you will. We got this information recently through a captured pirate. We already exterminated one base, but you might find the additional information enclosed quite useful."
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Ace Pace »

Spyder wrote:*snipped*
Listening to all this from the Negotiator, Wrain grimaced, “Those basterds think they can cut us away, after all we've done. Well thankfully phase 2 has begun."

The conference room was small, onboard a warship there wasn't much room for luxury, but there was space for a staff, plus a few holoimages.

Commodore Anarkia, in charge of the transports used so far while wooing the colonies. "Phase 2 has proceeded as expected; the troop transports arrived on time over those dirt-balls and gave their message...

Over Poriatus Six

"This is The Aglatarian Hub, we are temporarily taking over your communication bands to give you this important message. You all know of how we have helped your planets, your homes, how in the past months we've helped expand your colonies beyond your wildest imaginations, now we have a new offer.

Tired of living here? Want to expand elsewhere? Enjoy life as part of one of the Galaxy's movers and shakers? Why don't you come round to the spaceport today, join the Aglatarian Hub. The Hub has a variety of careers to offer you, from this trade life (and we can tell you, its fun), to the military career to working in one of our research divisions unlocking the secrets of the universe.

If you want to join, don't forget to come round, we will be leaving in 48 hours, Galactic time.

We thank you for listening to this broadcast, public transportation (supplied by the Aglatarian Hub) is waiting at all city centers to transport you to the spaceport."


…As you can see the message was broadcast as planned, over all the planets where we have traded with. Initial reports say a greater then expected number of personal have made their way to the airport.

Wrain, I’ll say as long as Manpower can train them, we can keep picking them up, these people, whatever their leaders think of us, are deeply grateful and intrigued by our offer.”

Wrain nodded, “So far Manpower has not complained of our estimates, they won’t now, meanwhile I’ve kept a link open with the Galactic, Admiral Petrach has been kept appraised of all developments and has agreed this fits so far, however, we’ve picked up locations relating to more worlds that neither us nor this New Eden have found, old lost dirtballs, we’ll expand to those immediately…”

A courier came into the room and spoke quietly to Wrain, Wrain stood up and courtly announced, “Meetings over, sorry, we gotta run before all those traders notice we bugged them to hell, could hear one blowing his nose all the way through the meeting”
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Post by Spyder »

Ace Pace wrote:"This is The Aglatarian Hub, we are temporarily taking over your communication bands to give you this important message.
"What the shit? They're on every channel. Where's the hypernet? Where's GNN?"
You all know of how we have helped your planets, your homes, how in the past months we've helped expand your colonies beyond your wildest imaginations, now we have a new offer.
"Platform five, you've got incoming debris. Abandon operation, I repeat, abandon operation."
Tired of living here? Want to expand elsewhere?
"This is operator 787, Degule mining divison eight. We've lost contact with all platforms. I say again we've lost contact...I can't get a signal through, what the hell's going on?"
Enjoy life as part of one of the Galaxy's movers and shakers? Why don't you come round to the spaceport today, join the Aglatarian Hub.
"Mayday, mayday! This is platform five, we've got multiple cabin breeches! Need urgent assistance. Hello? Can anyone here me? Fuck, fuck fuck! Oh please, oh please no!" The platform was suddenly silent, their cries for help defeaned by an overbearing situations vacant ad.
The Hub has a variety of careers to offer you, from this trade life (and we can tell you, its fun), to the military career to working in one of our research divisions unlocking the secrets of the universe.
"What the fuck's going on?"

"Broad spectrum spamming Boss. The Aglatarian Hub just took over our communication bands. Looks like they're running a recruitment drive."

"I don't care if they're transmitting the back catalogue of a titty magazine, I want them off my bands!"
If you want to join, don't forget to come round, we will be leaving in 48 hours, Galactic time.
"The transmission stopped, normal communications are being restored."

"Bill, contact the Magistrate. Bandwidth theft is an offense and we will be pressing for the apporpriate fine." As no doubt various other colonial communication ministers were in the process of doing. "If fines are all the fallout the Hub will receive through this then they're getting off easy."
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Post by Darksider »

It had ended. The Empire's six month stumble into turmoil and decay was over. The Rakatan Freehold systems were securely under imperial control, the new fleet Rapid Response Forces had been constructed, and all of the perpitrators of the great civil disturbace had been captured and executed by Imperial police. It was time for the empire to re-enter the galactic scene.

