Ravengrim: Worthless Twat.

Only now, at the end, do you understand.

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Post by General Zod »

Ravengrim wrote: And about creation being demonstrably false, it has been brought up that there is no such thing as an absolute truth. If I control the rules of evidence I can prove or disprove anything, fundies have been doing it for years, remember? True and false are simply a point of view. Anyway, I was more wondering why people get so worked up about thier antics? If the government passed a law saying that creationism is law, would you convert? The wonderful thing about being a human is no one can control what you think or believe.
What exactly does this have to do with anything? While it's true that nothing can be proven to be absoltuely true, it's also true that we can show things are objectively false. Of course this is usually where things like the Burden of Proof come in, and it's up to the person making the claim to show that their claims are real. Fundie asstards have only had about 2000 years to do so, but have they come up with anything substantial?
Id like to thank FedRebel for actually replying to my post like an adult. Probably the main reason I dont understand as well as I'd like to is that the minute you bring up any evolution objections, most evolutionists fly off the handle and begin making personal attacks. Pretty lame for people who claim to believe in a measured, logical thing like science. :roll:
If you don't like getting called a moron or a dimwit, then try thinking before you post, and for fucks sake read the announcements. Posting ignorant claims like "science doesn't explain everything" and "evolution doesn't seem perfect" are a great way to get flamed. It really does help if you actually answer someone's points rather than dodging them like some crybaby apologist.
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Post by Zero »

Solipsism is a weak way to attempt to win an argument. Even if it can't be proven to any one man that the universe does actually exist, that doesn't mean that all suppositions have the same equality in terms of rationality of belief.
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Post by Morilore »

Ravengrim wrote:I never said I dont agree with evolution. I never said that the fundies were right. I certainly dont feel that creationism should be taught in science classes, but I feel that some sort of religious history or philosophy should be taught in schools in an objective manner.

Why? What possible purpose could this serve? How in the nine hells would teaching religious philosophy help kids become productive members of society? Dipshit, if they want to know, or their parents want them to know, there are plenty of ways to learn about these things besides the public fucking education system.
Knowledge is never a bad thing, and the more information someone has the better their ability to form a decision. Now speaking practically, I can see a million ways this could go horribly wrong, but I think that something similar should be in place.
Moron, knowlede is a good thing, but there is a difference between knowledge and exposure to bullshit propaganda.
And about creation being demonstrably false, it has been brought up that there is no such thing as an absolute truth. If I control the rules of evidence I can prove or disprove anything, fundies have been doing it for years, remember? True and false are simply a point of view.

Yay, bullshit Orwellian doublethink! Once more I long for that quote.
This is called sophistry, dickcheese. It's useless, moronic, and wrong.
Anyway, I was more wondering why people get so worked up about thier antics?
Nearly every single post made in reply to you has addressed that point, asswipe.
If the government passed a law saying that creationism is law, would you convert? The wonderful thing about being a human is no one can control what you think or believe.
Flat wrong. People can be made to believe something if they aren't educated or intelligent enough to tell the difference between truth or lies.
Id like to thank FedRebel for actually replying to my post like an adult. Probably the main reason I dont understand as well as I'd like to is that the minute you bring up any evolution objections, most evolutionists fly off the handle and begin making personal attacks. Pretty lame for people who claim to believe in a measured, logical thing like science. :roll:
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Post by wolveraptor »

Hey moron, cussing != getting worked up. You realize that about every member who was banned from this board complained about people "getting worked up" and flaming him/her/it? Watch, I'll cuss my motherfucking animal-whoring ass off without suffering from a god-damn bitch-ass motherfucking cunt-slapping ass-wiping cock-sucking donkey-raping fucktastic bitcheriffic seizure.

In short: answer the posts, regardless of conte
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Post by wolveraptor »

Ghetto edit

In short, answer the damn posts, regardless of how many swears there are or shut the fuck up. Holier-than-thou swear-counters get annoying fast.
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Post by Stark »

Remember kids. Science isn't always right: religion is NEVER right. Science changes when it is wrong: religion NEVER changes, regardless of how laughable it becomes. Praise the motherfucking lord.
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Post by Cykeisme »

Zero132132 wrote:"T-rex, despite his sharp teath and apparent abilities as a carnivore, or possibly a scavenger, was probably eating plants before TEH EVIL Adam and Eve learned of good and evil."
FTeik wrote:T-Rex: "Don't run, i'm a vegetarian."
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Post by CaptJodan »

