Publius wrote:Strictly speaking, authors are free to reinterpret the evidence given by other authors as it pleases them, even when it runs counter to the intentions of the original author (Mr. Zahn himself did this in Vision of the Future when he tried to imply via Mara Jade that the Galactic Emperor had not really reincarnated).
To which Luke replied; Yes it was him, I was there, you weren't. Or words to that affect IIRC.

It seems disingenuous when people harp on about Mara's quote and try to use this one piece of evidence to paint Zahn as a raving egotist, and yet completely ignore Luke's response, you know the character that was actually
there. And let us not forget the opening chapter of SotP where Luke's inner monologue mentions the Reborn Emperor as something that happened.
Publius wrote:Nevertheless, you are right; Mr. Horne giving Palpatine a role in Thrawn's death is counterintuitive and gratuitous (and is not entirely certain – the DESB only says that Thrawn's death was "no accident"). Of course, Mr. Zahn himself is guilty of taking gratuitous cheap shots at Palpatine and Vader, so one supposes that sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Abosolutely, however in this case it is clear that Rukh betrayed Thrawn due to Leia Organa Solo and
not Palpatine the Undying, since it is again reinforced in SotP.
Publius wrote:In this case it is only cited uncharitably due to Mr. O'Farrell's insistence that the all-knowing Thrawn will somehow outsmart Palpatine's forces.
I don't agree with Chris' position, for what it's worth I believe GADM Thrawn would prostate himself infront of the Emperor and beg for a place at his Majesty's side - in a dignified manner of course - since Thrawn is smart enough to read the writting on the wall.
Publius wrote:As regards Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, not having played it, this author is unfamiliar with any details it might have contained about the Noghri Death Commandos. Even if they were isolated from Honoghr, Palpatine still regards them as being reliable agents in the DESB (it is even implied that he used them to assassinate enemies during his occultation). Even if one disregards the Noghri altogether (which is probably preferable in any case, for, as you have noted, the idea is actually problematic),
It bears mentioning that it isn't beyond the realm of reason to assume that Palpatine does still have groups of Noghri hit squads that are loyal to him due to ignorance, but the underlining fact is that the Noghri were loyal to Vader first and foremost. Which all means he has got a bunch of fanatical, semi-reliable, likely to turn on him at any second, death squads somewhere close to him. Not exactly the best position for him.
As for JK:JA, it is a group of Noghri who have been cut off from their brethen in Honoghr - so they're not hip to what's up.
Publius wrote:Palpatine has other wreckers and agents in place in Thrawn's "New Empire," as the DESB says that his "spies moved everywhere with confidence," and his wreckers are explicitly said to be responsible for the conflicting orders and bureaucratic morass that paralyzed the Empire for years.
100% agree with you.

Η ζωή, η ζωή εδω τελειώνει!
"Science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14" strap-on" - Masuka '
"Angela is not the woman you think she is Gabriel, she's done terrible things"
"So have I, and I'm going to do them all to you." - Sylar to Arthur '