To: The entire galactic community
From: Krytos Imperial Foregin office
Re: We're back

After a six month closure of the Krytosian borders, we are re-opening our borders to trade and diplomatic contact.

To:ERTC Member Nations
From: KSE foreign office
Re: Six month lack of communications and trade.

The emperor wishes to meet with representatives of all ERTC member nations to personally explain our six month cut-off from the galactic community. Please send representatives to Krytos as soon as possible
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by SirNitram »

Ace Pace wrote:We thank you for listening to this broadcast, public transportation (supplied by the Aglatarian Hub) is waiting at all city centers to transport you to the spaceport."
A trio of Psychopath-class battleships dropped out of the Energy Grid into realspace a few hundred thousand klicks from the Hub. Flanking them were a dozen Gangster Cruisers and a large smattering.. Dozens, easily.. Of the smaller Unrelenting and Instigator escorts. The fleet began to actively ping the Hub itself.

A broadcast opened. "Spamming is not tolerated in civilized space and has led to multiple incidents. You have one standard hour to surrender those responsible for this crime, or more drastic measures will be taken."

Multiple signals remained in infraspace, a few of them capital-grade.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by Beowulf »

Rpblksrpsk News Network

Rpblksrpsk News Network: The News You Trust

The top stories today include the annexation of yet another minor system in the fractured space of the former Aquarian Union, hy the government. A statement from the King has some words about this: "We are doing this to help protect both our citizens and the people in Aquarian space, from the depredations of pirates and privateers."

Also, the recent multispectrum jamming by the anarcho-terrorist group, the Aglatarian Hub. This has disrupted communications throughout a significant portion of the galaxy.

This just in: the main base of the Aglatarian Hub is currently being surrounded by Black Alliance ships.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Ace Pace »


"Well, we have to do it, we have no choice, those bloody ships havn't reported in since the incident, for all we could possibly know they could have gone Rogue! Inform that the ships havn't arrived and that will be donating all the ships crew members possesions to the colonies.

We have a meeting to arrange with the Imperium, the NRS supply convoy is coming soon within the day, where the HELL are those ships?" Petrach stormed off the bridge, this was not good, too many people were paying attention, to much hassle for a couple of dozen bloody dirt colonies.

Fifteen minutes later

Code: Select all

This is the Aglatarian Hub, we apologise for the delay, but all the transports involved in this incident have not reported in since then, we have made all possible efforts into finding them, and we will turn them over the moment they report in. 
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Post by SirNitram »

"Transmission received, Hub. We will leave an Unrelenting class to retrieve the guilty party's for trial and extradition to all powers wishing to press charges. We thank you for your compliance, and trust you had no realization that this ancient taboo was about to be broken. Corsair Fleet Command, out."
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Ace Pace »


"I don't understand, at this time, you want to go alone, unprotected to meet with the Imperium?"Admiral Petrach, having just come down from the bridge, was meeting with Rasha, their liason with the Imperium, while Rasha did not outrank the Admiral, he did have a sizeable influence.

"Of course, you need every ship and I will be well protected, I know what I must do and we both know that dallying here only risks not having a chance to leave."

"Very well, you will leave at once then, whatever you do, remind the Imperium not to make any rash actions."

"As you command."

Within minutes, a standard shuttle of the Hub, unique only by the pure white paint marking it as a diplomatic shuttle left the Galactic and jumped on course for the Imperium.
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Post by Captain tycho »

The 4th Fleet Division was soon joined by the 3rd FD in the outer Granary Worlds, and patrols were greatly stepped up. Interdiction mines were being laid for the first time in quite some time along hyperspace routes leading into the Imperium, in anticipation of increased merchant (and subsequently) pirate activity from the newly opened Trans-Nashtar hyperspace route.
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Post by consequences »

To: Stuart Corporation
From: Shi Combine

For some time, the Shi Combine has been mapping a new hyperspace route to facilitate better trade between our powers, and to connect the Combine more fully to the Galactic economy. As the primary benefit would accrue to us, we will gladly undertake the effort of securing the route to the edge of your space. However, we will not transgress against the Stuart Corporation by attempting to patrol within your territory, and respectfully ask that you either help us by maintaining the route within the areas you claim, or give us guidlines by which we may operate in your space without giving offense.