Ravengrim wrote:Anyway, I was more wondering why people get so worked up about thier antics? If the government passed a law saying that creationism is law, would you convert? The wonderful thing about being a human is no one can control what you think or believe.
Ahh, but they can, and I don't understand how you don't see that. If, in your example, the government put a ban on learning anything but Christianity, the result would be far reaching indeed. In such an instance, they suddenly control knowledge itself, and how it's taught. You say you disagree with the schools teaching ID, but that's what would happen. I myself believed strongly in what I was taught as a child and even when I questioned some beliefs, it was hammered out of me that it was wrong to think such things. As a child I was taught these beliefs and had it not been for the internet and perhaps Wong's site in particular, I would have remained with them for the rest of my life most likely. They didn't make sense, but it was wrong to question them. You make it into law, that only strengthens the argument. Those who had other beliefs would be put into jail, or perhaps concentration camps. Is this sounding at all familar?

Your children would be taught creationism in schools, and there would BE no other viewpoint. No one would be able to choose another option because the opportunity wouldn't be there. Science for the betterment and comfort of mankind, something you say should be science's mandate, would also go by the wayside as it did during the Dark Ages. After all, knowledge isn't the path to God, worship of God is the path to God. Everything else in the world is secondary to those beliefs.

Make no mistake, the fact that the fundies are trying more and more to push crap like this is very much a threat to science, the betterment of mankind, et al. It only STARTS with trying to debunk that evolution doesn't apply to the Dinosaurs, and moves on from there. If you're able to get a sizable portion of the public to believe that load of shit, then you can get them to believe almost anything. And with that kind of power comes the ability to change the laws of the government just the way you've stated here.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:The T-Rex was a vegetarian? I wonder what kind of plants they ate in order to need teeth like theirs.
It was for shredding plant matter, of course! (Actual claim.)

Of course, if that were the case, we'd still see vegetarian animals with teeth like that, wouldn't we?
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Post by Stark »

NO, we WOULDN'T, because they we DESIGNED that way. :) Evolutionists have corrupted you. Keep up! :)
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Post by WyrdNyrd »


Our new friend Ravengrim seems to have a lot in common with the joker who wrote the "Creation vs. evolution is all a matter of musical taste" node in Everything2. It starts out as a clever analogy between creationism/evolution and classical music/jazz. It then claims that both viewpoints are equally valid, because both musical styles are aesthetically valid! :roll:

Remember, folks, there is no truth, every viewpoint is equally valid, and it's bad to encourage one viewpoint over another.

Everything is relative, science is just one point of view, and all of civilisation can start circling the drain, for all I care... :wink:
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Re: Creationists to 'take back' the Dinosaurs.

Post by wautd »

FedRebel wrote:
Tyrannosaurus rex and his gigantic brethren find themselves on both sides of the nation's renewed debate over the Earth's origins and the continuing fight over whether Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species" or Genesis best explains the development of life.
Dilema, dilema

One book is 5,000 years old and written by a mystery man
...who was there even before Adam. Hell, he even observed the creation of the universe. I think he must have been family of Rinzwind
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Post by Dooey Jo »

Wow. Did they not only claim T-rex was herbivore (which is just a sad thing to think), but also that dinosaurs where actually fire-breathing? What the fuck? Was that also something that came with the original sin, or how the hell did they use their firey breath in paradise? BBQing sacred vegi-sausages for Adam and Eve?

Did Flintstones get their ideas from these idiots or is it the other way around?
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Post by Molyneux »

Stark wrote:Remember kids. Science isn't always right: religion is NEVER right. Science changes when it is wrong: religion NEVER changes, regardless of how laughable it becomes. Praise the motherfucking lord.
Eh...Religion could conceivably be right once in awhile, but only by accident and sheer coincidence.
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Post by drachefly »

And religion does change. But only when it needs to to maintain control.
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Post by Ravengrim »

Wow, what a fucking venom geyser. Amazing. Anyway, I wasn't aware that evolutionist was a derogatory term. I thought it meant a person who believed in evolution. you do realize that many people dont believe in either, right? I certainly am not a creationist, hell. I'm not even a Christian. I just find it amusing that although the arguements of creation and evolution are completely incompatable and can never be reconciled, the attitudes, sentiments and tactics on both sides are identical. But whatever, have fun.