Most Respectfully,
Commisioner Tendo, Head of Department of Trade
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Post by Spyder »


"Indepedant colonial powers Tau Alpha Rho, Sevden and Poriatus Six have announced the signing of the Unity Pact, allowing the colonists to freely share resources and act as a united economic and political entity dubbed the 'Colonial Union'. Members of the Union are still self governed, however external political and economic dealings will be handled by the Office of the Colonial Union which the Unity Pact stipulates will be established within 30 days. More colonies are expected to sign the Unity pact over the next few days.
This announcement follows in the wake of recent scandle involving the Aglatarian Hub and broad communications jamming involving an attempted recruitment drive within the colonial systems. We have on the link Governor Wellesley of Tau Alpha. Good evening Governor, thank you for being with us."

"Good evening Linda, it is a pleasure."

"Governor, what can you tell us about Hub's actions with regard to the communications outages?"

"Well, the incident was certainly unfortunate and confidence in the Hub has been shaken. We're in the process of making sure that the incident will not be repeated with the installation of more sophisticated communications equipment and new laws regarding bandwidth piracy. Our telecommunications providers are currently in the process of persuing reparations, although this is expected to be a lengthy process."

"I see, you mentioned that confidence has been shaken, how do you suspect this will influence future dealings with the Hub, particularly with the establishment of the Colonial Union?"

"There will be talks and negotiations will undergo further scrutiny although we are not looking to alter our business relations with the Aglatarian Hub at this time. Ultimately it is important that we recognise the contribution the Hub has made to colonial safety and understand that they will likely continue to maintain an important role as the Colonial Union continues to develop."

"How do you address the citics that argue that these communications were attempts to entice the populace into abandoning the colony worlds and joining the Aglatarian Hub?"

"The freedom to leave is the right of any citizen within the Colonial Union and we are not about to take that away. We are dissapointed with the Hub's tactics for sure and in future would like to see such recruitment drives advertised through more appropriate channels. There are a number of citizens that have grown suspicious of the Hub's motives and this is an issue that we intend to investigate further."

"That is all the time we have for now, thank you Governor Wellesley. In other news, tradgedy in the Degule system as one of the mining platforms was struck by stellar debris, rupturing the outer hull and killing all thirty six crewmembers. Investigators are still looking into the incident to determine why operators failed to warn the doomed platform..."
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Post by Dahak »

consequences wrote:To: Stuart Corporation
From: Shi Combine

For some time, the Shi Combine has been mapping a new hyperspace route to facilitate better trade between our powers, and to connect the Combine more fully to the Galactic economy. As the primary benefit would accrue to us, we will gladly undertake the effort of securing the route to the edge of your space. However, we will not transgress against the Stuart Corporation by attempting to patrol within your territory, and respectfully ask that you either help us by maintaining the route within the areas you claim, or give us guidlines by which we may operate in your space without giving offense.

Most Respectfully,
Commisioner Tendo, Head of Department of Trade
From: Stuart Corporation, Directorate of Commerce
To: Shi Combine
Subject: Hyperspace route

It is a laudable task to extend a hyperlane between our nations and will aid you where we can.
The best solution would be to anchor the route to system XR-445-2, now called Anchor for obvious reasons. The station there already functions as anchoring point for the trade lane to Blue Pointe Station and is fully capabale of handling additional influx. All ships are required to register there.
We do not allow unregistered craft into our territory and no foreign military craft without credible reasons. Stuartian Space is secure and completely observed. As long as foreign merchants follow procedure and do not deviate from courses given by Stuartian authority, there will be no problems.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Thirdfain »

Eastern Rim Broadcast News
-A wholly owned subsidiary of the Commonwealth News Network-
Dec. 7, 273 AF

-:Tensions Build in Cornerian Sector:-

"Harsh words were exchanged between representatives of the Three Suns Commonwealth and the Union of Cornerian States at the governer's manse on Corneria. Demands by Commonwealth officials for an official apology and the payment of 50 billion Commonwealth Sols as wergild have been accepted by Union officials, but the demand for the extradition of a short list of Union citizens declared as suspects in espionage by the Commonwealth have become a sticking point.
'While our personelle may have over-reacted, the fact remains that the Commonwealth vessel fired first. Marco Polo Station is sovereign territory, and the Three Suns has no authority to persue so-called "suspects" onto our sovereign territory. Their trumped-up charges against our citizens are worth no more than the paper they are printed on.' said a top Union official on the matter. The Union, still embroiled in an unresolved internal conflict between nationalist Union forces and a core of Communist holdouts, can ill afford further blows to it's authority within it's own territory.
'The Union of Cornerian States continues to act like a rogue polity. Their continued deployment of agents provacateurs into our territory must stop immediately. Our actions at Marco Polo Station were drastic, but the utter disregard for international law displayed by the Union must be answered. The Commonwealth will not see it's honor besmirched or it's security threatened by this cabal of thugs. If they do not bend, we will be forced to take extreme measures.' Said Commonwealth President Delacroix earlier today.
The arrival of four Commonwealth planetary assault groups at Cornerian Station, along with the famed elite Commonwealth Navy sororas known as the Graiai, signals the latest escalation along the Commonwealth/Union border. Reports show that significant Cornerian assets have been redeployed from action against Communist guerillas to bolster core worlds near Commonwealth-controlled Corneria.