And BTW, I have been visiting this site long before there even were any forums. Im not a noob, jackass. I am well aware of the content general atmosphere of the site, and dont need a moron like you to point it out. However, feel free to lick my balls if you disagree.
I'm a worthless twat.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Ravengrim wrote: And BTW, I have been visiting this site long before there even were any forums. Im not a noob, jackass.
*looks at join date*

You look like a noob to me. Doesn't matter how long you've been reading the site or looking at posts- in fact, that's a strike against you, if you've been checking this place out for so long, and yet get all huffy when you do something you should have known would set us off.
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Post by drachefly »

drachefly wrote:And religion does change. But only when it needs to to maintain control.
amendment: OR when it isn't particularly in control to begin with. Mystic religions change all the time, but they don't exert direct control.
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Post by Morilore »

Ravengrim wrote:Wow, what a fucking venom geyser. Amazing. Anyway, I wasn't aware that evolutionist was a derogatory term. I thought it meant a person who believed in evolution. you do realize that many people dont believe in either, right? I certainly am not a creationist, hell. I'm not even a Christian. I just find it amusing that although the arguements of creation and evolution are completely incompatable and can never be reconciled, the attitudes, sentiments and tactics on both sides are identical. But whatever, have fun.
Yay, Golden Mean dipshittery! Here's a clue, fucktard: "Evolutionists" don't think creationists should go to hell and suffer for eternity for disagreeing with them. "Evolutionists" don't think that every single person who has been influenced by creationist propaganda is part of a world-wide conspiracy. "Evolutionists" don't argue that creationism is part of an immoral world-view that will destroy children and pave the way for godless communism/Nazism/Jewry.
And BTW, I have been visiting this site long before there even were any forums. Im not a noob, jackass. I am well aware of the content general atmosphere of the site, and dont need a moron like you to point it out. However, feel free to lick my balls if you disagree.
You are a fucking idiot. If you truly understood the atmosphere of this site you wouldn't comment on my or anyone else's vile mouth.
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Post by General Zod »

drachefly wrote:
drachefly wrote:And religion does change. But only when it needs to to maintain control.
amendment: OR when it isn't particularly in control to begin with. Mystic religions change all the time, but they don't exert direct control.
Mystic religions such as what? There's a number of so-called "mystic" cults out there that do nothing but try and exert control over their members.
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Post by Surlethe »

Ravengrim wrote:Wow, what a fucking venom geyser.
Translation: "OMG teh wrodz hurt me plz dont fcking curs at me!!1"

Pitiful hypocrite.
Amazing. Anyway, I wasn't aware that evolutionist was a derogatory term. I thought it meant a person who believed in evolution. you do realize that many people dont believe in either, right? I certainly am not a creationist, hell.
You're not a creationist? What a surprise -- generally, the moronic, hypocritical, asinine arguments come from the creationist side.
I'm not even a Christian. I just find it amusing that although the arguements of creation and evolution are completely incompatable and can never be reconciled, the attitudes, sentiments and tactics on both sides are identical. But whatever, have fun.
And, yet again, you ignore the little difference that CREATIONISM IS WRONG in evaluating the two positions.
And BTW, I have been visiting this site long before there even were any forums. Im not a noob, jackass. I am well aware of the content general atmosphere of the site, and dont need a moron like you to point it out. However, feel free to lick my balls if you disagree.
STFU, n00b!!
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Post by SirNitram »

Ravengrim wrote:Wow, what a fucking venom geyser. Amazing. Anyway, I wasn't aware that evolutionist was a derogatory term. I thought it meant a person who believed in evolution. you do realize that many people dont believe in either, right? I certainly am not a creationist, hell. I'm not even a Christian. I just find it amusing that although the arguements of creation and evolution are completely incompatable and can never be reconciled, the attitudes, sentiments and tactics on both sides are identical. But whatever, have fun.

And BTW, I have been visiting this site long before there even were any forums. Im not a noob, jackass. I am well aware of the content general atmosphere of the site, and dont need a moron like you to point it out. However, feel free to lick my balls if you disagree.
Evolutionist is a bullshit term. You're a bullshitter as well, claiming the 'tactics are identical'. Get lost, troll.
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Post by Noble Ire »

I find it quite telling that while he did, yet again, object to the profanity on this board, he did not respond to the substance of any one of the dozen posts that rebutted his last one. Seems a bit familiar, doesn't it. :roll:
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Post by General Zod »

Noble Ire wrote:I find it quite telling that while he did, yet again, object to the profanity on this board, he did not respond to the substance of any one of the dozen posts that rebutted his last one. Seems a bit familiar, doesn't it. :roll:
You mean like 90% of all fundie dipshits?
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Post by Noble Ire »

General Zod wrote:
Noble Ire wrote:I find it quite telling that while he did, yet again, object to the profanity on this board, he did not respond to the substance of any one of the dozen posts that rebutted his last one. Seems a bit familiar, doesn't it. :roll:
You mean like 90% of all fundie dipshits?

You get the cookiee. :wink:
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