-:7th Force D'assaut Continentale Returns to Togo:-

"After six months of hard action on detached duty to the Krytos Star Empire, the Legionnaires of the 7th Force D'assault Continentale returned to the Commonwealth. Their intial deployment a part of an ERTC initiative to tighten inter-nation co-operation expanded when internal revolt blossomed on Krytos itself. The five million men and women of the 7th played a vital part in putting down the revolt, supporting Loyalist forces. Losses were heavy, however, as elements of the unit were drawn into extensive urban fighting. The 7th is expected to spend the next four months recieving new recruits and equipment. A joint Krytos/Three Suns commission is meeting to prepare campaign ribbons for the conflict. The end of the revolt has allowed the re-entrence of the Star Empire into galactic commerce and diplomacy."

-:Trade Route Opens to Auroran Empire:-

"The opening of the new Auroran/Nashtar trade lane has spurred both optimisim and controversy. The appearance of a significant new market has many ERTC-licensed traders flocking to enjoy the fruits of the civilizing of the Eastern Rim, but many express fears about the nature of the Auroran Empire. The Auroran Empire practices the Imperial Cult, a religion proscribed in two ERTC member states, the Azegart Empire and the Three Suns Commonwealth.
'Empire Worship is a brutal cult, xenophobic and dangerous. The People's War was spurred to a large degree by the actions of the old Azegart Empire, before his disposition by Aurelius Kraus and his secular government. The Aurorans practice this religion, albeit aimed at a different man, and could be a serious threat to the stability off the Azegart Empire and the Eastern Rim Trade Route.'
Said a highly-placed military analyst in the Three Suns Commonwealth.
Others are more concerned with the possible profits of trade with the Auroran Empire.
'The Aurorans are a hard-working people, and they can provide an excellent source of trade. They may be Emperor-worshippers, but their sect is seperate from that of the old Azegart Pretender. Perhaps if the Aurorans worked to improve relations with the largest ERTC members, greater profits for those on both sides of the Auroran/Nashtar lane could be garnered- as well as greater peace and stability."
Said a spokesman for the Krieger/Hitashi hyperspace engineering firm.


Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

NRS Regulus, Nashtari trade lane international station/Aglatarian Hub

"Reverting to normal space, Captain."

"Aye. Shields up, just in case. Never can be too sure."

"Aye, Captain."

"Reversion in five... four... three... two... one..."

The two destroyers, three frigates, two fighter squadrons, and six bulk freighters emerged from slipspace rifts into the space around the international trade station. The routine initial sensor scan was made within the second...

...and alarm klaxons sounded automatically.

"Conn, Sensors! We have three Psychopath-class battleships, along with multiple smaller contacts of Black Alliance design in the area!"

Captain Gregorin cursed in surprise and shock. "General quarters! Take evasive action, signal Fleet Command, and get the convoy the hell out of here!"

A chorus of ayes rang out from the stations responsible for executing those orders, and the destroyer immediately turned hard right. The Darkness passed across the bridge viewscreen, shimmering and disappearing into nothingness as she did so, activating her cloaking device.

Republic Space Command headquarters, Nashtar

Vice Admiral Danforth stared at the communique that had just been shoved into his hands by a scared-looking lieutenant. "Get ERTC regional command on the line, ask them to scramble whatever they've got," he ordered. Then he burst out of the communications nexus and stormed down the hall to Operations.

"Get me Fleet Admiral Hutchinson on the line! I don't care where he is or what he's doing; this is more important than anything he's got on his plate."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by SirNitram »

I said, I've got a big stick. Psychopath-class Battleship.

"Sensors! Report!" Alarms were already going off across the ship.

"Multiple Nashtar contacts. Five warship-class, two squadrons small craft, multiple freighter signatures. Shields are up, they're taking evasives. FTL drives spinning up on some."

The Captain immediately frowned. "Warships coming here? This is a peaceful station. Well, disregarding our operation." He added. "Can't be too careful. Spin up the fields, open all gunports. Get me targetting solutions, and signal the rest of the fleet to begin coasting in-system." He ordered.

The fleet of ships begins to shift, taking aim on the Nashtar vessels as protective fields snap into place, weapon bays opening up. No fighters disgorged or Displaced warheads yet, but....
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by Thirdfain »

-: :-

Captain Artur McBride, ERTC Enforcement Division, scanned the autovellum again. It seemed almost impossible, but there it was- all-out attack by the most vicious group of pirates in the galaxy!

"Action stations! All crew is to prepare for a jump to the Nashtar/Aglatarian station. Combat jump positions, repeat, combat jump positions."

His vessel and crew were all new, members of a half-dozen nations and species, but he had faith in them and their vessel. The EDS Justicar was one of the new Justicar-class C3 cruisers, designed to act as a command ship for an Enforcement Division precinct. It's squadron contained two of the slender and lethal Enforcer-class CLs, along with a quintet of Peacekeeper-class destroyers and a veritable swarm of frigates.

The ships were spread out over the sector, but orders were already coursing over the hyperwaves. They'd meet at a staging point just outside of the system before storming in to assist the Nashtari national forces.

As an afterthought, Artur quickly checked ERTC transit records as they regarded Fort Casull, the Commonwealth naval base in Azegart space.

"Get me a line to Casull, inform them of the situation. With the Commonwealth mobilizing, they may have some vessels available to scramble."


Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by InnocentBystander »

Dahak wrote:The Admiral took in every detail of the room, and while it was a bit too lavish for her, she still could see that some might consider it beautiful. Still no style she would do her quarters in.

"Mother Superior," the Admiral answered as she seated herself, "the Stuart Corporation has been a bit reclusive in the past, as you may have noticed. Despite that, we have helped to make this project, this station, possible. The station, and the fortress guarding it, on our end of the lane is seeing quite some traffic; maybe not as much as Blue Pointe or our Orbital One itself, but respectable nonetheless. Recent events brought a slight change in mind, shall we say?" She slightly chuckled. "My nation is quite powerful, as is our military, as you may also be aware. We wish to see this project prosper, and to bring the western galaxy peace and stability. This is one way to this goal. We are offering increased co-operation between your and other nation's forces protecting this lane, joint operations, a more formal way of interaction. We might also consider building a fleet base along the lane." She pushed a small memory chip over the table. "This is a start, if you will. We got this information recently through a captured pirate. We already exterminated one base, but you might find the additional information enclosed quite useful."
Blue Pointe Station
The Darvley Room

The Mother Superior took the data chip, "We have always respected the Stuart Corporation's desire for privacy, however I am very pleased that your government is interested in an increased level of collaboration, over the past few months we have been increasing our level of cooperation with other nations that help patrol the lanes has gone a long way to improve our ability to fight piracy in these wild regions." she handed the data chip to an aid, asking that it be brought to the office of the Coordinator.

"We are, of course, willing to work on any level the Stuart Corporation feels comfortable with; we work on a variety of levels with many smaller powers that monitor small sections of lane. Many of them cannot even devote full fledged warships to the task, however thanks to Blue Pointe’s facilities; we are able to make good use of them, none of the less. Using ships, fixed outposts, comm. relays and Blue Pointe’s massive hyperspace telescope arrays we the lane as safe as possible. Yet ships still slip through the cracks here and there; piracy must be quashed, and I am very glad that the Stuart Corporation feels so strongly on the subject. If you would like, we can begin by exchanging strategic and communication information, additionally, we will install more hyperspace telescopes to peer down the Stuart lane, if you would not object." She folded her hands, and smiled.
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Post by InnocentBystander »

Agent Fisher wrote:
InnocentBystander wrote:
Agent Fisher wrote:"Not at this time, although I would like to point out that we will also, with your premission, be stationing several wings of bombers here and two wings of fighter craft."
Blue Pointe Station

"I'm sure rapid deployment space can be made for your craft, I'll see that your request is sent to the right people. The regions of space your ships will be sent to are far less... civilized than what your people might be used to. The policy is agressive, the protection of the lanes at any cost, your ships will be both on active patrol, and on call at all times, while on duty. Missionaries of the Blue Order are throughout the sector, on diplomatic or aid missions, and your ships will be expected to render aid to them whenever necessary. They've also got some new equipment for your ships, temporary observation drones, short duration interdiction field generators, communications equipment, lots of stuff. Every ship will need to stay docked with the Station for a day, while the equipment is transfered and crews are briefed on the equipment." he spoke as they eat their meal, "The key here is coordination." he chuckled. "Your ships may find themselves working with ACIN or Sabai warships, or who knows, in the protection of the trade lanes."
"Of course."
Blue Pointe Station

"Very good then, Station Communication Control will provide you with all the comm. encryptions and necessary data. The lane can be officially called open after just a few days of preparation." he continued to eat, "We do good work here, your government can rest assured the trade lanes will be back open and very safe." dinner approached it's end, "If you gentlemen have any other questions, please feel free to ask them now; tomorrow the real work will begin, I know I'll have my work cut out for me, I've not studied the old charts, but I'm sure there'll be a lot of imporvements made to them." the Coordinator finished his piece of cheesecake, it was quite good.
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Post by Spyder »

"It is now clear that we can no longer stand alone as more and more colonies are engulfed by rogue powers. Degule will sign the Unity Pact."

"The people of Varta sign this pact, we will discover our strength together."

"Colony LX98 agrees with this pact."

"Me too!" Colonial office of Cordon.

"Lanthas signs the Unity Pact, let there be a better world, let us build it together."

"I have received word from my superriors on Antiga. The time for division is over. This galaxy is intent on presenting us with a multitude of challenges and suprises, together we will face them as one."

"Yeah, whatever." Jinx cluster

"Count Ortega in."

"Yesterday, we each stood alone in the vast dark void. Today we stand as brothers. Antioch gladly signs the Unity Pact."
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Post by Captain tycho »

Admiral Kaelus of the Fourth 'Victor Imperialis' Fleet Division leaned back in his command throne, letting the throne itself lock control cables into his spine and brain stem. Opening a direct hyperwave link to the station sensors, he mentally glanced at the gathered fleets, while at the same time communicating with the banks of servitors plugged into the bridge, collectively processing vast amounts of spatial data as his fleet swirled into jump formation.

++Standard cruiser phalanx formation. I want it kept tight so we all arrive at once. Captain, you are to arm the primary weapons the moment we emerge. I want us to be ready if the Black Alliance gets touchy with our arrival.++

++Admiral Tvanrin, your ships will be standing by to reinforce?++
++That is correct, Admiral Kaelus. We are in jump position.++
++Good. Fleet, do your duty to the Emperor and all will go well. The Emperor protects!++

With a massive flash, the Fourth Fleet entered the Immaterium.
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Post by Dahak »

InnocentBystander wrote:Blue Pointe Station
The Darvley Room

The Mother Superior took the data chip, "We have always respected the Stuart Corporation's desire for privacy, however I am very pleased that your government is interested in an increased level of collaboration, over the past few months we have been increasing our level of cooperation with other nations that help patrol the lanes has gone a long way to improve our ability to fight piracy in these wild regions." she handed the data chip to an aid, asking that it be brought to the office of the Coordinator.

"We are, of course, willing to work on any level the Stuart Corporation feels comfortable with; we work on a variety of levels with many smaller powers that monitor small sections of lane. Many of them cannot even devote full fledged warships to the task, however thanks to Blue Pointe’s facilities; we are able to make good use of them, none of the less. Using ships, fixed outposts, comm. relays and Blue Pointe’s massive hyperspace telescope arrays we the lane as safe as possible. Yet ships still slip through the cracks here and there; piracy must be quashed, and I am very glad that the Stuart Corporation feels so strongly on the subject. If you would like, we can begin by exchanging strategic and communication information, additionally, we will install more hyperspace telescopes to peer down the Stuart lane, if you would not object." She folded her hands, and smiled.
"I think, Mother Superior," the Admiral smiled, "that these hyperspace telescopes would be acceptable. We might consider aiding the efforts by our own special sensor systems, drones, and additional electronic system upgrades for Blue Pointe Station. You'd find our equipment to be...advanced. We might also consider leaving a squadron or two of destroyers and cruisers here, for anti-pirate actions. I doubt any pirate will stand up to a warship of any nation in a real battle, so large warships are unnecessary outside of demonstrations, as has been our mission. If acceptable, we would like to install a liason officer to further smoothen the co-operation."
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